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Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The Journal of Drake Evermont
« on: August 02, 2005, 04:47:00 pm »
12 Jular, 1287

The past few weeks have been interesting. I shall try to sum them up:

Myself, Glokk, Cathy Rolands a mage named A'arna, a drow named Calorfin, Mender, and an elven sailor named Raestra attempted to clear the Haven Mines of the ogre problem. We had little trouble until after we killed the chieftain. Rienforcements arrived and made short work of the group. When I saw Glokk fall,  I knew there was little anyone could do. I fled along with Cathy and Raestra, but Raestra was cut down before she could escape. We waited around for a while and then went in looking for survivors. Glokk and Calorfin survived and worked their way out with us.We soon learned that Raestra and Mender also survived, and turned in the head of the chieftain (who, might I add, was the ugliest ogre I have ever seen!). The Lord of Haven seemed grateful to us.

Raestra, the elven sailor, is quite the person. She seems desperate to get back on the water. I can't blame her. I miss the salty sea air... She offered me a posisition in her crew. Whenshe gets the boat I would be glad to assist her. Adventure on the might certainly be more entertaining than these land adventures. Still, who knows how long it will take her to get a ship...

One day, while gathering silk in the Sielwood I saw the biggest beetle ever! I large group of people were fighting it, and I joined in. As it turns out, these people were traveling with Ayreon, the drow that was being hunted by the other drow a while back. I joined the group. We were off to the High Forest to find a ranger. While there we learned that all the drow with us had contracted a curse, that would turn them into driders, if I am correct. While in the High Forest, we encountered a massive purple worm! The worm was maginificent in its own way. We were forced to fight it, although we did not manage to kill it. It fled back to the tunnels that it had made. We set off to Spellgard and met with a gnome transmuter. While he offered to cure the drow, he had more sinister plans. Instead he turned into a massive beast, like a Hydra of some sort. It was very powerful, but we managed to kill it. When it died, it turned into slime and emptied into the sewers. We learned that there was a cure, and the drow would pursue attaining it. Still, many things were left unfinished. We will likely meet again to continue Ayreon's journey.

As for more recent things...

I have begun learning elvish from a kind young elf named Spinda. She began teaching me some of the basics of the elven langauge. I have learned my name, as well as 'hello', 'goodbye', 'how are you', and 'thank you'. Already I have commited these words to memory. It is such an amazing langauge, and it seems to flow very easily off of the tongue. I cannot wait until I may speak it as fluently as Spinda does.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Platinum Shields
« on: August 02, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »
I agree. Scientifically it is impossible to have giant ants and spiders. What should it matter if a fantasy game doesn't follow the real laws of the universe.

Just for Fun / RE: Invoking D&D Gods
« on: August 01, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
They might be on to something. Maybe after fifty shots of vodka, a fall down a really long flight of stairs, and the repeated bashing of your head againsst a wall might allow you to meet a D&D god. I think that they are all overlooking the easiest summoning methods.  ;)

Go to this link:

I laughed so hard the first time I heard this. The good thing is this is *supposed* to be a joke.

"D&D is not like chess or Monopoly. It is a game that engages the whole person at deep levels, and it can last months if well-played."

I have played games of monopoly that took months. Is that evil too? Does that mean that I am being brainwashed into becoming a real estate tycoon?

And I don't know about you guys, the D&D games that I have played never got all that serious. We kind of sit around, make fun of each other, and eat a lot of snacks. That must be why it's so fun!

Just for Fun / RE: Familliars
« on: July 30, 2005, 05:02:00 pm »
I like the bat. Not really sure why. Its horrible in combat. But I usually name my bat Dracula, which is kina fun.

Just for Fun / RE: Cake or death?
« on: July 30, 2005, 04:47:00 pm »
mmm... cake...


2 Mar, 1387

Today was not a very good day. I am lucky to be able to continue to write in this journal after the incidents that have occured today. Allow me to start from the beginning. While wandering through town, I recognized a women from the massive raid on the ogres the other night. Her name was Mei, and she had a very unusual style of dress. We decided to travel to the swamps together, in hopes of bettering our skills. She fought very well. When I questioned her about her skills she stated that her katana was all she had.

