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Messages - Leanthar

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Server Rules / Griefing, Guilds, Sex, Telepathy, Deities Update
« on: November 30, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
I want to remind everybody once again that ALL guilds, associations, clans, or whatever you may want to call them are to be approved by us before they are allowed. They are not allowed until that is done. We do this for a good reason; we do it so that we can keep the server a family oriented server as well as to protect the community and feel of the server. This is a rule that will not be deviated from and it is important to the server and community.  Sex, in all forms is off limits in all locations associated to Layonara. Kisses, hugs, displays of emotion/effection are fine, as is marriage. But it must be decent enough for a family environment, use common sense.Do not solicit for it in any way shape or form, ever. Do not grief with it in any way shape or form. This is very important to the support of the community. If this rule is not followed I will need to ban it completely. Do not use Layonara as a sex environment; do not use Layonara, to find friends/mates in order to have sex etc. Do not use tells or anything like that to have sex in a non-RP fashion—it is unacceptable. That is not what this server is about—no exceptions. And please do not make me try to define RP and sex RP. Let’s use common sense on this subject.  If a player is found to cause hardship or is griefing another player with things of this nature it is grounds for banning and there may be no additional warning at all. This is a hard fast rule from this point forward.   Telepathy; There is a reason we do not allow this ability, even though it does exist in D&D and such. People tend to abuse this and we have seen this trend recently. Telepathy is forbidden unless it is done in a GM run quest via the GM and the player only or unless a GM is interacting with another player in some way—GM not player to player. There are no exceptions to this rule. I have seen too many abuses over the course of my GM’ing years and I continue to see it happening.  Deities do not interact with players at all. The only exception is when a GM is interacting with a player and is RP’ing the personification of the deity. Players do not have sex with the deities, they do not communicate with them. GM’s are the only ones that can initiate the contacting of a deity.  We don't need nor do we want this type of thing here, nor do we want the real life implications. We should not have to spend countless hours on things like this and I think everybody knows what Layonara is about--and it is not this sort of stuff. If you want to do this sort of thing then Layonara is not the server for you, and that is a fact. If you want to do that sort of thing it is time to move on and find another server as it will not be tolerated here.  
 Folks, Layonara is a family server. The team needs your help to keep this community alive and family oriented.  
Let’s keep it that way. When you see this sort of thing being abused let the team know so that we can handle it as quickly as possible.  

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Dezza
« on: November 28, 2005, 11:54:00 am »
Happy B-Day! :)

Layonara Server / World Clock Timezones
« on: November 19, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
For those interested or planning for quests:

Layonara Server / A letter from Queen Allurial and King Waylend
« on: November 13, 2005, 07:22:00 am »
*tacked to all taverns and crafting locations around Mistone and Dregar*

[SIZE=18]Citizens of Mistone and Dregar, it is with a sad heart that we must inform you that the Kingdom of Roldem has fallen to the forces of Blood. To travel to Roldem is certain death, so be wise.  All military forces are herby mobilized to serve on active duty.  Blood now controls sixty five percent of the world and with the harbor of Tibum controls a strategic location to strike out at both Mistone and Dregar with little to no notice.  It is time that for everybody to work together and defeat this fiend. More equipment is needed in order to outfit troops of all types, therefore, all blacksmiths and indeed crafters of all types, are now drafted to serve military needs. We are also need to increase or monetary depository and as such will not turn down any donation.  The Mistone Alliance is in charge of gathering these items and delivering them to Blackford Castle and Pranzis accordingly.  Stand up and meet this challenge, stand up and defeat this beast.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Queen Allurial King Waylend[/SIZE]

General Discussion / Sorry Ice and to your players!!
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:14:00 am »
I had a report of bad lag, unbelieveably bad it sounded like.  As such I did a quick server reboot.  Sadly I missed the 9am PST scheduled quest when I read through the calendars and just messed everything that you had set up for the players.  Very sorry Ice.

We need to meet in hlint today so I can replace the item that is not working properly.  Very sorry for this.  I will log in to hlint two times today in the hopes of meeting up with everybody.  After that I will have other GM's hand out the item. 
  I will log in to hlint at 10am PST and 2pm PST, hopefully I can get everybody at that time.
  Please pass the word along so that we can get this resolved ASAP.

