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Important Layonara Announcements / Reserve Balance at beginning
« on: June 04, 2015, 02:57:43 pm »
Reserve Balance at beginning of April  363.71
Fees paid April                                  (35.00)
Monthly Donations April                     0.00
Reserve Balance at beginning of May    328.71

Reserve Balance at beginning of May  328.71
Fees paid May                                  (35.00)
Monthly Donations May                     0.00
Reserve Balance at beginning of June    293.71

Ancients Legacy / Plen has never left the
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:12:59 am »

Plen has never left the original chamber for rest nor food. He'd nibble on some rations onl when necessary. He continued to think quietly interspersed with prayer and devotion to Katia. When some were gathered to hear from Ehkaheic he joined in listening.

Fixed Bugs / The issue with the clerical
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:15:47 pm »

The issue with the clerical domain spells not restoring properly and therefore being blanked upon re-entry into the world will be fixed in the next update.

Players who have clerical domain spells will have to go through the following steps to fix their existing saved spellbooks though.

  • Restore the spellbook, example =c sb restore party2
  • Remove all of the clerical domain spells from your spellbook
  • Add the spells back to your spellbook
  • Replace your spellbook, example =c sb replace party2

Fixed Bugs / Huh, wonder how long this has
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:09:04 pm »

Huh, wonder how long this has been a bug. Fixed in next update.

Fixed Bugs / Serissa wrote:When I have
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:20:01 pm »

Quote from: "Serissa"&cid="2757560"

When I have previously used =c sb restore party2, slept to assure all spells active, and then signed off, all of my hastes and my stoneskins are missing every time when I come back into the game.  I have to use the command again to restore my spells and then rest.  This is a particular nuisance if I get thrown out of the game and come back.  Not sure whether this is part of the same problem or not.

This is unrelated to the quickbar system. I see the problem but it's going to take some time and learning to get it fixed. It happens when you have spells that are from one of your clerical domains. I'm not sure how I missed it testing with Plen though. I was sure I tested it but I can see from the code it would have never worked.

What I would suggest you do to get around it for now is after you restore your spellbook, remove the hastes and stoneskins from your spellbook, then re add them again then rest or just don't have the hastes and stoneskins in your saved spellbook and add them after you restore then rest.

I recognize this is a bit of a pain in the butt but it's better than coming back after a crash and having all those spells gone.

Fixed Bugs / Acacea wrote:Description: If
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:11:06 pm »

Quote from: "Acacea"&nid="10163756"


If you save a quickbar with a name already in use, you will be reminded of this and told "You have already saved a quickbar named x. If you wish to overwrite it, use the replace command: =c qb replace x if you want to overwrite it." When using this command, it will say, "You replace your x quickbar," but on restoring, the quickbar will be as it was before using replace. Saving a different name works like normal, naturally. Deleting does not. 

Additionally, you get the "you have already saved..." message when using the replace command, even though you are already using it, in addition to the "you replace..."

=c qb delete x neither prevents restoration of the bar nor removes it from the list, but gives the feedback about it being deleted.

Tested with Acacea & Tori. (Finally got around to working on her quickbars. Love, love, love.)

Location: 151 PH Fields (And everywhere else :P)


Reproducible: Yes

(Sorry if already known or I missed something!)

This should be fixed in the next update.

Ancients Legacy / Plen continues to listen as
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:52:57 pm »

Plen continues to listen as his mind expands through a range of subjects. With Acacea's last question he looks curiously to the gnome.

Fixed Bugs / This is fixed now.
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:57:02 am »

This is fixed now.

Fixed Bugs / Oops. Should be fixed now.
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:21:18 pm »

Oops. Should be fixed now.

Fixed Bugs / The pack has been set back
« on: April 16, 2015, 03:23:49 pm »

The pack has been set back on. 

Bug Reports / Hi, this sounds like it's a
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:49:24 pm »

Hi, this sounds like it's a result of the Cure Critical Potions being bound to a quickbar slot and you're using saved quickbars. The complexities involved in saving items on the quickbar require that I set a variable on any item (or stack) you have in a saved quickbar slot.

When the variables on stacked items are not the same they will not stack. This is how I get around some storage related stacking issues as well.

I can't really think of another way to fix this off hand aside from what you've done with the oxen. The oxen remove any variables on the items. I understand the importance of being able to bind stacks to a quickbar slot though and I'll try to think of a way to remedy this.

Fixed Bugs / You logged out with your ox
« on: April 05, 2015, 08:32:00 pm »

You logged out with your ox pack still taken off. The system destroys the pack if you log off with the pack taken off but it should have updated the db.

I've fixed the system so it sets your pack back on if you log out with it off and that fix will be in the next update.  

All your items still remain on the pack, no worries. I've manually edited the database to fix your issue in the meantime.

Forum Discussion / Okay the server has been
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:12:46 pm »

Okay the server has been switched over. Trying to improve the speed in the case where people connect to the old one but not sure I'll be able to do that and they'll just have to manage until their DNS propagates or they perform the manual adjustment as indicated in my previous post.

Forum Discussion / I will be performing the move
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:07:06 pm »

I will be performing the move in about an hour or so.

If you want to force your DNS and you know how to or want to try by following guidelines like here: then you'll want to add a line like so. 

Don't do this yet though! Wait until I take the site down in an hour. But it's there in case you want to research it or cut and paste that line somewhere.

Important Layonara Announcements / Reserve Balance at beginning
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:51:30 pm »
Reserve Balance at beginning of March  297.80
Fees paid March                                  (40.00)
Monthly Donations March                     105.91
Reserve Balance at beginning of April    363.71

I appreciate all the fun and jokes with buying orth beers and wings but I'm happy to code away when I can :). Your contributions continue to offset any costs to the server. Our new nwn linux server is cheaper once more and now the cost to the community is down to $35.00 a month. So there's 10 months plus in reserves.

Layonara Server / willhoff wrote:I'm guessing
« on: March 31, 2015, 05:37:22 pm »

Quote from: "willhoff"&cid="2757307"

I'm guessing when I tried to restore the qb the courtesan blade was probably being wielded along with the hand axe....but thats just a guess.

I was pretty tired last night when it happened so it might have been me just miss seeing things or not doing something right.

I'll try again later today and let you know for sure were the weapons are located when I do the save/restore.

No worries, you did discover a bug. It indeed happens when it's equipped but shouldn't have. I've made the fix, see [#10163644]

Layonara Server / I was sure I tested this in
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:38:35 pm »

I was sure I tested this in many ways. Where was his courtesan blade when you tried to restore? Already wielded? In a box/bag perhaps? Or just sitting in your inventory?

Layonara Server / It appears as though there
« on: March 29, 2015, 10:30:00 am »

It appears as though there was a bug I introduced with my version 3.54 release. It has been corrected and the server reset so things should be fine now.

And yes when an old quest expires a new one gets added at the next dawn after the expiry.

Ask A Gamemaster / Just for general interest
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:20:31 pm »

Just for general interest Extra Turning is not an Epic feat, can be taken at any time.

And yes extra turn undeads provided by the feat can be used for Divine Mights as well.

Fixed Bugs / There's a bug in initializing
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:42:17 pm »

There's a bug in initializing a new player's journal. I've manually created it for you on the db so you should be good to go. Also added the fix I'll have in the next time the server resets.

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