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Messages - Lance Stargazer

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 107
Trade and Market Hall / The man in black and green
« on: January 01, 2014, 05:43:00 pm »

The man in black and green clothes approaches with some wares[

1 x Dire bear Skin  200
1 x Ring of the Barbarian  26644 x 0,75 = 19983
1 x Foe Hammer ´2024 x 0.05 = 1518
1 x Robes of Path of the whip = 6489
1 x Bronze Chainshirt =  750
1 x Composite Crossbow =  3426
1 x Goblin Pinker = 14067
4 x Phenalopes @ 25 = 100
2 x Feldspar @40 = 80
4 x Aventurine @25 = 100
1 x Alexandrite @100 = 100
1 x Amethist @100 = 100
1 x Malachite @20 = 20
1 x Fire agate @20 = 20
1 x Bronze Full Plate = 1250
1 x Circle of Doom =    3500
1 x Mindfog = 3500
1 x Charm Monster =  1500
Credit given :  56703

Nothing taken at this time :  Current credit   56703 

// Ausir

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / *Gets in the line *  I'll be
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:33:45 pm »

*Gets in the line *  I'll be requesting a CDQ for Skald for Andulf of the Mori. Pm comming .

Trade and Market Hall / *Argos reaches to the store
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:45:00 pm »

*Argos reaches to the store and leaves the following wares*

1 x Shapechange scroll 40,000
1 x Axe of the Maze Lord    33633

*Leaving without taking anything *

Estimated credit  = 80,000 + 73633 = 153633

General Discussion / Happy holidays indeed@Jill  ,
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:13:48 pm »

Happy holidays indeed

@Jill  , I'll take Champurrado instead,  and may santa brings you a brand new horse with spikes in the fromt to trample inocent people with easierness, i know you have been a good gifl and deserve it !!

Have a great time with your loved ones.

Trade and Market Hall / *A Merchant comes to the
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:50:12 pm »

*A Merchant comes to the store arranging the following transactions in the name of Lance Stargazer*

1 x Find traps Scroll  350
1 x Confussion 1500
1 x Circle of Death 7000
1 x Blackstaff  30,000
1 x Feldspar 40
1 x Penalophe 25

14 Feathers @15 ( variety ) = 210 trues
12 Silver Nuggets = 1200 trues
1 Saphire raw = 250

1670 trues

Credit = 138700 + 37065 - 1670 = 174095

167 trues deposited on the payment chest.


Development Journals and Discussion / Guilty!!! *The voice was
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:54:00 pm »


*The voice was heard clearly, each sylabe a stab on his heart, he knew whose charges were put on him, at first he acted without hessitation, but now..... *

*The ceremmony was proper, the Rofirenites would bring a fair judgement and yet a fairer punishment, he never thought to see himself into the predicament he was now, yet he couldn't deny the truth that he was living and aching at this very point, it was noit the fact that he had acted deliberatelly actiong against the rules, it was more the fact that he had broke his own way of living, he had no excuses, he had betrayed himself and all what he represented, and above all things ... he betrayed Him, his lord Rofirein*

*Good will and redeemption he thought to himself, he thought on the betrayer that was Delacroix and how he put his faith on him, "for the right thing",... so foolish... Serves him right for trusting and misreading people, and now it was him who had to deal with the consecuences, he was not affraid ... or was he? ....*

*The sound of the audience came with the veredict, like a dream he listened, for those observing him it was the same Aesthir, calm and precise, his eyes focused on the task, always the perfect posture, yet it was more the force of habit, his mind was blurred, at least part of him, he heard the voices muffled and blured as in a dream, one dream that can wake you up with the strenght of a log hit on your head*

And so he heard the words. ..  Guilty.

*He didn't needed to listen it from the voices of the jury to feel about the consecuences, yet now the cycle was closed, The word was heard for second time, Guilty, he closed his eyes for a moment as he heard the punishment, somehow what he expected, alas something rekindled his interest leaving aside all the succor his soul felt.*

*An Alternative ... . it was said. . .The man listened with atention, for one moment the old Aesthir returned to his self, he was somehow amused the oportunity at his disposal, he started to think on stratagems, and tactics, yet the heartache came again.....*

He had been given time to think , his mind and heart repeated the words that Reus had shared with him,

- You must find a way to right your wrongs, but above that you must remain true to your lord, even while doing that-

*The words brought heavy meaning into the man, 10 years would be a lot of time, but if he doubt he'll fail, he smirk a bit to himself, almost as if mockering to the irony of the situation,  thinking on how he would have acted with someone other on his position, at that moment he became his worst enemy, his worst critic again, but alas. ... Soon he realized that maybe ... just maybe. . . The Dragon in his wisdom had given him a way of learning. ....

