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Messages - Zen

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General Discussion / Re: Game mech. question were does it go?
« on: May 19, 2006, 05:29:55 am »
Thank You

General Discussion / Re: How adicted are you?
« on: May 18, 2006, 07:09:34 am »
score 21

most of the questions DO NOT APPLY to me. You want reasons, well here you go: (if married take notes)
1/ I'm lucky my wife does her crafts and I do this. But if she did complain I would remind her that I could be at a bar/pub/casino/etc. spending $100 or more every day.

2/ my "job" is being a Disabled US NAVY Veteran. Yes I wish I was not but you gotta take the cards as they fall. If ya wanna know (rt. knee no legiments / no cartlege - must wear a brace {looks like what NFL linemen wear on the field} just to walk and if unstable footing add a cane or crutches) gee 'n I live in the "snow belt" :(

3/ the only ones that want to use this thing are my sons. So, *points to self* strict father here so all computer time is up to me. Muuhahahahaha

4/ add in what you want LOL I am the Admin and if the kids are bad I just change their passwords. 8)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: May 18, 2006, 06:41:36 am »
yes have more fun than any should be allowed to!
Happy, happy, hap-hap-hap-hap-happy birthday to all three!

General Discussion / Re: NWN2 News: DM Client
« on: May 18, 2006, 06:28:39 am »
@ Dorganath

so you really are human and not a decendent of TRON.

*Zen walks away disapointed* :D  :p

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Stay Out Of The Broken Forest
« on: May 03, 2006, 10:41:05 am »
*Garnet walks in staggering* (// just to see Garnet walk is strange but to see him stagger?)
*sees the notice and dips a twig to his blood soaked robes, and writes in his own blood*

OY! Nay go der! I waz runnen 'n I think it waz a vine dat hit me az I was crossen ta Fort Hope, with me next stepp a vine hit me. I fell wonderen if this to waz a test of Vorax? Dis one I failed, 2 hits 'n I waz dead, I neva got ta hit et one tiome! Dis be a good warenen if a Brother of Battle nay kin last with "Vorax's Blessing" den STAY OUTT!

Garnet Stone Soul, Brother of Battle

*Garnet drops the bloody twig and staggars to the innkepper, rents a room and goes to recover*

General Discussion / RE: A last goodbye from a monk
« on: May 03, 2006, 09:50:26 am »
Just hope to see ja in NwN2 or there abouts good luck and Have Fun *waves goodbye*

General Discussion / Re: Removing ECDQ's
« on: April 28, 2006, 12:32:02 pm »
Faldred - 4/28/2006  8:28 AM

I believe that non-human races had level caps for most classes.

Yes there were level caps on everything but the Fighter class. That aside do you remember "Chainmail"? Wow I really feel old now :p

General Discussion / uests
« on: April 28, 2006, 06:05:31 am »
Aloha All,

Now that the nice stuff is over I can see one way to put an end to all of this!

It's called a bell curve and most good PnP DM's that I have met use them. Here in a computer setting all we need to do is increase the amount of XP needed to reach the next level. This can be done many ways: Doubleing the XP to the next level; Adding a percentage to the current values;etc. etc.

I think this would be easyer than dropping the xp receved from monsters and Quests. and still accomplish the bell type ramp. For all you PnP players out there this is why most DM's have you play characters ONLY in their game.

I have been PnP gaming from 1980 to present (yes I still PnP) and you almost sound like you think that Leanther is a Monty Hall type GM (a least with XP). I would even agree to a level rollback if higher XP to the next level is installed!

And please rember the Player said this and don't take it out on my Characters. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Speculation
« on: April 26, 2006, 05:58:09 am »
A Dwarven Monk not related to Garnet. And yes he will go for the Brothers of Battle! Looking forward to getting NwN2 now that I know we will change-over.

General Discussion / Re: Poll on transition to NWN2
« on: April 26, 2006, 05:29:42 am »
Well it being a new game with a new "Plot" I think we should do a wipe.

