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Messages - OneST8

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General Discussion / Re: Emerald Rumours.
« on: February 02, 2010, 12:55:17 pm »
Just out of curiosity... if this guideline for the resale value of CNR items is considered "price fixing"... then what the heck is the deal with banks and their interest rates being set by the Federal Reserve (which is a private institution and not a government body)?

What about the insurance industry? Insurance companies collaborate with eachother to establish "fair market value" for their sub-trades (ie: roofers get X, carpet installers get Y, etc).

There are plenty more examples of real world "price fixing" that is perfectly acceptable by society because these "price fixings" help maintain a stable economy for all.

Following the logic presented by some in this thread; 90% of what holds our economies stable is the work of evil cartels so let's fetch the pitchforks and torches and storm their castles! (ok maybe 90% is and exaggeration but you get the point.)

All sarcasm aside...

I have no problems with a generally agreed upon price list that's used as a guideline for the entire community. It's not easy to get the top-end CNR items and people should have some perspective on that. By no means should that be a "hard and fast" price list, it should be a guide. If you want to sweat it out for a handful of emeralds and sell 'em for 1/2 or even 1/3 their market value... that's your problem and I'm sure you'll have plenty of buyers lining up, just do not under any circumstances expect anyone else to sell at those same prices.

EDIT: Just to be clear; if there is a guide desired, the community should establish the guide, if no one follows it I don't care, if everyone follows it... again I don't care... I just loathe when people go to extremes with their "logic" when in fact their arguments are contorting reality to suite their own personal world view.

LORE Bugs / Re: Lore Character Page updates
« on: December 08, 2009, 01:17:52 pm »

When we did the server maintenance work I ran a full update but neglected to turn the automated ones on again. Anyways, they're back on again. The update runs happen twice a day; 3:30am and 3:30pm. Note that the actual process starts at that time but takes up to an hour or more to process everyone's characters. Roughly it's safe to say that by 5pm today they'll be current again.

Sorry about all that!


Important Layonara Announcements / Re: Immediate Maintenance
« on: December 03, 2009, 02:12:07 am »
Everything but LORE seems to be functioning properly. We're not out of the woods yet though. More updates to follow.

Important Layonara Announcements / Re: Immediate Maintenance
« on: December 02, 2009, 01:10:52 pm »
The forums are temporarily restored. Not sure how long they'll last.

The real work will begin tonight, starting around 11pm - 12am EST.

Something to note as a bonus; throughout tonight's maintenance, the NwN server will remain running as that machine doesn't require any hardware level maintenance at this time. So enjoy NwN while we get the site stabilized. If you don't already have NwN setup to play, you should probably wait until things settle down in the next day or two.


General Discussion / Re: Layonara people! Help me!
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:55:49 pm »
Have you ever taken antibiotics? yes

Have you ever asked your doctor for antibiotics? no

Would you expect your doctor to give you antibiotics if you had an illness caused by a virus, such as a cold? no

Would you expect your doctor to give you antibiotics if you had an illness caused by bacteria, such as tonsillitis? no

Do you always finish a course of antibiotics? yes

Do you think it matters if you don't finish a course of antibiotics? yes

In some countries you can buy antibiotics at a chemists shop, would you like to do this in the UK? no

Have you heard of antibiotic resistant bacteria? yes

Are antibiotic bacteria more likely appear when people don't finish their course of medicine? perhaps but probably no

General Discussion / Re: Look what I found!
« on: November 06, 2009, 04:35:39 pm »
Just an FYI that in the relatively near future there will be official groups/pages/etc for all of the Facebook/MySpace/etc type sites. We (as in "Layonara Studios LLC") will be managing and maintaining all of the above pages; however, we will NOT infringe on you (the general public) from starting and running your own fan sites/pages with the exception of the purely negative and spiteful sort (ie: if you start a "Layonara Sux" group/page/site; expect to be confronted [in a polite and courteous manner] with a take-down request).

I trust everyone understands and accepts our position on these things :)

We love hearing about things like this and we of course love the community feedback we've been receiving so keep it up folks! We're listening!


