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Messages - Stephen_Zuckerman

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Trade and Market Hall / Wanted - Healing Wands
« on: August 29, 2006, 04:00:47 pm »
I'd like to purchase a few healing wands... Any offers? Leave them here with some information to contact you by.

~ Pyyran Rahth

General Discussion / Counterspell Questions
« on: August 20, 2006, 10:53:00 am »
Okay... So, I play a Wizard, but I can't seem to quickslot Counterspell mode.

First-off, I have no idea how Counterspell mode actually works; I've never played a spellcaster in single-player.

Second, is this disabled on Layo, or... What are the changes?

Fixed Bugs / Acrobatic Attack
« on: August 16, 2006, 08:54:17 pm »
From a discussion on IRC tonight, I've found that either the description for Acrobatic Attack is wrong, or the script is.

Apparently, there is no Knockdown associated with Acrobatic Attack.

Just for Fun / The 8 Ball Hates Me
« on: August 16, 2006, 07:46:30 pm »
(22:43:52) Stephen: So, will I be free of the vicious time bubble, oh Magic 8 Ball?
(22:43:53) IDii: I hope not
(22:43:54) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:43:55) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: My reply is no.
(22:44:00) Stephen: *Cries.*
(22:44:00) ***Itell giggles
(22:44:01) IDii: zing
(22:44:09) nepp: burn
(22:44:16) Daeron: Timebubbles can become frustrating.
(22:44:16) nepp: by a script
(22:44:17) Stephen: How 'bout this. Will PYYRAN be free?
(22:44:20) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:44:21) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: Reply hazy, try again.
(22:44:22) Daeron: One timebubble at a time is nothing
(22:44:24) Stephen: >/
(22:44:27) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:44:28) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: Cannot predict now.
(22:44:28) Itell: hee.
(22:44:31) Stephen: YARG!
(22:44:39) Stephen: ...
(22:44:43) Stephen: How 'bout now?
(22:44:43) Daeron: I'm actually in a timebubble on a quest that works in my favour
(22:44:44) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:44:46) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: Yes - definitely.
(22:44:46) ***Itell was on two timebubbles once
(22:44:48) Stephen: Woo!
(22:44:52) Itell: the Hunt and the Tower in the Fog.
(22:44:54) Itell: that was a treat.
(22:44:55) IDii: Did you just lie?
(22:44:56) IDii: ~8ball
(22:44:57) aragen: IDii: The Magic 8 Ball States: Better not tell you now.
(22:44:59) IDii: ..
(22:45:04) nepp: hah
(22:45:15) IDii: That raises some suspicion
(22:45:16) Stephen: Oh dear.
(22:45:17) Stephen: I'm dead.
(22:45:19) Stephen: Am I dead?
(22:45:21) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:45:22) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: Signs point to yes.
(22:45:23) ***Pibemanden waves goodnight
(22:45:25) IDii: Uh oh
(22:45:28) nepp: night
(22:45:31) Daeron: You're typing though
(22:45:31) Pibemanden left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
(22:45:34) nepp: Stephen: give up now
(22:45:37) IDii: Is he really dead?
(22:45:40) IDii: ~8ball
(22:45:41) aragen: IDii: The Magic 8 Ball States: Better not tell you now.
(22:45:43) Stephen: ... *Cries.*
(22:45:45) IDii: ......
(22:45:51) IDii: Can you tell me anything?
(22:45:53) IDii: ~8ball
(22:45:54) aragen: IDii: The Magic 8 Ball States: Ask again later.
(22:45:58) IDii: Grrr
(22:45:58) Daeron: Eightball, are you just fooling around with them?
(22:46:01) Daeron: ~8ball
(22:46:02) aragen: Daeron: The Magic 8 Ball States: Most likely.
(22:46:07) Daeron: Thought so
(22:46:19) Stephen: Should I post this on the forum?
(22:46:21) Stephen: ~8ball
(22:46:22) aragen: Stephen: The Magic 8 Ball States: Yes

