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Messages - Lance Stargazer

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 107
Rumour Has It / *The mourning that the city
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:27:46 pm »

*The mourning that the city of Audira has been, is removed by rigtheous anger against the attackers of the city , As the time passes the public execution of one of the culprits of the attack, a woman by name Jasmine, it has calmed the anger of the ordinary citizen of the city, the death of the lady known as Jasmine, brought no tears upon anyone in the city .

As this happens reports from a new attack on the Rael camp have been reported, the incident did not broung loses of life, just the spoiling and stoling of water, that in the dessert is a valuable commodity,  there are mummed voices in the city that claims that all this is Rael's fault, while the kingdom in the south never has been too popular in first place, never there has been anyone as Bold to actually try something against them, The Sand Sea Synod had proclaimed that no harm should bring to the Raelites now or ever, since they are here upon look for the safety for the land, yet the ambassador was quite clear that the Realites are here as "guests" and an appropiate beheavior is expected from them, this declarations was also with the hint that Sederra is a free kingdom , and makes his own desicions despite the best intents of his neighbours, they are perfectly capable to put their home issues in order*

The sand Sea synod had put a reward upon the perpetrators of the sabotage or any information that may lead to their capture.

The body of the woman Jasmine, was put in exhibition for one full day with his night, after this events the body was put down and delivered to the Raelites in an odd gesture, It seemed that aside some other conditions the Raelites asked for the body of the lady was delivered to them in order to "forget" the incident with their camp.


Rumour Has It / *The rest comes welcome to
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:12:26 pm »

*The rest comes welcome to your sore bodies, the sound of the desert and the sandstorms ,

Ocassional odd sounds are heard in the far, you almost swear you hear an explossion or two, as you rest, the damaged inn offers you protection of the elements, and the sun and the wind of the night,  you are tired after the whole work you have done with the Jasmine house and the excruciating experience you had with the gnomes and the elf,  rescuing from the grasp of death, other day passes, as you recovers *

There are rumours amoung the citizens that some giants were seen circling the town , a newcomer traveler reported to have seen two groups of giants figthing beetwen themselves.

They also confirm the sighting of a giant that seems to be running really fast, most of them have striked him as one of dessert mirages*

General Discussion / Friday its good. .Early
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:08:22 pm »

Friday its good. .

Early Saturday its a no go for me.


General Discussion / Congratulations indeed . This
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:29:18 pm »

Congratulations indeed . This is indeed a G- 452 remark . . *Grins*


Ask A Gamemaster / Just be careful in the future
« on: October 09, 2013, 01:33:41 am »

Just be careful in the future Gilshem .


This has been solved.

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir hears of the news
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:55:00 pm »

*Aesthir hears of the news and frowns*  A missing scarecrow spree?  for the Gold Dragon's sake ... Elemental things burning and drowning people , and now this. .... *He returns his gaze upon the papers in the desk, then makes some quick notes and then he deploys one of the investigators under his command to take a look upon the reports near the area in Vehl*

Roleplaying / Finally able to finish.,//PM
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:44:39 pm »

Finally able to finish.,

//PM sent.

Rumour Has It / *Upon hearing the rumours the
« on: October 08, 2013, 02:29:00 pm »

*Upon hearing the rumours the man seems to be gathering his thoughts at his office, the papers and books are ordenaited to the point of exageration, the candelabras shed some ligth into the desk as he exchanges notes upon the reports given*

- So a man a blue to travel fast or just plenty of men with the same clothes and modus operandi , interesting -

*he return his face upon the notes , then catches the one about a group into the Brech, he more or less calculates some time and nods* - Well seems that there are others who share the goal, or at least are trying to figure this things out.  Well .. more souls to the search may be good, lets sort the information then ... 

*The man stands and leaves the office after closing the books he was working on*

About elemental Accidents


Rumour Has It / *Meanwhile in Vehl**The place
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:49:31 pm »

*Meanwhile in Vehl*

*The place was burned from the very basement, there may be look as an accident, but the fire wouldn't have caught that fast without a proper gale of wind to make it run faster , such bad luck,, if he only believed in luck *

- There are no signs of any sigils Sir - *The man reported to the Rofirenite who was examining the scene, he nodded back at the man* 

- Fill the rest of the evidence report, then, You know what to search on further incidents - *The commanding and secure voice of Aesthir was heard loud and clear, the zeal of a man who enjoys his work, and duty was evident*

