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Messages - pejsaboy

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General Discussion / Other areas more adventure prone?
« on: July 04, 2006, 03:58:01 pm »
I realize this is a heavy RP server, and I do like the RP quality that is here. I enjoy IC chit chatting, but I don't particularly like burning 1-3 hours in Hlint doing it. When I play during the weekdays, I may only have 1-3 hours to play, and I would like to feel like I'm accomplishing something more often than a short patrol every so often.
Now, I have been getting curious if there are certain areas in Layonara [cities, forts, continents] where the PCs are more prone to go out and patrol/adventure/quest/whatever. The large majority of my short time playing here has been in the region fairly close to Hlint, and I've noticed that many people are not in town very often, and when they are they are mostly interested in chit chatting [IC of course]. Normally I would just wander off alone or with whoever wanted to wander, but I've noticed that at Agron's somewhat low level, He needs to be in a fairly decent sized group to be able to go almost anywhere aside from the red light caverns and a short way into the Sielwood without getting killed. Even in those two areas he would do very poorly alone or in a group of less than 3-4 similarly experienced characters.
Again, I realize that the server's emphasis is RP, but this is still a d&d-esque world, and there is a whole lot more to do than sit around and talk to eachother. This is only partially on topic with the rest of the post, but I remember reading somewhere in the getting started area that a fairly active player could reach level 12 in about a week. I'm assuming the circumstances that was stated under have changed, as I've played nearly every day since I started [just under a month ago] and have only made it into 7th level. I'm not complaining either way, because I understand that levelling up isn't the main focus here. I'm just wondering if i'm missing something that could allow me to get more out of the server than I am.
apologies for the long rant :)

I've been exploring the region around Hlint for a short time now. As time is calculated differently here than I am use to, I guess that I have spent roughly 150 days getting to know Hlint and it's surrounding areas. I first found myself in Hlint [after the dragon's summoning] on Satari, Mai 28 1401. Today is Threas, Decilar 12 1401. I think I'll need to find someone to explain the calendar to me!
Thus far I've recovered some stolen tax records from the ratman in the undercity. Thanks to Yaz Sunstorm for the help through that area. I've also assisted Erag [Hlint's undertaker] with the acquisition of an evil being's essence from the Hlint Crypts. Again, Yaz assisted on that task, As did Freldo. He is quite the singer!
Ragrian the bard had lost a necklace in a cave in the Sielwood forest, and commissioned me to find it for her. I had never come across such a large squishy cube before as I did in that cave.
Both the quartermaster and Ronus the wagon master had jobs dealing with goblins. The quartermaster needed the goblin scouts' ears [all five of them], and Ronus was after the goblin chieftain's head from deep in the red light cave. I have died more in that cave than anywhere in the area around Hlint!
I have also done a lot of exploring and adventuring around the region. There is a fairly large group of relatively new adventurers that I've been exploring with: Stygian Achnuman is an aspiring necromantic mage, Dean Clen only fights with his hands and wears no armor, so I assume he is a monk. Eveinej is an aspiring bard, and Kimli Stonefist is a fine dwarven fighter. I have also done a bit of exploring with Yaz Sunstorm as I mentioned before, and Kor Gromak. Kor is quite the spiritual warrior. If I remember correctly, he is a cleric of Grand. Just a few days ago Kimli and I made our way to Fort Llast, and a short trip into the mountains there. Apparently we were in over our heads, as we managed to lure a very powerful skeleton back into Hlint as it chased us from its crypt. Apologies to anyone who was injured in that mishap!
Despite the rather mind-numbing summons by the dragon, I have found myself mostly enjoying my stay in Hlint. I say mostly because I have done my fair share of retreating from battles and, quite often, dying in them. I may have to begin focusing a little more on honing my combat skills, and a little less on jest and singing. Perhaps I will also think about finding a tutor and learning to speak Elven. It's a beautiful language, quite the pity that I can only understand and not speak it.

Roleplaying / using language ears
« on: June 17, 2006, 07:41:33 pm »
My character Agron Thornthistle is half-elf, and I'd like to eventually try and learn/earn the elvish ear. I don't remember off the top of my head if his Int score is high enough, though if it's not i'll try to boost that to qualify at later levels. Anyhoo, i was curious exactly how they work once you have them in inventory. Do you actually have to know words and phrases and type them in the language, or do you type them in english/common and the game translates? I'm assuming the game translates, just looking for a heads-up!

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