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Messages - miltonyorkcastle

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General Discussion / Doh!
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:13:27 am »
Anyplace I can download the old version 2 tileset hak and the 2da version 27 hak. apparently the planes server needs them and won't let me log in without them. i thought i had them backed up somewhere, but appreantly not, as i can't find them.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Tent placeables
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:18:58 pm »
Okay, I realize that the odds this will even be considered anytime soon is slim, in light of the present work on V3, but at least it will still be here to be considered someday. :P

Basically, it would be pretty nifty if PC's could buy some sort of widget that places a tent for, say, 15 mintues, like a campfire. Something like the small green pup-tents. It'd be nice to actually make camp, when you sit down to make camp. Sure, you couldn't actually get inside them, but it'd still be pretty cool. Anyway, just an idea.

General Discussion / Err, sorry...
« on: February 18, 2007, 11:07:26 am »
To the folks I met up with on Belinara for a little adventure and suddenly disappeared on, sorry. My internet went down and I just now got it back up. =/

Development Journals and Discussion / The Heart of Steel
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:21:25 pm »
[SIZE=18]Dear Lyn,[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=18]I miss you.  Leilon's become colder these last few years. I worry about your health.  I take it the children are doing well? Are there still enough beds? Freldo has told me he checks in on the Leilon House sometimes in His absense. Tell me if you need more money to pay for the wood to keep the House warm. I'm still following His orders, as I hope you are. I'm not sure when I'll be back in Leilon to see you again, but so long as the Tempest grants this letter passage to you, I will follow not too long behind. I know you love the House, and the children, but someday I will show you how invaluable His Gift truly is. Or perhaps, dear sister, you'll find out on your own. I'll be in the village of Vale, on Dregar, for a few more days. You can direct the druidic carriers there.[/SIZE][/i]
[SIZE=18]Wicked watch over the fatherless and the widows,
*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*

General Discussion / In case anyone is wondering...
« on: December 29, 2006, 05:53:52 pm »
... where in the world old Milty had run off to.

well, here's the rundown:

I started grad school...
then transferred schools...
I moved... twice...
there was a death in the family...
I got married...
I have a daughter due in April...

and, of course, these are just the "big" things. all this occurred over the last several months, beginning in August. I'm kinda starting to finally get a grip on everything, so be on the lookout for me.

and Talan- yeah, I'm getting back to work. Look for me around IRC soon (I need to format one of my computers before IRC gets back running, though)

P.S. My daughter's name is- now before I tell, I just want to tack on this disclaimer: my wife chose the middle name, not me; I told her it's going to give the kid a complex. Her name is:

"Hannah Cole"

General Discussion / Growth
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:18:58 pm »
Ahhh, all the discussions, rants, flames, points, blah blah blah...  all come down to one thing, which has been briefly mentioned here and there:  GROWTH.

It is the single dominant factor that brings forth the recent situations of unrest seen among the forums and PW.  Why?  Because growth is inherently a painful process.  It requires loss, emotional turmoil, restructuring, rethinking, etc.  And yet, growth is a good thing, and, in fact, necessary for the longevity of the world.  Of course, we'll mourn the things we've lost, and complain about the required changes (like I still whine about shaving- ye gods I hate facial hair; who came up with that idea anyhow?), but also enjoy the new and greater benefits of the growth, the maturity.  And also pay the heavier price when we choose to push the threshhold of the newfound responsibilities.  This is all a normal process, and indeed healthy.  

Personal feelings aside, I'd like those who care about Layo, enjoy Layo, and have chosen to stick around even perhaps despite a measureable loss of fun in some aspects, to look at the whole picture of this entity we refer to as Layonara Online.  I'm certain many of you have already done and are still doing this, but many still have a hard time looking at the situation with an "off-stage" perspective.  As has been stated, we all have a stake in this.  

What I mean by stepping back and seeing the whole, boils down to two things.  These two things are primarily directed to those who work diligently and affectionately for the world of Layonara, and is rooted in the knowledge that Layonara Online is a growing entity.


