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Messages - Teo

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*sighs, lays his robes in the river to wash the blood from them, and opens his journal*

Well, those robes might be ruined. It seems that the goblin tribe Green has been traveling with has accepted us into the 'Warg' pack. Their ritual for joining seems to be to chant a wild song and splash us in warg blood. Warg blood stains quite badly, too.

I also found a skilled wizard, but I didn't get his name. I thought he was a necromancer, but my suspitions were confirmed when we found another group, one told the other in elven that he was charged for the murder of a whole town. They don't know Green and I know that, but I will have to watch my step around him.

Now I would seem to be the first elf to join a goblin tribe.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm here!
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:31:37 pm »
Dad, welcome him weather or not he's who you think he is.

Welcome Aboard!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Box of Eggs for Sale!
« on: February 26, 2011, 06:31:29 pm »
//when do you want to meet? I'm free all day today (Saturday).

General Discussion / Re: Sheesh.... Another one?
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:31:14 pm »
*sighs* I suppose I can say happy birthday to my own dad...

Happy one-hundred-and-twelfth birthday... ;-)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Alton's Little Random Item Sale
« on: February 22, 2011, 09:48:44 pm »
//selling... sorry

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: February 21, 2011, 10:31:24 pm »
I'm selling a lot of junk! I think the profits will be enough to pay for a pony, and more!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: February 20, 2011, 04:52:27 pm »
*sighs and plops down on his bed*

That must have been the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I still blame it on the mad wizard who animated those cursed Bank Chests. I was in this cool hole in the ground with SehKy and Chaynce, and Suddenly these two crates attacked us! I think we all had a bad day in there.

But I've been studying my elven hard! I can say Chaynce, SehKy, Hello, Goodbye, and attack now!  

Introduce Yourself / Re: My name is GenieWish, I am a GenieWish
« on: February 20, 2011, 04:46:49 pm »
Don't forget to give extra pies to green-clad halflings!

Welcome to NWN.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:29:25 pm »
*Alton releases a bird and then opens his journal*

I had a big boom idea today! I call it 'Operation Alton: Make the Mean Dragon People Burn'! It involves putting a lot of fire bombs or alchemist's fire into the launcher of a catapult! Then when the dragon people come, we launch them and make a big BOOM! It'll make them so mad! And also, I could lay a bunch of traps all around, and the mean people would get mad and stuck. AND, if Chaynce casts a bunch of 'Delayed Blast Fireballs', we could make a raging inferno that would make us WIN!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Accenders March Boots For Sale!
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:46:41 pm »
*wanders by and repositions the note to the front of the collection of papers*

*Flips to the next blank page of his journal*

          Well, I just had one of the most terrifying, although also exciting, moments of my life. I have never been to the bottom of the Silkwood Caves before, and if that thing has a brother, I don't plan to again for and long time.
            The thing was a spider, but not a small  or medium one. It was taller than anyone in my group, and if we all stood on top of one another, we may have been able to touch halfway up its enormous legs. We managed to pick the friends off one by one until it was two on four. Chaynce used magic more than his sword, oddly, and a lady named Daniella was the head of the assault. She nearly went down, but with the combined magic of three wizards, we managed to kill the beast. The other spiders in the deepest part of the cave were things called stone spiders, which could turn one to stone (thankfully, we all survived the spell).
           I have also recently taken up the art of alchemy, which I didn't study in Spellgaurd. It is challenging, but I have produced a few potions so far. I work towards more powerful ones, but bottles of fire are also a good thing to practice on. I have a fresh one I made. The work of gathering the main component is not fun, though. It is the stomach of any kind of fire beetle, which most would see as a disgusting and vile job.

