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Messages - Ozy_Llewellyn

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Layonara Server / Re: World Maps - Updated
« on: February 18, 2007, 09:22:06 pm »
Quick question, continents have been renamed through this phase out. Does this apply in reverse to all things, such as Milara’s stressing that it was the continent of Rilara. Or does it just apply to things such as cities, towns, hamlets, etcetera?

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Icedragon
« on: February 14, 2007, 01:00:56 am »
Congr... All right all right...

Happy Birthday!

To Stragens Origional post.
A simple 2da change.
I've opinions on the matter but I thought I would point out the 'how' and 'how hard' of it.

General Discussion / Re: Hello from far beyond
« on: February 09, 2007, 12:05:15 am »
I can't wait to see what new devices you develop. Also eighteen good reasons to have the HMCS Ottawa in the first place.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Ozy & Yard (2/8)
« on: February 07, 2007, 07:03:19 pm »
Congratulations Yard.

General Discussion / Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« on: February 06, 2007, 12:32:31 pm »
Well Lolli, I'm normally about to answer questions if you can tolerate my near permanent vile mood. Even when I'm not online their is this lovely option to send a Private Message and ask a question if a tell in game isn't possible. Thus my door is normally open.

World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's) / Re: WL XP Wands
« on: February 01, 2007, 12:16:39 pm »
I'll use them as much as people earn their use around me. Sound like a fair compromise?

General Discussion / Re: Just wondering
« on: January 22, 2007, 05:04:41 pm »
You can always ask around.

General Discussion / Re: Just wondering
« on: January 22, 2007, 01:35:14 pm »
Just keep in mind, other PC's, especialy Ozy are a very poor fount of information.

Layonara Server / Re: Congrats to Harlas!
« on: January 01, 2007, 12:26:12 pm »
I concur with Leanthar’s decision, there is no better choice at this time and perhaps never will be. That said, congratulations Harlas. Although I find it fickle to congratulate someone for having further responsibility.

Layonara Server / Re: Dragon's Whisper Magazine Now Available!
« on: December 31, 2006, 07:06:30 pm »
Interesting, Impressive.

General Discussion / Re: Hey Rhynn
« on: December 28, 2006, 01:58:52 am »
Congratulations. You have survived to adulthood.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday, Lynn1020
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:27:53 pm »

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: different dragon disciples
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:58:12 am »
You can just scroll down and read Dorg's response. It says the same thing but is much less wordy.

Oddly enough this suggestion seems to come up every few months. While it is indeed possible, the team thus far has not had time, or sufficient reason to make it a major priority. Not to mention to become the disciple of a dragon one must, pretty much become that dragon’s right claw.

In version three perhaps such an update will occur, but as I’m no representative of the team I cannot give you a yes or no.

That said while the idea might add further depth to Layonara, don’t hold your breath it will be a very long while if ever. The reason why this project has always been responded to with ‘there is to much on our plate’ or not responded to at all is as follows. Dragons by their very nature are powerful, rare, and very self centered even the good ones. Chromatic dragons take this a step further by being downright tyrants, and only the ‘Great Dragon Lords’ like Fisterion seem able to create disciples. A dragon of such magnitude is of course very hard to impress and wouldn’t ever take someone that it felt wouldn’t do exactly as it desired.
So your first hurtle would be to find and captivate the choice dragon and persuade it to believe that you have suddenly went irredeemably evil after years of being a hero. Not only that but that you want to serve its cause and further it. Which actually brings up the second problem, as there are rules about going ‘evil’ so to speak. Even in Version Three I have my doubts that the people in whatever town of ‘dark/evil’ will primarily have dungeons especially about doing the bad thing. As that is not what Layonara has ever been about, so you will still have trouble persuading said lizard that you wont be smashing its followers.

So with that duel challenge unfolding it seems less and less likely anyone can become the infamous chromatic dragon disciple. However also brought up in the subject would be metallic dragon disciples. The problem with this lays in that Bloodstone eradicated the metallic down to some hatchlings safely hidden far away (Check the timeline). So until there are metallic dragons to follow, which has its own set of suicide hoops, there is no point in expending man hours making an unusable class.

With an ECDQ already required, and a character with the mentality of the completely insane. Attaining the class is a feat beyond almost anyone. With the shockingly few number of powerful dragons and their natural dim view for adventurers that have been killing their servants for 20 levels. The objective of becoming an disciple becomes even more remote. With the final nail in the coffin coming from the complete lack of metallic dragons preventing the expansion of the other side of the coin.

While in Version Three, the expansion and addition of this class may occur, don’t hold your breath, there are all those problems listed above before the team exerts hours on it.

All this can be revoked by team member saying 'No its in v3 just wait'. However I don't think they would spoil the surprise.