*The Rofirenite moves into the city, walking thru the corridors and alleys, he pondered on what the Aragenite had said to him* A returning evil or a mimicker maybe then ...  *he looks upon the mountains as he kept moving thru the city, his mind passing the information he had over and over to find the next piece of the puzzle  *

Rumour Has It / *As the group start to cut
« on: October 02, 2013, 06:35:49 pm »

*As the group start to cut the crystal with the chisel's , Charlie's pulse used to delicate work manages to put the needed circle upon the crystal wall, the group keeps making shift, using the dune to protect themselves of the cold wind of the night,  finally after several hours of work, you manage to cut down the first scrap of the crystal "dome", you are finally able to see the rock that used to be the wall, upon touch, the rock crumbles, and shows signs of charring , there is not enough space for you to enter the place, yet the work with the chissel allowed enough space for one hand open to touch the rock, more work may allow more advancement if that is what you intent*

Introduce Yourself / @ystrday Aww. . Its not
« on: September 30, 2013, 05:53:53 pm »


Aww. . Its not bossing, its having a strong hand on her to her better intrests  :P


Anyway . Bring the new char if feeling like it, you know you'd be welcome over as ystrday said. 

Introduce Yourself / Er. .. right ..  i should
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:27:06 pm »

Er. .. right ..  i should have inserted the shameless self advertisement on the quest ...   just seems i forgot to do it. ---   thanks davidhoff. . *grins*  I may hire you as an advertisement manager. . heheh 


So... yes. . check out the calendar Grid *grins*  

Introduce Yourself / Well..  Depends who is the
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:21:20 pm »

Well..  Depends who is the old gang. . heh   Been quite calm on that, And don't worry on the Q thing, unless you don't really want to play him around.   ystrday still around there. 

We currently have the next Stargazer's generation in game as well .  Ausir and Orn Stargazer. 

Of course if want to do something. Poke us and we'll see what can be done.  


Cheers .

Introduce Yourself / Hey there. Good to see you
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:10:09 pm »

Hey there. 

Good to see you around mate, just this morning I was remembering about you, You are indeed missed by some of  us, hope that RL is treating you a bit easier than last time we spoke.  Lance is still around and as well as the rest of the Stargazer's . 

Things going well over here, don't be a stranger.


JC /Lance 

Rumour Has It / *The trench that Ty dug
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:09:00 am »

*The trench that Ty dug starts to make the sand go down the hill, this alongside the effort spent to dig over the right side of the dune, the side that faces towards the town, The time digging by continual effort , start to give results after the first hours, but not as fast as your group would hope, the continual shifting winds of the desert, start to fill the gap of the trench, with some extra work and keeping the trench clean, the sand keeps flowing down, over the trenches done *

*After 8 hours , that you work on the dune, and continual refresh of water, finally something is revealed from the "house", upon striking the sand with the shovel, the solid "Thump" is heard, letting you know that the mark is close, upon removing the superficial sand over the solid surface, you find to your surprise the circular shape ( at least of where it was dug ), of a wall of crystal, as if it were a partial dome.

*The crystal is clean and watching upon it with a source of ligth, the reflection of rock can be seen past the crystal layer, the rock can be spotted easily , giving you the idea that the crystal layer its not to thick, just a rock wall can be seen on the spot where you dug, yet the excavation may go easier now that you have a spot clear, this making an effective hole of one yard deep from the original level of the dune till the crystal layer*



General Discussion / Sounds about rigth.   I may
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:22:21 am »

Sounds about rigth.   I may if any be a bit late ,but be there. 


General Discussion / Hey Gil. Don't worry I have
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:16:32 pm »

Hey Gil. 

Don't worry I have Mexican Netflix, and even if i am dissapointed at what i expected to find there, ironically the series is there, sadly only 3 of the five seasons are there, its kind of old series , so guess you may find it,  Its "The adventures of Merlin" the one that i am talking about,  Not sure if that is the one that milty was refering to.  


General Discussion / Greetings Questers. I am
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:45:11 am »

Greetings Questers. 

I am sorry to inform you , that i won't be able to run the next instalment today, I've been sick and in bed yesterday, and not feeling too well myself to run this quest appropiately, I am placing the quest for next week, when we'll be having the next session. 

With this said : We have an event

General Discussion / Friday still good for me 
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:15:04 am »

Friday still good for me 

General Discussion / Wendensday will be the next
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:46:05 pm »

Wendensday will be the next installment of "One of Sand" if time allows it, and no sudden bussiness trip happening. 

So.. Monday would be better for me on that instance.  


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