Things didn't start to go bad until we got very far into the swamps. We underestimated the strength of a particular group of lizardmen. Even her great skill could not save us. We were easily defeated. We were aided in an attempt to return to ourgraves by a drow wizard. I didn't catch his name, although I would like to thank him sometime. The spell he cast on us turned us invisible. Unfortunatley the spell wore off too soon. We had to try again to reach our graves. This time Mei attempted to lead the lizards away. I managed to restore myself, but Mei was killed in the process. She is a brave woman who told me she did not fear death. This time, I would be the one to lead the lizards away so Mei could restore herself. Unfortunatley, not all the lizards fell for it this time and Mei failed to restore herself.

Then we caught our only bit of luck the entire time spent in the swamps. The lizards had abandoned the spot where Mei had fallen. She successfully restored herself. Then, as we were leaving, a swarm of mosquitos attacked us. There did not seem to be a way for us to kill them with our swords, so we fled the swamps. The swarm followed us to town, where a group of people assisted us in finding a way to kill the mosquitos. We tried nearly everything. Swatting, swinging, hacking, slashing, and even bombarded by Alchemist's Fire. In the end, it was a simple pack ox that saved the day and defeated the swarm.

Mei was dissappointed in herself. She said that her skill had suffered, and she had lost all her gold. I know what she means. I can't concentrate quite a well in combat. Perhaps this will heal with time. In any case, we have both learned a valuable lesson. Our rashness was our downfall. From now on I, and I am pretty sure Mei, will think through things more before we act. I a very high price has been paid to learn a simple lesson.

Meeting Mei also made this experience not quite as bad. She seems to be an honorable woman and devoted woman. I hope to travel alongside her again, hopeful to much more success. No matter what, I need a few drinks to put this behind me. My body aches, and my head is killing me. I'll have a few drinks, and then get some sleep. This has been a really rough day. It will be a long time before I return to the swamps.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Spell Components
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
*a new poster is tacked up over the old one*

After consulting some experts on spell components, I have learned that I was sorely mistaken with my prices and what I should have in stock. I think I will return to perfecting my music.

Drake Evermont

//Sorry, I didn't realize how overpriced everything was. My lenssaid that it was worth far more. Thank you for calling me on it though.//

26 Janra, 1387

These past few days have been quite the adventure. In Hlint I met a brownie by the name Talisen Gamble. This is the first brownie I have ever seen. They are very interesting creatures. They are filled with energy, yet also seem quite skiddish. Talisen said that he was searching for his family, which had apparently been kidnapped. I offered to help him should he find any leads. We then decided to go on a hunt for cougars and bears. Talisen led me to Port Hampshire. However, we were ambushed on the way by a pair of griffins. i managed to kill the griffins, but not before Talisen fell. I remained in the city in order to recover my strength.

Thankfully, Talisen was alright. I traveled to Fort Hope, and there I encountered a friend named Suliss Dobluth. She is a drow warrior who is incredibly skilled. She had brought Talisen (or at least the ghost of Talisen) with her. We managed to get to Port Hampshire safely with the help of Suliss and her friends.

From Port Hampshire I learned that we would be traveling to Rilara. Talisen did not have enough money to pay for a ticket, so I offered to buy his. The passage was expensive, but I had enough gold to cover each of us. This would be my first ime ever setting foot off of the continent of Mistone.

We arrived in Point Harbor without any difficulty. We set off in search of the animals that we had come to hunt. We came across a pair of cougars first. We killed and skinned them (I think that Johan will be happy with these!), and then we set off to find the bears.

Disaster quickly struck, as we were attacked by the largest griffin I have ever seen. I was mortally wounded by the Griffin. My last sight was the fleeing Talisen, and my last thought was that Talisen managed to escape safely. I was happy for him...

