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Messages - Ne'er

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General Discussion / RE: This truly is the best RP-based server for NWN
« on: November 12, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
Heh... this is the only NWN server I've ever played on, and I have no intention of leaving. I mean, why should I? I have the best characters for me on the best server.

As for a sense of adventure, well.... Angelo has a tendancy to explore the many dungeons and ruins around the world, and he usually tells others about some of the things he finds in order to lead them to a grand adventure that he can record. So if you are looking for adventure, just ask Angelo ;)

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Zhofe
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:28:00 am »
Hey, happy birthday! Eat lots of cake for me!

Rumour Has It / RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:20:00 am »
*Jet notices the list*

Hmm, finally some of these weapons I make can be put to good use. I should start gathering some iron then.

*walks off to make some weapons*

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Storytellers Night IV
« on: November 10, 2005, 04:45:00 pm »
*Angelo walks by and notices the sign*

Interesting. Although it makes me wonder how many stories are from personal experience or rather just a tale told to arose the emotions of a crowd? *shrugs* Maybe I should speak with the people organizing this... I have seen enough to make the skin of a veteran warrior crawl as well as bring tears to the eyes of the most stout of men.

*walks away humming to himself*

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Angelo's Observation
« on: November 10, 2005, 04:39:00 pm »
No matter where I go, no matter how many people I  meet, it never ceases to amaze me how foolish people are. They seem to feel they have some greater goal to be out here for, and that everyone else does as well. they feel they have reason to live and help the world, but at the same time they rush off to battle so they can be killed. What makes them so different from Blood's forces? Why do they feel that the true 'just' cause is the one they serve?

I have spent time with an elvish druid, one who sees things similar to I, but also very different. I decided I will call he Irame, or 'hero' in the common tongue. She feels she serves a greater cause, and I am not one to dissuade her from her goals. If she feels that fate holds power over her, than so be it. In the end, it means nothing to me.

I also encountered a Toranite today. He seemed in utter shock at the fact that one of his fellow knights would kill an innocent woman. The hypocrite. Maybe I shall be lucky and get to watch this one die on some brave campaign. Only time will tell.

General Discussion / RE: Duelists and Ambidexterity
« on: November 10, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
Thought it would be something like that. Although I do think something like weapon finesse would be more useful for the Duelist than ambidexterity while accomplishing the same roleplay idea.... *shrugs*

General Discussion / RE: Aho (Means Hello)
« on: November 03, 2005, 02:39:00 pm »
Welcome aboard! I can't say I play a wood elf or a ranger or any of that.... but hey, I am sure Jet would like to meet you.

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Raylynn!
« on: October 30, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
Happy birthday!

Mmmmm... cake....

Just for Fun / RE: Story Time!
« on: October 30, 2005, 12:24:00 pm »
Bobby pulled himself together, tried to stand up firm, but realized he had no legs and cried for the next 3 1/2 hours.

Just for Fun / RE: Civilization IV is here!
« on: October 29, 2005, 04:34:00 pm »
Civ 3 was great, although I don't think I ever actually finished a whole game. I don't have a very long attention span....

Just for Fun / RE: 8bit D&D
« on: October 29, 2005, 04:32:00 pm »
Seen it a million times, and I laugh every time.... its a beautiful thing.

Just for Fun / RE: Story Time!
« on: October 29, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
...only to attempt to eat poor Bobby!

Just for Fun / RE: Story Time!
« on: October 23, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
...who was sitting on a glowing rock yelling "Har!' at everyone who walked by.

Just for Fun / RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« on: October 23, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
Well, my favorite death that I have seen was not from my character, nor any character, but instead form one of the monsters.

I was alone in Storan's Crypt fighting with a Revenant, and I was near death. I managed to get a good hit on the thing knocking it down to Near Death. At this point i figured it didn't matter and I was going to die regardless. But lo and behold, the Revenant proves it lacks a brain and chugs a Potion of Cure Moderate wounds, killing itself instantly.

I was in utter shock. Then I laughed for a good long time.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: October 23, 2005, 04:00:00 pm »
I could feel it today.

I felt the unity with my blade, I felt the blade as if it were not an extension of myself, but rather that it was myself. It felt awkward at first, but I have finally learned how to unify wyself with my blade. It takes energy, energy which I do not have enough of at the moment, but I will grow stronger with practice. I felt the full force of my body behind my blows, I felt the blade glide around my enemies protections as easily as it was for me to walk. I felt the unity of myself, and my blade.

Brigg's hard training clearly brought me to this point. The months we spent training in Krashnar have paid off, but I still have a long way to go. Drouge and Tyde would still like to see me dead, and they would not care whether or not I have mastered my blade. So my training will continue, now even harder then before. My goal is in sight, and now I must put forth the effort to bring myself there. The next months or even years will require intense training, but it will all be needed to face Tyde in the end. I must prepare both body and mind for this.

