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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 26
General Discussion / RE: Doing good in a world full of do gooders
« on: October 03, 2005, 03:41:00 am »
Will we shall see where the Topic goes

For me it’s about the grater online RPG idea and the way Persistent Emissive non-linear self-generative Intuitive worlds are crafted.

For you is specific to Layoara as is, I hope its starts a good debate about both.

General Discussion / RE: Are newbies welcome?
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:23:00 am »
I was the same a few weeks back feel like ive been on for longer
other players know my PC now and hes got a rep thats fun and likebul
as a happy go lucky Half Gaint with a hart. I have come across grate RP here
its like SHakespear good acting can come from the tighest restrainces.

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 04:11:00 am »
also is there any way I can get a bowl for me hand

"Alms Alms for the poor"

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 04:09:00 am »
which leads on to where to i custem me wooden leg?

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 03:53:00 am »
Sorry no not in game will be tonight GMT at work now
ha ha soooooo at work

have a look at my work

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 03:00:00 am »
Where is thatin the crafting hall thanks

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 02:59:00 am »
Realy can you do that that would be grate I have got to look into customisation in game I think I may have missed a big part of the game there.
How do you do this thanks

General Discussion / RE: How would I go about...
« on: September 30, 2005, 02:53:00 am »
I have a begger and ive been trying to see how i can get hime with only one leg and a cruch
The only see a way I can see is to biuld the CG model Maya or Max and put it throw the NWN tools then ask one of the grate layonara
coders to put it in to the world hak files which I think is a non starter just for one PC so
 its Rp all the way down.

What I would love to do is Cyber scan my self in costuem make a 3d model, IK it with the NWN walk cycales and put it in the world.
Im looking into that one. He he he

General Discussion / RE: *evil glare*
« on: September 29, 2005, 08:41:00 am »
I have a one eyed one legged begger PC who
"Dont do any of that advencher lark cuz o me gammy leg like
what use would i be out der with all them heros running fit as
a fidel"
So he stays in town never gos out fishes and begs

But there is also

"That deff dum and Blind boy shour plays a mean pinball"

General Discussion / RE: Its it feasible to play Layonara in the UK?
« on: September 27, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
Well Hi there flamey old chap nexus7 here im based in London, playing uk time is good cuz we chach the early shif from
US and the late shift from OZ, there are loads and loads of EU players. I work FT as well but still get some go stints at the week end.
As for being up on RPGs im a newbe to NWN and RPG games online as well and from what I can tell this is the best Server around
for any RPG PC game as the grate Leanthar runs a very good RP world and there are some top noch GMs looking after you.
Also the players are very matuer as a hold and come down hard on grafing, Min Max and Munchinks.

The servers been around for some years which means there a very good time line and back ground to the world
which is tightly writen in the hand bood, Leanthar you should think about doing a D20 book with Monguse cuz have have some good stuff here.

I started some weeks back with a Half Gaint and had a garte time,
I think like me you hard about this from the tradinal RPG's say its been talked about there.

all I can say is Time wiz yoll be ok and game wize its as good as any thing at UK gen con if not better.

So get that PC out you have always wonted to play and come find me in game
Spugly Fuglet will show you what sites he knows.


General Discussion / RE: A simple question regarding Weapon enhancements
« on: September 27, 2005, 06:51:00 am »
Hwat dos Silver/Titanium do for your weopon?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Crafting disasters book of records
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:41:00 am »
Done a lot of crafting dont rember ever geting a 20 but i have had lots of 1's
I would like to see the bell curve on expanded probalibaty
Meening that the more chance you have to roll good the more you higher than needed and etc lower for lower

so 40% you get lots and lots of 1's 70% chance lots and lots of 20

or is it the 5 red cars on the road problem where you only see the patten not the fourm.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Crafting Dice Roll Statistics
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:35:00 am »
I have crafted a lot can never rember rolling a 20 but a shour got lots of 1's

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Wanted - Taislin the Halfling
« on: September 27, 2005, 02:26:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet looks long and hard at the notes
Say to him self

What point of this day should have clobered him when he take shinys he be long gone bys now

wrights under note
Will he be put in twon Stocks for being bad

General Discussion / RE: Gone for some time
« on: September 26, 2005, 06:44:00 am »
Have a good move all the best with the new local

General Discussion / RE: Death and damnation !
« on: September 26, 2005, 06:25:00 am »
I like this system as is mean you hand around town and chat which is good RP time as I can see

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Tcho look for work
« on: September 25, 2005, 03:47:00 pm »
*a note is added*
Spugly Fuglet can recomend Tcho to all thows use Spugly when he not around for Body Garuds work, Tcho good fighter and good carry stuff
Spugly Fuglets

Wild Surge Inn / ---
« on: September 25, 2005, 03:46:00 pm »

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Tcho look for work
« on: September 25, 2005, 03:46:00 pm »
*a note is added*
Spugly Fuglet can recomend Tcho to all thows use Spugly when he not around for Body Garuds work, Tcho good fighter and good carry stuff
Spugly Fuglets

Just for Fun / RE: Europeans: How are your gas prices?
« on: September 23, 2005, 04:41:00 am »
Meeting car and Oil companys notes

look Guys the oils going to run out sorry but that the way it is and we are going to have to charge more cuz there less.
A wait up there you do that and we will take a hit cuz well sell less cas, if you do that we ill have to make small cars that use
less oil
Hay wait up there fellers you do that and the driver will use less oil and well take a hit. Now just hear us out here we have an ider
your going to love to make loads of cash for all of us OK.
well this better be good or its chap Hygrgen or electic cars all the way guy and that you bussness dwon that pan.
Ok heres how it gos, you dont make monny and chap small cars right, so how about we keep the cost of oil down for a bit say $35 a barell
Then you sell BIG cars and we mean big Huge oil drinnking monsters, Hell why cas at all well call them HOME TRUCKS.
You put all you have into selling them Adds say how safe they are, adds showing open roads even open land with there huge Home trucks
diveing all over the place. PUSH PUSH PUSH the big car/truck, make it a matter of pride that your car dos less miles to the galon
than any other.HEll even make it UN-American to small girly guy car.
But why, ok we get rich for a time selling big cars but once the oil price gos up where screwed
O no you not thinking, once every one has got a home oil drinking truck, we hike the oil price, send the oil price throw the roof,
then and only then will you custimer relise that there Home Trucks are out of date, what they need now is a small car one that uses
small amount of oil, we will be ok becouse by then oil pirce will be so high we make our cash, and get this YOU GET TO SELL EVERY OWNER
OF A HOME TRUCK A BRAND NEW LOW OIL USE CAR. thats right 1,000,000s of smucks will have to shill out to get a car that dos the same thing
as befor but with a hole he agenda and as its "new" low oil tecknolagey you can charge the earth cuz hay its chaeper than the oild drinking
truck out back. Small is the new big and not galens per mile but miles per galon. Get it.
O thats good we get to sell the same car twice to the same custimer, I like it, but theres only one problem goverment they
will see right throw this and make us go green.
Dont you worry about that, thats all covered

End of meeting notes

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