This is easier said than done, but Don't Be Discouraged by the misuse, abuse, complaints, rants, etc. that come flying on a regular basis.  Oddly enough, this is a good thing.  It is a steady indicator of growth.  In fact, such pains in the kiester are quite necessary for the continued development of the community.  And in dealing with the issues, bad choices will be made, good choices will be made, people will choose to come and go, and some will choose to stay for good.  And these things are pretty obvious, but need to be constantly looked at under the light of growth, if we are to maintain any degree of peace, respect, and objectivity.  Truly, Leanthar and others here have lead this place with a strong sense for the need of respect within a community, and it is a primary reason Layo has lasted, and has grown.  


We have a particular dilemna to which there is no satisfying solution.  Namely, that the NWN platform cannot support the growth Layo is experiencing.  The irony is, such growth is required to maintain the strength and continuation of the world.  Basically, each time Layo tries to stretch its wings, it's thwarted by the eggshell that so long supported its development.  The only options then are A) work within the confines (which we have chosen to do), B) find another platform (maybe NWN2 will provide such an outlet- for a time at least), or C) close the book that is Layonara.  I actually think this is quite obvious to most of the team, but here it is in plain diction.  Yet, despite the limitations, we continue to grow.  And that, of course, means growing pains, since we haven't found our way out of the eggshell just yet.  

And this I say to the player base:  If there is one thing I know, without a shadow of a doubt, it's that L and the team are working for the benefit of the entire PW, the entire community, and thus I trust that GM's aren't out to screw with me, and I've certainly never feared any GM.  And I'm not the perfect player.  I make mistakes; I've been reprimanded; I do dumb things that I have to go back and re-evaluate.  And I know GM's are people, and that while they strive to make this a great place for anyone, that they'll never get it all right, and will, in fact, screw up a lot.  But so does everyone else.  Heck, it wouldn't be so much fun if that wasn't the case, but maybe I'm just crazy.    The world works when everyone (players, GM's, ~everyone~) strives to make the place better and work within the understanding that we have to help each other through our shortcomings.  This is basic to any healthy community.  And, strangely enough, so is loss of community members.  Don't take member loss as a bad sign.  I'm not saying it's a good thing, but in the long run it isn't bad either.  It's normal, and even quite necessary (see above "growth").  Necessary so that we stop and rethink things; necessary so that we learn from our previous "oops."

Finally, just remember, that all these things that seem like such a royal pain, seem so depressing, seem so distracting even, are not only necessary to the betterment of Layo, but are, in fact, normal, and, dare I say it, "good."  To any and all that get the kick out of Layo I have for nearly a year and a half, keep striving to make this place better, and it will be.

Keep rockin'!!!

General Discussion / In case you didn't know...
« on: May 28, 2006, 12:07:35 am »
well, since the demise of the Norseman, I might as well make it publicly known:

I play another character.  Sahala.  And have since last summer.

I kept her semi-secret mostly so that others would not associate her with Cole.  

I will also be introducing Steel, and for any of you who've read Cole's Dev, you'll know who I'm talking about, though if you want more, look up his submission in the approvals forum.

Still, I'm not likely to be playing quite as much as before, but rest assured, I'm not going anywhere.  I'm working behind the scenes with the LORE team, and will continue to do what I can to help this world thrive.

The Silver Buckle / The Wicked End
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:06:15 pm »
[SIZE=24]It's whispered from drunk, to tainted, to hero, to scholar, to villain, to friend... The Norseman is dead. And he's not coming back.   They tell of trolls and evil magic and the fearsome blade still gripped in the dead mercenary’s hand.  Mention of offspring, orphans, and the death of a Demon Card Prince.  His bellowing laugh will be heard no more. The Son of Leilon is dead. [/SIZE]

Wild Surge Inn / The Wicked End
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:04:52 pm »
[SIZE=24]It's whispered from drunk, to tainted, to hero, to scholar, to villain, to friend... The Norseman is dead. And he's not coming back.   They tell of trolls and evil magic and the fearsome blade still gripped in the dead mercenary’s hand.  Mention of offspring, orphans, and the death of a Demon Card Prince.  His bellowing laugh will be heard no more. The Son of Leilon is dead. [/SIZE]

