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Messages - Lareth

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**A medium sized book, bound in black leather, with it's cover held firmly in place by a locked silver clasp - The writing contained within is small and but flows well, and does not appear cramped**


It has been several weeks now, since I have arrived here in Center, in the Brelin Kingdom.  These days have fairly flown by, in part though this is due to the fact that I have been extremely busy.  One of my most pressing concerns upon arriving here, having left Veran and the circus far behind was securing enough work in order to be able to feed, clothe and house myself.  I am glad to say that this has proved to be easy to do, the town, although made up primarily of tents, and buildings that are little better than shacks predominantly, is busy with trade, and as such work has been easy to come by.  In fact, I had thought to camp in a tent alongside much of the rest of the town,  but have in fact been able to pay for lodging at the Bulls Eye tavern in the center of town.  Quite a step up, from the leaky canvas Veran provided me with back on Alindor, if you ask me.

My skills with the Al'Noth are growing, almost daily, with practice I have been able to master some of the knowledge that Veran "provided" me with.  I hope that I shall be able to keep this advance in knowledge going for quite some time.  In fact I intend to do so, for it seems that there is little better than practice, when it comes to this, and these last few weeks have provided me with a surfeit of that.

I will admit that my time has been somewhat lonely, but having been so busy, well it's been little chance for meeting new folks.  I'm currently playing messenger boy, silk finder, and herb finder for all sorts of folks.  Well it pays the bills...

Rumour Has It / A brief moment of calm.
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:34:26 pm »
The stillness and quiet of the night seemed a great contrast to the fury and horrorific violence of the previous day, the shadows softly wrapped the armored figure of a man as he settled for a while his back against a small outcrop of rocks.

His heart thumping still, fueled by the razor edge of adrenaline which was too often all the difference between life and death in the hell of blades, fangs and claws that had filled the day before.  Dust caked his face and the hardened plates of his armor, streaked all over by runnels of sweat and blood, some his own, more of the foes, giving his visage an odd look where it cut through to reveal the gleaming plate beneath.

Resting, there was no time allowed for it, as duty remained still to be satisfied.  He took a worn shovel and cut a shallow gash in the earth.  Grunting with the effort of forcing tired muscles to work, beyond the limits of what they should, he rolled the now cold body of a young succession soldier into the tiny trench.  Heaping a small cairn of stone above the corpse, and few short words of prayer "Great Gold, carry the soul of this young man away on your wings, and look upon him in a favorable light.  He fought bravely by my side and that of his brothers.  Your will be done Lord."

The sun is rising, red through the haze, and a breath of wind stirs the air, but instead of carrying relief to the weary, it brings the sound of the enemies weapons clinking, their voices quiet, but the language wrong, alien and full of hate.  My enemy is coming...

A moment taken to hold the small gold pendant of the dragon and mutter "Lord, may your wings shield me this day to come.".  Dusting down the emblem of his shield so that once more it shines as a beacon to those around, his weary arm given new life as it holds his sword once more.  His voice a clarion to the weary soldiers around him "Get ready boys, the cursed cult is coming once more, lets give them a taste of Succession's steel.".  Sword and shield ready, the wind whipping the dust at his back, the knight of the wyrm prepared to meet the charge of his enemy.

Ask A Gamemaster / Multiclass XP question
« on: December 26, 2009, 08:52:32 am »
Is there still 20% XP penalty if a characters Multiclasses aren't kept within 1 lvl of each other - unless they are a favored class for that race?  Also does this apply to prestige classes?  I think that prestige classes don't count towards this, but can't seem to remember where I read that.



Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Swan Boots
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:34:42 am »
I am looking to purchase a pair of Swan Boots.  Hopefully these will be lightly used if possible.  All reasonable offers will be considered.

*Damon Silverdawn*

Rumour Has It / A strange tale is told
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:11:00 pm »
Shortly after arriving in Leringard, a few of the guards of a merchant caravan are drinking away the dust of the road, discussing some strange events they encountered during their trip with the barman at the closest tavern.