Many small, discarded spellbooks turn up occasionally, for those who look. After all, most wizards do not burn thiers when they buy another, larger libram. Tyeaan, a simple linguist, born in Hlint, is one of those who simply sets it in an out-of-the-way corner of a tavern or inn, leaving it for those with the fortune to come across it. Unlike many, however, Tyeaan has never held his spellbook sacred against other writings - it is as much as journal and ledger as it is a book of spells. In many places, it reads like a dictionary, cataloguing terms and grammatical errata from various languages; these sections take up nearly as many pages as the arcane texts of the spells.

It is those journal-like entries, however, which may be of most interest... It is those journal-like entries which show how apt, perhaps, Tyeaan's name is...



This town has grown and changed much in the years I have been away; few of the folk I once knew remain, and many new arrivals have shown thier faces here. Trade expanded like a blooming flower, and now many master craftsmen call what was once a humble trading post, home. Those Dragoncalled, and those recently come on the Road to Destiny, seem to find Hlint a welcome respite from the outside world, even with the constant incursions of goblins, orcs, and the occasional Baalor or devil.

The people here now are even more astounding than when I left; humans grow and mature so quickly, grasping concepts it might take a longer-lived race decades to understand. There is a human illusionist by name of Rhynn, who for some reason often accompanies a garishly mad grey elf named Mith. While Mith is truly a madman, Rhynn, despite her cynicism, seems a genuinely good person, inasmuch as I am. There is a sorceress, however; a halfling by name of Larissa. She wishes to learn Elvish, and I am teaching her what I know. We typically meet for several hours at least once a week, and her grasp of the language is quite remarkable already.

In exchange, she is teaching me what she knows of necromancy, a fascinating art. I recently purchased a scroll of Animate Dead, but it is far to complex for me to prepare at this time. Further study, I hope, will change this.

*The entry is left off almost abruptly, followed by a list of notes on the animation of unliving objects.*

Poetic License / A Dreamer's Advice.
« on: August 15, 2006, 08:39:27 pm »
Reflect on a man, do his actions in dreams,
But yet to his neighbor, the same the man seems.
For actions in dreams, the sins of the mind,
Do not happen outward barr'd actions in kind.
Our world, it is sep'rate from fancies of thought,
For daydreams of men usually come but to naught.
When virtuous stays the black sinner of night,
Lily-white will his hands be, when comes the first light.
For dreams are but dreams to be thought and forgot,
And come from these dreams, I say, ruin will not.
So dream your debauchery, dream your misdeed,
Regardless what you call your personal creed,
And revel in baseness, discard the day's rule,
But act ever on it, and you'll be the fool.

Just for Fun / Life and Death of a Pumpkin
« on: August 13, 2006, 08:50:09 pm »
Now, I know that this section of the forums has become something of a link-game, but... I ran across this, and shivered in spite of myself at the voice actor's rendition of the character.

Now THAT'S roleplaying.

Fixed Bugs / Lore Broken?
« on: August 13, 2006, 08:27:18 am »
LORE's URLs all currently insert an extra / between the base URL and the specific page name. For example,

As far as I can tell, EVERY link on LORE is suffering from this.

Trade and Market Hall / Desired Items
« on: August 07, 2006, 02:26:50 pm »
Tyeaan wishes to purchase a full set of lesser Fox's jewelery, as well as a blank tome of no less than two hundred pages.

// 2 Rings of Fox's Cunning, one Amulet of Fox's Cunning, and one musical instrument/book. PM me or find me in-game.

General Discussion / DM for ears pretty please?
« on: August 07, 2006, 01:07:53 pm »
If a DM could hop in-game and drop the Dwarven, Halfling, and Gnomish ears onto my character as approved here: I would be incredible appreciative...

I've tried to hail a DM using the channel a few times, but no response, so I figure I'd get some more exposure here.

