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Messages - Thunder Pants

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Acount Name: Thunder Pants

Character name: Lueanne Lightfinger (20)

Character Name 2: Syclya Amalin (9)

man i'm upset i missed the quest

General Discussion / Re: My view on Layo
« on: June 25, 2006, 03:50:20 am »
i'd like to point out that quite honestly the ban list for Layonara is very very small, every ban is made public knowledge when it happens (this is so rumors don't start and so the DM team can explain why he was banned before rumors the fly) i have been around for all but the very first banning (saw the forum post though explaining that he was banned for being a general nuisence, and trying to destroy the server (this being before the password protection) and i'm fairly certain that the ban list is actually less then 40 names, for a server of this size and has been up as long as this server has, that is a very small number, and i can safely say that everybody i can remember that was banned was rightfully banned

the whole i'm leaving and here are my parting shots thing was at one time a common occerence, and in my oppinion is a horrible thing to do, it's the, "i'm not having any fun in this game i don't pay for, so i'm going to leave, but before i do, let me spit in your face"  i have the utmost respect for the DM team because they put their hard work and effort into trying to make this game more fun for everyone, none of them make any money at it, and infact Leanthar spends a good deal of money keeping the servers open, trust me, that donation button on the top of the page is not a get rich quick scheme

the fear thing is an unfortunete side effect of a system that splits people down a line such as in this case players and DMs (yes i know DMs are players as well but more on that later) the DMs have a form of power in the DM toolkit controls, there are some players that believe the DMs are out to get them, which is simply not true, will the DMs sometimes get your character killed, yes, will those deaths sometimes result in a death token, yes......but this is because the DMs job is to challenge players, this game isn't as fun when there is no challenge to the gameplay (i'll grant there is a small amount of enjoyment in slaughtering goblins but it's very fleeting) no unfortunetly at times to make the game more challenging the DMs have to place more, or more often, different creatres down, the idea of this is not to kill the player, or even make him say "thats new a DM must be running an impromptu quest i'll go talk to it" (btw bad idea if it's a strange looking ogre in the haven mines that isn't normally there, treat it as another ogre in the haven mines as it more then likely is) they do it because they are trying to challenge you, and while it will sometimes result in the character dying, that was not the intent, the DMs never perposly kill somebody unless they do something very very very very very......STUPID!!!

the other thing that comes up at times is people who think the DM characters get special treatment, this is again an unfortunete side effect of policy, because there are Players that are also DMs, the players that are not DMs often times assume that it means the DMs favor that player and either go easy on them, or give them stuff, this is of course compounded due to the fact that many of the DM characters actually have stuff, but that is not because they are DMs, that is because they have been around for 2+ years, and the stuff has built up.  This problem like the fear problem is one the DM team will always have to deal with, as the only way to solve the problem would be to say that the DMs can not be players.......this is not an option though, if you deny a DM the right to also be a player, then you will get absolutly no volenteers for GM, and the few GMs you would get, would quickly be burned out and not want to do it anymore after say a month or 2

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: NPCing Chars
« on: June 20, 2006, 05:51:08 pm »
to my knowledge only one character has been turned into an NPC upon retirement, and that would be the exceptionaly odd, or oddly exceptional dwarf Alexei, which who can be found looking for scrolls near the temple of Aragon

well actually i take that back, Freya Valkerie in Krandor used to be a character of Forsetti's, but i believe when he through the npc in there it was more a lack of names and a fondness for that name that he named the NPC that, i don't believe that she retired and started shipping packages

i guess what i'm getting at, is that it's not unheard of, that a character becomes an NPC, but A you'll need to probobly give the DM team a reason to put him out there, and secondly, he will likely have had to have made a mark in Layonara

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Homemade yeast
« on: June 20, 2006, 10:08:47 am »
i'm no expert on the way the crafting system works, but i don't believe there is anyway to make something sit at a constant percentage, though i am fairly certain you could make it so they didn't weild xp (i believe it involves fudging the give xp script on it though and not sure if that would disable it for just the yeast or for all cooking as was the case when Layo first went to CNR (cooking was there, though not in it's current form, and for a little while you could not level up in cooking due to a scripting bug which gave you the adventuring XP but not the crafting xp)

