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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20] 21 22 ... 26
Wild Surge Inn / RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« on: August 19, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
I do
// I play GMT as well 8pm till late some nights

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Giant picnic
« on: August 19, 2005, 06:10:00 am »
Spugly looks over Glokks shoulder and nods

"Good on ya Snotty bouts time we ahd another Gaints Pic-a-nick "

makes marks on bottom of note

here Snots we needs a Shoppy listy

Fire wood and flints (Spugly)
Ale (Snottys)
Bread for the Samwigis (?)
cake fors afters (?)

Runs after Glokk to ask he he would like to get some thing for the Pic-a-nic

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« on: August 15, 2005, 09:19:00 am »
Dear Mummy
I got back to Hlint well and still have the rock cakes been looking into a house here but very expencive,
That job has come up as a bouncer in da new pub so I should be starting soon. Have the new scafe you made me on and
been looking after may self and not eatin any of the foren muck day have here. FrogSnots doing well and Klogger openin a shop
so my have work there to. Well all the best

I have inclosed some gems I found down a cave and made in the draft house for you

Your Lovein son Spugly Fuglet

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« on: August 15, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
Spuglly Back in town and for hire

//I now have the game on my laptop so woppy can play away from home

Fixed Bugs / RE: I dyslexic trying ti log on missing Pcs
« on: August 15, 2005, 04:29:00 am »
Thank you Leanthar yep
Spuglys back and fine.
All done

Sean V

Fixed Bugs / RE: I dyslexic trying ti log on missing Pcs
« on: August 14, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
Hi Leanthar
Thank you for taking the tme to help me  and thank you for the garte world of Layonara.

When I set you my 1st acount i wrote down my login and pass word but my dyslexic so
i mest up. Some how i got it wrong so now doing know what i realy put down.

Now i have a new laptop as my working pc i moved my NWN over to it but
when i tryed my badly wrote down login and pass word I just got bad user/password from the
log in software.

I had down
user:- spuglyfugley
password:- nexus7

This dos not work
so ive made a new login called
Name:- Spuglyfuglet (where the S is upercase)
passowrd:- nexus7
made my other PC Maximlan Lamber II

But I have a half gaint PC called Spugly Fuglet thats a 7th level Fighter/Barbarean

But heres the kicker i made 6 difrante Spugly fuglets each with difarent aranment of letters tying to get teh spelling right for Half giant
and i have fogoten which is the 7th level one sorry.

What would be nice is Spugly back or some how to get the right login name


Is there any what to find out what i called my self when i used to login or move my old 7th level spugly to my new acount
Sorry for being a pain and i hope you can help

yours thankfully

Sean V

Fixed Bugs / RE: I dyslexic trying ti log on missing Pcs
« on: August 14, 2005, 02:53:00 am »
Sorry againtfound out where i misssed spelled

ok Login is Spuglyfuglet (where te f in fuglet is lower case)
ps nexus7 (all lower case)

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *Spugly Fuglet* :- Personal Body Guard for hire
« on: August 11, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
*Spugly has to go home to see mummy for a week or two but once back I will work as bouncer*

//Ive got a job on for a week or three so will not be around but once back will email TTFN

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The Resource Store
« on: August 10, 2005, 04:21:00 am »
//Messed up on last post should out out of play with ////
//sorry all//

Spugly looks as Poster and says to hem self out loud
"Dats what Klugger doin with his shoppy"

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The Resource Store
« on: August 10, 2005, 02:52:00 am »
Same here I feel there is a need for this a many starting PCs wonder around with stuff the get off the dead with out any idear of what to do with it.
I true trading post would make life very intaresting in game for the 5th to 12th level pcs. Spugly Fuglet do lats of odd jobs nit just mineing.

I would add one thing to the shop an food stall open 24/7 that sells sweets and icescream and Rat on a Stick, but thats just me.
Some one did post about new cooking tips. Yum Yum Houny covered House muse.

General Discussion / RE: social proof, in hlint
« on: August 09, 2005, 01:42:00 am »
--Paranoid Hallucinatory Tonal Typophrenia--
LoL grate observation has for the research it was good but I would like to see it repeated in Japan and other countries where it s felt that illness = bad karma and so bad luck.
I friend of mine was over there and an old woman fell over in a train. All the Japanese looked on but he was the only one to hold her and try and do 1st aid. He asked about it and was told that in old Japan it was felt that illness could pass on you if you helped that it was “Karmic” So I asked my wife about this (she’s Chinese) and she said that the older Chinese fell the same way. It also reminds me of a story I head about sealers in the 1700’s on the German Rhine river, an English traveler observed that when one poor sealer fell in the river his fellow crew members rather than try to save him called that he should not struggle and it was gods will. The chap droned and the crew seems happy with the fact as gods will was done. In Hilt with so many religious nuts around I would think you get this x 10.