- Things happen for a reason ,*he whispered to himself, he gently took both of the papers that were sit on his desk, reading them, creating mental scenarions, his hand trembled ... the voice of Reus again on his head.. he closed his eyes and prayed, with steady hand holding both papers, he read, over and over , there were not many words, but both papers offered on themselves two diferent paths.. two lives .. diametrally diferent than the others. . .  which would be the path to honor and maybe. ...Forgiveness? . ... To be purifyied by fire and reborn, purer than before , and hence forth stronger. .. . or more failure and disgrace on his lord and name ... he closed his eyes again,... the time flown away as he was in deep prayer, and measuring of the options ... he opened his eyes, his choice , his future, and the chances that become better or worse, was in front of him. .. .  *

**He looked again at the both documents ... and then he made a choice .......*

General Discussion / Tough time for me  to attend,
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:34:21 am »

Tough time for me  to attend, but will do what i can.


Development Journals and Discussion / *The image of the woman
« on: December 13, 2013, 04:06:00 pm »

*The image of the woman smiling, the simple life on the farm in a time that doesn't seem to be even real*

*Sudden change to the rigid face of a  male dwarven , the man he knew as Equitus *

*Then the flames over the farm, the same passage but all destroyed, the body of Leon falling in the ground, and the last look to his sister*

*The mountains range, where he learned*

*The landscape as he left Western Gate the first time, and the strange cloud that he swore looked lika dragon,. ... Suddenly at this image,, the dragon vanishes and his vision got clouded, all blood on his eyes.*

*The man wake up violently, as the dream transpired , another of those nights, He had lived on the last days in constant remembering of memories, good and bad mixed in a collage of images and feelings, his past, present and what seemed to feel like a doomed future came to him over, he then look down at his hands, there was blood on them, he took a jump back at the realization, for a moemnt the man lost his cool and gave himself a luxury he had not in long years .... to have fear. *

The moment didn't last long, as he regained his focus, something was wrong, and somehow he felt off balance on his own beliefs, he didn't felt good at all with himself right now, and he had to do something, he was no weak man to stay idle upon this, this was a test, it was a well know beliefs and something that his father told him so often . Faith is not for when miracles are abundant, it is for when there seems to be lacking of them, he had to stand up and do something about this, he felt lonely, the great power behind him, had withdran some support, alas,  Aesthir was aware, that it was not for power that he did what he did in the past, not this kind of power anyway, he was still a protector, until the trail comes out at least, and he have to beheave as one.

He rose from the bed and walked thru the hallway, he moved and heard the laughter of his many rivals, and yet he stood proud, then stopped, he heard Marion's voice behind him?

- Master is there posible that you don't learn anything?  -

*Aesthir turned out, but there was no one there, as the echo of the voice keept sounding on the room , the man frowned, and resumed his walk towards the tub, he lowered his face for a moment, heavy sweat falling from his forehead, as he turn around the corner , he saw a very recent image, laying down there badly wounded, the very Cur Tyra Dragonheart, wounded and ready for the coup de grace, he saw himself as he approached with the blade out and ready to strike the final blow, under the vengeful and stern look of the woman, long ago tried to kill him, he remembered the scene quite well, he didn't know why he didn't stroke the final blow, he instead pulled out a potion, and drop the contents on the wounded body of the woman, during all this time he thought he had an agenda, making the woman owe him, for the humiliation of it, and cover his back if something wrong went with the switch, but, .. what if it was not that, .. what if he just rationalized such .. .

- You should be a paragon of honor and virtue -

*The disembodied voice again, this time with a diferent ring , the voice of the girl known as Gracie, the daughter of Fleur that one who always called him uncle, and now. . well now was complicated, the girl had taken the studies of the dragon and now , was comming for teaching him, he stopped right there, again no body seemed to be the owner of the voice, he frowned and leant on the wall, taking his hand to the head, his breathing seems calm, and normal, his body temperature on the normal range on the close inspection he did, everything was apparently good, maybe something he ate, one of his enemies had poisoned him*

- Looking for enemies everywhere, you will lose the chance to find any friend , you know? -

*This time the merry voice of Fleur came as if spoken to his ear, he turned around his eyes concerned, as he finally spoke*

- Show yourself ....  I am not affraid .-

*The silence that followed didn't help the attitude of him, he felt challenged , but at the same time slowly the weights of their words was falling into his mind, he felt empty, he walked forward, and then he saw the shrine to the Dragon he had on his room, the sight usually gave the man some solace, and yet this time , he almost could have sworn, that the dragon frowned at him, he kept walking, but the shrine didn't seem to come closer, he started to run, but to no avail, the dragon seemed to be farther and farther as much as he tried to reach ... 

