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Messages - Lance Stargazer

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 107
Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 13, 2014, 01:51:42 pm »

*While walking thru the camping grounds on his usual oversees of the drills , Lance looks towards the man who he listeded saying about that, he stops a moment and finish to hear the whole story, then calling upon the man,* - Greetings, I may indulge to hear what or where did you hear this?. * As he got the reply with the general information he nods and thanks the man, he resumes his march thru the fields *

*Once he reached to his office, he calls one of his company of the Star aides* 

-Martin, there is this situation on this village near Briardusk, I would like to be revised, Please head over there , get a low profile and see what happened, Briardusk has seen too much and make sure this is not something more than what the eye mets, ... And investigate who the family was and what was with the kid, while you are there. Don't engage, just look and report back please. -

General Discussion / (No subject)
« on: April 10, 2014, 03:14:58 pm »

Though changes Pibe, yet all for good I hope.

Don't be  a strnager and poke your head around from time to time, and good luck with all what life has in wait for you.


General Discussion / It was an amazing
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:53:05 pm »

It was an amazing adventure. 

We'll have to do it other day for sure.   And we did 4 hours and half , one hour and half less than expected.


Introduce Yourself / Glad to hear from you, mate, 
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:55:23 pm »

Glad to hear from you, mate,  even if late Greeting you from here , Indeed Michaelis is remembered and serve as good inspiration for my Toranites, and rping with you is surely missed. 

Hope RL has treated you well so far, and the lack of time comes from great things on the other side of the screen.


General Discussion / Saturday is not good for me
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:37:29 am »

Saturday is not good for me usually,this saturday is particularly true ,  Not that Sunday may be better, i am more on as a Maybe for this Sunday.

But I'll roll with what the rest do. 

General Discussion / Hi Yes, for the cleric
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:54:19 pm »


Yes, for the cleric standpoint you need Wis 11 and you may as well devote feats for Greater wisdom as well to increase those points

This of course are feats that you may need to take as well if you want to reach to higher wisdom.

I am not fully sure if the points taken for the feats counts as ability points or magical bonuses, i know of a wizard for example that had not recieved any benefit of greater int even while picking that feat, cause her int is maxed by jewerly, not sure if may be the case with wisdom.

Rumour Has It / *In some point in the
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:47:04 pm »

*In some point in the Mariner's hold docks, a small explosion is heard, the mariners that work near runs into the area to see what is happening, A distracted man of notorious red hair, and even more notorious a steaming metallic arm is seen walking distractedly away of the conmotion, so focused in the something , that apparently didn't saw the way he was doing and fall to a hole just when the guards were passing by *

*The gnuman is not seen after that , probably .. too curious for his own good following the next idea he had after finding a rare yellow rock*

// its kind of hard for me to attend tonight.  but if able to spend some time sitting , I'll be there. 

General Discussion / Hi Mummbles.Just a small
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:32:29 am »

Hi Mummbles.

Just a small question there. 

It shows you the same if you try to log in both servers?


Ask A Gamemaster / Greetings Aphel .Sorry for
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:29:50 am »

Greetings Aphel .

Sorry for the delay in the reply of this.  I am willing to pick up this if you are confortable with it,  for that i may need to know whom you would like to speak about and about what. So i can do proper research on what has happened to Aden. 

Post here or send a Pm to my box however you feel confortable.

Best regards. 

General Discussion / Works for me , I think.
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:22:57 pm »

Works for me , I think.

General Discussion / Yes,. Look on your e-mail and
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:12:38 pm »

Yes,. Look on your e-mail and in your Gog shelf in the page .. there are instructions about how to file a ticket for them to give you a valid CD-key .



General Discussion / And here is the Portrait for
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:20:37 pm »

And here is the Portrait for Armand Dawson, the Gnuman.


Trade and Market Hall / *The gnuman comes into the
« on: January 12, 2014, 03:44:54 pm »

*The gnuman comes into the store, scaring maybe a couple of potential clients as his arm start to buzz and emit some steam, he moves along the wares as if that were just normal, goes to a specific chest, takes a hood and drops the coin there, leaving as fast as he came*


1 x Hood of Shadows @ 6050 

Left coin on the chest.

Trade and Market Hall / // Guys. . you may like to
« on: January 12, 2014, 03:16:57 pm »

// Guys. . you may like to check and move the contents of the resistance chest . . Its stuck open .. I didn't moved cause i wouldn't know where .


General Discussion / *Armand prepares the arm, the
« on: January 09, 2014, 06:29:11 pm »

*Armand prepares the arm, the forcepts, bisturi, and bolts and nuts *

Ready to do medicine!!