General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:28:33 pm »
Well considering I have power gamer credentials of my own, I can say that the build you mentioned has been approved before and is far from power gaming. It is a relatively weak build. When compared to say; 20 cleric. You may scoff at this of course, however I will happily trade points with you in PM’s.

Tenser’s Transformation is a classic D&D spell, the resulting ‘transformed’ mage is actually not all that spectacular. The spells they unleash on themselves before don’t compare to have devoted those spells to a fighter before hand. Not to mention the whole loss of spells requiring re-memorization afterwards. Or that while transformed they can’t cast a thing. So while a powerful spell, being level seven it isn’t a kingmaker.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Looking to hire a language instructor
« on: December 12, 2006, 03:39:12 pm »
‘The very nature of the language of the infernal pits of the Baator is a cruel callous thing. Not easily spoken by a mortal tongue, I would suggest preparing to spend one or two years learning even the basics. I would advise in studying the infernal beings deeply to understand their mentality before embarking on a quest to understand their language. I give you full warning that those that deal with devils fair far worse then those that deal with demons.

- Ozymandias Llewellyn L’

General Discussion / Re: EVERYONE DISCUSS!
« on: December 11, 2006, 06:19:41 pm »
After being caught up in a really long story in Hlint that lasted three hours this post is coming a lot later then I intended it to come. Sorry for those of you that would actually want to read one of my rants I neglected you, just remember you’re the minority.

Normally I would steer well clear of this subject, in fact I would pretend it didn’t exist. This is simply because I am not a nice person by any standard unless that standard involves serial murder, genocide, and corrupt politicians. However it seems this is my limit.

Leanthar by his very nature is a absurdly forgiving person. When I had first heard that Kiva was banned I had assumed that he was simply asked to disappear since no one liked him. In turn he would generate a new account and things would proceed. When I bumped into him I simply laughed since a blind-toddler should of recognized his style its as obvious as my spelling.

So lets take his little ‘They monitor your tells’ bit. Lets say that our tells are recorded in the log file, in that log file is also the following.
1)   Every single combat roll or dice roll.
2)   Every single last bit of text we speak in any channel
3)   Every single thing an NPC or Crafting Station Says
4)   Every single bit of XP that is ever given out
5)   Every single monster that does a silent shout
6)   Every single load script
There are probably more, but I would say its safe to say that the text log is so flooded you would really have to be doing something warranting them spending ten hours trying to find any tell of yours much less an incriminating one. Assuming that the log file even has it anymore because it has more then likely been overwritten and erased from the 2 gigs of data a week it processes.

I have donated not even a single penny to Layonara in all the years I have played, not a cent. More then likely I am the single biggest bandwidth abuser in Layonara’s history since I probably have logged three times more hours then anyone else. If anything at all, I am the provider of my Ozzyish Services and Layonara is paying me with letting me get away with this abuse.

The classic why isn’t this small bug fix addressed within ten minutes of its creation, I of course looked at the thread. It explains that the fix will be in next update, sure the fix itself already is likely complete. After all it does very literally take less then ten minutes to do so, however there is loading the module, making certain nothing else is broken, double checking the trigger, fixing this and that. Which is why Layonara does not update for every single small bug in existence. Instead it updates them all at once in one go.

Ok the water-drip issue, it takes about twenty seconds to load each one another ten to close them, about a minute to open each area, generally a minute and a half to find each one assuming you already know where. I calculated from my notes on the location of these things from memory alone so I’m missing some it would take 42 hours to fix each and every single one to be marked plot. Forty-Two hours of the most boring thing you can do with the toolset not to mention any setbacks due to crashes or any other instance and that’s working at peak speeds. I would put money on this issue being resolved in V3 before it even begins simply because the base object has been edited. Something that cannot be reverse engineered due to Bioware game mechanics.

Favoritism, Exploiting, Cheating amongst the DM’s. It happens, I’ve seen it many times over the years. Your really going no where with this just flailing wildly instead of being coherent, provide an example with a screenshot and explanation and Leanthar will handle it. Even his incomprehensible forgiveness can meet its limit, just look at how long he turned the other cheek to you coming back after a ban.

World Leaders, as I am one I feel any comment I make will be taken as propaganda. That said however I will do my best to coherently prove that at least one World Leader actually deserves the title and would be a World Leader with or Without the system. My first case shall be of course myself, if I can’t justify to me why I’m a World Leader then I should hand in my tools right now. Simply put, I’ll be telling stories in Hlint with or without that World Leader title, I was doing it at level one I will be doing it at level forty. That is the sole reason I ended up a World Leader, if you can solidly dispute that I deserve it I will resign.