"Ah tells ya, I ain't nevah hurd nor seed nuffing like it mate.. lets me tells ya, it fair chill my blud, an it wud have dun anywon else too.. We wuz takin da forest trail, yer ken the one I mean?  The one as wot goes by them elfy ruins.. Anyways, me 'n Mika hurd a man screamin up aways in da forest likes, it wuz terrible listenin.  We wuz sure it were a man, ain't no filthy greenskin I ever hurd could scream like dat, full o' pain an loss it wuz.  Anywayz, Mika 'n me 'n a few of da boyz figured we'd ride out 'n see if'n we can find this fella, maybe 'elp him like."

Taking a long swallow of his ale, and looking from face to face of his friends, watching for them to affirm his story he continues... "Nay sign o' the fella did we find, but wut we did find was stranger than the tales me grandad used ter tell me as a youngun.. an' he wuz always a one fer a tall tale.. We found lots o' greenskins layin about all dead as can be, 'n in the distance we heard a dreadful wailin' like the sounds the damned must be makin as they roast in the fires waitin' fer 'em."  

Raising a hand he carries on.. "Now, now 'ear me out, these greenskin's 'ad been squashed 'ter the ground by somethin', somethin' like a giants hand... only it musta been bigger'n any giant I ever did see, not to mention there weren't no tracks anywhere to show where the big fella came from, an' Mika 'ere is one o' da best trackers in all o' Mistone"

Shaking his head slowly "Nah mate, it weren't the death o' them, they weren't crushed by it.. it looks like it just 'eld 'em there, the bodies were all burned, an' the like, an still others we didnae know what killed 'em, but fer sure there were no marks o' violence on 'em.  Anyways.. we figured it wuz best ter get ter leavin' then, afore more o' the pig faces came back an' made it hot fer us.  Aye, strange dun really get ter explainin' it, Orcs that be dead with nay sign o' wut killed 'em, Giant hand prints, and no foot prints..."

Looking thoughtfully into his beer he frowns for a moment.. "Well, we did run into this one fella later, we figured he might ken summin, he was sittin' in der camp o' that lady as looks out fer the forest, Lagodia's 'er name I think.  All covered in blud 'e wuz, but we couldn' get not a word from him, he jus' sat there, huggin' on ter 'is knees an' rockin' forward an' back he wuz.  Maybe he'd be there still, fer 'e sure didnae look like he was goin' anywhere.."

His story trails off, as the guards finish up their ales before heading out, looking for a game of chance to wager their pay against.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Combined crafting cards
« on: May 13, 2009, 11:17:01 am »
While I was going through my inventory attempting to trim it somewhat I realised that I have about 20 or so crafting recipe cards... and a few duplicates of some.  So my thought is that I cant be the only one toting around that kind of number, would it be possible to have the store sell a master recipe list which has all the recipes for each craft?  I know most folks would be happy to pay more for this, and it would be really convenient and cut down on inventory space... at least in my case ;)

Fixed Bugs / Frindahl fortress chest
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:08:55 pm »
I was trying to disarm the trap on the chest in the Frindahl Fortress and although I beat the DC check of the trap it still shows as a failure and the trap did not disarm.

I've attached a screenshot from when I was in there showing the trap failing to disarm.

The Silver Buckle / **A note posted in Inns and Taverns**
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:55:37 pm »
I am seeking the whereabouts of one Dewalf Tacef, if you have any information regarding this indvidual send word to me, I will make it worth your while.

~Lareth Vathach~

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / **A note posted in Inns and Taverns**
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:54:54 pm »
I am seeking the whereabouts of one Dewalf Tacef, if you have any information regarding this indvidual send word to me, I will make it worth your while.

~Lareth Vathach~

Wild Surge Inn / **A note posted in Inns and Taverns**
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:54:05 pm »
I am seeking the whereabouts of one Dewalf Tacef, if you have any information regarding this indvidual send word to me, I will make it worth your while.