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / The Wicked End
« on: May 27, 2006, 11:02:56 pm »
[SIZE=24]It's whispered from drunk, to tainted, to hero, to scholar, to villain, to friend... The Norseman is dead. And he's not coming back.   They tell of trolls and evil magic and the fearsome blade still gripped in the dead mercenary’s hand.  Mention of offspring, orphans, and the death of a Demon Card Prince.  His bellowing laugh will be heard no more. The Son of Leilon is dead. [/SIZE]

General Discussion / Customization question.
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:40:12 pm »
What is the reason why it costs gold to alter armor and weapons?  If this has been discussed before, please direct me to the discussion, but it seems a little unrealistic that the customization "machines" magically take your gold when you alter your stuff.  Is this supposed to represent something IC?   or just be a money drain?  and if so, can  we just pretend IC that it doesn't happen?  Or do characters know IC how the money's taken and where it goes?

Could not the cost be set to zero all across the board?  In addition, I have known a few who've advertised themselves as designers, and I think that is a nifty and fun RP occupation.  Getting rid of the nonsensical cost to make the design changes would help that profession along, at the very least.

It just doesn't make sense to me to have the cost.  Though I admit never having a problem to pay for it, even when some of the items I've changed cost an excess of 600 gold per torso change.

Fixed Bugs / Dominate Monster- in game description.
« on: May 01, 2006, 06:27:39 am »
It's been suggested that the in-game description of dominate monster differs from the information we have on LORE.  Could someone please verify which information is correct, if indeed they do differ?

The suggestion that this was the case was made here:

Fixed Bugs / Slow loading and "internal error" pages
« on: April 28, 2006, 02:37:19 pm »
Yeah, just that.  and lots of them.  Every other time I try loading a page I'm getting "internal errors."  Maybe it's because I'm running the evil IE.

EDIT:  well, whatever it was, it seems to have finished hiccuping and is working fine now.

General Discussion / Since I don't see it up here:
« on: March 31, 2006, 06:25:14 am »
This is a thanks to the GMs (and the whole team really), specifically Rhizome and Orion and OneST8 (the ones I saw, if I missed someone, please forgive me) for an excellent quest series starter last night.  

The stakes were high, the drama was high, and more importantly, and most definately rhymingly, Cole didn't die!  *snickers*

Seriously, I was engrossed the whole time.  I could feel the tension and those gathered RP'd through it so excellently.  It was well worth staying up 4 hours past my bedtime  :p

Rock on.

Fixed Bugs / query for IRC
« on: March 27, 2006, 10:20:43 am »
I typed "irc" into the query field, and got no results.  Is this supposed to happen?

EDIT: .............  oops.... prolly should have put this in the LORE Bug forum.......

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Commercial and Residential Property
« on: March 21, 2006, 02:18:47 pm »
Okay, I really wish I had thought of this ages ago, as it's really to late now, but hey, better late than never.  This came up in a discussion with Gulnyr, and I decided to post it.

I would like to see a separation of commerical and residential property.  So many people use their houses for business rather than living in, and, honestly, because they have to.

It would be really nice if, say, the major cities had a commerical district in which players could buy property solely to be used a store-front or warehouse or both.  
Specifically, property that doesn't have to belong to some guild.

That then leads into keeping houses solely for residential purposes, not as warehouses.  Which, to me, means reducing the interior size of houses, for one.  I mean, houses are freaking HUGE.  Unfortunately, this would take a mass consensus of players willing to reduce their house size on the whole, and so many use their houses as storage bins (again, because they have no other place for business materials), that this would be quite the feat.

Basically, having houses for characters to "live" in, more the size of apartments unless they pay a LOT more gold to renovate it to more the mansion sizes they are now.  And having commercial property that can be bought and for just the buying and selling part.  For example, in Pranzis, opening up property in the "guild" district for purchase and use only for business, leaving Haft Lake as the residential, hopefully reducing the interior size of a number of the houses somewhat, except for those crazy huge mansions off in the corner.

Granted, there will be plenty who choose to do business from their homes, but such will be those that aren't really merchants, but sell the occasional crafted item now and then.

Naturally, the amount of work involved for something like this is beyond what any of the developers want to deal with at the time, but hey, I'd like to see something like this possibly in the future.

