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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 26
General Discussion / RE: Riddick
« on: November 18, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
I would say 100% Chaotic Nuetral

You could always just ask Vin as the second film was based on his DnD game :O)
I would have loved to see Dame Judy Dench playing with Vin in his traler as
is rumered to have happond

General Discussion / RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« on: November 18, 2005, 07:29:00 am »
Apsalutly Zan Spugly just can not wait.

We have Zan in the giants brigade becuse Shes has a grate hart is a true fight and
has never run when fighting with any gaint by her side. That means a lot to us
But she also its a grate help as Zan seems to know whats going on and has never tryed to trick
or chat a of the half gaints. That means you are trused but also meens we are relying on you to
full us in on things. As Spugly is very very stuben (like most of the half gaints) it takes a long time
to change his mind about any thing.

Now as a player the 52k was very good as im 10k from my next level 9th which opens up a hole new world.
The game a feel was good to as it was mine and Niles09's 1st time.
We had a chance to play in a world changeing game which was good as well. Its all new to me as
they seem not about bashing but about laying out what will come in the game world.
What we do in the GM games inpacks on playing on the severs in a way I did not know till after the game.

But I know what Niles09 on about you just dont wont to wast of the Layonara Expirance
(thats why I dont get cheats, the funs in the playing of each and every level and its chalinges)
by running befor you can walk.
But saying that the exp was very very apreshesated

The morrel is
Be carfull what you wish for you mite just get it

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 16, 2005, 04:04:00 pm »
Den pop name downs and Glokks well lets us know when next meetings are

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 16, 2005, 04:04:00 pm »
Den pop name downs and Glokks well lets us know when next meetings are

Just for Fun / RE: On Aging
« on: November 16, 2005, 12:12:00 am »
Now it gets scary on the 12 12 2005 I will be 40 years old
Ye god time for a mid life, red sports car here I come
I rember all that stuff and more I was born on a farm
that had a well thats right water from the ground!.
littel power and no heating bugger it was cold.
The wormest place was the cow shed.
I did not see my 1st Mcdonelds
untill I was 12 as they did not hit my part of the UK in the 70s
I rember the last man on the moon
and seeing my 1st 8 track. But what a grate 40 years I lived throw PUNK
got the 1st true home PC the BBC Micro, Seen the end of the cold war
Seen the barth of the Internet and throw it all Played
RPGs now online
But in my hart Traviler will aways have a place
Grav cars and Lasers arr
The Kids of today grumbel grumbel

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:54:00 pm »
A large half Gaints Wonders in and posts a not on the wall  Roll Call for  The Giants Brigade General Glokk Captain Spugly Fuglet Private Roxx Cloudwalker Private FogSnot Private Zanirth Nûr (Honiery Giant)  Ifs You are a gaint or half gaints and wishs to jion da war eferts den signs up and comes bashing with da big boys (and Girls) We will be listing taring days soon.  X

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A Show for Beginning Adventurers
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:49:00 pm »
The grate lumbaring hulk that is Spugly Fuglet half gaint and some times Captin in the Gaints war Company. Placing his grate sword by
the wall looks long and hard at the note. Then look back and says to Ifion seating there

"Hay Mr Witseeker dis very good idear, its best thing for thows new in towns. My take ones new here out in  ones and twos must best have a few
dat way there safe yes. Will you lets old Spugly knows how dis god may be me dos one some days"

Spugly smiles and Ifion hefs up his sword and gos of for war training with Glokk
//could you post a report about the event thanks would like to know how it gos thanks

General Discussion / RE: Greetings
« on: November 15, 2005, 05:15:00 am »
"Look into the my eyes, not around the eyes, but into the my eyes."

You have just finnesh NWN and now you wont to play more
to do this you will have to play Layonara,
which you will come to love above all things

3, 2, 1,
your wide awake


Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 13, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
Mes Curparel Spuglys shorlys
after dat fight Glokk with da Demons and all.

The gaint Corp all ready have 1st bash and BloodStones men when day come by ships
to kill. We smash good dat day.

Also Zan is Honarey Gaints cuz she very gate fighter

Spuglys says any ways

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:50:00 am »
Spugly FUGLET Sir
here ready for da smashings

General Discussion / RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:48:00 am »
For when LAyonara truly takes hold
for you poor player there is help

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:40:00 am »
Smiles Zanirth
"Me has brain sees me think abouts this all night
dem me have brain think, and wright it downs
See Old Spuglys not just pretty face."

Wild Surge Inn / RE: War Be Heres!
« on: November 11, 2005, 05:16:00 am »
Spugly looks note over and Smiles and adds note
Glokk we tryed to make Gaint Bashers befor, mes Spugly Fuglet, Frogsnot, yous
If you start again Me in have big sword and can smash wells you knows
but we stills needs small ones with brians and tack-tics
or we smash wrong thing wrong times

Body Gurds
Spugly Fuglet

General Discussion / RE: Please Let me introduce myself & questions
« on: November 01, 2005, 10:50:00 am »
Come, come play with us in a house of wonders, here you will find all you seek and much, much more.

Spugly Fugley and others

General Discussion / RE: *sigh* Sorry to my questers.
« on: November 01, 2005, 10:21:00 am »
Glad your ok and Ouch ouch ouch

If ever we meet ill show you my scars from worked in light Enganiring
Its amazing how deep swarf can cut.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« on: October 31, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
Me comming is Home have sent this note 1st
//lost net work at home willhave back soon sorry to my reglears//

Spugley fuglet

Just for Fun / RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« on: October 20, 2005, 06:21:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet me half gaint
was down heven mine with a party that lost it when a large group of Ogers respoened on top of them
wile digging for iron, they all made a run for it and got killed wile Spug just tuffed it out in Iron full plate and Inproved Evation/expertice
AC 40ish There where 5 Ogers and spugs hit chance was so low it was just whack whack whack, for 20mins intill a new party turmed up and kiled the ogers.
I used about 20 Helin potions and was down to 12Hp I started to type "Thanks" but the ogers responed and killed spugs in one round and most of the new party to boot

I was not happy

General Discussion / RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
Thats Ok shadowBlade225 I dont think we will comparing who gives what.
When I was an Art student I hand made card for xmass i felt they said more about giving than and shop card did.
Each card enderviduely made and sent in a hand made envalop, some freands still have them today.

I mean if we all sent one card each to Leanthar each he would have a wall full of cards from around the world
each from a gratfull player.

General Discussion / RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
Wow 5 Leanthar did not know that, but by the look of the Pole it has to be a gift for the whole family.

Now no peeking Leanthar at the poll or you will ruin the surprise. :o)

Once the Poll is in Ill keep the resolts and rase the the gift idaer again closer to Xmass.
So as to see if we can pull this off and Keep it a surprise.

General Discussion / RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:00:00 am »
>But seriously, I really can't see why people need an excuse like Christmas in order to make a donation it seems a bit lame to me.
I know what ya saying Harloff but this was just a way to see how players and team felt about giving a gift to Leanthar him self
and to see what it should be if any thing.
As for Xmass it’s just seen by most as the time for giving that special gift.
Just wonted to see how othere felt about giving Leanthar a special gift insted of stuff for Layonara which in fact is like giving to our selfs
as we in the end, end up using said stuff.

I was just hoping to start a buzz and see where went.
I hope it ends with a box under the tree with some thing just for special Leanthar and his family.

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