This battle is inevitable. I must just be ready when it comes.

General Discussion / RE: Loot
« on: October 23, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
I agree that you should use the dicebag and properly rp it (although I think move silently and hide are more appropriate skills then pickpocket, since you are not robbing the person, but instead the bodies around him), and I also agree that should the thief get caught they deserve whatever fate comes upon them. For example, if Ne'er was caught doing something like that he would try and slink away, but I would be fine if the person wanted the gold back and would gladly return it.

General Discussion / RE: Loot
« on: October 23, 2005, 07:06:00 am »
Well.... this is an RP server.

So lets put ourselves in the shoes of the thief. Say he's a TN or CN rogue and he walks along and sees some guy fighting hard against a group of monsters, bodies strew about the floor. He's stolen before, so why not go ahead and loot these bodies while the 'hero' is busy fighting? Sure the hero gets angry, and rightly so. However, the hero should then be able to force the theif to give him back the gold in character, you know, threaten him a bit. After all, if the thief can't kill the monsters to get the loot in the first place, then it shouldn't be too hard to intimidate them to give back the gold.

The only time I would see this as a problem would be if more than just gold was being taken. Gold can be found everywhere, but if it is a quest item (like the ogre chief's head) or just some incredibly rare item then I can understand why the player would get angry.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: October 20, 2005, 02:14:00 pm »
I have not had the chance to reflect upon my training in awhile. Other matters have distracted me, issues that I should not have let bother me, but yet they do. Many of my friends are engaged, and I am glad that they have found Ilsare's blessing. Friends have come and left, and others have changed from  who I thought they were. I hope I am beyond those issues now, as my training now requires absolute focus.

Brigg has been training me here on Krashnir, and he is indeed the finest swordsman I have ever seen. His technique is near-perfect, and his only limitations are his age and his injury. Already I have learned much from him, and I feel I am growing closer to both him and his daughter Danyalla. They feel like family to me, and I do find myself enjoying the times we are not training out here.

Brigg's main goal for me is to get me to focus and to cast off my emotions completely in battle. I still have trouble with this, but I am willing to learn if it will help me to defeat Tyde in the end. He is showing me a way to concentrate all my power into a single blow, as well as many different stances with the blade that I was unware existed. By the time my training is complete, I feel i will be ready enough to battle with Tyde.

So Ne'er began to settle into the quiet little town... well, the town was not as quiet as you'd think for such a small place, but it served Ne'er well. But Ne'er had drawn the suspiscion of one of the men in town, a man named Pyyran. He was the clever sort and seemed to be catching on to the fact that Ne'er was disguised, even if he did not realize the reason he was disguised. Of course, Ne'er tried to act as calm as possible. Although his confidence had faltered a few times, once with a dwarf outside of town, and the other with a group of adventurers in Sielwood. He managed to flee the encouters quickly, but he was worried that they would not something was up.

But for the most part, Samuel Tryden was accepted in town. In fact, he was in love. Well, the term 'love' is always used loosely with Ne'er, as he was in love with about six or seven women in the town. Ne'er was quite the charmer, and always did the best he could to make a lady feel as if there were none other like them... even though he used the same lines on all of them. A few sparked his interest more than others. Ranewin, a beautiful elvish woman, in particular. He noticed her traveling with a human man, one named Trysk. but, then again, when had a relationship stopped Ne'er in the past?

Since Ne'er was disguised as a jeweler, he found himself (much to his surprise) spending hours working with jewelery. He was amazed at how good he was at it, seeing as how he had never worked with a gem before. He actually enjoyed the work, as well as the thrill of sneaking down and stealing the gems right from under the noses of goblins and kobolds. He had tried conning some folks into buying a regular old gem for 20,000 gold pieces, but soon realized that he was not dealing with complete idiots... well, not all of them. One in particular Ne'er was not fond of. A fellow named Barion. Ne'er even made up a rather nasty nickname for the fellow, and seeing as how Barion was not smart enought to understand halfling, Ne'er gets away with it. Still, Ne'er wonders how a man like Barion could possibly have won the heart of such a baeuty as Shelu, but the fact that Shelu was barion's and not Ne'er's overlooked that.

So Ne'er had settled himself... made a few friends, as well as a few enemies. And of course, had plenty to drink at the inn, even if the ale was all watered down.

General Discussion / RE: Jet CDQ Part 2
« on: October 16, 2005, 01:02:00 pm »
Definately. Thanks again, Dezza. I had a great time on the quest, and would love to work with you again in the future.

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