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Messages - Stephen_Zuckerman

Pages: 1 ... 183 184 [185] 186 187
Just for Fun / Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: May 27, 2006, 03:46:49 pm »

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / ARmor - Copper, Iron, and Bronze.
« on: May 27, 2006, 12:11:28 pm »
I've looked at Fullplate, and I have to wonder what the difference is, mechanically, between the Fulls of Copper, Iron, and Bronze. Also, I'm curious about level requirements. How do all these factor together?

Trade and Market Hall / Bronze Full Plate for Sale
« on: May 25, 2006, 11:36:17 am »
Bronze fullplate for sale by Pyyran Rahth. Priced at 4000 gold. (Price may vary as input is given.)

Just for Fun / Mid-day amusment.
« on: May 23, 2006, 12:55:20 pm »
I IMed my father a few minutes ago, feeling a tad hungry. This is what happened...  (15:44:59) RdMgcn: Workin' hard?  (15:45:09) S Adam Zuckerman: yes  (15:45:13) S Adam Zuckerman: what's up?  (15:45:17) RdMgcn: Just saying hey.  (15:45:41) S Adam Zuckerman: you must be bored  (15:45:52) S Adam Zuckerman: you almost never say hi to me during the day  (15:45:59) RdMgcn: Not really. Just saw you, thought, "Hey, let's see if Dad's alive."  (15:46:11) S Adam Zuckerman: hmm  (15:46:12) RdMgcn: I usually don't say Hi because I don't want to bother you.  (15:46:23) S Adam Zuckerman: I am still kicking  (15:46:24) RdMgcn: Hunger led me to contacting you today.  (15:46:31) S Adam Zuckerman: hunger?  (15:46:34) RdMgcn: Bring something home with you, okay? @.@ I'm dying.  (15:46:39) S Adam Zuckerman: whose, yours or mine?  (15:46:50) RdMgcn: There's nothing here to eat.  (15:46:55) RdMgcn: Or at least, nothing terribly edible.  (15:47:26) S Adam Zuckerman: have you scarfed down the microwaveable croissants?  (15:47:33) RdMgcn: Ayup. Though I hate the ham ones.  (15:47:48) S Adam Zuckerman: I am not a big fan of them either  (15:47:54) RdMgcn: The garlic-stuffed olives... Och. I can only eat one of those per week.  (15:48:07) S Adam Zuckerman: why?  (15:48:15) RdMgcn: Vienna Sausages packaged in barbecue are disgusting, quite frankly. As to the olives... They're potent.  (15:48:28) RdMgcn: And I'm not a big fan of olives.  (15:48:32) RdMgcn: Green ones, anyway.  (15:48:34) S Adam Zuckerman: me either  (15:48:41) S Adam Zuckerman: of any color  (15:48:55) RdMgcn: Get me some pickled garlic, though, and I'll chow down enough to make myself sick in five minutes.   (15:49:00) S Adam Zuckerman: have you looked in any of the freezers?  (15:49:04) RdMgcn: But I'll be happy, even then. Hm?  (15:49:38) RdMgcn: Yes. I've found a couple of TV Dinners that I know for a fact have been totally thawed and refrozen a few times in the seven months or so they've been here.  (15:50:04) RdMgcn: There's a HUGE pile of frozen, uncooked meat...  (15:50:11) S Adam Zuckerman: probably not good for you ten ((SHOULD BE: "then"

General Discussion / What is the Calem Rule?
« on: May 17, 2006, 12:44:30 pm »
Just curious.

Pyyran Rahth is selling a suit of iron-spun cloth, which offers some minor protection. Contact him with an offer.

//I posted seperate threads for seperate issues - if this is a problem, I apologize and will not repeat it.

Trade and Market Hall / Pyyran Rahth - Buying Silvering Kits
« on: May 14, 2006, 09:04:33 pm »
I'm looking for a few silvering kits... Not really interested in the weakest mixture - really looking for the second or third strengths. Leave a message with your name and price, I'll contact you with an offer.

~Pyyran Rahth

General Discussion / Merchant Benches
« on: May 12, 2006, 12:35:29 pm »
DeadHead Fred - 5/11/2006  6:56 PM

Hear ye, hear ye!

Let it be known throughout the land that the benches in front of the Orc Bashers' Shop in east Hlint shall hereafter be called the 'Marketbenches'.  Those with goods to sell, be they made by hand, or acquired after 'gentle use,' shall sit here and await buyers.  Those desiring to buy such items may come here and inquire of those seated about their goods.

To avoid confusion amongst the residents and visitors of Hlint, please refrain from using the Marketbenches unless you are actively engaged in commerce.

So let it be!

General Discussion / Player Routines.
« on: May 02, 2006, 05:56:54 pm »
Er... Should this be right? I was just DA'd by a Ghoul in the Hlint Crypts - he used something called "Star Dust of Corath."  If I'm right, a Ghoul is not CR 10, and thusly has no business using Star Dusts.  [small]Especially not when they kill me instantly.[/small]  NOTE: I ran into Orth a moment ago in the chats, and he thought I was more upset about this whole thing than I was...  Just want to apologize here in public for upsetting him with my complaints. The Star Dusts are nifty; I just was a little unsettled about my "routine" being wrong.  [21:12]  we players get into routines [21:13]  eg. run from hlint to lleilon. safe. [21:13]  if suddenly that racoon is rabid and leaps down on us, we cry foul [21:15]  but we all do it... your first trip through an area you're super cautious, scouting, stealthing, checking CRs [21:15]  20th time you're running along the left edge until 3/4 the way up then quick dash to the middle then straight out  That's absolutely true.

