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Messages - Lance Stargazer

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Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 17, 2014, 07:55:35 pm »

*Looks upon Dev at that*  No sir, Power alone won't help here, what I am saying is that what we need is someone who knows about hexes or curses, it may or not be powerful, but someone to guide us into the knowledge of this strange affliction. *He looks at the exchange beetwen the two of them *

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:57:13 pm »

*Argos looks at her with some concern*  This was for testing if you are truly an embodiness of undead, Your body is reacting to the positive energy the same as an undead would do, your body functions as one and yet you are alive, the undead ailment makes the body functions to cease, with taht i am saying that if you were a full undead your body organs won't work as they are now, you had not need to eat or sleep, you would not need to go to the toilet, or sleep at all, which you actually need to be "alive".

But your body reacts to healing forces the same way than an undead, so this is indeed a rare curse, for now as i said, I can't find a proper explanation to this since its not divine in nature, it may be a good idea to look for an arcane specialists in curses, you may or may not be able to help, since your "sickness" maybe affecting your own observation on the issue. We need to find out if its arcane in nature and what kind of magic is affecting you.

For now there is nothing that divine magic alone could do for revert your condition, at least not in my knowledge.  I am willing to escort and keep an eye on you during the procedings if we found someone who may be skilled enough in curses, But for now and for what i've seen we need to hurry, since *gestures towards Dev* he has the same symptoms as you , yet his flesh is not rotten and the state of "decay" its not that advanced.

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:46:15 pm »

*Argos closes his eyes, for a moment and opens one eye looking again at the undeadized Tyrian, the wounds that had been done unclosed, the bloodless parts of her body , he closes his eyes again and finishes a prayer upon Tyrian* 

*The healing spell goes out undisrupted, the positive energy being converted from a more violent spell by the member of the Order of the Longsword, touches the "dead body" of the lady on the arm, the hissing from the touch comes out and Tyrian may feel an stinging and burning pain upon the touch of the priest, the wounds touched instead of being healed generates an adverse effect, Tyrian feels one of the hardest physical pains that she had felt, and this was a minor spell *

*Argos removes his hand as soon as he notices the effect giving her an apologetic look, and waiting for her to recover*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:37:04 pm »

*Upon noticing William Armand face brightens*  Now for Goran's oiled wheels, if its not other than William , the non-bully, if I don't know you better i could swear that its fate that we end traveling thru the very same lands that often huh?  ..,*Armand stops for a moement and narrows his gase at him as if studying him*  You aren't following me aren't you?  *The moment pass fast *  Well.. anyway .. if you do it won't matter much... Have you seen something related about the SSGEMP?


This people seems strange, they avoid most of my conversations about, they don't even want to listen to the good things that a mechanical well would do to their town and the lies that the SSGEMP must be telling them .. . again.. you haven't seen anyone of that nefarious organization around here right?  Well .. at least there are no elves with their ill disease ... .  

But i am speaking too much  ... what are you doing here?

*The man haven't stopped talking in like 2 minuts, speaking fast as a gnome and noding thrice at the end as if any words of his mouth would make any sense *

Oh and hello to you too * he waves with the metallic arm to the blacksmith as he spots him in the house*

Ask A Gamemaster / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:57:33 pm »

Problem with that merlin is that he would need to do that on a module that contains the custom mateirals on layo, Since Eschew materials is a layo feat, it won't show on normal character level up on Single-player or other modules, yet was a good idea.

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:49:52 pm »

*Argos nods slowly and looks in shock once the name is reveladed *

My.. milady Tyrian, I know you, you are the mother of my Uncle of course, *he closes his eyes for a moment upon the moment of realization pass * You may not remember me though ,  The name is Argos .. Argos Stargazer, I was the one founding the instalation of the memorial from the dead in the Leringards Arms that is on your inn. I am well aware of your disdain for our Lord, alas its not the moment to speak of religion, what matters here is that i am here to see about your condition, not to preach about beliefs.   I've ran some tests on your friend here, and what i've found its not promising. I came here to check out if you are suffering from the same ailments.