Development Journals and Discussion / *The words were spoken
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:28:46 pm »

*The words were spoken gently, the forest breeze singing on their ears *

.....  I want to talk with you *The woman said patting the soft ground beside him*

* Never a good sign, the man thought, women .. such fickle and emotional things, the most hard puzzle when comes to understanding, and its usually bad when they want to "talk" *

*Aesthir mind was wondering on the reasons, he had enough changes in his life at that, and somehow this love thing never had been his strong points, he was not affraid , or was he?  He had been affraid too much for his own liking on the past month, his dreams had continued as his position in the guard had started, to be able to be out of Velh like in those scarce moments was at times a good chance to get air, as one can take it*

...  I want to speak with you about the posibility to move to Vehl or Hempstead ...

*The man heard the words, and somehow a myriad of scenarios came to his mind, his initial thoughts were .. no way .. he was not going to get her or his daughter on danger. .. but suddenly he realized he was falling again on the old mistakes, nothing on his exterior showed this doubt, he was used to measure his thoughts and not show any of them while remaining his neutral posture, he looked at her and just asked to her*

Why ?

*Fleur replied with her usual smile ... Aesthir noticed the way she beheaved not really worrying about any of the percieved problems that Aesthir may see* Cause it would be easier to met .. its going to be long time you'll be in Vehl ... that way we'll see you often ..

*Aesthir couldn't deny that the train of thought that she brought had some logic,  there was no single argument he could do speak against that pattern of thought *

I'd rather choose Hempstead that Vehl  *That is the only thing he managed to say *

*She nodded with a smile, the song that the forest keep whispering thru the leaves left those two doing plans for the housing, he had to contact some people, and arrange some things ... but definitely doable. .. Time will tell the consecuences of the said actions. *

General Discussion / We still on for tonight
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:09:04 pm »

We still on for tonight ?


Trade and Market Hall / *The man in black and green
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:15:28 pm »

*The man in black and green clothes picks comes with some wares, he is seen delivering some glands into the shelf and going out with a small bow, on the way out it seems that he is playing with some gears on the bow*


1 Shadon's trapping bow  =  27276

Left : 

23 B-sword glands ( @85 ) = 1955.


Previous Credit : 56703  - 27276 + 1955 =  31385 trues.

// Ausir. 


Trade and Market Hall / *A merchant that seems to
« on: January 02, 2014, 05:53:24 pm »

*A merchant that seems to come from Co'rrys is seen getting out the pawnshop with several glands, paid in true for the whole batch of glands for alchemical purposes*

// Deposited 2655 trues for all the glands. No credit used.

Development Journals and Discussion / *The mood was tense, as the
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:35:00 pm »

*The mood was tense, as the man recieved his new Armor, the work was exquisite, looking dull and dark as he felt during this days, as if rust was covered over the other times shining colors, he had seen the plates woked in good painitng and arrangement, he was of course to represent the guard on the best of his abilities, and had to show the pride of doing it, alas,  its not the choice he would have put, but its the choice he has to do. *

*Aesthir looked at the door as he hears a sound, upon waiting for a moment he stood and with calm expression he spoke*

- Come out to sight, you have no reason to hide as a thief would do -

*After a moment the small figure of one young initiate, came out to the the frame of the door, the boy by name Ryan was on his 9th year, and had arrived to the temple for training that very year, Aesthir had a record for him, as he did with the rest of the young recruits, nothing was particularly brillaint about this one, another soul looking the soothing light of the dragon, or another who choosed the service as a way of living, only time will tell, but for now it was interesting to see the young frame of the boy there at his door. Ryan admitedly didn't want to be there, he was at the moment wondering if comming after all was a good idea, but he was there and now he had been seen, a strong desire to run was invading his body, Aesthir reputation was not that good after all, it was said to him that being assigned to him for training was a punishment, obviously this was an exageration, since the man had no rank or file to get training on the temple during that season*

- What we got here ? -

*The man asked in his usual cold way, he enjoyed to put this wall beetwen him and people, looking maybe at times unfriendly, he was not requered to have friends, his path was darker than others, he was there to find justince where others find only the desire to save, ... or was he?  That was what he was being taught , that is how he grew,  but at that moment, looking upon the armor with the corner of his eyes, he resumed his inspection of the boy, which stood there waiting, the man for a moment, changed his attitude, and come closer, he lowered himself to the height of the young iniitate and looked at him eye to eye, he forced himself into a smile*

- What can do for you, young Ryan?  Its there anything you need? -

*The young boy did half step back as the man approached, once he had his attention, there was no way to go away now , the man looked at the boy and remaned in the same "friendly" looking way *

- Sir, Its true that you are leaving the temple?  -  *The boy asked hessitantly *

*Aesthir was taken off guard by the question, he certainly didn't expect anyone to come and ask this, yet he didn't show any emotion change on his face , he lower his face a bit for a moment, catching up the meaning of the question and the weight on his reply, then he looked again at the boy*