Just for Fun / Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« on: June 20, 2006, 09:29:48 am »
and nobody seems to mind when random people pick crops that are quite obviously not theirs (the only favorite being all the people that used to pick corn on Parts field.....the question isn't why he kept making killer scarecrows....the question is why he was paying people to kill them)

the same books get stolen buy the wererat, who hides in the same place, several times a day

fur traders would rather pay people to do their work for them, instead of doing the work themselves, so that they can pace around and watch other people make things from furs

there is always an unlimited supply of gobblins willing to take the normally short term roll of goblin leader

i found it on the Bioware server lists, it appears that it was set to an old IP when the server was reset, the current IP on it is

that isn't the quest server, as the module currently on the quest server is central

General Discussion / Re: Potions in no-magic areas
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:49:27 pm »
thats again because of the way that bioware AI uses spells the DM team has had to make many monster spells actually abilities

either that, or just like the full PVP doesn't affect monsters neither does the null magic zone

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: An idea for laws
« on: June 15, 2006, 06:05:24 pm »
darkstorme - 6/15/2006  2:03 PM

This is true.  But the point Leanthar was making is that the crimes you were suggesting aren't just a matter of IG law enforcement - the GMs can track it back and banhammer the perpetrator.  It's against the rules of the server, not just the laws of the land.  It's kinda like directly offending an Overgod of some sort.

Edit:  As much as it pulls the teeth from some of the Rogue characters, it's necessary...  All you'd need is one 25th-level Rogue walking through Hlint and everyone would have to go get new stuff.

honestly it falls under the geifing rules is why rogues cannot pick pocket, and that is because pick pocket is poorly implemented, because players will tend to notice the missing items without seeing the rogue take it (they still get the yellow text saying they lost an item, just doens't say why) meaning unless the theif takes gold the player being stolen from will know

the other problem is the theft system is completly random, IE the system chooses a random item in a characters inventory, or gold, and that player losses that item or X amount of gold,  also when a theif steals something, with the lack of a loot dead body system, there is absolutly nothing a player can do to get the item back from the theif unless the theif is nice enough to return the item

these are all the reasons why players are not allowed to steal from other players in Layonara

the reason you can not steal from non hostile NPC's is because A i don't believe they carry anything, and B should you be seen it will completly mess up your factions and makes a lot more work for the DMs

you actually can in fact pick pocket hostile NPC's though of course the DC is higher due to them being hostile, and the only things you will get from them is the stuff they would have droped should you have killed them, but you can steal from them (unless this rule has changed i recall it being fine)

General Discussion / Re: Potions in no-magic areas
« on: June 15, 2006, 05:54:33 pm »
the reason is because of the way that bioware implemented the potions to begin with, you see when you drink a potion the bioware system essentually casts that spell on you at a given spell level (3 in the case of bulls strength or example)

in actualality if you used the non targetable heal potions they wouldn't work either, the reason the targetable heal potions work, is because to work around the bioware system the team changed the way the potions worked, each on has a special ability instead of casting a spell, so they work while the bioware default potions will not work

General Discussion / Re: Congradulations!
« on: June 14, 2006, 05:19:34 am »
hey foxy, i'm still here

Just for Fun / Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:38:41 am »
BAH you people don't know real terror.....L we need a revival of the perpeller tailed, antenied rust monsters in every dungeon just to make everyone scared of them again.....well everyone but the 3 or 4 people on the server that have a reflex save of at least +19