*Argos observes to the woman, she as she was in life , seems like a dead version of herself, covered in wounds that do not bleed, as if was just a walking body, not a zombie as the initial report would have seen, Argos closes his eyes for a moment granted after his introduction is accepted and his help is not turned away* 

*He conducts some tests, focusing on the changes that the woman had observed and then testing with some blessings upon her once the tests are concluded he looks at her dead eyes and speaks*

You have the same reactions than him, *gestures towards Dev*  but apparently in a way more advanced case, this as I've seen is some kind of curse, but its mixed with something else, the changes are not easily removed, and its doesn't appear to be Divine on nature, or at least not divine alone, Both you and him *gesturing upon Dev again* seems to be afflicted by this curse, and no blessing apparently can disrupt for now, I've tried several upon both of you with the same results.    But odd enough you are not a full undead. or not in the full sense of it, I mean your body functions, you seem "alive" inside, your organs work, you can bleed and the blood circulates to your body, you seem to be in the need of food and sleep, everything works as it should be, save for the physical body, your body is in an undead status, but its you, you bleed but your wounds doesn't heal.

I would like to run a final test, if you allow me, but i must warn that it can be painful if I am right on my theories, I will though try to make it the less painful than I can .

*He awaits for a moment for a reply*


Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:53:33 am »

*For unknown reasons , and even more mysteriours ways, the town peace seems disrupted  by the presence of a strange fellow, as if the people was not scared enough, a red haired man of meek constitution an ankward look, is around the town, the shiny metalic parts that covers his arm, ocasional smoke pouring out of the "mechanical" device. *

*He seems to be asking around for something called SSGEMP, or SGEMPE or something along the lines, causing maybe a bit more mayhem than what he intended, always with an odd smile on his face*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:44:26 am »

*As the two move to the outside, Argos keeps his senses on the enviroment and the surroundings, he follows Dev till they arrive where he is guiding on the forest *

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 11:32:09 pm »

If you think so and she gets out of control, you may be ready then to face the truth that she may not be your friend no more, But lets not draw conclusions yet, *he gives a sincere smile upon the man*  And worry not for my safety, i have faced plenty of dangers so far, Its not fear of danger that moves my feet, but the hope to be able to help somehow.

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:58:00 pm »

*Aesthir smirks noticing the pit fiend attempt, *

- A reaction? .. How amusing .....  pit fiend or mortal, criminals are always the same, they look for a reaction, to notice and validate that her actions are right, by finding a "side", there are just two sides, you are either dead or not, there is no such thing as inocence, we all are guilty, just in several degrees of that, - *his mind goes into thoughts*

Interesting....  *he just says as the pit fiend is being taken away *

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:47:46 pm »

*Argos glances at the man, and focuses on him for a minute or so, once he presents with several blessings , and physical analisys, he looks at the man, and speaks * Its seems that you got a kind of curse, the symptoms are reflected as that, yet its seems something more than a weak curse its something else that prevents the standard removal actions and lore to cure. It doesn't at least seems to be divine in nature. 

I must say we must look to your friend as soon as posible. 

*Argos stnads and gestures Dev to do the same*  Is she near you said? , Please lead me to her.

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:33:00 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly at the offer then replies, his gaze returning to the man*

I am here representing the interest of the Co'rrys, and only that at this moment, even if your intent is appreciated, I am affraid that if i take the report to the temple would be the same as if any other good and decent citizen of Co'rrys would do it, Lets keep the paperwork for the temple be done by  the right people to do so, My presence here as I said , its only to represent Co'rrys even if I have the Lord Protector in my heart.

*After a small pause he continues*  I would appreciate though, if you may dispose an extra copy for my own archive, I am a man of words and letters, and studying the cases thru the land makes one more ready to make law stand for, and one never stops learning . *he smiles at that* A lesson recently remembered.

