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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 26
Wild Surge Inn / RE: Theft at Club Llast
« on: November 30, 2005, 04:00:00 am »
added to this not is more in a fine hand, its in abyssal and common

Have you talked to the one known as Taislin the Halfling
For he is of base character and his knavery is well known.
He has by law been condemned as house breaker and
Stealer of things.
Thaw should but him to the test until he confesses his wickedness
In this matter or be at rest with his god.

A worried citizen

Wild Surge Inn / RE: To Endular Skene
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:46:00 am »
Spugly reads not and adds

If you not use meat please can me haves as dem tasty lepods yums yums

General Discussion / RE: Are whips any good
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:38:00 am »
Its just that I would make whips have a stun efext, kind of sound shock
and the like. This would stop them form being just toys to some thing that
has a combat use. For use on mages it would be very good. Stun for 1 round
would mean its not to harsh in game but still have use.

Im going to post this one the Sugestion

Just for Fun / RE: Do you belive in Science?
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:24:00 am »

>Humankind is starting to go beyond beeing dependant of it's environment in order to evolve.
>Actually molding it and recreating it whether consciously or not, on a planetary scale.
>How does that fit into your evolutionary thinking?

Well that my be us becoming Homo-Tecnia and no longer Homosapions
look into the evolutionary dabat on this.

Now You should ask you’re self
"Dos God evolve?"

So you don't like this one A don't won't to ask your self this one, like I always say Religen closes the minds it dos not open them.

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 29, 2005, 07:13:00 pm »
come on has to be MPFC Flying Circus

Leage of Gentalmen or Littel Brittan

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 29, 2005, 07:12:00 pm »
come on has to be MPFC Flying Circus

Leage of Gentalmen or Littel Brittan

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 29, 2005, 05:36:00 pm »
Thai food all the way

Good or EVIL!

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 29, 2005, 02:48:00 pm »
>*Mumbles while picking on his C4-west*

So heres a thing

Evil in NWNs as I see it in the DnD world evil is apsalut a real and tangebel thing
its not about perspective its a phiscal thing you have
called Alinment

Evil gods
Evil Goblins

So you just cast a spell and POW hit the evil dooer true
or im I wrong

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 29, 2005, 09:04:00 am »
Yep but there will be one in 2006 belive me they are just slakers and have not been updateung the bloody web site
Fabs will get it from me ill tell ya

Niles09 just some fun:-
"Enter no conflict against fanatics unless you can defuse them. Oppose a religion with another religion only if your proofs (miracles)
are irrefutable or if you can mesh in a way that the fanatics accept you as god-inspired.
This has long been the barrier to science assuming a mantle of divine revelation. Science is so obviously man-made.
Fanatics know where you stand, but more important, must recognize who whispers in your ear.
Missionaria Protectiva Primary Teaching"
Chapterhouse: Dune

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 29, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
>Har! ye blooody tease you, NEXUS7 :p Their next convention be in May 2005 :s

Come on thats not that long and man is it the con to drink at
Casel above rine with its own vinyard

The chaps that run it have beer at 1 euro
and Mead by the bottel
Its cheap as chips that con and just grate fun
and the LARPS man I have played some garte LARPS there
I think its the setting and all.

Go grap ye Axe and long bout and set sail
Book soon last time it was filled way to erly

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 29, 2005, 07:21:00 am »
>Either we dont think pn logic the same way if we do, then its with the develoment of this
> I think its best if we end here

Like I said some posts back
lets let it go agrae to disagre and have some fun
ya mad religus nut you :o)

Spugly will still play with ya

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 29, 2005, 04:47:00 am »

ya right I have just had a run of very bad luck so there must be a God
I wont go into detailes but BUGGERATION! how can all this happon in one day..

Serves me right for pushing the Logic v Faith thing to for

Bad Nexus7 bad!

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 03:48:00 pm »
Thats it for me no more talk unless its with drinks.
I will end with

"Life is doubt, And faith without doubt is nothing but death."
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936)

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 28, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
Family (blood is thiker than water)

Fish and chips or Curry and rice

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 02:53:00 pm »

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 02:44:00 pm »
Freemen2 and nilos09
>Hey! I resent that you poor excuse for a viking decendant :p
>I'll have you known I can drink you under the table and still keep a serious converstaion going...that's how silly I be  

Right your on get your sorry asses over to
Theres now escuse its in germany.
And we will just see just how well you two chaps stand up to good german beer and fine o so fine scots wisky
and  I will go into long talks about faith and god and fine beer.
If you wont ill bring some UK beer as well
can not say more than that

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 02:29:00 pm »
Niles09 stop sighing it make you sound patronizing, look all I'm tying to do is make you see that the Scientific method and logic
Just don’t work when it comes to matters of faith.
>God makes more sense
>I think its logic that something greater must have made those nearly impossible things in the evolution happen

Sorry just will not cut it in a Scientific paper sorry just try righting one and see how for you get

2: >yes we keep evolving but there is a bit more difference on our intelligence
Infect there is some discussion that we have indeed past the point of being human and should be called now Homo-tecnia Why you ask, well flowing in your veins are antibodies made throw inoculations you had as a child and now with live genetic manipulation. We are now longer as nature or god made us we are on the road to recreate our self’s in what ever image we can throw out skill. (That’s a very
Simple outline of the whole debate.)

>well I dont know if this means anything to you, but he loves you as well.
Well I’m glad you believe that.

So please stop trying to say your faith (as it is now) is logical and scientific just is not.
“Feeling” it is and saying “it makes sense to be logic” just will not cut it sorry
So you are going to stop hiding behind pseudoscience and start saying.
My faith and my science are separate.

If not then god help you because Science can not.

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
>It is: explain how the beginningconsentration (c) of S2O3(aq) can be 0,0004 M when the concentration of 10 mL Na2S2O3(aq) is 0,004 M. The problem is I never made the little exercises >with such calculating since I didnt get the notes on that. The only thing I can think of is to put it like Na2S2O3 -> S2O3 + 2Na

Pass, god im glad im a mechanical engineer EngD and not a chemist PhD
Good luck with that one

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
>You say I have not proven my faith,
read my post again I said YOU HAVE proven you have faith, buy that dos not prove that god exist
Sorry but true.

>About disbelieving other religions, I dont neccasarely do

What! is this a new kind of religen i missed one that lets you belive in all gods?

>Science cant explain that, it cant explain my faith.
At last we get there! becouse faith is not Science and so not logic it is belife, im glad you see that now.

>Ive tried to see things from your view.
Sorry but I dont think for one moment you did, you just can not step out of faith like that sorry.

>proud of my faith
are pride see it was there all the time

>final evolution of the human intelligence
there is no final evolution of the human intelligence its an ongoing ever changing thing untill we are human no longer and we pass out gods.

>see and understand that there was something greater
and last of all hope
Hope that some thing or some one will save us from our selfs lest we pass our gods.

>It just happens people take us as blind unintelligent people
No I think you are unintelligent just that you try to use logic to prove your faith and that is wrong.
Your faith is just that faith it do not need logic to sutaion it for logic deniys faith.

Stop trying swist Science and logic to fit your belife
Keep your faith where it belongs and god will love you trust me he will.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Theft at Club Llast
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
Spugly reads the note slowly
Humm me glad not join now looks like it not safe der.
me know Roxx not take things.

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