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Messages - HooD!uM

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15
Trade and Market Hall / Hood of Shadows
« on: December 12, 2005, 11:23:00 pm »
pinned in the tradehall

***selling one of these fine hoods of shadows. asking price is 12,000 gold pieces. Only good for rouges, shadowdancers, mistone alliance scouts or assassins.. please contact Faile

General Discussion / two Prc???
« on: November 18, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
i was thinking of making a bard/skald with AA..question is..can i take two Prc's?.

Fixed Bugs / ox is still missing
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
i couldnt find my thread on this subject but is this going by the way?

Fixed Bugs / holy water..
« on: October 15, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
heh i was looking at the recipies on the bakers says you can make holy water..but one of its ingrediants is holy water that right and if so..whats the difference in holy waters?

Trade and Market Hall / shoes of the swift
« on: October 11, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
One pair of these beautiful shoes are for sale..please contact Faile for information regarding these. The price is a measily 5000 gold pieces.

Fixed Bugs / Shifting Ac
« on: October 10, 2005, 12:20:00 am »
hello again...I keep loosing Ac everytime my character Faile shapeshifts..only way to regain it is to relogg..and everytime i shift i loose more and more AC

Trade and Market Hall / Exceptional belts of cunning
« on: October 09, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
****pinned on a board in the trade hall****

  Selling these belts for 20,000 gold each. Please contact Faile for information.

Layonara Server / Changing a feat
« on: October 02, 2005, 06:52:00 am »
in Failes earlier years i picked the Power attack feat instead of the point blank shot feat. I totally forgot to ask to change this untill i realized what i did. Any chance i could get this feat changed without going all the way back to lvl 3 (i think it was?)

Trade and Market Hall / Faile's sale
« on: September 13, 2005, 10:01:00 pm »
i have some leather armour for sale

Brown Leather armour -3000gp
Lion leather armour -7000gp

*************more to come shortly or on request if i can make it then***********

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Smelting dropped metal items.
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:18:00 pm »
i was wondering, does the NWN engine pick up if something is player made or an dropped item, say like a iron helm? Was just wondering as it would be nice to be able to resmelt dropped items like weapons, helms, armours. Would help a little bit more on thoes who cannot mine ore. Still there are some metals they still will need to buy.

Trade and Market Hall / studs
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:08:00 pm »
buying a box full of studs....please contact Faile with a price.

General Discussion / Druid foraging
« on: September 11, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
with the spot and search skill being used to find wood and food/water does this include the bonuses from say like jaguar armour which gives +3 spot and search?

General Discussion / Exceptional lion gloves
« on: September 11, 2005, 10:11:00 am »
i am wondering can these be made, ive done bat and badger exceptional gloves.

General Discussion / exceptional leathers.
« on: September 07, 2005, 11:17:00 am »
can all things in the leather trade be exceptional? i know gloves can, how about boots, bags, belts cloaks etc. what about leather amours?

Layonara Server / Massive lagg
« on: September 01, 2005, 04:38:00 am »
for alomst the past week ive had very bad lagg issues on the west server. I though it was me, but i got PMs from alot of people that they also are gettin it. I have never experianced this sort of lagg here before. Just wondering if something is up?

Fixed Bugs / hidden ox crouchin tracker.
« on: August 28, 2005, 03:57:00 am »
ok, when i logg into the game it says my ox is stabled..but when i goto the stable the boy isnt there..but when i get a tracker to find it, it says its in the crafthouse in Hlint where i left it last. so i go there and i cannot find it at all.

Trade and Market Hall / Amulet of Endurance 1
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:21:00 am »
Written on a clean sheet of parchment

 Selling Amulet of Endurance 1 for the price of 2000 gold piece.

     People of Interest should seek the Druid Faile.

General Discussion / Scrolls
« on: June 18, 2005, 10:56:00 pm »
i have a cleric/rouge character..but when i use a summon creature scroll its rolls for magic this a bug..i though clerics and mages could use these scrolls without that skill?...

Fixed Bugs / Cougars at velensk
« on: June 05, 2005, 09:18:00 pm »
the cougars and jaguars(i think) are not spawning at velensk outskirts

Trade and Market Hall / looking for +2 bulls str amulet
« on: May 24, 2005, 02:16:00 pm »
looking to buy a +2 bull str amulet...Look for Faile ingame to work out the price.

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