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Messages - Ne'er

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 22
General Discussion / RE: 10/15/2004
« on: September 11, 2005, 03:47:00 pm »
Hehe... I just joined in July, and just hit the two month mark. I've got a long way to go till a year. :)

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Mes Gots a Rooby!
« on: September 03, 2005, 06:03:00 am »
*glances at the note as he walks by*

Hmm... a Ruby? That could be interesting.

*tacks up a note*

I offer 1500 for it.

- Jet (Red Man to you Glokk)

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: September 01, 2005, 05:06:00 pm »
I have mastered the spinning death... it came with much practice, but it will prove to be useful and worth all the hard work. As Derrick showed me, it works best with a shield. Already many foes have fallen by this new technique, and many more will join them.

The time has almost come, the time to fight my master... to face Tyde once and for all. My skill has improved considerably, as has my equipment. I will use the new stances i have practiced to catch him off guard. He will not expect my fighting style to have evolved. I think it is time that reflect on my final lesson, my final test.

I was woken by Tyde early in the morning. The previous night I had been left behind while the others, the 'full members', performed a raid. Tyde led me out of the camp and into a clearing in the mountains. The morning was cold, but i had become used to the temperatue of the mountains. The trip took an hour or so... not a word was spoken during that time. When I arrived in the clearing, I saw a man bound and blindfolded. I reconized him immediatly... it was Saern. Saern was the best warrior in the group, with the only exception being Tyde. I was wondering what was going on, when Tyde handed me my katana. I looked at him confused. "Kill him" he said. I could not believe it... how could he expect me to kill one of our own. i looked at him and said, "But why Tyde? What has he done?" Tyde looked down at me. "He has dishonored us. He refused to slay one of the witnesses. He showed mercy..." I was utterly confused. Saern had violated the code, but I was not sure he deserved death. "It was a child Tyde... I could not bring harm to him. He reminded me of my son!" Saern yelled. Tyde responed to him by kicking him hard in the gut. "Silence worm" he said. Then he looked back to me. "This is your final test, Jet. Finish Saern, and you will be a full member." I was still unsure of what to do... I held my blade up to Saern's neck, and then pulled back to swing... but I could not. I could not kill this helpless man. My katana clanged as it hit the ground. Tyde did not look surprised by my choice. "I... cannot do it Tyde." Saern breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, in one full motion, Tyde drew his blade and struck Saern, taking his head off.  I could not breath for a moment. "You are weakened by your compassion and sympathy for your enemy. It will go away with time. After all, a warrior that knows his only weakness, has none." Tyde was walking away now. I looked over my shoulder unable to follow. Without even turning around, he said "Welcome to the Crimson Blades, Jet. Your first raid is tomorrow." I slowly began to follow him...

Thinking back on this I feel that I acted out of cowardice. i should not have followed tyde, not after he killed Saern. I knew he was a murderer at that point, but I procceeded with my initiation anyway. i had no where else to turn... but this will not happen again. I have friends now. I have people who care about me, people who love me. I cannot let them down. I cannot allow myself to be haunted by Tyde any longer. I must find him. I must defeat him. I have never been more sure of this.

The time has come. My final test awaits.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Bashin Contest!
« on: September 01, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
*Jet walks by, and quickly reads the note*

Hmm... This could be interesting. It would be nice to know how my combat skills stack up with the other warriors around here. I'll have to see Glokk about this.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Arm of the Ram
« on: August 31, 2005, 03:29:00 pm »
I would like to place an order:

1 cold enchantment II
1 fire enchantment II

I would also like to discuss a certain visual effect...


Roleplaying / RE: How to immerse yourself in the storyline
« on: August 29, 2005, 03:29:00 pm »
For Jet, he came to town after a long battle, and was badly wounded. He collapsed in the town, and I am rping that he was hallucinating about the dragon. He won't tell anyone much about it since he either doesn't care enough, or just doesn't want them to think he is crazy...

General Discussion / RE: A quick good job to Orth
« on: August 29, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
Nice job.

Now if only I could play for four days straight...