The gods must favor me! I managed to survive. I was simply a shadow of my former glory, though. I had to remain in Hlint for many hours before I would be able to return and help Talisen. I was offered help by many friends, including Glokk Battlecry, a half-giant warrior, Millana, a human mage, and Suliss Dobluth. I did not want any of them to have to go to Rilara with me, so I refused their offers. I met a friend of Talisen's named Amra. She seemed distraught to know that Talisen was in Rilara. Soon after I recovered from my recent passing, and we set off to rescue Talisen. When we arrived in Port Hampshire, I paid to go and get Talisen. We came back and I watched the reunion of Amra and Talisen. Talisen had the bear pelts that we set out ot get, making the adventure a success. I had to leave the two brownies then, but I shall certainly look forward to meeting them.

Of course, I do not plan to return to Rilara for awhile. I guess I shall return to Hlint and give Johan his pelts. This has been quite the adventure.

25 Novlar, 1386

This has been a very interesting day. I was returning to Hlint from the Sielwood (I was gathering spider silk) and I stopped at the camp just outside of Hlint. There was a group of drow sitting around the fire, talking about the underdark. A dwarf was standing guard. I was chatting with the dwarf when all of a sudden it went black, as if the light stolen from us. I heard something walk by soon after. I drew my weapons. When the light returned, the drow were enthralled in a battle against a new group of drow. I joined in and helped fight the new drow. I was incredibly confused. Only a few minutes after we had dispatched the drow, some ran outr of the town saying that the drow had attacked it. We all grouped up and tried to figure out what was happening, when the darkness returned once again. This time spiders were attacking. We fought hard, and the spiders were killed. However we stilled needed to know what was happening.

We gathered up in the town square. One of the drow began telling us that the drow were after him. Turor Sunderstone, however, seemed to blame him for the attack. There ws much arguing after this. No one knew quite what was to be done. Eventually, a large group rallied up and went off to defend the drow they were after (I can't remember his name. It must have been in elvish). We went to the Greypeak Mountains and planned to set up a base there. However, even more arguing began from there. We were not really sure the best way to defend the area. Eventually it was agreed that we would leave and defend somewhere else.

Unfortunately I was forced to part company with the small army that we had assembled. I had to return to Hlint. I fear I may never know the fate that befell that group.

23 Novlar, 1386

I have been in Hlint for over a week now. It seems that many travelers use Hlint as a base of operations. And why shouldn’t they? It has a branch of the Layonara World Bank (which I have opened an account at), as well as numerous shops and an inn. It is also in between Haven Castle and Fort Llast, giving me easy access to many places.

I have also met many great people here in Hlint. I met Agnis Starmantle, a young wizard, in the Red Light Goblin Caves. I was there to do some mining, and she was planning to kill some goblins. She seemed young and new to the adventuring business, well, newer than me. However, we were ambushed on the lower levels by a group of goblins and were badly hurt. Back at town we met up with some new people, including a large half-giant named Fragsnot. He had helped me a few days ago in the crypts of the town. While when I first came here I had my doubts about whether or not it was a good idea to allow the giants in town, if they are all like Fragsnot, they are fine by me. I have also met a women named Mary Bloodaxe. She was a fine warrior, but her behavior was a little odd. She also appeared to be pregnant. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing any of these people again in the future.

Novlar 17, 1386

I arrived in a small town named Hlint a few days ago. I have have been working out of this town for a little bit. The locals have the occasional odd-jobs for me to perform, and the pay is not great, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? Even though delivering letters is not so glamorous, I puts some coin in my pocket. I haven't had many chances to tell me stories, but I am also not quite sure who will appreciate them.

The people that travel frequently through the town are a motley collection. I have seen many of the common races, especially dwarfs. But I have also seen numerous half-giants and drow! It is amazing that the guards don't attack some of these travelers on sight, or run in fear. Perhaps the people of the town are just very accepting.

I have tried to craft many items using materials I have gathered. It has proven to be very difficult and I am afraid that local druids will be angry at me for chopping down half of the Hlint wood. I think I will put some of the crafting behind me for a while, andinstead focus on my combat and healing skills.

