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Messages - Teo

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I purchased a new set of clothing, which has iron woven into it. It feels the same as standard clothes, but it seems to give better protection then the standard clothing. I mean to get some platinum reinforced clothing soon. That may let me rely on it a little more so I can go for the attack. The iron blade works quite nicely. I still have m old blade, though. I'll never let it go truly. I still use it every once in a while though, to keep it satisfied and ready, in case it needs to fulfill a thing that my current blade cannot. You can never tell when an old blade thirsts for a little exercise.  

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: November 14, 2010, 10:42:30 am »
*A note is sipped into the book*

My Best Moments

1. The chicken poop on the doorstep incident.

2. The tripping chicken incident.

3. The pie competition.

4. When Daniella wore a dress, until she got really mad...

5. The 'I'm cold' adventure.

I'll add more as they come in. These are my best incidents so for...

*a smiley face is drawn below*

Introduce Yourself / Re: Is new!
« on: November 06, 2010, 08:52:42 pm »
Hello and don't forget to donate pie to poor little halflings! They get hungry, you know...

*leans against a tree and pulls out his little brown book*

I met an odd young lady today. She was a priestess of Vorax, which I'm fine with. But we went to an old abandon castle full of undead, and she was freaking out. I mean, she was shivering and every once in a while going, "Arthor, did you hear that?" or, "Your sure you didn't hear anything?" and so on. She was beginning to freak me out. It was like she was hearing some indivisible thing whispering in her ear. I didn't like it. But the zombie slime doesn't stick to me new sword as bad, thank goodness.

*sits down and closes his book*

*sits down facing a lake*

I finally had to put my old blade down. It was time for a break, and the slime that was sticking to it was awful. I got a new iron blade, hopefully it won't dull. But my  old blade is a thing I'm going to keep around. Always. As sad as I am letting my former blade go, I must. I need to. I don't want to, but I must. My old sword served me well, and I will always remember it, though. Parting with it will be something I may never like, but it is an old blade that needs a break. I must give it the break it needs.

*Arthor sits down against a tree and pulls out a small brown book, which, thankfully, hasn't gotten stuck together by the zombie slime*

Met some new people today, did some jobs, and practiced with my blade a lot. I met A few halflings, one names Lindara and one named Alice. Alice seemed to shun blades and just hit the goblins with her fists, and Lindara seemed to prefer the bow. I saw a man named Chaynce as well, he was just complaining that I needed armor, a shield, and a bigger sword. But I'll stick with my blade, thank you very much. The zombie slime sticks to it to much, though. Got slime everywhere. Gonna need new clothes soon, too. But I'm improving with my sword!

*closes his book and tucks his book into the one remaining un-slimed pocket of his outfit*

Just for Fun / Re: Warchild's Motivational Posters
« on: October 02, 2010, 02:10:57 pm »
That is TOTALLY Chaynce the low wisdom man.

Development Journals and Discussion / Alton Tealeaf
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:57:24 am »
*sighs and stretches out in bed*

Well, that went badly. I was in the deep parts of Dragon Isles. Like... there were drows. I think that we were close to the Underdark (whatever that is). There were lots of trolls too. They bopped me over the head a good one, and all went dark. But when I got up, I was back in the cave with the trolls.So the adventure continued (although I later found out that the guy who brought me back was a Mistite). But on the way back, A treant caught up with us, and Everything went dark again. And the Soul Mother got me...

But bad things aside, Andrew left me his doggie to train! The dogs so big, I bet I can ride him! He has a suspicious aroma of pie, though... But anyway, thats what happened today!

*closes his book and lays down*

Introduce Yourself / Also new
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:21:40 pm »
Hey... I AM the kid here!


Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: July 15, 2010, 03:15:42 pm »
*lays down on the grass and opens his book*

Well, I went down the Silkwood cave with Chaynce. Not a lotta fun being bitten by them. And I need more arrows. But, me and Chaynce were DEEP. Like, HE said, 'Turn around, I dont like the looks of that one'. Chaynce NEVER does that!And, once again, A large mean spider started picking on me. I wasn't even shooting him at the time!(Ok, I was, but I had stopped to cast a spell...) I wonder how Chaynce feels...

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Urick Stonebreaker
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:15:14 pm »
I jorneyed off to the marches yesterday. deaders and such.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 30, 2010, 02:09:20 pm »
*leans on a tree and opens his book*

I don't like having to be up front in combat. I with Lindara now, and I've been helping her sneak around. She can already sneak past me! Anyway, we were on the bridge over the river (were still here) and a darn mage put her to sleep. So I was fighting a mage and a crazy and the bridge while she slept! She woke up just in time. Just as she woke up, I went down. She just had to cover me in potions, while I got up and slashed, and went down, and got up, until I finally struck the last blow on the crazy one. Then it was all over for the mage. We also went to the crypts in Vehl, and the sewers In Hempstead. In the crypts she put a worm in my pants. It'll be a hand-me-down to Chaynce. I'll put it in his helm. She caught me getting her back by putting a few goblin ears in her pants. She's becoming a decent scout. A sign that I'm doing a good job teaching her. But I'm worried that she'll add her own tactics onto mine and get better then me. I hope not. Then she might do what I do to Chaynce to me. But she needs better gear I'll have to dig through my bank chest. I heard that Storand's free. Darn it, he's hurt me enough without him roaming the area. Hope no bodaks follow him. But they probably will.

*closes his little book*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Urick Stonebreaker
« on: June 26, 2010, 03:26:01 pm »
I may go up to the mountains soon. I'll be ready, too.

Still haven't seen Green lately. I wonder what he's doing. hope his isn't getting into trouble.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:27:36 pm »
*opens his book and glances down the rocky corridor of a cave*

I've had to rest in the bottom of a cave. It's rel nice, because just before I lay down, Tyrian showed me some vampires that SHE wouldn't fight. Great.

*hears a clatter down the corridor and snaps his book shut, diving under his bed roll*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:05:50 pm »
*opens his little book*

I found that things such as acid flasks and such can be awfully useful if your in a tight corner. I'll have to pick some up. Thunderstones and flasks of fire are good as well.

*closes his book and puts it in his crate*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 09, 2010, 04:46:59 pm »
*sits down on the grass and pulls out his quill*

I took a trip to Alindor today. Once again, a large thing (it was a troll this time) Started picking on me. I mean, I was shooting at his friend, not him! (ok, so I was missing every once in a while and hitting him). AND, A troll came up to me and said I would taste good. His common wasn't very good. I mean, he said: Yus taste good. And there were these chicken people who tried to gang up on me, until Chanynce walloped them. And there were these giants that also tried to eat me. But I think the worst was the people in this one town that had a pen full of people! And they looked like they were slaves! Some people. I know I'm forgetting something... um... oh, never mind.

Things I collected:
A LOT of grapes
A small stone
Some true
An injured arm(it still hurts!)
Some almons
Some blackberries

*closes his little book*

I visited my old home again. Not to much different. Did some shopping (wasn't so fun) for a mage from Bydell castle. Scrolls and such. not a bad day, overall. I haven't seen Green in a while. I wonder were he is. I hope he isnt' getting into trouble. I learned a new spell, acid arrow, to. Oh Green.

Well, the knocking down thing worked. I'm feeling a little more brave. Chaynce asks Toran to tea.

I had to fight some mercenaries. Didn't like it.I also found out that if you kick someone just right you can disable them! And I got some knolls to fight each other. AND, I think I know how to knock someone down.

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