~Lareth Vathach~

Rumour Has It / Dewalf's Gem
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:57:16 pm »
Found whilst exploring - a gem belonging to one Dewalf.  It this be you, come claim your property, I may be reached via the Angels guildhall.

~Lareth Vathach~

//If I've nabbed a gm's quest item - Sorry, just shout me and I will give it back

Trade and Market Hall / Dark Spider Silk for sale
« on: January 11, 2009, 07:59:35 am »
**A note pinned in craft halls across Mistone**

I have a little over 1 box full of Dark Spider silk for sale, asking in the region of 5,000 trues for the lot.  Alternately, if you be a tailor who is short on coin, but handy in the kitchen, I am awfully fond of pies, so perhaps we might make a trade.

~Lareth Vathach~

Ask A Gamemaster / Incorrect Head Model selection
« on: December 14, 2008, 08:32:03 am »
When I was creating my new pc Damon Silverdawn I mistakenly selected the wrong head when creating him, is there any way I can change this IG?  Or as he's only level 3 at the moment, would it be easier for everyone if I request to rebuild him?



Development Journals and Discussion / Damon Silverdawn - A Journal
« on: December 07, 2008, 06:53:20 pm »

To what purpose I have decided to start keeping this journal, I know not.  Yet it seems to me to be something important to do, strange though that I never thought to do so during my days in Katherian, perhaps truthfully I had no desire to recollect those days.

Today I arrived finally in Port Hempstead, it was a long voyage, but happily uneventful unlike my last time at sea.  Given time to think as one often does whilst at sea, my life thus far has been one of selfish survival, this I must change if I am to be more than what I am.  My first thoughts upon landing however are to find some form of gainful employment, as the few coins that I arrive with will not sustain me for long, and as I have oft heard, Bloodstone was not defeated on an empty stomach.

So after taking some rest in an Inn that I can best describe as a dive that would have been at home in the seediest part of Katherians docks, I set out to look for work.  Thankfully there seems to be an abundance of it going begging, both for officals of the town and also those of some of the other towns nearby as well.  Perhaps I will not need to fall back on my other talents after all?  As I write this, my thoughts turn to those I have met thus far in my brief time here, they seem a little different to what I have been used to from humans.  The first was a young lady, foolishly perhaps I did not ask her name, nor even offer mine, as for why I cannot say, perhaps I was distracted by her eyes, which were the most startling shade of purple.  KIndly she offered to help me, seeing some of the blood that was on my clothes following a scrape with some quarrelsome wildlife.. how different from those of Katherian, she did not know me, yet was prepared to help a stranger, telling me that someone needs to make these kinds of offers.  The next day, with this in mind I met a large man, by the name of Ulther, he was like I.. a recent arrival here, so I helped him to find some of the folks who were offering employment.  While I was not able to spend as long talking with Ulther as I had wished, he seemed a most honorable sort, and one that I was glad to aid.

I wonder what the next days will bring to me?  For now though, I must concentrate on finishing the jobs that I have started, my place in this new world, will I think become clearer to me as I become a little more settled.

General Discussion / A New Arrival :0)
« on: November 21, 2008, 01:26:17 pm »
I'd just like to take a few moments to announce the latest arrival to my family, my baby girl Alison, who was born on tuesday and who we've just gotten back from the hospital with :)  Making me a very proud Papa indeed!!!

Trade and Market Hall / Queen Spider Silk for Sale or Trade
« on: October 19, 2008, 08:47:25 am »
**Lareth tacks up a notice in the various crafting halls of Mistone**

I have a box of the finest silk taken from the Queen Spider for sale  at 5,000 trues.  Alternately, if you be short of trues, make me an offer in trade for it.  I would like to note that I am very partial to a well baked pie.

~Lareth Vathach~

Guilds and Councils / Access request
« on: August 10, 2008, 11:30:46 am »
Please can I have access to the guild forums for the Council of Hope.



