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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 26
Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:00:00 am »
religion (as I know that is piontless) where as I still feel discussing politics my not be

Bath or Shower

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 28, 2005, 06:05:00 am »
got to be
local beer as London has a lot of local beer

Dubel exspreso de-caff mocal larty choc-o exspreso grand cofe or a nice cup of tea

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 28, 2005, 04:26:00 am »
1: Buget of water
2: Woman (cuz my wife will kill me if I call her elephant)

Sunny side up or Sunny side down

Just for Fun / RE: Do you belive in Science?
« on: November 28, 2005, 04:22:00 am »
Dont think I said any where it did :O) just looking to get an even data set

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 28, 2005, 03:06:00 am »
>Well, I must still disagree, because I find the things I believe in, more logical than the limits of the Darwin evolution.
>Of course I can’t proof it all, by the common methods. I can’t analyze God's influence in the evolution to a paper with numbers,
>functions etc. But I can use my faith my logic and my experiences.

Well I don’t know what to say abut this one other than you I think are willful misusing Logic, the logic you espouse seem to be an odd
Hybrid form of faith. Statements like "I find the things I believe in, more logical than the limits of the Darwin evolution"
And "I can’t proof it all, by the common methods" eg Logic means you just do not grasp the basic concepts of Logic and faith.

Well it is time to shock you; I know you will say that this dos not because of pride and the pride you have in your faith.
But you are not Logic because you can only prove you have faith
(That would be in refusing to acknowledge any thing that questions your faith like this e-mail)
Not that what you believe in exists.

Look at that again

You “HAVE!” prove you have faith
You “HAVE NOT!” proven what you believe in exists.

Try reading it a few times, that’s right You “HAVE NOT!” proven what you believe in exists only that you have faith.
Sorry but thats all you have done.

Even if every one on the planet earth believed in your god and all his believes.
This would not using true logic prove that god existence, it would only prove that we all
believed in the same god.

Sorry that is TRUE

I know you believe it would because that’s the way faith works, you would say “See god has made all
believe the same thing ergo there must be a god”. But that’s not how true logic works that’s more
of your own belief twisting logic.

Sorry to have to brake it to you! but all the above is TRUE!

science try’s to get the theory to fit the facts as known
Where as faith, tries to limet known facts to fit the theory. (see galileo)

Open mind V closed mind

See heres a big one for you
Religion is primarily about belief it’s about disbelief.

It is not enough that you believe that your religion and faith is right and good you must disbelieve all other faiths and religions as bad and evil. All religions seem to have this in there coda some where.

Now your religion is but one of many, all have believers and all can prove there faith just like you and each one

Believes in one religion = one
heresy Disbelieve in all religions = many

So you spend more time disbelieving not believing.
I know that you will say are but part of my believe is to Disbelieve all other believes.

Where as Science can and dos look for many theories to explain facts.
Then once you have some you look at them and they could all be right, so do we believe them all! Nope we go looking for more facts to test them. Not in the way you are “tested by god” that’s just going over old ground, no logic say we have to find out MORE! Then rethink the whole thing over and over again until we could start to test, and then would could remove the theories that failed to fit all the facts we have so for, we would however not stop there we would keep looking to test the facts and thiry.

In Faith you only play at it, when a fact do not fit you just hold up your hands and say lets keep the thirey it must be us nit understanding the facts.

That is just willful self dilution don’t you thing.

If you won’t to prove to me your faith then read this web site.

See science can even explain your faith.

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:29:00 am »
got to be Inspector Cluseo (Pink Panther)
as Gadget was besed on Cluseo

Red or Blue

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:12:00 am »
O look close at what I rote

"you can not use Logic against firth for firth precludes logic.
You can not use faith against logic for logic precludes faith. "

Niles09 you have faith your a beliver "no" amout of logic any one uses to shake that faith will work
as you see logic as a test of your Faith. Now some here are trying to make what started as a bit of fun
into an atempet to use Logic against you faith. look at my words, it is pointless to try and do this
they live in to worlds.
But saying this ID should not me used against logic becuse its pure Faith and never will be logic
so it just will not work sorry but true.

Is your Faith good?
yes just as much as my love of Logic is, we use them in our lives to make them better
for me logic gives me my world view for you it is faith.

other than that Logic and faith have nother in commen

So back to the fun a Layonorts

General Discussion / RE: Silly newbie question
« on: November 26, 2005, 04:25:00 am »
Hi Riodrian
you see a big old half gaint called Spugly Fuglet around ask him for help
and he will show you aound the Sights.

Have fun

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 26, 2005, 04:20:00 am »
With intelligent design see

Also good fight last night in Minator Land :o)

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 25, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Got to be George Orwell just grate stuff

J K Rolling or Rolad Dahl

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 25, 2005, 06:43:00 am »
Stop stop my hands from there flame intent *slaps hands*

Well that’s Logic for you all one-dimension, dorm that scientific methodology
It’s just so restrictive.

I will say this you have a lot of sanity in your
Statements of types

I would say with Science you have to privet sanity
but with religion you can just take it on faith.
Dont know if thats good or bad

I think that’s why the Scientologist have such a downer on psychiatrists

Which rases the point how would a LG, LN and LE PC think of the scientific methodology sould it
ever get out in to Layonara

Are if only our world had provably and repeatable magic

I think that one of the main facters in why Harry Potter such a hit

All that magic with out the religion and always provably and repeatable.

*points wand* Evalushearnus!


Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 25, 2005, 03:56:00 am »
I am 100% science and think the world is not “Turtles all the way down”

To add

See you can not use Logic against firth for firth precludes logic.
You can not use faith against logic for logic precludes faith.

Or put this way

Is it not amazing that the gap from your ass to the floor is exactly the same size as your legs. All hail god/gods for it/they do in deed move in strange ways.

Ouch I have just been shot by an Arrow that passed throw an infonaut number of fractions to hit me.
Ouch ouch help Medic!

>And about math, solve this:
>A runner and a toad is compeeting. The toad starts ten meters ahead, and then moves 1/10 the
>runner's speed. When the runner has moved 10 meters, the toad is one meter ahead, eleven
>meters the toad is 1/10 meter ahead. how can the runner ever get past the toad?

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 25, 2005, 02:58:00 am »

As the Roman say

"Amantes sunt amentes"

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:25:00 am »
like it peety a

Thanksgiving as its an odd thing to us Limmys

Religion or Science

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
BAck on tack with
The joy of livng in England is you can go see the places where they make scots Whisky


Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:15:00 am »
Try this one.

Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely


God is all powerful yes or put it this way has Absolute power

God has Absolute power and is there for absolutely corrupt.

The Only why for this not to be true is for
God not to have Absolute power, so he would have to crate a thing he did not hove power over, say the human soul which can chuse good or evil.

So this can ether be weak proof of god being absolutely corrupt or a strong proof of why god would make man.

That said I know feel much better


Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 24, 2005, 04:37:00 am »
Got to be
"the good the bad and the ugly"

Fistfull is a remake of 7 samiri

"Last man Standing" or "Die hard"

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: November 23, 2005, 09:50:00 am »
Nude Baby Nude ya baby

Astin Powers or James Bond

General Discussion / RE: Half-Giant question
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:18:00 am »
Is not Roxx a lady Gaint ?

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Join Club Llast!
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:16:00 am »
Spugly Fugelet puts hes name down
Day have hot bath der it very nice

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