General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Orth!
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:58:05 am »
Happy Birthday orth! *crumples up a piece of paper and throws it across his desk; pinging orth gently on the head*

General Discussion / Re: Hey everyone
« on: October 13, 2009, 11:22:36 pm »
Long time no see!

If you're wanting to stay up to date with the MMO, visit the MMO forums and follow the RSS feed.

Blast from the past man, totally blast from the past.

I hope things are well with you.

General Discussion / Re: Joining the rank and file :)
« on: June 27, 2009, 01:43:30 pm »
It's sad to see you step down but I hope you enjoy your new-found free time!

I'm sure if you're ever itching to return as a GM, something can be arranged. Though I suspect we'll have to interview you all over again and over-scrutinize your application in the process.

Thanks for helping to keep Layonara favored in the hearts of it's players, you've done a fantastic job on this side; now go and enjoy the other!

Cheers mate!

General Discussion / Re: some questions...
« on: June 04, 2009, 09:56:58 pm »
As far as I know, all three keys are required to play in Layonara. You're welcome to try to connect with just the one key but my best guess is you'll need three keys per concurrent player.

Also, be sure to follow the instructions found in the thread Dorganath mentioned.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Lore login
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:14:44 pm »
Your characters are listed under your "stolen" user name on LORE. You can see this fact on your profile page: [LORE]Profile/stolen[/LORE].

Not sure if this issue has been resolved already but everything seems fine.

We did think about it when we first were designing LORE however both orth and I agreed that we didn't want to see Plenarius at age 200+ still kickin' around like he was 20 in-game. The character's ages are playable until their racial limits kick in, like for instance humans... 100+ year old human in a medieval setting like Layo? Seems just wrong to me.

In the end, orth and I decided to not have LORE itself track the character's age but rather leave it up to the players to figure things out.

The actual coding of such a feature is fairly trivial given the fact that we already have various systems converting time and dates from Layo to RL and vice versa. All we'd need to do is figure out the start dates and go from there.

If I do find myself with any idle time I'll try and hack this up as a user pref "show my character's current age" or some such thing. Don't bank on this happening anytime soon though as it is indeed extremely low on the priority totem pole.

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday Leanthar!
« on: April 21, 2009, 02:32:08 pm »
Better late than never! (though I did send my best wishes in private)

Happy Birthday "L"!

General Discussion / Re: Healing pipeweed
« on: April 21, 2009, 01:24:28 pm »
This was one of my favourite bits of code that I did for the update. I've always wanted to put something like this in and orth and I finally A) found the time and B) came up with a sane set of behavioral conditions for it to not be easily abused.

I also like the fact that it didn't break the existing setup but rather just enhanced / complimented it.

I'm glad you like!

Just for Fun / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: April 21, 2009, 01:03:02 pm »
Weezer - I am the Greatest Man that Ever Lived

This song always makes me laugh, at least a little hehe :)

Note: Probably not safe for kids!

Layonara Server / Re: Layonara 3.21.0 Release notes:
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:43:04 am »
At least you mentioned that I helped this time! *chuckles*

Just another quick update, we've got the cosmetics completed and are migrating the vaults to the new system. Unless Murphy's got something to say; we'll be pushing an update tonight... we hope!

Thanks again for everyone's patience in this matter!

Just a quick note that yes things are still disabled, however, the solution orth and I have worked up is probably going to be well worth the extra wait. I won't mention any details but there may just be some interesting features people will really appreciate once we get it done.

We made a lot of progress last night and hopefully have only cosmetic changes left. Still need to do a little more testing before we roll out the fix but things are looking positive.

Again, sorry for the delay and disabled state of persistent storage.

This is just a quick update that orth and I have been going all evening on the problem and have not found a palatable solution yet. Until this issue is resolved; persistent storage will remain disabled.

Sorry for the inconvenience but stay tuned for further updates. We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.

General Discussion / Re: Layonara 3.2 Is Coming Soon!
« on: April 01, 2009, 11:20:21 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
neither of them is very fast at all before coffee.

Yeah, you're right on that one though orth is allergic to coffee beans so it's typically Red Bull or tea for him... for me... black cup'o'joe and enough sugar to impair a small child.... mmmmmmmm

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