One thing that has proven to be an increasing problem for me is my armor. It restricts my movements and hinders my spell-casting abilities. The shield doesn't help much either. I have to undress and then get dressed again if I plan to cast healing spells on people. I believe Cal told me of people known as Spellswords, famous for their ability to cast spells while in armor. Perhaps I should seek out the advice of a "Spellsword". Who knows, they may even be able to teach me how to become one...

General Discussion / Regarding the Character Submission Process
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:21:57 am »
This post is in regards to this thread.
Perhaps I am reading to much into this, but I am finding this process to be borderline absurd.

In my first submission, the only initial critical response I was given was that Aldemar was too powerful. And this was nearly a week after posting. I was then told to update several other things that, while I thought them insignificant, I was more than willing to work around. Yet now I am being told that there is no evidence that he is evil. Why was this not brought up after the initial submission? I did not dumb down the evil between submissions; the morality section remained unchanged, meaning that in that first full week that I am to presume this was being "discussed" no one noticed a problem with his level of evil. Instead extensive detail was given to me that my concept of teaching himself to read is unrealistic.

Which brings me to my second point: if I hadn't brought this up anything about Aldemar's literacy, but still had him come from a farming family it would have been assumed he was literate. Every character on this server is assumed to be literate, and it would almost seem to be the case that one would need to specify if they were not. Yet my biography is still being slowed down because a story of a character teaching himself to read is unrealistic. I should also mention that historically, man intelligent people have taught themselves to read with very simple materials, very smart people. A character with an Intelligence score has roughly an IQ of 160, well beyond genius level. I think it is fair to say that over several years they could accomplish this task. But I suppose in the end it is not my decision.

Finally, it was over a week ago that I updated the submission, with no updates, no mention that it is being reviewed: nothing. Why? Is it so difficult to simply let someone know that something is being discussed? What really makes this so utterly incomprehensible to me is that after all that time, I was informed that the information provided in the original bio was not sufficient, and a full 2 weeks after submitting the character I am finally informed of this. I worry that even if I did continue to update this biography with every request I would not get a character approved until mid-June.

I understand that it is more difficult to get an evil character approved, but taking a few minutes to look through the Character Submissions and Recent Approvals shows that many characters, not just “special” are suffering from approval lag. It's not that some bios just take a while, it really just seems like approvals are moving slowly.

I guess what my real, final criticism is just in regards to this character approval system. It is unfathomable for you to force people to get characters pre-approved if you continue to have such a slow response rate and such high approval standards. It is just not sustainable. It kills any excitement a player has for their new character. On March 26th I was very excited to rejoin my brother in this online world, and I was fantasizing about the various fun activities I could get involved in. I eagerly refreshed the page every 20 minutes. Then a few days passed, and I got less excited. Of course, it was rejuvenated when I was finally informed that about my character, and I was willing to make the changes. But now, 2 weeks out from the excitement, I now could care less about this character, as the process of getting it approved has been such a bore and such a headache that instead of developing a detailed character that was well-thought out and interesting, I'm left submitting drafts of a biography that are being reviewed with higher standards than my political philosophy professors hold. Not too mention, they can get back to me faster.

The final point is that I truly question the usefulness of this system. If you cannot respond in a reasonable time frame or make it relatively easy for characters to be approved, then you are going to kill excitement. I was once a GM myself on this server. I greatly enjoyed working on this server, and I was very much looking forward to coming back with a character that would be a lot of fun for me to play (as a DM in a Pen and Paper game, villains come much more naturally to me than heroes, so I submit evil characters). As a current college student, I know how difficult it is to balance all these things. Which is why I suggest re-evaluating this system, and considering lowering the bar, taking on more character approvers, and have some kind of formalized process. None of this “oh, by the way, your character is not evil enough. Sorry we didn't tell you 2 weeks ago.” You're going to stop new characters from coming in, and you'll kill the excitement of older players or returning players. Something needs to change about this system, otherwise you're going to find that not only will this current version of this server suffer, but you're going to have trouble getting people to pay to wait for 2 weeks, especially if you are trying to capture the roleplayer niche of the MMORPG market. And please don't tell me that the process is so intensive that it cannot be done quicker. 4 years ago when I played here regularly character submissions were approved or updated almost always within 3 days, and never got beyond a week. I remember L giving all the GM's permission to approve characters just because they had been backed up, and this was when the oldest submission was approaching a week. Clearly submissions can be approved quickly, yet somehow this process has deteriorated.