I also think that each "player" should be able to auto submit one (1) "character". This acheeved by the Player submiting under a thread the name of the Character to be started at level 1. (I think this will help the Character Approvers)

For those that want to submit a new character, may they be able to submit two (2) to three (3) weeks before the change is made?
This way we can have a smooth *Restart*.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Garnet's log
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:45:40 pm »
I have met a young Dwarf lad named Beli Tenker. Beli told me that my friend Jil told him of me. This Beli has requested to become a Brother of Battle and I am determened to help him in any way that I can. I have started Beli's training though Vorax's Avatar has not visited him as of yet. Beli might just be to young but as I have not receved any stop order from the "Brothers" I will keep helping this lad along.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Garnet's log
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:39:03 pm »
I feel that my lessons in common are almost to an end. I think that Jil's Dwarven is good enough to talk to her in Dwarven all the time now but, I still need to learn the finer parts of common.

It has been fun babysitting these last 4 years. I never knew that young ones could be so much fun and so exausting. I wish that I had her energy all the time *chuckles to himself* I ould never need sleep as I do now just short naps. And all the practice that I get with Jil when that dear baby lass is sleeping or playing quietly has helped us both to speak and further understand. Both Jil and Daren are the best non-dwarf friends that I have here.

well time to practice craftin

General Discussion / Re: It is time...
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:08:42 pm »
RL can be tough so the GM thing no biggie ;) I just hope to see ya IG having fun :)

General Discussion / Re: farewell
« on: April 19, 2006, 08:29:28 pm »
Sorry to see ya go  >:/   Hope to see you when you can come back ;)   Until then I will miss you :(  Have a good R/L and get ritch so you can play all day :p

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Leanthar
« on: April 10, 2006, 04:47:40 pm »
Leanthar have a good one  ;)

OK first the fastest way for you or anyone to get their Character approved for play on Layonara is to read all the stickies listed under "Character Submissions".

I have been here for awile and I still read them {the stickes} when I put in for a new character. Also if your bio is long double space and make paragraphs. The easier you make it on the "Character Approvers" the better mood they will be in. And if  they take more than a day or two please remember that they all have a life beyound Layonara.

Hope to see ya online soon  8)

General Discussion / Re: Woooooooooooo!
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:46:21 pm »
Hey you all know that Vyris IS insane! So what is so shocking?

I thought he went Sane for awhile, Vyris good to see your back :)

General Discussion / Re: I all comes down to this
« on: April 08, 2006, 11:28:06 am »
Man youll do just fine. :)  Just stay chilly 8)

I cant spell and HATE math but in the NAVY we had to learn Electrical Engineering, in a school that you fail one test and your gone. I know your your thinking Engineering for the US NAVY well out at sea sometimes you dont have parts and you need to build from scratch. Sounds like fun dont it ... not.

I hope this is the Master Plumber cert.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Layonara featured on Bioware Wednesday
« on: April 05, 2006, 05:17:58 pm »
That was really cool "L" glad they came back to you.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Garnet's log
« on: April 05, 2006, 09:28:29 am »
I wss almosst der 'n oi ran across one bugbear dat oi nay could hurt. Dat bugbear's caln took Grimlok. I nay see wat wai dai wentt 'n I prayed ta Vorax foa 'elp en fiounden Grimlok. I den prayed ta me ancesteras for guidence ta fiond dem bugbears.

Me ancesteras gav me aah wai ta go 'n I went dat wai. Den az I started ta go dat wai soumtin tolled me ta stoap I did den da powa o Vorax feilled me.
Wit da 'elp o Vorax I attaked da bugbear camp, killed da cleric 'n den da res o da camp. Butt I neva foined Grimlok. Seo I wennt ta look foa 'im, I foun a gard 'n took em outt den I saw Grimlok. Grimlok wss tied upp seo I untied 'im and we wennt ta da Monestary. I nay goen putt dat partt doun hea cause et be a secrate jus incase I loose dis.

Den insoide we mett da "Stone Palm" 'n Grimlok wss assked how da tripp ta der wss. Grimlok toll da Stone Palm wat appened 'n dqa Stone Palm den assk me how da powa o Vorax fellt. Den da Stone Palm tolled I did good job 'n caulled me Bradda. I wss assked if I could sta teill da nex dai foa a ceromonioy I sai aye. Dat nigh I mett 'n talk ta da Bruddas. We drank spirits aull nigh loaong nigh.

Da nex dai we 'ad da ceromonioy. At dat da Stone Palm gav me mi neu naiome o Garnet Stone Soul. 'N I 'ad ta giv 'im a prayer foa "da mantle o rank" a cloak frum Vorax 'n wen da Braddas putt me praya on da claasp I den goen gett me cloak.

I feeals seo good I be one Bradda o Battle!

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