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: August 29, 2005, 03:43:00 am »
Again I ran into Derrick, this time amidst a swarm of massive spiders. We he fought it was like a dance. He spun around, striking all the spiders standing next to him. He calls this move the 'spinning death'. Tyde tried to teach it to me, but I still have yet to master it, and be able to put it to practice...

"You have gained much skill since we started, Jet." I nodded bck to Tyde, I had learned much from the first 3 years I had spent with him. "You are becoming formidable in one on one combat. But I wonder how well you will last with more than one opponent?" I looked around. Four of the other warriors walked in, each from the different entrances of the room. They surrounded me, and drew their blades. "Show me your skills Jet. Show me what I have taught you." He smiled and then rose his hand, giving the order for them to begin attacking me. I was easily overpowered. I tried as best as I could to simply block their attacks, but to no avail. I was taking many hard blows, and had little opportunity to strike back. It then came to me... a move that I had seen Tyde trying to teach the others while I was imprisoned. I lashed out in a spinning attack, but then I tripped and fell to the ground. "Stop." Tyde said calmly. The others withdrew themselves from combat, and Tyde walked over to. I was bleeding in many places, and bruised pretty bad. I looked up at him and he smiled. "You try to perform a move far beyond your skill level. It was brave, but it would get you killed in a real fight." I looked back at him and said "But I would have died had I not used the move!" He just looked back at me and said "That is why you must master it." I brought myself up from the ground and looked around. Iric, one of the Crimson Blades who had been involved in that fight had a massive cut on hi arm, one I had given him in my attack. HE just glared at me... we never spoke to each other after that fight.

Derrick it seems has become a master of his blades... more so than even Tyde mastered his katana. Derrick for some reason chose the longsword for his weapon, although he mentioned that perhaps the longsword chose him. That is something I must think about. Perhap sit is my fate t wield the katana, and all these years I have been under the impression that I live and wield my blade at the whim of one man have been an illusion. I will learn one day... I will master the blade, and I will confront my master.

General Discussion / RE: Creating A strong RP Player base
« on: August 28, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
Layo is the first online server i have ever played on. And from what I have heard (from both people on this server and off of it) and experienced in game I could not have started in a better place. The RP here is amazing, and one day I hope to be at least half as good as some of the players out there.

That being said, I don't think there is too many effeective ways to encourage good rp. People who just want to hit areas up for xp are going to do it no matter what (i do it occasionally myself :( , but ive been getting better at resisting the temptations). I think the only real way we can have good rp is in the players hands. It is up to them to make characters that they can get caught up in and enjoy acting like their character.

As for experiences that have made me want to stay forever, just the long hours I find myself staying up just to have a good convesation with one of my characters good friends. The gm led events where you can rp you're character with the different NPC's (something I find real enjoyable). I have not yet had my own cdq, but I am looking forward to it immensly, since I have been on other characters cdqs. Above all this has made me want to stay forever, because the chance to have a quest built around your character is too good to pass.

I have a few favorite roleplaying moments in Layo:

That time when Jet, Rose and Vivian went up to Jet's place in the mountains. They Rp'd being incredibly cold, and I got to play the big tough guy who has lived in the mountains and is used to the cold. The whole ordeal greatly strengthend jet's relationship with both Vivian and Rose.

Another favorite of mine was when Ozy came up and licked the people standing next to me. This was fun and easy to RP because both my character and I were thinking "What the hell is he doing?!"

And the other one would probably be the moment Gloinar described in the swamps. It was awesome. We were like a well-oiled lizard killing machine by the time we got it right (which was just before we left according to Turor). I felt like we were a real adventuring party, because everyone had their roles in the group, and no one questioned them (although if they did I'm sure Turor would have left them in the swamps).

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / RE: Dezza - Canislupis
« on: August 28, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
Hey Dezza, I really enjoyed the Sadness of a Dragon's soul quest you ran awhile back. Now I was interested in knowing if you could run a cdq for Jet. I hoping to do this to have him start taking weapon master levels, plus it will tie up some loose ends in his past. I'm not in any rush to get it done though.

