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Messages - Lance Stargazer

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 107
General Discussion / Greetings Questers.I am
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:46:47 am »

Greetings Questers.

I am affraid that this week there won't be a One of Sand episode, I've been preety sick this week and not able to do proper setup or in conditions to run this tonight, I'll reschedule for next week though.  Comment on the thread and decide what the next step would be . . Two options still ;)

Trade and Market Hall / *As she returns  Robyn
« on: November 21, 2013, 06:43:01 pm »

*As she returns  Robyn watches upon the note and smiles knowingly, then with  walks away humming , and she then waits *

Trade and Market Hall / *The first bid comes, then in
« on: November 21, 2013, 11:11:00 am »

*The first bid comes, then in a small yellow paper with elegant writting*

The Red Robyn trade company will offer 20,000 trues,  in hopes to met the reserve, if its not the case leave a note and something can be arranged.

~Robyn of Vehl

General Discussion / Tuesday works better than Sat
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:09:16 pm »

Tuesday works better than Sat for me Lonn .. Sat is iffy . But how its better for you.


Introduce Yourself / Hey mate,  Good to see you
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:13:51 am »

Hey mate,  Good to see you around and doing well .  Some day you may get ig to see the improvements. *grins¨

Rumour Has It / *After some minutes thinking
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:42:21 pm »

*After some minutes thinking as if considering all the replies posible he speaks *


The war is a maelstrotm,  And this aside its not our priority , we are small in numbers and not an army, Tyrus or not , the numbers of our brothers are inmesne, yet I am affraid its late  to remove the influence this Tyrus had brought upon the two leaders.


Among my powers its not the foresee of the future,  young Human.  

Yet seems unlikely, that we'll stand on our own against such army ,

**he resumes listening to the group conversation *

Rumour Has It / *Maybe a day after the intial
« on: November 14, 2013, 12:56:09 pm »

*Maybe a day after the intial inquires are done, a man comes to look for the gray elf, the man seems dressed up in traveling clotes with a surcoat as well, it shows a white star in the surcoat  *

Greetings sir.  I heard you are doing some research ... Want to do a share words plese follow me over this side. . .

// Pm sent

General Discussion / cbnicholson wrote:Jo'll be
« on: November 13, 2013, 10:22:38 am »

Quote from: "cbnicholson"&cid="2751960"

Jo'll be there.  Not sure if he wants to explore that mass of gears  Armand calls a brain though.

And the hamtster running in the wheel that powers the thing out. . heh .

General Discussion / Sounds good to me, Seems to
« on: November 12, 2013, 06:51:48 pm »

Sounds good to me, Seems to be a good time for me to do it.

If its the one in Mariner's maybe will let Jo rest of Armand's mindset. 


Quests Ideas and Discussion / *During one evening as Rose
« on: November 07, 2013, 08:55:41 pm »

*During one evening as Rose comes back to her room, she finds a sealed letter beside her evening meal, the letter is sealed with wax , no crest just a capital C on the wax seal, the letter is left beside the meal for her to notice, but safe of the contents of the meal itself*

Introduce Yourself / Always good to see people
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:05:14 pm »

Always good to see people back.  Come test the waters- 

General Discussion / Seems good for meCheers
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:27:59 pm »

Seems good for me


Rumour Has It / *The ministrations given by
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:37:49 pm »

*The ministrations given by Kat on the giant, seems to not make much, the effort of the battle and the explosions damaged his body really bad, the giant though may recover if given time to heal and the healing continues on him, he is barely concious now, but unable to move, A big boulder  is tatooed on his arm and right side of his chest*

*The giant creature is able to crawl , or if enough support is given ( with the proper size and a ingenious way) may move, the storm seems to move closer, agian there is still some hours till it reaches to where the group is* 

Rumour Has It / // For now we'll keep up on
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:23:47 pm »

// For now we'll keep up on this thread. Since here is where the information can be found , we may as well change in the future,  but for now we'll stay here. 

*As the sand clears and the giant is seen falling to the ground, unconcious, the massacre fills the air with a dread feeling, Its some time till you are able to see clearly as the explosion made some sand to be raised and making a small sandstorm on the minutes before pacific dune, the bodies of at least a dozen of giants are seen in the massacre, If it were not for the help you gave , the group on the valley of the dune was going to get massacred, yet there is not much diference now, as just one giant remained in a literal last giant standing, the giant was wounded to the point of exahustion, the floor trembles when the big mass of flesh and blood falls to the ground lifting more sand on the area , the blood and the gore spread over the sand, making a gruesome picture*

**You approach cautiously as the sand finally disipates to see the giant laying down, blood everywhere, the sun in the horizon is still far from the sunset and the heat of the desert is starting to hurt you after so many battles, the pain and the weakened state you are still from the "scroll" effect still hurts and make your steps even more weightful ( save Dot and Rory that weren't on the place when this happened ), Rory is nowhere to be seen around the area, and gladly for you, your group didn't got any loses , at least on this encounter*

*There is also no traces about any prisioners or food that may have been in the asaulted caravan, The dessert wind threatens to form a sandstomr during the night,  which thankfully is still some hours away *

// Actions and discussion ahead. .