Thanks so much to whomever can help me with this.

General Discussion / Archer Level Requirements
« on: July 30, 2006, 08:57:01 am »
Okay, so we've got a WONDERFUL thread listing the level requirements for various metals, leathers, etc., with corresponding requirements for adding the various enchantments and resistances.

But what about the very few enhancements you can put on bows? Mighty kits and Compound kits.

I'm mainly interested because I want to slap a Mighty +1 or possibly +2 onto a Mahogany bow, but I'm not sure if I would be able to use it.

Fixed Bugs / View Source
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:24:44 pm »
Now, I'm not sure if this has been removed for balance reasons, or an accident, or what, but I rather liked being able to look at my character's .bic. If this was purposefully taken out, why? If not, can we pretty please have it back?

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Magic Boxes
« on: July 28, 2006, 06:00:34 pm »
I've found a couple of spell component cases with a mild enchantment on them that helps with weight, and am looking for more. Send prices and contact information to Pyyran Rahth by post.

Trade and Market Hall / Cobalt
« on: July 27, 2006, 09:51:16 am »
Pyyran Rahth seeks nuggets of cobalt. Contact with pricing.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Stealth Run, a Log.
« on: July 25, 2006, 11:27:47 am »
[SIZE=10](14:15:57) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Oh, a thought:  I've come up with a low-impact script that would allow a new feat... [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:01) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Aye? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:08) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ever play KoTOR II? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:28) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Not yet. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:40) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ah.  Well, they have a feat in that game called "Stealth Run" [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:16:48) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] I was just thinking about this the other day. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:05) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Allow a penalty to run while stealthed. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:20) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Well, that'd be trickier to keep low-impact. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:34) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Since it requires an on-heartbeat script. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:17:51) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Hrm. What was your idea? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:15) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Make it a feat that can be taken, and then functions always. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:36) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] It could be made zero-impact if there were an event fired when a PC goes into stealth, but there isn't. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:37) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Sounds just as nifty as HiPS. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:18:53) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] It would be infinitely useful to Pyyran. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:19:08) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] No more having to scramble to click the cancel stealth button and then run away. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:19:44) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Basically, the heartbeat script would look only at whether the person had taken the feat - that allows the script to ignore most of the population of the server. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:05) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Then, if it registers that the person has gone into stealth, it boosts their movement rate. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:18) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] And when they come out, the converse. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:36) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] But isn't the Layo heartbeat every six minutes? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:20:46) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Wouldn't that require you to be in stealth on the heartbeat? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:00) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] No - heartbeat is once per NWN round (six seconds,  I think.) [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:21) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Ah, that would be brilliant, then. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:25) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Prerequisites? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:30) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Hide 15, Move Silently 15? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:36) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] The Stealthy feat? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:46) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Maybe.. and probably a high DEX. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:21:56) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] DEX 16+.            14:21 [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:19) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Mmmm.. maybe 15.  Circle Kick is only 13, 16 is a smidge unreasonable for a non-epic feat. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:34) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] The Epic feats have Reqs of soemthing like 30. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:36) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Add that to the Hide and Move Silently pre-reqs.. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:40) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Point. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:22:57) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] 15, 15, 15, Stealthy. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:18) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Basically, the idea is that the person is skilled enough to move silently and stealthily even when travelling at normal speeds. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:34) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Yep. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:45) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] So maybe skill requirements of 14 ranks. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:23:57) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] That's higher than HiPS. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:03) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Makes sense to me. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:17) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Mind if I copy/paste this convo to Layo? [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:26) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Not at all.  Allez-y. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:24:53) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] I predict the principal concerns will be a) heartbeat script!  Bad! and b) unbalancing. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:19) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Probably. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:28) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] But the Stealthy feat requirement will handle the balance issue. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:25:43) darkstorme69:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Yeah.. having to burn a feat on that will probably annoy some people. :) [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:26:06) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Annoy, annoy, who cares? Duelist requires Ambidex, while it makes NO use of dual-wielding. [/SIZE][SIZE=10](14:26:27) [/SIZE][SIZE=10]pinballdude_2000:[/SIZE][SIZE=10] Copy/paste.[/SIZE]

Just for Fun / A Real Wand of Everything.
« on: July 19, 2006, 10:31:40 pm »
Okay, so I recently saw this:

It gave me an idea.