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Raylynn!
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:09:00 am »
*chuckles* Raylynn (my daughter) is 3 years old today, I just wanted to let everybody know. :)

Layonara Server / Dungeon - Sielwood Ruins
« on: October 25, 2005, 10:21:00 am »
The dungeon called Sielwood Ruins (found in the Sielwood Forest) is now off limits.  There are a few strange things happening with a few encounters down there. Please do not enter the dungeon and if you do you are on your own, including DT's, XP etc.
  Thank you for your cooperation.

Character Submissions / Do Not PM GMs About Character Submissions
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:33:00 am »
Alright everybody.  This is getting out of hand. I want to remind you that we do this for free and when we have time to get in to the forums and game to work on things we do.  We do this as often as we can and we try to be as timely as possible.  Sometimes RL and other things do not allow us to be here 24/7 (no really, it doesn't) even though a few of us would like that and it seems like a few players demand it.  So have some patience please, we need to have a life as well.  Please do NOT PM GM's asking for character approvals and such--this has gotten out of hand.  No more PM'ing GM's asking us to come and approve characters.
  Thank you for your understanding.

General Discussion / Happy B-Day to OneST8
« on: October 10, 2005, 10:44:00 am »
Happy B-day!
  Not a whole lot of people know him but he has a very important role on another side project--nothing more I can say about that at this time. ;)

General Discussion / Raman Davis and Elrina have been banned
« on: October 02, 2005, 03:22:00 pm »
Just in case people miss the post in the Layonara Server area......
  You may post in that thread if you want ( )
  It is a sad day I have to say at the least. We have been tracking some strange things in what we thought was a CNR issue but have instead come to find much more than that.....a player exploiting a broken quest that gives both gold and XP as reward(which was not reported—we just found it during this process). This player was using unapproved characters to run to a location be given an item (of which the main exploiter had around 40 in his inventory—by a duplication process—see below) and turn in the quest item for both of them to get xp and gold over and over again. Then on top of that that this player is also duplicating items to advance in crafting as well as spreading items among friends and acquaintances which is being done by exploiting a well known nwn/firewall issue and using multiple cd-keys. Everybody should be crystal clear that all of this is against the rules of the server and in this case it is obvious that this has been happening for a long time with sole intention of exploiting.
  The saddest thing is that at the beginning of our research we went to this person (not knowing anything weird was happening at this time mind you) and asked how certain skill values were up so fast and the player stated it was a legit and on the up and up, that he just played many hours a week etc.—which is/was an outright blatant lie. We started going down the path of something weird in code and then we saw the quest exploit with that player and a few other unapproved characters (played by multiple bioware accounts using various cd-keys). We then saw this person duplicating items and giving them out to people during the duplication process. He was trying so hard to harm the world and community that he was despicable enough to resort to using two or three separate cd-keys to do part of the exploit.
  With that said the following forum, and nwn accounts have been banned—on top of that their entire IP ranges have been banned as well:
  + zeeg_zeeg99 (and 4 other accounts that he uses) – Raman Davis is the character name.
  + Genignesn, Elrina Thell (caught picking up a clearly dupped box of potions during one of his routines, and it was done so smoothly that it had clearly happened before)
  Without a doubt this was the most despicable thing I have seen while running Layonara. It is disheartening to see a human being stoop so low as to do this and outright, blatantly lie about things. Just terrible. Good riddance.

Layonara Server / All servers are going down
« on: October 02, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
All servers are going down for about 10 minutes. I need to update the ban list on all serves. Sorry for the inconvienence.