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Friendly setting
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:00:27 pm »
Stephen[Relaxing: I still say I'd like an option on LORE to allow EVERYONE as Friendly. I can't remember if that was said to be possible or not.
orth: there is a forum for lore suggestions

There you have it.

Trade and Market Hall / Various items for sale
« on: March 22, 2006, 10:29:44 am »
Pyyran Rahth offers several items.

1 suit of Bronze Fullplate; slightly aged, but never used.

1 Crystal rod I, made by Pyyran himself.

16 bottles of Xeenite Red Wine, each aged to perfection.

Wild Surge Inn / Help Needed
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:51:09 am »
Pyyran Rahth seeks the services of an assortment of professionals, offering payment to be agreed upon at the time of the completed service.

Currently seeking:
One or more Loremasters of high esteem, who know the casting of the spell Legend Lore.
One or more experienced treasure-hunters.
One or more experienced woodsmen who are familiar with the Zainge River area.

He seeks these services to help in an effort towards recovering an artifact thought lost.

Contact him by runner, or postal hawk.

//PM me, or send a hawk, or find me in game, or whatever.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / The Coup de Grace
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:19:33 am »
I've been interested in having P do a series of CDQs in pursuit of the Final Strike.

Any input?

Trade and Market Hall / Elderberries.
« on: March 15, 2006, 01:21:13 pm »
Pyyran Rahth seeks elderberries at 400 gold coin per box.

Just for Fun / Geeks in Love
« on: March 11, 2006, 07:06:24 am »
This warms my heart, 'cause it reminds me of me and Sara.

;_; Who ever thought that people would understand the love of a pair of geeks?


Trade and Market Hall / Alchaemical Goods.
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:00:03 am »
Pyyran Rahth offers alchaemical goods for the following prices:

(in Stock) Item - Price per unit

(13) Bull's Strength - 360gp
(7) Cat's Grace - 360gp
(1) Endurance - 640gp
(2) Fox's Cunning - 360gp
(1) Eagle's Splendour - 360gp

Alchaemical illusions:
(4) Visual Effect, Fire - 250gp
(1) Visual Effect, Sonic - 250gp

(4) Alchemist's Fire - 25gp
(12) Acid Flasks - 20gp
(1) Fire Bomb - 3000gp

Not quite alchemy:
(17) Xeenite Red Wine - 150gp/bottle

Wild Surge Inn / For the less-seasoned among you...
« on: March 09, 2006, 12:44:39 pm »
New to the fight against Bloodstone? In need of a few coin?

Well... Your solution is here!

Pyyran Rahth, adventurer by trade, is seeking Fire Beetle's Bellies and Bombardier Beetle's Bellies.

To those who bring him these things, he will pay ten coin per usable quantity of reagents (usually one beetle will yeild enough to be considered a 'usable quantity'), in any combination.


To the first to bring him fifty, Pyyran will pay an extra five hundred coin.

To the first to bring him an hundred, Pyyran will pay an additional extra one thousand coin.

So get to it! And spread the word!


Pyyran also seeks elderberries in as great a quantity as can be brought to him.

Luck upon you all,

~ Pyyran Rahth
(Scribed by Beldar, currently for hire)

Wild Surge Inn / Urgent: Need Help From Seasoned Adventurer
« on: March 07, 2006, 08:51:16 pm »
Dear Postmaster: I implore you to post the included flyers in the Wild Surge inn, and at other places around Hlint. Next I see you I will pay you an hundred gold for this service. We've done business before... Please!


Assistance required from a seasoned adventurer by Pyyran Rahth, who is currently in Vale, reflecting on his recent death on far-off Rilara.

This help is not to retrieve his grave, but to convince Braxton, a man Pyyran has business with, to speak with him.

Pyyran would simply go home, but returning from Vale is a far more involved prospect than from a local tavern.

He seeks immediate assistance, and will be willing to pay three hundred gold, as well as reimbursing whatever travel fees were incurred, to whomever is willing to help.

In other words, reader, for the love of the gods, please give me a hand out here! I've little hope of getting home intact, and less of getting back, later, so just getting this fool to speak with me would be an incredible service.

Trade and Market Hall / Cynn Reyer - Selling Coal
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:16:49 pm »
*A simple notice is tacked to the board.*

I have fifteen goodly-sized lumps of coal for sale or trade; nearly eighty-three pounds.

Find me in Hlint, or reach me by falcon.

- Cynn Reyer

Trade and Market Hall / Pyyran's Potion Kits
« on: February 26, 2006, 05:57:57 am »
Looking to start brewing those healing potions the higher members of your church have been churning out for years?

Need simple reagents, but just can't find the time to get them?

Never can figure out just how many knuckles you'll need?

Well, Pyyran Rahth, adventurer by trade, is here to help!

He is now offering boxes of knuckles and vials for the low price of one hundred fifty gold each; just enough knuckles for four potions of a potency to cure most moderate wounds, and five empty glass vials, for your water-blessing needs.

Why spend the money on expensive potions, brewed by others?

Why spend the time, and risk, collecting reagents?

Why go to all the trouble and expense, when you can, for a low price, cut out the difficulty, by buying one of our potion kits?

Best of luck to all.

Pyyran can be reached by postal hawk.

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