*He heard something on his back, as he turned the three women were standing there*  You are not affraid , and that is what doesn't allow you to see ? What use is for a chaos hunter if he can't see his own flaws, you are too proud to accept your failures, yet you feel them, and you can't lie to yourslef, or to ....  *the image changed into a majestic huge Gold dragon, which start to soar up in the sky, and going away *

* Yet again the man wake up on his bed.. . sweating badly as the dream ended, for first time in long time. ... Aesthir silently cried*

// This is just the representation of Aesthir subconcious, there is no actual characters or divine intervention intended on the course of this thread, it was just aesthir mind giving understanding forms to an idea on his mind

Development Journals and Discussion / Law order and
« on: December 12, 2013, 03:32:34 pm »

Law order and promises.

*Aesthir sits on his office on the temple, the man is not the same as he has been, his shape leaning on the big chair, seems uneasy, the office seems as usual , but something is amiss, the usual calm and calculating posture of the man seems lacking, as if his drive has stopped for a time, he on the other hand seems quiet and in deep concentration, there are writtings around his desk, treaties of law of diferent kingdoms spread on the page, lots of marks on the pages, and his own notes on the documents , finally a sigh came out of the man lips *

- What are you doing , Aesthir? - *he spoke to himself, this at least this has not changed , its said that your worst critic is yourself, and this had proved specially true for the man in the chair, he had to be perfect, no aiming for a failure , cause everyone would take advantage of that failure, he lived up to that ideal so far, and despite an ocassional mishapp, had worked well for him, he was true to himself all this time,  ....

 .... Then why he felt this way ?

*He looked down at his journal, the notes of years of investigations, and countless of treaties relied there, on his journals, yet this time he had devoted pages to write about himself, the chaos hunter has to measure himself even harder than those he tries to measure, cause in the power of acting reside the responsability and it carries the lure of corruption, as power usually brings, he read again his notes, he saw the drawing of the feather that had drawn on the side, making a visage out of form and order for his usually tidy and clean reports, he frowned a bit to himself, but then keep reading,  his eyes stopped on a paragraph he wrote in the middle.*

- If we act as the enemy, what make us better than them?  What difers us from criminals if we use the power to get our way, the fear and the strenght, isn't those the weapons of the ancient enemy?  Is this the way you want to be known , Chaos hunter?  What example I am  giving  to those he was teaching? Is this the world I want to create for her ..... ?

*The paragraph ended there, the feather was close to this paragraph, drawn with expert hand and practiced movements, he remembered during the last days most cases on the past, that mercenary in Dregar, the one who carried the massacre and was left to her own design to be dealt by the authorities on Boyer, the cases on the misted Village, he removed his sight from the journal, and turned the chair towards the widow, the silvery light from  Ausir reaching thru the window, sleep won't come easy tonight as well .  . . . 

There is no rest for those who fail themselves  ....*


General Discussion / Well.. seems to be a bit hard
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:19:52 pm »

Well.. seems to be a bit hard to schedule after all, I had some personal things at home and with RL in general on last weeks that has not given me the chance to properly setup the quest.   In the ligth of this, and the holiday's comming I am putting the One of sand quest on hold till next year, we hopefully resume on the same day Wendensday, In the mean time i'll try to catch up with the rumours and the pm's that i got pending.

But worry not , in the meantime i am going to start a small season of Scheduled impromtus for those who still want to play. The first one i have planned will be This next Saturday, Prepare for some action.  and check out the calendar. 


Trade and Market Hall / *A man approaches to the
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:25:24 pm »

*A man approaches to the Saddlebag and picks up some precious metals , leaving payment of the credit at the name of Lance Stargazer*

2 x Addamantium Nuggets  (  @200 )  = 400

1 x Addamantium Ingot (@600) = 600

1 x Cobalt Nugget (@300) =  300

Credit = 140,000 - 1300 = 138700

Paid 10 % in the credit chest.