- I am on leave yes, but not leaving the tennets and the oaths if that is what you mean,  Our lord teaches us to do what is right, that is why I need to get away of the temple for the time being, Its like a kind of special training, you see? But that doesn't remove the thoughts of our lord from my head or heart,  the temple is just stone and people, what is true about our lord are His teachings, those are not carved in this walls, but they should be carved here  - *Aesthir placed his hand upon his left side of the chest, where his heart is supposed to be *

*The boy looked at him with an odd look, and daringly faced still his fears and continued with the questioning * - Sir, you don't mind to answer this questions right? , I got told that if i come and ask you things i'd be punished, Keeping the shield up for hours , and such - *The boy finished the questioning  and instintively looked towards the hall, as if examining the exits and the fastests ways to get away , the situation needed it *

*The man listened to the boy, sincerity, he thought , refreshing sincerity upon what it was expected of him, the reputation he had build in the temple, and being seen as over righteous, he is a chaos hunter, what could be wrong in that? , The people didn't understand , the shield over your head, the discipline learned from it and how it helps to build muscle, and resilency, he discarded all his thoughts at the moment and returned to the boy*

- You may ask as you wish, do it now while i am still here, maybe later you don't have the chance , Punishment as with the real life, comes from a misaction or lack of action, it comes with a responsablity and we should take it with joy, since its a way to learn and work our duties, Its the nothing else than the consecuences of our actions, the same as a reward for that reason, and If you conduct yourself and your questioning in a way that doesn't breake any law or fail to respect to me, or the gold there is no reason for punishment, instead you may get rewarded - * the man kept his "smiling face" to the boy despite himself, he had listened to his own words there and wondered if the Gold sent this boy to remind him of something, course not , it was a coincidence , but he somehow was thankful of this coincidence.

*The boy looked up and did a step forward once the ghost of punishment was gone,  yet still doubtful he returned to the questioning*

- Why is that you are leaving then ? , You are a full protector now, isn't it?  Do you requiere more training? , Who is teaching you? -

*Aesthir looked down at the boy, he knew that he'll have a hard time ahead, his will and oaths will be tested by each passing , month day and hour for the next years, a test for sure, and upon watching the boy inocence , he replied sincerly *

- One never finishes one's learning or training, remember that, and there are worse tasks that lifting a shield upon one's shoulders, but every task and learning conveys wisdom and make us more complete, closer to what we are meant to be, at times redefining us, at times putting it us on the right track, In the end it depends on ourselves to use this training and do the choices,  I leave ... because i have to , and I need to relearn about myself and service,  I leave because its the right thing to do.. and that above all is what Our Lord teaches us, We can at times fall in pride, and that pride make us blind to our mistakes, yet choices come and test us, we have to do what we think its best , and at times that is not enough, on days like that is that we have to stand up to soar in even higher reaches, to reborn in a way.  That Ryan is why i need to leave for sometime, To Reborn and relearn what is life, A test that is willingly taken, but not without some hessitation or maybe some fear - *The man replied  *

*The boy tilted and looked at him eyewiden*  You. ..  are you affraid ?  *he asked with an incredulous tone on his voice*

*The man smiled and closed his eyes as he thought of what he just said.  an opening on his charade, and yet a perfect chance to teach and at the same time , let go a burden long held on his heart , silently he was thankful to this boy*

- We are supposed to be brave , Ryan, but being brave is not , to not to have fear, fear is natural , being brave is to overcome this fear, to do the right thing despite of it, To not let the fear defeat you, Its nothing wrong to be affraid - *he said that , and the words of that echoed into his mind, as if he had just said this to himself* But I need to get ready now Ryan, and don't want you to procastinating any more of your assigned duties, its kitchen this week isn't it?  *the man stood as he said this last part and moved back where his things were *

*The boy jumped in his place upon realizing that the man -knew- * -Er. . yes ... yes. . I am sorry Protector, I promise that i did an advance enough to take this time, it  ... *Aesthir raised a hand to the boy as the continaul excused came ,then asked the boy*  - Would you be so kind to tell me why is that you decided to come today ? -

*The boy looked at him, and was hessitant to speak, then looked up*  - The boys dared me to do it, they say that i was not going brave enough to come and speak to you, and they said that i would end the rest of the week with a shield upon my head - * the boy replied honestly, fear again filling his eyes*

*Aesthir nodded without turning his face, Ryan could see the tall protector from one side, as he kept putting order to the table in front of him, a smirk appeared in Aesthir's face*  - Honest, I like that, good. Be gone Ryan, return to your chores and think of what happened today, *The boy turned around and start to move, fast, the kind of fast you do when expect someone doesn't change opinion, but the voice of Aesthir stopped him on his tracks * Ryan. ...  *The boy stopped , cold sweat running thru his back *  ... Thank you *Aesthir said as he returned to his tasks*

**Ryan was surprised by the reply* ..... You welcome .. *He managed to reply before running off the halls, he had no idea why he was being thanked, but better get out of there as his luck lasted *


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