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Messages - Harlas Ravelkione

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General Discussion / Re: Leaving Layonara
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:17:18 am »
Sad to see you go, man, but you know that already. Thank you for the work you put into your characters and your RP and good luck on your plans and everything else.

You've left your mark on the world and Varka will be remembered. If one has to leave, at least leave with a 'BANG'. Varka did that. ;)

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« on: February 24, 2008, 07:29:56 am »
Talk to those in question in game. There should be a reason for you to know where to be at the time of the quest, and you should know what is it about. Explanations and description of past events should be handled before the quest and not during the quest.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« on: February 23, 2008, 12:01:13 pm »
// Alright then. Let us find a day and time, so I can run this for you.

Since it will likely be Australian time, it should be a weekend. How about Saturday or Sunday the or of March?

Wild Surge Inn / Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Seeking Investors
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:43:33 am »
* A note is tacked below the poster. *

I am currently visiting Mistone and can be found in Fort Llast no 115.

Seek me there and I am willing to hear you out on what this entails.

Kobal Bluntaxe

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« on: February 21, 2008, 05:30:23 am »
Iffen dere was ANY loikely way ter rescue the odder, OI woul' choose it. Fact is dere is nay an' Oi aint throwin' away meh loife AND dat of deh odders, because wha' good am Oi ter 'em dead?

*he looks at Serissa* Consider yer options afore ye make claims abuht meh nay honourin' deh alloiance. Oi've always done so an' will evar continue ter do so. Whoi are ye 'ere terday? Because OI took it upon mehself ter help an' foun' dose bowls? Did ye grasp deh initiative ter help?

*He lets that question stand open and begins to pack his belongings.*

Iffen we throw deh bowl inter deh teleport Varka, we aint gettin' uhta 'ere. Dats a fact.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« on: February 20, 2008, 01:33:34 pm »
* He sighs *

Oi've made a decision. It's meh own choice an' ye donnae 'ave ter follow meh.

Oi'll use deh green bowl ter git uht from dis dungeon 'ere an nauw. Oi've thought on deh matter of deh nature realm an' Oi misunderstood sumthin' ter begin wit'. Ye cannae leave dat place withou' a bowl, an' since dose dat were dere 'ave been taken, Oi aint leadin' a group dere dat will nay be able ter git back uht.
Oi got responsibilities back 'ome... ter meh kin. Oi cannae throw away meh loife loightly.

Derefore OI'll go uht an' see iffen odder bowls may be foun' instead. Den, hopefully, return in toime.

OI be sorreh ter dose who feel dey cannae follow meh, bu' OI've made deh decision fer meh.

General Discussion / Re: Reminder About Player Etiquette
« on: February 17, 2008, 02:11:38 pm »
Good post, Twidget.

Rumour Has It / Re: Looking for Rufus Coldfinger
« on: February 17, 2008, 04:37:23 am »
* Kobal overhears one of the halflings and immediately comes over to question him/her. *

Whoi ye askin' fer ... * He coughs and gets his bearings before continuing. * Oi mean, Oi moigh' know w'ere ter foin' 'im. Bu' Oi'd tell yer employee only.

General Discussion / Re: An idea to WL and wands
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:27:52 am »
Nope - consider that the wands are handed to a CHARACTER for his deeds. The character earns the title of World Leader, not the player.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nek'ra Audience with Fisterion
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:32:36 pm »
// Pseudonym should be the one responding to this, but first and foremest you need to specify how you intend to relay a message to Fisterion. Will you do it yourself - then you need to play it out in game and risk the dangers involved.

Will you send your familiar?

Will you send a messenger (another player)?

How will you do this... which is no small thing.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Dwarven delve (bowl quests) - Discussion
« on: February 12, 2008, 04:20:00 am »
* Kobal has been silent until several have voiced their opinions. *

Mattar of fact Oi donnae see a choice left ter us 'ere. From wha' Grohin an' Tobias 'ave tol' us dere is nay escape from dere nature world. Deh bowls dey foun' dere be gone an' deh roads leadin' off it were tricks ter deh eye. Bu' OI wager we can go dat far, since deh warlocks left from dere through a portal withou' usin' a bowl, roigh'?

We got one bauwl left, bu' it wont do us much good as OI see it roigh' nauw. Iffen we use it in deh nature place it'll bring us back ter w'ere we be nauw. So it wont accomplish anythin'.

So OI donnae 'ave much hope ter foin' deh odders. OI be willin' ter go ter deh nature realm - iffen deh warlocks can verifoi dat a portal goes uhtsoide from dere.

Odderwoise OI wont risk deh necks of odders dauwn 'ere nay more. Aye, dere be odders caught 'ere - we think at least. Dey coul' be dead or elsew'ere entoirely. Bu' we be still aloive an' we done our best 'ere ter foin' 'em. Dis is more dan anyone coul've asked fer.

So, Oi sugges' we take der portal ter dah nature realm nauw... iffen we can git back uht from dere dat is.

World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's) / Re: Beli Stonewill
« on: February 07, 2008, 05:26:49 pm »
I'll pm you shortly.

World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's) / Re: Beli Stonewill
« on: February 07, 2008, 01:05:42 pm »
Hello Masterjack.

Your application has been thoroughly discussed by the GM Team and I am sorry to inform you that based on it you were not approved for an atempt on WL status for Beli Stonewill.

You may apply again in two months time. Please take a look at the rules and guidelines below, so that you are clear on the requirements:

General Discussion / Re: A Happy Birthday to.......
« on: February 05, 2008, 11:46:06 am »

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: February 05, 2008, 11:45:44 am »
Congratulations :)

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« on: February 02, 2008, 10:13:36 am »
There are numerous active PCs who know bits and pieces of information on the current plot. Some know much, other little, many know different things since quests that affect the plot have been spread out over all timezones via different GMs.

Start to ask around and I wager you'll soon find someone who can help you. And the towncriers may already have things to tell you... if you ask the right way. *shifty*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Wanted: Mithril Shortblade
« on: January 24, 2008, 10:39:31 am »
* Kobal comes up to the singing man with a smirk on his lips. *

Perhaps Oi auhta hammar ye a mitril sticker, lad. Fer deh sake of yer texts... *he winks*

Rumour Has It / Re: falcons fly searching for Kobal
« on: January 23, 2008, 06:40:19 am »
* Kobal tries to keep up with the falcon... fails and realizes that the bird waits for him. Then he continues at a more moderate pace. *

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: The Thunderpeaks and what lays beneath
« on: January 08, 2008, 03:34:33 pm »
I imagine that this sort of information is very dificult to come by in game. Chongo or Edtheket may be the ones to ask, but expect that it may take a CDQ to really get into the Lore of that place. And even then, you might come out empty handed.

But... aren't you curious? :)

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