This is my first time requesting a cdq, so forgive me if I don't know what i'm doing  ;)

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: August 27, 2005, 01:41:00 pm »
The Crimson Blades have always used strictly one blade. We use the heavily plated left arm in order to block incoming attacks. We are trained to focus on our blade and only our blade... to cast all other thoughts aside. However, I have differed from the path of the Crimson Blades. I still wear the armor, yes, but I fight differently. I have begun using a smaller katana in my armored hand. While this makes it more difficult to block incoming attacks, I have become quite adept at fighting with two weapons. I have seen others using shields in combat. WHile they fight well with them, the thought never crossed my mind to use one until today...

Today, while traveling near the Far Reach Forest, I encountered a mighty warrior, named Derrick. After observing me fight, he said that I should invest in a shield. He demostrated the usefullness of a shield to me, and I gave in. He gave me a shield to practice with, and it is quite a nice shield. I have done a little training with it, but I still feel awkward fighting with an extra 20 lbs or so on my arm. Still, the shield has proven very useful and has saved my many grievious wounds.

When I told Derrick that I had to focus on my weapon, he told me otherwise. He saide that I must not focus on it, but to instead become the blade. I shall take his advice to heart, as he is as good as, if not better than my master. Master Tyde will be surprised to see me with my new fighting style... and when he is surprised, he will be unprepared to face me.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: August 22, 2005, 05:52:00 pm »
The next few months Tyde focused on getting me to put my emotions aside. He was making incredibly progress. The fear and anger that would swell up inside me in the heat of combat was dissappearing. My swordsmanship improved as well. It was as if my blade was becoming a part of me. But again Tyde tested me, this time playing on a larger fear. One that, until then, I felt was impossible to overcome.

It started off as a simple bit of sparring between us. He was testing the different skills I had learned over the past few weeks. Then a well placed blow forced my blade from my hand. He followed the blow up with a swing to my neck. I closed my eyes...

When I opened them Tyde was standing there smiling, while the blade was barely pressing against my skin. I did not know what to say, what to think. "Had I not so much control over my katana, you would be dead, Jet." He pulled the blade away from my neck. "You were afraid, Jet. Tell me, what is it that you were afraid of?" I stared into his eyes, unsure of how to respond. "Death Jet. It is death you fear." I nodded slowly. Of course I was afraid of death, who wouldn't be? "Toss your fear aside Jet. Accept the fact that you will die. After all, death is inevitable. What does it matter if it happens to you now or when you are old?" There was sense in what he said. At the time I could not believe what I was hearing, but it eventually sank in better, and I began to understand.

"If you are not afraid of death, the enemy will know fear unlike any other. They will see you coming, and when you are not detered by your wounds they will be unsure of how to fight you. Cast aside this fear, Jet, permanently. Do not be held down by mortal fears." The words of the lesson ring in my head even now. My fear of death is aside me now, and as Tyde said it proves to be very useful. I will show Tyde that I am not afraid when the time comes...

Just for Fun / RE: ---
« on: August 21, 2005, 12:33:00 pm »
Jet's mom died in childbirth, and his father (as far as Jet knows) is alive and well in Port Hampshire.

Just for Fun / RE: Sounds of the Dire Woods
« on: August 21, 2005, 12:04:00 pm »
While I agree that the current sounds set does give the place a nice touch, just once I want to walk in and hear the Ghostbusters theme song playing while I'm beating down the wraiths, spectres and shadows in the woods.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The training of Jet
« on: August 19, 2005, 07:39:00 am »
Throughout the next months Tyde taught me the proper way to hold and use my katana. He taught me to dodge blows as well as how to make those that hit me less serious. I was given a katana to fight with, and an armplate to serve as a shield. Tyde had said that the mainfocus of our fighting style was to keep our swordarm mobile, and our free arm empty to focus on deflect blows. I have chosen against this method, as I now use a smaller katana in my other hand. The smaller blade is good for quick counter attacks, just after the arm has absorbed a blow. But there was more to the training than the grip on my sword or the fighting stance I was in.