My second subject would be Brac’ar Fireface, not many of you know him but that name, you may call him EdTheKet. Not many of you know him, that’s not a surprise he doesn’t log to many hours. This is not because he is negligent, not because he is incompetent or favoritism this is because he is busy. Well you can say we are all busy, but what he is mostly busy with is writing a handbook, detailing the world. Back before he was drafted to be a DM he was putting in about three quarters the number of online hours as I was, which is a lot of hours. Being an extremely talented Role-player he ended up a DM and he always is impressive in action. So once the third handbook comes out you will see him and will agree that he well deserves the title and even if he didn’t have it he would be a World Leader.

There you go two cases where the WL title matters not at all, people that would still be doing there thing. One whom can devote a crazy number of hours online. The other that makes the first guys job even remotely possible. So that is not one instance but two examples of reasonable World Leaders. I bet if I put my mind to it I could go down the line and explain why for each person.

I don’t like all the DM’s I’d actually like to see a few removed. A few DM’s no doubt want to see me banned. I can forgive them for being human, and as I’m posting this they have no doubt forgiven me. Though no doubt we will continue not to like each other. The rest of his rant seems to be drivel unworthy of my attention.

I never nodded in agreement once. He was on the right track with some things but either sounded like an idiot or went about things the wrong way so his point was missed. That in essence is my fourteen paragraphs of comments.

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEIZTER
« on: December 10, 2006, 02:57:53 pm »
Happy Birthday

General Discussion / Re: Rent for player housing in V3?
« on: December 08, 2006, 01:40:56 pm »
Thus far I have been truly hesitant of making a comment upon this thread. However for the sake of the argument I’ve always considered things like Taxes in effect. Why they have never been collected in game is easily justified that our characters do things when we are not online. They pay taxes, go out and see theater, read books, practice their weapons and spells, tend to groves, eat, sleep, take care of children, and have a menial form of income.

In example, Joe_the_Fighter is level three and lives in the Wild Surge Inn. When not being played by Random_Person he is working as a part time guard or cleaning stables. Hardly glorious, literally peasant work but it pays the bar-tab and for his room till he can get with some friends and do something profitable.

Twelve levels later Joe_The_Fighter owns a small dwelling and during his time between adventures and monster bashing he enjoys some well deserved Rest and Relaxation. Of course that tends to hurt the pocket and he being now a fairly renowned individual serves as a very professional prestigious bodyguard to a local merchant prince. His expenses and profits may not exactly sync but it will probably be to close to care.

Adventurers’ by their very nature have highly marketable skills. It is hardly a stretch of the imagination to think of a ‘my character does this while I’m logged off.’ People might argue that individuals like druids or rangers wouldn’t make much money. On the same token they probably don’t spend much either and could easily sell trinkets to cover it. There are lists of suggested professions in the players handbook for the various classes and I can’t be bothered to list them here.

So when someone says ‘can’t we have professions’ I wonder ‘why don’t we have taxes?’ Now of course it is in reverse, since the idea of taxes come into play, can we not have added income for our offline times based upon our characters skills and hobbies. Not to mention certain classes have currently unused abilities, *cough* bard performances *cough*, that creates income.

Although there is the mentionable argument that such things are developing and effecting the character, and thus are best left in the realms of character development quests. The counter argument in that is that DM’s have limited time and standing guard for eight in game hours doing nothing is a waste of every ones time. Or emoting every single brushstroke if your character happens to be a hobbyist painter.

There is of course one massive-huge problem with this, the inevitable micromanage spiral. The higher level characters could defiantly make a lot more without effort then the lower level. If based upon only a limited number of factors the rich get richer the poor get poorer. So you would have to add in more expenses. Which would result in more requested benefits, fueled with the same explanations and arguments you used to justify what opened the can of worms and keeps it open. Even if you could actually manage all of this, you have added many megabits to the module sizes, countless extra systems, and finally spent hundreds of man-hours.

For that amount of time you would of gained no extra worth to the server that makes it better or sets it apart. Quite possibly you have driven away some players, or at least annoyed others. Finally you have sacrificed new areas and balancing of old ones not to mention countless very good systems that will now never get built do to constraints of module size. Also a half way method could of course backfire horribly in the RP channels increasing the pressure to ‘monster-grind’ if not very carefully done.

I personally detest laissez-fair, but I thought I would point out lots of road hazards to be considered and digested before a new system was seriously considered. Might be easier to reconsider how money is dropped in v3 to work with the economy. Like say having money be deposited on characters with the XP or something every time at a much smaller value.

So folks, that is my ten paragraphs of unnecessary commentary which I imagine everyone here ran through in their heads before making their posts. At the very least this will make a decent reference point next time ‘character professions’ comes up in the suggestions forum.

Sigh Edit:
It seems someone else brought up the whole player occupation thing. Oh well I’m not going to try and restructure this entire post because a valid point is already made.

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