So, I went here:

I tried cobbling together a Wand of Everything. I figured out that a fully charged one would cost 481500gp... Assume command word change and Wizard Glue costs you an extra nearly two thousand all in all, and you've got a Wand of Everything with 50 charges.

Here are the spells, and the subsequent costs, that I selected.

Burning hands     750 gp
Color spray     750 gp
Magic missile (1st)     750 gp
Magic missile (3rd)     2,250 gp
Magic missile (5th)     3,750 gp
Hold person     4,500 gp
Acid arrow     4,500 gp
Shatter     4,500 gp
Silence     4,500 gp
Web     4,500 gp
Magic missile (7th)     5,250 gp
Magic missile (9th)     6,750 gp
Call lightning (5th)     11,250 gp
Contagion     11,250 gp
Fireball (5th)     11,250 gp
Lightning bolt (5th)     11,250 gp
Slow     11,250 gp
Fireball (6th)     13,500 gp
Lightning bolt (6th)     13,500 gp
Searing light (6th)     13,500 gp
Call lightning (8th)     18,000 gp
Fireball (8th)     18,000 gp
Lightning bolt (8th)     18,000 gp
Dimensional anchor     21,000 gp
Fear     21,000 gp
Ice storm     21,000 gp
Inflict critical wounds     21,000 gp
Poison     21,000 gp
Ray of enfeeblement, heightened (4th level)     21,000 gp
Wall of fire     21,000 gp
Fireball (10th)     22,500 gp
Lightning bolt (10th)     22,500 gp
Chaos hammer (8th)     24,000 gp
Holy smite (8th)     24,000 gp
Order’s wrath (8th)     24,000 gp
Unholy blight (8th)     24,000 gp

Total: 481500 gp

Now, this is assuming a fully-charged Wand of Everything. But that's a bit silly; who needs THAT much firepower in one shot? Let's give it, say... One charge. A one-shot item. Then again, WHO NEEDS MORE THAN ONE SHOT!?

Let's assume that with one charge instead of fifty, it'll cost 1/50th the regular price. Assume costs for command word change and Wizard Glue, and you've got a 10,000 gp Wand of Everything, more or less.

The mind boggles.

Anyone care to do a calculation of saving throws and damage/effects? I'd do it now, but I need sleep.

Best of luck, guys.

General Discussion / Lost and Found - Tonight
« on: July 18, 2006, 05:09:21 pm »
I'm sorry, guys, especially on such short notice, but I can't make 9PM EDT tonight for the sidequest. If it can be pushed back an hour, that's great, but if not, you'll either have to go without me (Pyyran would have given you a letter authenticating your claim of alliance with him) or move it.

Again, my deepest apologies for this. RL stuff just came up.

EDIT: And what do you know! RL works out! I'm along for the ride; show up whenever you can. Reg may be there any time between 9 and 10; I'm sorry for all this confusion.

General Discussion / Ted Stevens on Net Neutrality
« on: July 18, 2006, 12:19:50 pm »
Now, I'm not asking about politics - personally, I don't care what party this fellow is, or what his other ideas are.

I'm just frightened that his man is the one who's in charge of regulating internet use in America.

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Elderberries
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:32:29 pm »
Pyyran Rahth offers 8gp/berry for Elderberries, or 350gp for a box. Any quantities welcomed, large or small.

For bottles of purified elderberry juice, Pyyran offers 70gp.

For each additional box of elderberries, Pyyran will pay an extra 25gp.

Don't miss out on this easy opportunity for gold!

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