"Any strong arm can hold a sword, and anyone with quick feet can dodge a blow. However, only when these two are combined, along with a stable mind, is a ture warrior created." This was Tyde's second true lesson. The day that he taught me this was cold, as almost everday was in the mountains. I had walked to the training ground, katana and arm plate ready. Tyde told me to come at him with everything I had. I entered my combat stance at let it at him. I tired every move he had taught me, but I could not land a hit on him. I began to hesitate, I was unsure of where to find the next the opening adn began to hesitate with my attacks. I then felt a searing pain in my swordarm. While of where to strike, Tyde had struck my arm, fortunatley very lightly. He laughed at my pained expression. "You hesitate because you fear defeat. You cannot find an opening, simply because you are afraid you won't find one. Cast away these thoughts of fear, and come at me!" I was angry at his words. I came at him, my full strength behind every blow, I stop thinking about the opening, and only thought of hurting my master.Again, my arm was in pain, another slah from Tyde. Only this time he was laughing. "Your anger fails you, Jet. You do not pay attention to the training at all, only your target. Cast your emotions aside. Forget anger, fear, or compassion for your enemy. Think of only your blade, and your opponent. Now go back to the camp and bandage your arm."

Cast aside my emotions was difficult for me. Throughtout my training I had struggled with it, although eventually I gained a degree of control of anger and fear. But my compassion for the enemy, the one I would eventually learn the most about, I could not let go of. As I reflect now, I realize that this training will be essential to stopping my master...

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Giant picnic
« on: August 18, 2005, 05:31:00 pm »
*Glokk reads, or attempts to read, the note*

Hmm... dat sound like fun. Mes come and play badger song on tambourine.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The Journal of Drake Evermont
« on: August 07, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
28 Seplar, 1387

It has been over a year since the disaster with Cal and the others. While I act casual and try to stay in a good mood, the choice I made to flee weighs heavily on my mind. Some consider me lucky for escaping the fate of the others, but there are times when I feel that I should have stayed and fallen with the others.

But the choice has been made and I cannot look back now. As I have said, I should honor the fallen with future deeds, and what better deed than to return to the site of my fallen comrades? I know that I do not have near enough skill to survive there should I go now, but it ia a goal. When the time comes I shall travel to those ruins again with some companions and find whatever Cal was there for. To this, I swear.

In lighter news, I may move into a house soon. A good friend of mine named A'arna (who seems to be having a good deal oftrouble from Tyrin, I trust her though) is gathering some people to move into a house in Lar with her. I believe that I might do it. After all, I may never be able to afford a house on my own.

I have also done my first performance at the Leilon Arms Inn. I was the opening act, and many people missed it, but I played my best nonetheless. Quin is a good man for giving me that oppurtunity. Maybe I shall perform there in the future?

As for now, I believe I may take a trip to the Great Library. I have learned that a portal to it exists in Blackford Castle. While there, I believe I shall study my elven, as well as do research for this new quest I have undertaken. Without Cal's map, I cannot find the ruins, so I shall make a new map by doing research at the Library. I may be gone for weeks, or even months. Either way, it may be a while before I write in this journal again.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Gem dust wanted
« on: August 07, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
I have some of the dust you need.

-Drake Evermont

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Performers wanted!
« on: August 04, 2005, 01:17:00 pm »
*a note tacked up next to the original*

This is Drake Evermont. I spoke to Quin about performing at the inn and I would like to continue to do so. Howver, regrettfully I may have to be a little late. Hopefull it is not a problem.

Drake Evvermont

//I will not be available until about 7pm EST. Sorry for any inconvience. If I can still play there, that would be great//

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Haul 'n' Maul
« on: August 02, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
*Glokk walks up, spends a long time trying to read the note, and gets angry*
*he then yells*
Me no coward! Glokk was talking to witch! Mean man lies about Glokk! Me could smash better dan him any day!

*he then tears Massanissa's the note of the wall, eats it, and belches very loudly*

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