Trade and Market Hall / *Andulf goes into the store
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:19:39 pm »

*Andulf goes into the store again leaving with some company, but pays for some wares*

1 x Lesser ogre gloves = 1500
2 x Rings of bull str +1 = 3500
1 x Necklace of bull str +1 = 2100
1 x Cloak of resistance +1 = 1170
1 x Iron helmet = 500
1 x Satyr Pipes = 1872

No credit used.  paid in cash

Trade and Market Hall / *Robyn passes around and her
« on: December 08, 2013, 01:06:32 am »

*Robyn passes around and her eyes widen, as she finds something on the chest, inmediatelly she makes arrangements and coin is paid *

Took :

Drow Piwafi Cloak (heavily stained with blood) (LP33500 x.75) = 25125

50 Mahogany Blank scrolls = 5000

Left :

1 Scroll of Blackstaff =  30000

1 Scroll of Finger of Death =  20000

Credit :

125,000 - 30125 + 50000 = 144875

Paid   3012 on the transactions chest

Trade and Market Hall / *Andulf enters the store, and
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:55:58 pm »

*Andulf enters the store, and after chatting with a couple of female clients , he is seen leaving with them , just before paying for some goods *


1 x Aloe = 40

1x Birchbarck =  30


70 gps

Left :

3 x Garlic (20) = 60


Paid 17 trues on the chest. 


General Discussion / @Lonn :The Katherian quest is
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:39:22 pm »

@Lonn :

The Katherian quest is about to end though , The next event is the last one according to what I've heard, also it would be good to know if any of the current players of the Sons of strife its actually participating in the said quest.  With that said . Ironically Sunday isn't good for me, I am usually unable to attend to anything on Sunday.

Thursday would be my best choice, yet of course I'd go with what works better for everyone.


Development Journals and Discussion / Entry ElevenFool*Ausir is
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:54:48 pm »

Entry Eleven



*Ausir is seen sit on the outside of the tent, the drawings of some symbols on the ground and the wooden practice blade used for making them, the man seems torn, beetwen his eyes, usually focused   doubt was found, the man turned towards inside the tent, the sleeping girl there was still resting, he smiled briefly at something as he took his hand to his own lips, he then took his journal and finishing his writtings *

What are you doing Ausir?

This is a fool's errand isn't it?  Its somehow to be fooling yourself into an ideal world, you can't ignore the facts and what you see, you must follow your gut, alas. . . Its hard. .  Somehow i thought i was special for her, or maybe its just that I am in a way i don't understand? Or that is just another rationalization on my own, **he leaves the book down , takes a glances around and then picks up again*

I can say that she makes me feel special, and she somehow corresponds to the feelings, she is in need of attention, we have some things in common, our family love/hate, and she is indeed a sweet woman, but .... It seems that she has not desire to keep doing the next step.. Or is she testing...  and if she is doing so. .. then  ... till when?  what makes me think that she won't do the same once and if we do the next step.

And yet at the same time I feel like a third wheel, a second choice maybe.? Someone who. .**the writting finishes in an abrupt way*

I should not think this way, It maybe just a stage, and I am a Stargazer, I won't give up on this, and by Toran's and the gods of light , they will show me the way thru here, my path , my fate, ..  I won't fail , i must give my all, even if in the end I got burn by this. .  Alas ... **he stops a bit and looks towards the tent, then back to the book*  No matter the result, I am still the fool, isn't it?

**The man leaves the book and closes it, Stores it away and returns inside the tent, the face of the man showing a smile as he lays down inside and close the tent*


General Discussion / Greetings Questers.Another
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:25:02 pm »

Greetings Questers.

Another crazy week ahead , with plenty of traveling and movement, Again I am going to be in need of postpone, with the current holidays coming and all the activities near.,  are you able to participate on the following weeks?

Please leave your comments here., for time avaliabilities on the following Wendensdays .

Cheers !!

Rumour Has It / WAs kidding. . and i could
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:02:11 pm »

WAs kidding. . and i could always bring the fun of the gnuman mate.  We'll see!!


Rumour Has It / Aaaaand you had to pick the
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:31:47 pm »

Aaaaand you had to pick the range of levels i have no characters huh?  Lets see how it goes anyway ... Good Luck

Layonara Server / Confirming , Able to log in
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:29:20 pm »

Confirming , Able to log in central , but not in west, Not even direct connect works.

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