Just for Fun / RE: Are you a Supreme Loser of Uber-Pathetic Status?
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:36:06 am »
[ ] 40(+) years old.
[ ] Living with his mother.
[ ] Balding.
[ ] Overweight.
[ ] Computer engineer / Video Store Clerk / Unemployed.  (woot just got a job so it doesn't apply)
[ ] Trekkie.
[ ] Comic Nerd.
[ ] Jedi Master. (By this, I mean the Star Wars equivalent of a Trekkie.)
[ ] Epic-Level Anything; i.e. plays pen and paper RPGs whenever given the chance, and is completely familiar with at least all rules relevant to his character(s)
[ ] Never been laid in his life.
[ ] Has a porn collection.
[ ] ...that's particularly good / frighteningly awful.
[ ] Still takes time to enjoy said collection in the middle of the day.
Owns a siginificant collection of one or more of the following, even by "nerd standards":
-[ ] Comic Books; NOT Manga
--[ ] ...and has a significant number of them in proctector sleeves AND has boards in those sleeves.
-[ ] Comic Book Memerobilia; e.g. action figures, posters, apparel, coffee mugs, non-graphic novels with comic book characters.
-[X] Pen and Paper RPG rulebooks.
-[ ] Star Trek Memerobilia.
-[ ] Star Wars Memerobilia.
-[X] Esoteric B-movie Sci-fi flicks. (not all of them are Scifi, but i love B movies)
[ ] Bathes on an irregular-at-best basis.
[ ] Is legally blind, but has coke-bottle glasses.
[ ] Has some name like Harold, or Sherman.
[ ] ...but pretends his name is Kirk, Skywalker, Mordenkainen, etc.
[ ] Wears briefs, or memerobilia-related boxers.
[ ] Has had the same hairstyle for more than twenty years, and it's slicked-back/a crew-cut/a mullet.
[X] Uses sci-fi/fantasy or gaming puns in everyday life, on a regular basis.
[ ] Just KNOWS the aliens are coming, and has taken steps to prepare.
[ ] Can actually perform the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.
[ ] Is working on the whole Force thing.
[ ] Has actually passed on a date, because his favorite sci-fi series was on that night.
[X] Is enough of a regular at the nearest Phoenix & Dragon, Gamestop, EB, Galactic Quest, or Games Workshop (or similar comic/gaming shop) that the proprieters know him by a name-like description, if not actually his name. E.g. "the X-men guy," "that munchkin who knocked off the dragon," "our best customer."   (to be fair though the Manager of Games Workshop was a friend of my brothers before he even started working there, in fact me and my brother were the ones that got him interested in the game.....but yes he knows me on a first name basis)
[ ] Has applied for more than half of these items.

[XXX] ..And still thinks he's the coolest thing in the world.

I'll fill it out once I get some replies...

fair enough, a few of them were somewhat refured to during the Bio, so Quests Lue has been on (that i can even remember the names to)

Seths "Skull in the box quest" (this was precalander and prequest write ups so i doubt theres much record of this one

Leanthars and Dezza's Shadow Blade quest

Pan's Elemental scrolls quests

Leanthars Revival of Katia Quest (forgot what you called it, might of been something like ritual of a lost ancient)

hmmm i know there were lots more, just can't think of them right now

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Poison - It's an Edge
« on: June 12, 2006, 04:33:44 pm »
too be fair, even a LG Rogue should be able to use the poison crafting tool due to Use Magic Device

Wild Surge Inn / Re: A note to all followers of Aeridin
« on: June 05, 2006, 11:49:55 am »
Syclya will attempt to be there, but i need to know a time before i know if i can make it

General Discussion / Re: Another spell related question
« on: June 04, 2006, 12:27:16 am »
it's 10+level of spell, +primary stat bonus, + feats

so a wizard, casting a fireball with an 18 int, has a DC of 10(base) +3(third level spell) +4 (intelegence) for a total of 17, now if they have spell focus that would add i believe another 2 making it 19

Development Related Topics (DRT) / Re: Left handed players
« on: May 30, 2006, 06:45:57 pm »
i'm a lefty for everything except scissers, because left handed scissors are so horrible that i had to learn to use right handed scissors and i got used to that

the odd thing is that my stronger foot is my right (used to play soccer and kick better with my right) so while i'm left handed, i'm right footed

Rumour Has It / Re: WANTED: Lueanne Lightfinger
« on: May 19, 2006, 05:57:35 am »
((i appologize about the thread reserection but as i'm online again more often this might still be relevent))

*lue sneaks in and dusts off one of the posters before attaching a note to the bottem the reads:* ya people still looking for the little one? think i saw her round Krandor

General Discussion / Re: Original Neverwinter Nights
« on: May 16, 2006, 04:17:26 am »
i loved the 3 Dragonlance games, well at least the first 2, the Third one Dark Queen of Krynn was released with a bug which made a mandatory section of the game unbeatable (IE something akin to a person you needed to talk to not being in the game) and so i put them down and am still to this day upset that i could not beat Dark Queen of Krynn

General Discussion / Re: MSN is indeed insane
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:36:48 am »
thats wonderful advice, i don't know how many times i've gotten sick from someone licking my keyboard

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