I know that Layonara is better than this, I've seen it. I am sorry if my tone appears sarcastic or angry, I assure my intent is not to hurt any feelings and I really do offer most of this criticism with the hope that the Character Submission process will be re-revaluated.

I'm posting this in both General Discussion and the Character Submission. Consider my submission of Aldemar Roc withdrawn.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Journal of Nicolai T'alsun
« on: July 17, 2007, 07:30:29 pm »
*A leather-bound book rests within the pack of Nicolai T'alsun. Never does he leave the book open, unless he is certain he is alone. Never does he allow another being to look upon the words he writes. The book is black, with a silver lining the edges, and the writing within is written in a deep black*

General Discussion / Just Poking In
« on: February 20, 2007, 02:25:09 pm »
Dropping in to say hi to one and all. Lots of names I don't recognize, but that's to be expected. I'm considering submitting a new character, but don't know exactly what yet... so, hey everybody?

General Discussion / Stepping Down
« on: October 23, 2006, 01:13:57 pm »
Hey everyone. As most of you have known I have been a GM here at Layonara for roughly 9 or 10 months now. It has been one of the most amazing and fun things I have done in my life, and I would just like to thank everyone whose been on my quests, or who heled me along the way. I want to thank Leanthar for setting up and devoting so much time to such a great place, as well as the other GMs for all their hard work.

Unfortunately, I have had no time to think lately, much less DM for the team or get in and play in game, which some of you may also have noticed. School, work, and just life in general have reared their ugly heads and at the moment I really don't have the time to run quests and have the stress of helping to keep this world together. So I have decided to step down from the GM team.

I would like to apologize for those of you on the Trilogy of the Orb series. I had a blast with all of you, and I really wanted to finish it. Sadly, it wasn't in the cards.

And I guess that would be all. So for one last time "Go now, and do not return"

*the Admiral salutes and sails off into the sunset*

General Discussion / My Pirates Quest For Tonight....
« on: September 26, 2006, 03:53:39 am »
Will be postponed by a week due to me being busy. Sorry for any inconviences.

Development Journals and Discussion / Tallas-- Journal of the Darkness
« on: September 05, 2006, 05:35:09 pm »
**a small black book rests within a brown satchel strapped to the side of a man wearing a brown robe. He does his best to appear non-descript, but at many times accidently draws attention to himself trying to cover his face. Those who glimpse his face notice his incredibly pale white skin, and red eyes. His very appearance appears... fiendish.

He keeps the book hidden deep within his satchel, letting only himself know of its existance, and making doubly sure that no one takes the pack from him.

The man moves into the darkest corners of town, keeping himself in shadows and averting his eyes from light. The man acts oddly, but keeps to himself, doing his best not to disturb those in passing.

When he writes, he writes alone in the dark. He has grown accustomed to this lighting. his writing is neat and clear, and occasionally maps are included, and notes arewmade in the margins. But mostly it includes accounts of his travels and affairs...**

Rumour Has It / WANTED-- The Axehandle
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:25:18 pm »
Terrance "The Axehandle" Ferrin
Described as a human male with tanned skin and brown eyes. Should be considered armed and dangerous. Wanted for murder and smuggling withing the city limits of Hurm. A reward of 5000 gold coins and the gratitude of The Seven Swords is offered to the person whom brings the head of the Axehandle back to Hurm.

Any and all seeking this bounty should first report to the patrol office in Hurm for more information. A penalty of up to 1500 coins may be charged if you have not met with an officer in Hurm first.

Joel Kallihan
Commander of Hurm

**the seal of the Seven Swords decorates the bottom of the poster**


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