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Messages - slipperhero

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Wild Surge Inn / RE: To All Dwarves
« on: July 30, 2005, 05:01:00 am »
*Vigg walks by the note, reads it and shrugs*

"- Better look fer me winter boots. Weather be nasty up there in em mountains."

General Discussion / RE: NWN and and Concealment
« on: July 29, 2005, 12:24:00 pm »
True Seeing doesnt work on concealment.
I use true sight with Vigg and whenever some giant has Improved Invisibility (30% concealment) I still get affected by the concealment.

Development Journals and Discussion / Fall from grace
« on: July 17, 2005, 04:53:00 am »
The messenger stands infront of the kneeling, redbearded dwarf and speaks with a deep voice.

"Vorax is not pleased with your actions, Vigg Belber"
"Your have strained from the true path and angered the Father of Battle."
"For this you will pay the price."

The messenger vanishes and the image of an axe placed upon an altar appears in Viggs head.

"I will do whatever you ask of me."

Vigg feels empty and the everpresent feeling of Vorax is gone.

He picks up his axe and shield, they feel a lot heavier than they used to, and starts walking.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A dwarven gathering...and their friends...
« on: July 14, 2005, 01:49:00 pm »
*a neatly written letter to Duradin*
I have seen this new threat and it is not to be taken lightly.
Go forth with the blessing of Vorax.


// I'd like to come but it is in the middle of the night for me on a working week.

Development Journals and Discussion / Prelude to a war
« on: July 14, 2005, 01:38:00 pm »
"Hold up guys! I think I found something."

The man picks up the vial from beneath the pile of bones and dusts of the dirt.

"Looks like a letter in a vial. Bring that torch over here!"

The lid opens with a small pop and the man picks out a parchement and a small pouch of glod coins.

"Hmm... looks like an a dwarf wrote this. The letters are almost readable. Lets see...
I am not sure I can translate all of it you now. Hey! Get that torch closer!"

"Dear Grandpa,
I hope you have your health and the temple is well. I am writing to you concerning a matter of great importance.
Since my discovery of the death of the great green dragon I have known that the war against the legend Sinthar Bloodstone has been a fact. The disasters in the village of Hlint was a mere nuisance of what was to come. The great blue dragon, whose name I have trouble writing, called for aid not long ago. Although she would never admit the fact that she was in grave danger, a minor force of heroes set out to defend her. The villains had set up camp throughout The drift lands, hiding behind sand dunes protected by powerful spells and summoned demons from the abyss. The battle was long and hard, dreaded deamons summoned by the minions of Blood rushed forward to meet our axes and with the help of Vorax we prevailed.
This action of Blood was not the first since his devouring of the great green dragon, I fear that war is upon us and things will not get any easier.
Please inform the king of this and I hope starts to prepare for the outright war I am sure too come.
Your grandchild,

P.S Please accept this small donation to the temple"

The man sighs. "That is about it... Strange to find this in a cave with the bones of giants"

General Discussion / RE: magic vestment and GMW
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
Magic Vestment is +1/5. Vigg is lvl 15 and gets a +3 AC bonus from it.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Seeking Gloves of Fury
« on: June 09, 2005, 04:35:00 am »
I have a pair for sale. I ask 2000 gold coins or a box of spider silk for them.
/Vigg Belber

This is some scary stuff.
I know there's a lot of religious freaks out there and this one goes into my hall of fame.
*bookmarks under Strange stuff*

Quests Ideas and Discussion / RE: Fishing
« on: June 04, 2005, 02:08:00 pm »
Ok with Murin as well.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The book of Murin
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:30:00 am »
Murin gulps down mouthful of ale and grabs his pen

The grey peaks are much like the Berhagen mountains. But there is no giants to ambush you. Instead, the hills are filled with ogres. Ogres, I hate them. I can not see what evil god created these monstrous creatures in the first place. They fill no function whatsoever. The good thing is they're not very organized.

Murin chuckles. "- Like they had the brains for it..."

I met up with kinsmen Fenrir and Kurgaz yesterday. And that axeidiot Bruenor Wildbeard took us out for a raid far up in the Grey Peaks. I always wondered what drives his kind. He was like a whirlwind of pure rage. The ogres never knew what hit them. And no matter how much they bashed on him, he just keeped on going.