*sits and waits for the stoning to ensue*

Poetic License / Dinosaur on the Floor
« on: March 07, 2006, 08:57:24 pm »
This work has not been completely edited and critiqued, but it's close enough for government work.   :p

Give it a few reads before you settle on an opinion of it.  It's one of my shorter narratives, and one of the few stories I've written that is strongly filtered through "realism."

General Discussion / Swamp Thing
« on: February 21, 2006, 07:02:21 pm »
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to Rhizome for that little on-the-fly investigation he chucked at us this eve.  It was hella fun, and Cole only died once!  =P  Stupid spider webs.  I need some Arachnea boots.... but anyway!!!


Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / something Wicked this way comes...
« on: February 14, 2006, 12:02:56 pm »
Cole swings open the door to his room, and takes a minute to absorb the view.  Grinning, he saunters in, his blood crusted armor rattling with each step.  Mumbling something about oil and a bath, he unbuckles the straps to his breastplate first, before working himself out of his boots and scale leggings.  

Sighing, he leans back in his chair, his skin finally free to breath.  He stretches out his mangled right arm, looking down the length of it's tangled mess of scar tissue and regrown muscle, when he catches sight of his door and realizes he forgot to lock it- a necessary precaution against tipsy, singing halflings come to curl up in a corner of pillows.  Pulling himself out of his desk chair, he moves to the door, his bare feet a wonderous quiet next to the accustomed bang of his boots.  

Locking the door, he turns back to face the pile of crafted metal and leather strips, trying to work up the desire to scrub and oil them.  Then he smiles.  He walks over to the pile, and from the bottom of it, drawing it from its magical sheathe, takes the newly acquired blade into both his hands.  The pommel has a scripted "S" at its base, and magical runes center along the blade, which is cold to the touch.  Very cold.  

He sits down, taking some oil and a rag from a desk drawer, and begins to clean little bits of blood remaining along the five foot length.  Satisfied with the clean sheen of oil, Cole lifts the sword, observing the the curves and points and the shark-tooth tip.  He brings the blade close to his face, gazing at his reflection in it, at the distortions in it, and the memories of each kill the blade has tasted thus far in its still young life appear before the mercenary's coal black eyes.  Cole's nostrils flare, and he takes a deep breath before speaking to the sword.

"The cold heart of death beats within ye and resounds deep in me own arteries.  I shall call ye Wicked, for tis a wicked death ye deal."

A sudden pounding on the door forces him out of his revelry, and a familiar voice bellows over the silence.

"Eewwww!  Coooooole!  The door's locked, and I just stepped in something that looks like-" Acacea swallows hard. "Like goblin brains."

Chuckling, he grabs a robe from the armoir and pads over to the door, laying the sword across the bed.

General Discussion / Just because... and it was a good time, too.
« on: February 07, 2006, 06:54:33 am »
Just rolled out of a quest run by Dezza.  Not sure if I've ever been on one of Dezza's quests before, but hey, might have and just don't recall.  But that's neither here nor there, I suppose, because I want to make a few comments on a few things I noticed while on the quest.  No worries, mate.  They're good.  *grins*

We were a bit of a smallish party, but a rambunctious one nonethless, and by all means, roguish.  (seriously, Cole was the only character there without rogue levels).  As such, and I don't know how planned this was, but Dezza found a way to include each one of our characters "personally" in some aspect of the quest.  When we got near Bloody Gate, Deiwos got to talk to the dwarves; in Himlad, Ireth ran into an Ilsaren she'd conversed with before; etc. (don't ask what Cole got to do...  *snickers*  though it would have made good soup!....if you like that sorta thing....).  

One of the primary reasons this impressed me, however, was that this party included both characters with "strong" personalities and "shy" personalities.  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.  Plus, half the party had prior knowledge of the situation, and half didn't, so this quest could have very easily become a "follow the ringleader like we're all henchmen" quest.  But it wasn't.  And I appreciate that.  Even if Cole isn't one of the "shy" types.  *snickers some more*

Thanks for a good time, Dezza, and all the rest of you lubbers that had to put up with a Troll's arse.  *winks*

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