Ask A Gamemaster / Lawful Evil deity for Human / Surface races
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:31:25 am »
I've a question for the GM team which came up while I've been trying to develop a little more of the background for my pc Alassir.. essentially his character background suggests that the predominant alignment of his family clan would be Lawful Evil, and therefore I'd assume them to worship a LE deity.  So looking through the Deities section of Lore the only LE god seems to be Sulterio (the other evil gods really don't seem to fit the background).  I read in Lore that Sulterio might be worshipped by other savage races occasionally  They do come from the mountains and so might possibly have had contact with the Duergar.. though I rather saw them as taking their God with them when they moved into the hills.  Would Sulterio have maybe a surface name that he'd go by?  I saw that he has aliases, but I'm not sure if they'd be the ones to use.

A main concern for me is if this would fit with the world itself.. a deep earth deity being worshipped by surface dwellers on Mistone?

Just for Fun / Worldwide telescope
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:37:52 am »
I'm still in shock that Microsoft has managed to come up with something this cool, and for free :)

WorldWide Telescope

If you download the program it lets you look at Stars, constellations, planets etc., even back to earth so you can see what it looks like to be an astrononaut looking back down on earth.  You can even connect it to views taken from some telescopes like hubble.

I've always been a bit of an astronomy buff, but I think this is really cool, even for folks who're not and just want to play with it.

Development Journals and Discussion / Letters home - Alassir Vil'Drazzic
« on: February 02, 2008, 03:53:48 pm »
**How it began.... or at least a place to start our story**

Dearest Carolina,

I beg you please, do not throw this letter away, or stop reading it until you have heard what I have to say.  All I am asking for is a chance to tell my side of what happened, and I implore you to give that to me dear heart.  By now I am sure you have heard all of what happened whilst you were out on patrol, but how twisted it has been, that I cannot tell, so I must speak of it, you may then weigh it and decide which is the correct version of events.

It was never my intention to kill Wilhelm, nor even in fact to fight him again, despite what was said following our last duel where he scarred my face.  You know me well enough by now to know that revenge for that was never something that I would seek, unjustified vengeance is wrong, and I am man enough to admit that he had beaten me fairly that time.   Carolina, he would not stop the fight, even now I burn with the memory of it, but I had to protect myself, and now my cousin is dead because of me. What else could I have done though?  I keep asking myself this, replaying what happened, but there is no other way that I see.

**  Now dear reader, I suspect that you may fear that our intrepid hero is giving in to sorrow and melancholy.  But fear not... I your ever present narrator have a secret to share, that will restore your hope for our friend.  Alassir, poor lad, coming as he does from a remote clan, cut off from the outside world has had a rather meager literary background, consisting mainly of some rather questionable Mistonian epic hero sagas, and some old romance novels, that could be best described as err.. "bodice rippers".  So with only this to base his writing style upon, I think you'll agree he's actually doing rather well... anyway, we digress do we not?  Back to the letter.... **

Wilhelm and I fought, this much is true, the reason, well if I be honest with you, it was our pride which brought us to it, you know only too well the fire with which we used to compete with one another, and so we fought again, at first for love of the test.  This time I had the better day, and had the victory... Wilhelm was never one to accept defeat, as well you know.. and so he cast aside the practice foils we had used and came at me with his sword.  The rest you know already, and his death shall be my burden to bear, and I would not pass any of it on to you.

**Goodness me but he's a noble and self suffering sort isn't he?  See I told you, those Mistonian hero sagas... enough said dear friends, enough said.**

Carolina, I place my life in your hands with this, should you wish to reach me, I am to be found at the temple of Rofirein in Vehl.  I am sure that uncle Dragnar would be most keen to find me, and I would not deny him the satisfaction of revenge for his son, so if you want to tell him, I  would not blame you, in fact there are times when it almost seems a better fate than living with this shame.  As I say, my life is in your hands now.


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