Rumour Has It / *Ty using the skill he has
« on: October 23, 2013, 04:36:58 pm »

*Ty using the skill he has learned from years of digging manages to quell down the advancement of the fire, this aside the lack of combustibility of the sand, There are small pieces of crystalized sand in the nearbies of the now absent and burnt inn, there is alarm in town of course, as you gather your thougts and your strenght after the impact and the adrenaline*¨

*The people of town are watching in awe for the explosion that broke their rest in the night, and the flaming beacon of what was the inn once, you may notice that despite what was expected, the people of town are not approaching apparently just not want to deal with the loss of their precious safety, this maybe the second explosion that the inn  had suffered, and they are with good reasons affraid, as the time passes, only Merin, the sage of the town approaches*

- What in the gods name happened here?  *his voice is alarmed,yet more cautious and looking for more danger that may come closer, he instintively looks over the edge of the town , as if examining something that its obviously not there *

Rumour Has It / // Geez. Sorry for the
« on: October 18, 2013, 09:32:00 am »

// Geez. Sorry for the delay.. RL went crazy this week.
 Back to the IG...

*As Q takes the scrollcase , with fast hands he removes the cap, a loud pop is heard that is caused by the traped air and the humidity that the scrollcase held, apparently it has been closed by some time at least months maybe, those of you who are noticing the events may see or feel a chilling feeling, there is a dark bluieish "wave" that can be barely seen , spreading aroudn the area in continual motion, this comming from the scroll case. you all in the inn ( not only those who are closer to the scroll case ) start to feel weak, as if your energy had left your bodies all of sudden, Not a confortable feeling, you are barely reacting to this feeling when suddenly, the whole inn is swarmed into flame, a big ball of fire explodes again from the center of the room ( where the scrollcase is ), Q is hit straight by the fire ball, and the rest of you manage to take cover in time to just suffer damage of it (  aka nobody of the party died, but are heavily burnt ), at the moment you give a heartfelt thanks to the gods that only you were in the inn, the blast could easily have killed people less used to the dangers of the road *

*The inn's wood its starting to catch fire and the peace of the town is disrupted by the sudden explosion, The scroll case was destroyed in the process, Q was hit straight and took the worse of the explosion, the halfling managed to raise the cloak to prevent the worse of the burnts, yet he can be seen under where the stairs once where, being pushed by the fireball he flied some feet towards that place, After some minutes he seems to be still being able to react, yet the fire in the inn doesn't give any form of security*

// And .. go... Actions and reacitons please.

Layonara Server / Greetings  G .In order to be
« on: October 16, 2013, 05:18:15 pm »

Greetings  G .

In order to be able to reply more accurately, Could you please clarify? What you mean by "adjusting the rate" ? The other questions Will be replied later,


General Discussion / Greetings Questers.I am
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:10:00 am »

Greetings Questers.

I am really sorry to inform you that for a work situation I am obligued to postpone today's session of the One of sand's Quest series. 

I have a meeting at work that may extend itself till late, this will effectively be not allowing me the ability of finish the proper setups and maybe even be in time for the start of it, Sad part is that I just got informed of this meeting as I arrived work ( that is organization comunication for you, huh? ).  This meeting may end fast or not, only the time will tell, but what is true is that i don't want to hold you guys into this, so we better reschedule for next week.

Anyway I see that no one has signed on the calendar either, so I am guess it was not a good time for most of the players, I want to invite you to use this feature, it allows us gm's to plan better for balance of the quests and such .

In the mean time my pm box is open for any follow ups, and keep rping on the thread, With that we can advance into the story anyway .

Again sorry about the short notice, and to have to change your plans for the evening.



Rumour Has It /  // The sigil found on the
« on: October 15, 2013, 11:35:31 am »


// The sigil found on the scrollcase.

Rumour Has It / *The man walks thru the docks
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:50:56 pm »

*The man walks thru the docks towards his office, his mind focused on the information recieved and shared, the young clerk walking behind him with the notes and writtings of the information given in the meeting, he stops suddenly and looks back, which causes the clerk to startle and drops the stuff she was carrying, he addresses the words as if ignoring that the incident happened *

- Take those to my office, there will be someone there to recieve the documents, then you are adjourned -

*The clerk was about to speak but the man simply raises one finger without fully turning to see her*  I know i promised a lesson, I am a man to my word, and intend to fullfill it , yet there are important matters to attend first -

**The young clerk nodded , unable to hide a small smile and keeps moving once she picks the stuff from the ground*

*The man walks towards the falconer, and start to send words to the man known as Connor, The name came out in the meeting and as the events and the posible outcomes of investigations seems to keep taking shape on his mind, maps to far places and giant temples, more schollaorly subjects comes to his mind*


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