Layonara Server / Raman and Elrina have been banned
« on: October 02, 2005, 03:07:00 pm »
It is a sad day I have to say at the least. We have been tracking some strange things in what we thought was a CNR issue but have instead come to find much more than that.....a player exploiting a broken quest that gives both gold and XP as reward(which was not reported—we just found it during this process). This player was using unapproved characters to run to a location be given an item (of which the main exploiter had around 40 in his inventory—by a duplication process—see below) and turn in the quest item for both of them to get xp and gold over and over again. Then on top of that that this player is also duplicating items to advance in crafting as well as spreading items among friends and acquaintances which is being done by exploiting a well known nwn/firewall issue and using multiple cd-keys. Everybody should be crystal clear that all of this is against the rules of the server and in this case it is obvious that this has been happening for a long time with sole intention of exploiting.
  The saddest thing is that at the beginning of our research we went to this person (not knowing anything weird was happening at this time mind you) and asked how certain skill values were up so fast and the player stated it was a legit and on the up and up, that he just played many hours a week etc.—which is/was an outright blatant lie. We started going down the path of something weird in code and then we saw the quest exploit with that player and a few other unapproved characters (played by multiple bioware accounts using various cd-keys). We then saw this person duplicating items and giving them out to people during the duplication process. He was trying so hard to harm the world and community that he was despicable enough to resort to using two or three separate cd-keys to do part of the exploit.
  With that said the following forum, and nwn accounts have been banned—on top of that their entire IP ranges have been banned as well:
  + zeeg_zeeg99 (and 4 other accounts that he uses) – Raman Davis is the character name.
  + Genignesn, Elrina Thell (caught picking up a clearly dupped box of potions during one of his routines, and it was done so smoothly that it had clearly happened before)
  Without a doubt this was the most despicable thing I have seen while running Layonara. It is disheartening to see a human being stoop so low as to do this and outright, blatantly lie about things. Just terrible. Good riddance.

Layonara Server / Economy/High Level Items Request
« on: October 01, 2005, 01:21:00 pm »
Hello everybody, I would like to request that you try not to sell more than one or two +3 or equivalent items per RL month.  You can make all you want for your own character but please try not to flood the market with these items.  This is not a rule, but it is a request and I hope you respect the request.  

Thank you.  

Layonara Server / My next Trilogy
« on: September 25, 2005, 08:19:00 pm »  That starts the next trilogy.
  This next trilogy is different than anything I have run before.  Make sure you completely understand that when you join the first quest that you will NOT be able to play that character again until AFTER you leave the dungeon (if you do).  This is important and it will be enforced by the GM team.  There are two exceptions (due to RL and scheduling etc.) and that is if you have a CDQ/GCDQ or ECDQ scheduled during that time frame.  Since it is already hard enough to schedule things around the player(s) and GM we will let this one slide and you will be able to participate in both (if the event revolves around your character/guild/organization--not another character and you are just a party member).  But it will be the players responsibility to have the character back on the appropriate server at each of the scheduled plot quests at the proper time so that I can put you back with the party. 
  Also make sure each and every one of you are coming prepared for a full blow dungeon delve, not just hack and slash of creatures/traps.  You will need to be prepared or you will fail, and probably cause the party to fail.  So anything and everything that you can think of for PnP type dungeon delves may very well be required along the route. There are no 'safety' areas along the way, there are no 'restocking' areas along the way.
  Forewarned. :)

General Discussion / Happy B-Day Edtheket
« on: September 25, 2005, 05:15:00 pm »
It was yesterday but I was out of town and did not have internet access.
  Happy belated B-Day!

Fixed Bugs / Skunk Walkpaths - Remove them
« on: September 20, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
They are causing various other problems....
    Posted by Talan in some other thread and copied to here for reference........
  About the skunks... those are just weird and having them in weird places doesnt neccissarily mean someone lured them. All the skunks on west are weird because of the skunks that walk the waypoints at the lake north of hlint east outskirts. All skunks are drawn to that area as they try to make their daily pilgrimage to skunk mecca as demanded by their religion. The ones in haven probably decided it was faster to go through the desert and north and around to get there (since the intra-area pathfinding is often weird, I'm betting the inter area path finding can get really weird) and then got distracted by all those tasty chickens or something *shrugs*

General Discussion / Happy B-Day to Vyris
« on: September 13, 2005, 09:22:00 am »
Have a good one.

General Discussion / To anybody that registered in the past 4 hours
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:44:00 pm »
I have been unable to receive email from the server for about four hours now, but that is now fixed.  If you registered during this time please register again.
  By "register" I mean this link and not character submissions or forum posts:

General Discussion / Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:35:00 pm »
There is no swearing/cussing etc. on these forums and in this community. It shows a lack of intelligence and respect.  So... Please do not use that language.  Thank you.

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