Sorry for bad spelling etc


General Discussion / RE: Meaning of your forum pic?
« on: August 08, 2005, 05:37:00 am »

>Nexus7 LOL I thought yours was a relief of Caesar LOL!

Caesar A! LOL
made my day that has

"Friends Romans countrymen lend me your beer"

General Discussion / RE: Looks like I might be leaving
« on: August 08, 2005, 03:44:00 am »
I am new to Layonara and play two PC’s both are Monsters “Spugly Fuglet” a Half-Giant and
Max an elf/Tifling. [What I have to say here is my personnel view only and has no
connection other than observations to the excellent way that Layonara is run.

[I except that your comments, which are just as valid as mine and are more aimed at
the players than there PC’s my not have what follows as there intent its my take on your words]

It was the very fact of being able to a mistrusted and in some cases discriminated
PC that pulled me into Layonara. With DnD I was feeling jaded with the standard PC
and wonted some thing to stretch my RP.

I feel that Hilet is a popular place for out cases because word has got out that it’s a
tolerant place, once the Dragon calls and you except you. Your on your own it would seem
right to seek out other out cast and congregate with others of your race. You seek to
keep your old traditions and culture wile trying to assimilate into the new host culture

Now for me this is where it gets interesting.
I live in London and we are having in some respect the same debater here.
We have in the UK Refuges from other counties who have been given asylum.
Now we find that some are repaying out good will with acts and words of hate.
Not hate to there home land but hate aimed us the main stream culture of England.

We find that there world views are such that they would remake our culture more to
there way of thinking and beliefs. They feel victimizes when we do not comply to there wishes
and in some cases commence acts that are abhorrent and treacherous.  

Now because of the acts of a small minority there grater minority of law abiding and good
citizens who where given asylum, the group as a hole are mistrusted and in some cases met
with down right hostility by the public.

Ok thaw the two things I’m talking about here seem worlds apart I for one
Can see a very small parallel with the way refuges (out costs/monsters) are seen inside
Layonara and the radicals who are inflicting horrors in the real world.

Calls that all Drow are evil and should be killed or removed, Notes around town, worried
talk of the giants taking over all seem to add to my view. Now we see talk that would paint all with one brush.

What this means I have as yet to work out but I know the way players
Reacted as humans beings with there pc,s “in game” situations will enlighten me into how we
may move for would in the real world.
I find this fascinating and in some regards and feel it would make an exhalent
starting point for PhD in the Humanities.

*Sorry for nay spelling mistakes im dyslexic

General Discussion / RE: Someone please decipher this for me.
« on: August 05, 2005, 04:26:00 am »
Come and find Spugly Fugley we will always go a huntin Goblins
(and works part time as a for hire body gard)

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Performers wanted!
« on: August 04, 2005, 02:31:00 am »
Spugly looks at note
makes marks

IS Der free beer and dem nice littel nibbels
 think there called sheep
Smiles and wonders away

General Discussion / RE: Meaning of your forum pic?
« on: August 04, 2005, 02:12:00 am »
Mine is me
A cyber scan but still me

General Discussion / RE: To: Whoever was leading monsters into Hlint
« on: August 03, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
Good on the chap who woned up

Last Night my PC and another PC where outside the west gate of Hlint siting on a hill when another pc rain passed off to town it was then that 1 endicap 1 spider and 2 goblins poped into screen. We did our civic bit and SHASHED THEN as Spugly would say

I know that once or twise a critter has flolowed me into town (the goblin scouts on the hill on the wast side of town do it all the time)
But 4 critters at once...

Trade and Market Hall / RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
« on: August 01, 2005, 07:31:00 am »
Spugly points at

Cold, Fire, Electrical I ///+2 damage

and then
Cold, Fire, Electrical IV ///+1d8

Trade and Market Hall / RE: The jolly halfling in Port Hampshire
« on: August 01, 2005, 04:19:00 am »
Spugly looks at the stall then takes a large black Garte Sword out the runes PIANBRINGER down each side it looks small in his gaints hands
How much you put Lecticity on sword all time Mr halfling?

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Spugly Fuglet Letters home
« on: August 01, 2005, 04:09:00 am »
Dear mummy
Spugly writes to say hope you are well and the sheep are all well, I has been out with others into the gray hills very bad fokes there mum
bad caves as well but good to be in hills again. I found some nice eats Cuger and the lake and me and some mates got jumpet by Orcs
Dem bad ens they kill some of my mates so i SMASH Them with new sword. I have Shinys now and will send more. I have put 200 in with this letter and I nice copper ring i found.
Look after your self and thanks mummy ofr the Rcok cake you sent me last week.

Your Loving son Spugly

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