Rumour Has It / Re: The Cold Cold North
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:48:10 pm »
As far as I know, 5EST.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: December 23, 2010, 12:01:21 pm »
*after crawling about under his bed for quite some time, in search of his journal, Alton finally comes out from under the frame triunphantly holding his small black book. He anxiously writes in it standing, as if very excited. the writing is shaky as well.*

Today I might get to go to a place I haven't been in years! There are these frozen marshes up North, and Chaynce and I might have got some people together that we can go adventure up there with! Last thing I saw up there was these big ugly squishyes that my arrows stuck into nicely! I can't wait to go there! It's so cold and Daniella's coming!

*looks up, grinning mischievously*

Anyway, today I get to g somewhere almost new! I'm so excited! This is going to be so fun! If we live...  

Rumour Has It / Re: The Cold Cold North
« on: December 23, 2010, 11:44:38 am »
Hey... That 6-ranger 6-rogue might be becoming a 6-ranger 7-rogue on this trip...

It all sounds cool to me.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: December 22, 2010, 08:41:29 pm »
*pulls his journal out of his new clothes and sits down with a quill and ink*

          Well, I got plenty of new stuff yesterday. New swords, new clothes, a new ring... The swords are made out of something called adamantium, and the clothes are interwoven with some platinum strands. They seem to take the edge off of sharp weapons. The ring is a nice little one, I don't know how Tyrian managed to make it my size. Her tools seem awfully big to make halfling-sized jewelery.
     Tyrian also let me start handling some of the Inn's business. I already got a sale that got rid of a whole crate of inventory. They were little rocks,  but one time  when I went to sell one of them to a big tower, she said that if I poked it, I might die! I decided not to take my chances and just take it straight to the tower. But the dwarf that bought the whole inventory of these rocks said he only wanted them because he didn't have magic. First, let me say that I don't do much magic, and I don't need 20,000 trues worth of magic rocks, and we got three orders for these stones in a month. Before this, we never got an order for them. Ever. So I was wondering why they JUST got so useful if you didn't have much magic. I suppose that I can't argue with 20,000 trues, but still... I hope these rocks are fighting these Dragon people instead of us...

*shrugs, tosses his journal under his bed, and kicks back*  

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: December 11, 2010, 08:16:02 pm »
*Alton walks into his room in the Twin Dragon, pulls out his journal, and plops down on his bed*

   Well, I think I found a way to make some trues! Did I write that I started learning how to cook? Well... I finally made some stuff I think Tyrian might want to have in that big crate she keeps my pies in! I got some bread, it's wheat and corn, and I roasted some doggie. The doggie attacked me, and I didn't mean to kill it... but I decided to cook it so that it didn't go to wast. Anyway, I think I'll put these together and make a bunch of sandwiches! Then I'll sell them to Tyrian for the Inn! I hope that she wants it... But if she does, I think I might have a run to get to be the Inn's cook! I'm kind of sick of the stalls...

*tosses his journal onto a crate and lays on the bed to relax*

Mistone is not what I thought when I left the farm. I always had believed that the world was a simple place, with one rout from here to there, and there was no problems unless you looked for them. I have proved myself wrong. There are secret passages everywhere. I found one recently that leads from a place called Windjammers Bay, to Fort Wayfare. Trouble is around every corner, and more often then not, the trouble finds me. I have to retreat to the cities to find any sort of peace an quiet, and on the roads beasts are always watching. The only reassurance  find is from my blade. Chaynce enchanted it today, and now it casts light out. It may make those dark corners of Mistone easier to find and adjust to. I mean to get another type of enchantment for it soon. My blade is so much more then a blade, no matter what anybody says. It gives me peace of mind and protection. It gives me my new way of living.    

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Low level quests!
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:04:44 pm »
How DO you get milk?

Fixed Bugs / Re: Forum time
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:33:59 am »
Oh and my last post is an hour back from when I posted it... I posted at 10:32...

Fixed Bugs / Re: Forum time
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:32:01 am »
The time is acting weird. On this gallery, the first post was from about twelve last weekend, and the second was from about ten today. everyone elses' posts times are at around two in to morning too...

Take a look here:

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