*He smiels at the captain in a mixure of satisfaction and good mood*

Trade and Market Hall / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:13:36 pm »

*A mysterious man , enters to the store and picks several wares, he paid full in cash before leaving the area*

Gloves of Harmony 250
2 x Skullduggery books  3000
1 x Irond DWarven WarAxe 2000

// Andulf , paid in cash.  Money in the donations chest 


Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 09:04:20 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly, his face showing no sign of surprise, if he was surprised from the Captain to see him or not is yet another mystery in the man, he though seems satisfied for some reason *

A well learned man is indeed a great asset any case can get, and you Captain seem to have done your homework quite efficiently, as for the tasks that i now employ on Vehl guard and the relationship with the good captain, hard or not its just a man's duty to fill one promises and responsablities, so....

*The man waves his hand dismisively to the case as he listens to the story as he watches upon the prisioner, and then nods at the Captain*

You seem to have done quite a good job so far, so don't see me as an impediment to keep on that track, I've came with Co'rrys best interest in mind of course, And gladly will support with any of the official bussiness over the paperwork and such or other requests needed in the light of the posible of course.

*With that he awaits reply, while he studies the prisioner with patience and what seems to be infinite calm*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:06:08 pm »

*Watching the movements from a hill, the knigth attaired in Vehl's guard colors observe with his falcon-like eyes to the procession, as the Knights and former fellow brothers move into the town, he presses the horse to move down the hill, and towards the town, he stands for the frist hour observing and watching the number of the Knights of Rofirein and the overall security of it, the old Aesthir instict, there is not enough times to check even if you trust that the activities will be done properly, after securing a inn to stay, he'll move to met with the captain of the Rofirenites. *

Greetings  Captain !

You may not be familiar with me, the name is Aesthir Stargazer, Lieuteniant of Fort Vehl guard,  I saw your *looking back to the big caravan * .. exceptional entourage that you bring to this town, Don't hessitate to let me know.  I see that you have a prisioner as well.

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:45:00 pm »

*Upon hearing Martin's report several days later, Lance thanks his loyal Aide and send him on his way to Horn kingdom to do another diplomatic errand after a couple days, he gives instructions to him to pass before leaving towards Horn*

- Seek a wizard and a priest of the Hand of virtue, that are not otherwise engaged, deploy them to Briardusk, their official mission will be  to deliver a message and do an oversee of the town and bring back the report of this month, but the events you descrive are far from natural and hence they may be needed on that small village, I've sent people to see the situation closer, and I want people versed in strange things as you mentioned near the villange  in case they are needed. -


Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:54:40 pm »

// Pm sent to Nova.

*Argos nods slowly*  Alright,  First things first , Please sit over here, let me do something, this may allow us to learn a bit about your condition, then we'll go and met with your friend. **he continues over with his examinations *

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:40:26 pm »

*Argos looks upon Dev as he explains the problem*  Well.. its certainly strange , so you feel like rotten, but otherwise alright, you are feeling this nightmares since you had the encounter with this zombie down there as well, isn't it? *As he asks that , he gives a visual examination of the man, looking for his general state of health, he focus on his flesh and eyes, trying to discern if he effectively its not "rotting" or turning himself into a zombie ). Also.. It would be necesary to see your friend, Its hard to see what could be the problem without it, For what you say it sounds like a transmutation, but. .. *Argos grimaces*  Lets hope its just that. Where is she?


Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 04:54:03 pm »

*Argos being at the temple at the moment, paying his respects on the way home, listens to the man pleas and turns his atention to him, once he finishes the service and prayers he stands and moves with calm step towards Dev, his hair tied in seven braids*

Excuse me sir.   I see that you certainly are bringing an unusal kind of questions today . *he smiles a bit*  Mind my manners, the name is Argos Stargazer, Are you... feeling like a zombie ? The case you present has been unheard, yet about the Silkwoods, there has been some reports that i've heard, but nothing concise .

The kind of issues you describe are too generals to find a narrow answer, as with everything, proper examination should be done, Do you have more information about the case?  Like .. when did it started, how ?

*He awaits calm for a reply *

Just for Fun / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 02:18:49 pm »

Very interesting Topic, To be honest i have not favorites upon this, I usually play without music on the last years , But Depends on the mood, I usually played listening to Freedom Call music, Heroes of Light a personal favorite for a lot of reasons ( yes, as you said it before a bit dorky, but  heh ).  Is that or usually soundracks from either Conan or LoTR.  I need to look for where did i left those albums now.

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