I used all the tricks and tactics Fenrir showed me, but I make a lot of common mistakes. Fenrir gave me a few more pointers after I got a good bash right in the head by a straggling ogre.

Murin closes the book and finishes his ale. "- Oi, Barkeep! Another ale iffen ye be so kind, lad!"

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The book of Murin
« on: June 02, 2005, 05:00:00 am »
Today has been an interesting day.
It all started out in Hlint where I met a bunch of humans and kinsmen who was on their way to the iron mine in Haven. Apparently the mines was invaded by ogres some time ago and the fellas over in the castle was more than happy that such a large force had showed up to help cleanse the mines.
Fenrir, Rolf and Skarp showed me the different tunnels and where there is still iron deposits that can be salvaged. Since the mines are vast and hold many places where the ogres could ambush us Fenrir showed me a few tricks and tactics that I never learned in the guard.
We finally made it to the large cavern at the bottom where the ogres had set up camp and a fierce battle took place. The strangest part was the pale ogres who slipped out of sight and appeared in a cloud of pure cold that made me shiver to the core. I did not know that the ogres had the ability to learn how to manipulate the weave for their own purposes.
Seems I learn something new everyday, and that mistake is something I will not make again.

Just for Fun / RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
« on: June 02, 2005, 04:54:00 am »
Vigg Belber - Vigg comes from the swedish word "Ã…skvigg", translation should be something like "lightning strike". Belber is a lastname I've used for a few dwarven characters I've played in PnP and on other servers.

Murin - Murin comes from "Mur" (Swedish for brickwall) and added a stylish "in" at the end to make it sound more dwarven.

General Discussion / RE: favorite areas in layo?
« on: May 31, 2005, 02:17:00 am »
Voltrex was really awesome. The towers are breathtaking and the details put into these areas are just well worth the trip.
Otherwise Firesteep is great with all the lava and mountains, although not the best area to run around just to look at the views :)
Also the tileset used in the ruins of madness is one of my favourites.

General Discussion / RE: Age poll
« on: May 28, 2005, 03:18:00 am »
Hey! Don't forget "Shark! Shark!"

General Discussion / RE: Chat Logging
« on: May 11, 2005, 02:12:00 pm »
I got this file (layo-west.bat) on my desktop:

@echo off
SET NWN_PATH="D:\\NeverwinterNights"
SET GLR_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Gnomish Log Rotator"
start /w nwmain.exe +connect +password PASSWORD_GOES_HERE

You might want to change the paths if you have installed NWN and the gnomish log rotator somewhere else.
And change PASSWORD_GOES_HERE to the layo password
For layo-central.bat and layo-east.bat you just have to change the IP ( to (central) and (east)

General Discussion / RE: Where are all tha dwarf lasses at?
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:35:00 pm »
*Vigg walks in holding a jug of ale*
Oi! If the lass aint got a beard she aint worth the time!
*Drinks his ale, burps and walks out*

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Wanted: 5 gems of ultravision
« on: May 04, 2005, 01:32:00 am »
*written at the bottom of the note in Port Hampshire*

Oi can set ye up with some o em gems.

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: April 27, 2005, 08:35:00 am »

Development Journals and Discussion / A letter home
« on: April 24, 2005, 01:01:00 pm »
*A rough translation of a letter written in dwarven*

Dear Grandpa,
I hope you have your health and that the temple is thriving. It has been too long since my last visit but there has been so much to do and places to visit in the last year that I have not found the time.
The surfacelands are strange and I find the humans a complicated race to get along with. They fight a lot amongst themselfs and there is much bitter fighting amost the different tribes and religions. Fortunatley I have met a lot of kinsmen on my journeys. Brother Deiwos is an excellent axeman, perhaps a bit quiet, but he sticks by my side through thick and thin. Vorax has really blessed me with such a fine friend.
Send my love to mother and give her the ring I sent with this letter. Tell her I will return and find me a wife very soon.

Your grandson, Vigg.

General Discussion / RE: Good D&D reading
« on: April 20, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
This isnt really D&D books but has a really nice epic story.
The books about The Black Company by Glen Cook. You can probably find them on Amazon.

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