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Messages - Locust

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General Discussion / RE: DM quests and soulstones
« on: June 18, 2005, 10:52:00 pm »
My main character doesn't carry a soulstone because he usually has only 50 - 100 gp on him. He doesn't collect from the dead (or through NPC quests) when in a party and basically I go OOC when I'm alone and take some money to buy food, a light healing portion for when on quests or to save some money for the boat tickets because that is the only way we can earn some money.

I was forced a bid into this situation becuase of the little time I can play and when I play I like to have fun RP'ing instead of having to worry about earning money and items IG. It was my choice to play a poor man :). Therefore I fully accept it when I'm not raised and I can understand that this may force others to take some tough decissions.

Rumour Has It / RE: The specialist
« on: June 08, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
Not that long ago a group of friends set out from the temple in Fort Llast. The journey finaly led to a clan of rabble and thiefs connected to, what later appeared, vampires.

The path they took led through Port Hampshire to the continent of Rilara. After wandering the countrysite they came upon an old lair in which a few coffins and a damaged contraption were found. Though the lair still contained some traps the coffins turned up empty and the contraption broken. Bones and broken weapons littered the floor around it.

General Discussion / RE: Chat Logging
« on: May 15, 2005, 11:06:00 pm »
That's very usefull Slipper for those who cannot figure it out, like me.

This is a link to Cleave. A program I use to read through the logs.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Toran
« on: May 11, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
//Sorry but cannot make that time. But is someone is taking notes I'm glad to read them *nods to Zemik*

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Toran
« on: May 10, 2005, 04:07:00 am »
Ohhh what happened? *looking at the stars*

//I might be able to be there on saturday from 4 - 5:30 pm EST.

General Discussion / RE: Where are all tha dwarf lasses at?
« on: May 09, 2005, 08:02:00 am »
Oye ‘andsome wit’ t’e iron pants w’as t’is about t’e females. Me’s got t’em pointers under t’e ‘ood and me’s can s’ake t’em anda it will make yous eyes grow tall anda make yous tremble like volcano. Oess.

Anda if yous can make me’s ‘appy me’s can make yous ‘appy buts lets me's tell yous it not gonna be easy wit' t'em iron pants on. Oess. T’at s’ould be enoug’.


Oyeoyeoyeoye. ‘e’s muss ‘ave t’e manure in t’e eyes

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Toran Followers Meeting
« on: May 06, 2005, 06:19:00 am »
Even at 6 pm it would be a close call. I probably will come at the end for a little while. With all the Toran followers gathered Na~hani would like to seize the opportunity to find an answer to a question that has been bothering him for some time.

Development Journals and Discussion / Blackout V
« on: May 05, 2005, 05:41:00 am »
The air is covered with black clouds keeping most of the sunlight from reaching the earth below. Even though the day has just started it feels as if the night is approaching again. Between the trees in the forest up ahead the darkness rules and movement cannot be detected giving an atmosphere of peace. It is clear that autumn has tightened its reigns since yesterday. It was then that the wind was gently rustling through the withered leaves of a nearby birch but the thunderstorms had entered the land just when evening fell. Now increased in its strength the wind is howling through its empty branches.

Just before the rain came pouring down he found himself a place to rest a few meters away from the birch. There under a slab of rock he found a small place to hide himself from view and to keep him dry. The rain had doused the fire that was supposed to give him the warmth he required to make himself a meal and a little comfort for the night. But alas this could not be and his dinner merely consisted of a small piece of stale bread just enough to bring back the quiet in his belly. With that he fell asleep with his back against the rock and covered by his cloak.


I awake and it is still raining hard. I realise that the wind is pressing a piece of paper on my face. I take it away and see that it is torn along one edge and covered with scribbles and a few droplets of rain that are quickly soaked into the paper. I start to read although my mind is still clouded by the sleep that abruptly ended a few seconds before.


The road tainted with lies and deceit, where it nears its end one has to do what one has to do. Go past the threshold and go further than what one is asked to do. The time when emotions run high, when one feels alone. Is alone. Left alone. Experience the pain while the world around is sleeping and closed its eyes to the mind that is awake at the deepest moments of the night. Twisting, turning on the questions when in the end only one answer remains.
We lived in a facade and a fantasy
A world created between you and me
Now that I open my eyes and I see
From now on it shall no longer be
What we once had now has been had
Where one off us, me, who was misled

And as I clean and sheath my blade
Your flesh left to rot covered by my shade
The skin tones slowly to the color of death
I patiently stand and watch until
Your lungs breathe their last breath
When all that is left, is left to die
And loneliness is all you have

Your death will save me

This is for you, I did it for you. Just, because ….. I care, my one, my Jasslin.


From the first words onwards the ink on the page becomes thinner and slowly a red color is mixed with the black of the ink. The letters get bigger and bigger as the poem continues until the last sentence which is completely written in red. Again he finds that some of the letters are similar to his own handwriting, this time though the letters are no longer solitaire but forming words and pieces of sentences.

Development Journals and Discussion / Path to salvation
« on: April 28, 2005, 10:23:00 pm »
Through the land of danger
I knew the track of peace
A seed dorment it awoke
As blackout lashed again
Danger was all around
No longer was the peace
Red flowed amongst the green
While spirits fled the field

When one amongst others
Rahzon, Bidwick, Varda, Gier
My friends they held me on my feet
Exposed to arrow and steel
They stood without complaint

Knifes cutting with these thoughts
From where I failed my duty
And failed not only them

Now that I will set out again
Carry again your shield
To open a door into the past
I pray to you to keep my faith
With my mind free of obstruction
Let pain not be my companion
And let me not walk alone

Guide me the beacon for my soul
Let it spread its wings wide
Come cover me with light

My wish is for an angel
To take me by the hand
Before I fall before you
Aid me with each step
Wandering the trail of tears
On the path to salvation

* Unfolding his hands while he stares into the eyes of Toran's statue *

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Toran Followers Meeting
« on: April 28, 2005, 12:05:00 am »
* nods when Syn'aldur has spoken *

//I'm also in GMT zone but my time is limited and since we are expecting a second child soon I might not be able to attend because of this. If possible I would propose 6 - 8 pm GMT. I think the suggestion of two reps. is a good one if we can spread them across a few timezones but I don't know if this is possibele.

Development Journals and Discussion / Bite my lip
« on: April 25, 2005, 04:07:00 am »
I had to bite my lip not to release my emotions. I heard him, he asked it, it was clear. He appeared concerned and vulnerable and requested our help, he was weak because of the loss of his friend. As a person I can protect him, offer him that much and I will do it since that is what Toran has given me when I was weak.
But why? Why does the pain surge through my hand each time the weave is mentioned? Why can I hardly control my emotions, did I smile without sincerity and did I hide behind my paladins to make the decision?

The weave. It only brings disaster. Look at the drow tapping from it and gaining the power off shadow. Why help now that the weave is weak and while Toran and Rofirein are at war. Maybe we have to keep it weak and let its influence on people diminish so that they can no longer gain power beyond their own. Power that more often then not will bring destruction and death and power that has the ability to corrupt minds.

I fail to understand a decision taken so lightly.


Development Journals and Discussion / World within world
« on: April 21, 2005, 06:49:00 am »
I met him again. This time he wore no helmet and I was able to see some of his facial features. His dark brown eyes stern but honest and when he addressed me they peered straight into mine. On his left cheek I noticed several scars although his moustache was probably covering most of them from view. The skin covering his cheekbones and around the eyes showed the signs as if it had been exposed by the silt air of the sea most of his live. After we found a place where we could talk he introduced himself as Powell though I doubt whether this is truly his name.

We had some discussion and I wanted to go straight to what I thought of the matter but he kept it short. Facts there his interest lay, not some meaningless discussion about what might happen. Later though he softened his tone a little and allowed me some room to discuss my thoughts on the matter.

Afterwards he mentioned trust and that words can do more then swords and I believed him since these words are on my mind as well. However he also asked what my reaction would be if I was asked to go behind my friends back for the greater cause. Now I wonder, can I trust him? Why am I left with such a foul taste in my mouth? It feels like betraying what I believe in, Toran, my friends ….. then again is it really betrayal if it serves to safe peoples live. The thought revolving in my head over and over while looking at all possible angles. What should I answer?

* After rubbing his left hand with the other he picks up the short twig that lies besides him. Gripping it firmly he makes a rough drawing of a shield in the sand at his feet. Staring in the distance for several minutes before he races his hand through the sand leveling it in its wake. *

“Next time we meet I will ask him”

Just for Fun / RE: ---
« on: April 19, 2005, 12:09:00 pm »
Na~hani lost his memory and status of his parents is unknown because of it.

Crunch still has her farther, mother and brothers somewhere in Layo. But to be honest I have no idea how they are doing at the moment.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Rofirein and Toran time to for unity
« on: April 19, 2005, 03:58:00 am »
//Regarding time 6:30 GMT should be possible if my wife is not suffering to much (8 months pregnancy). Also because of this playtime is limited so I might be able to only play a minor role in the coming weeks. On sunday same limitations apply.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Rofirein and Toran time to for unity
« on: April 18, 2005, 08:01:00 am »
* Na~hani approaches the note and after reading it continues talking to himself *

I’m sorry I’m not able to support you in this battle my friends, I currently have my own fights to fight. And as long as my blackouts are not cured I would not regard myself as an asset to the cause.

//Great initiative! But as Mathilda’s request last week RL prevents me from joining at such an early hour. Also there is the world meeting later that evening that I would like to join as well. Choices …. they are never easy ;)

Development Journals and Discussion / Me's 'ammers
« on: April 18, 2005, 04:28:00 am »
* talking to here hammers  while polishing them with oil *

Oye me’s ‘ad some clubbing in some cave anda t’ere me’s ‘ad been talking wit’ t’em Sparkle anda guess w’at we’ve got some names for yous. Me’s will call you t’e Agat’a t'e tiny one for t’e delicate t’ings to do anda yous, big’un, yous are better for the smas’ing anda I will call yous t’e Bert’a.

Oye me’s pretty t’ings me’s met me’s matc’ today. Issa t’e lady M’ anda me’s ‘ave to keep an eye in ‘ere pocket. S’e’s fine wit’ t’em tricks of curling t’e men around ‘ere fingers. Les t’em do all the ‘eavy work w’ile we’s watc’. Issa fine livin. Oess. Buts me’s muss not forget to do some knocking too sometimes ot’erwise t’e men mig’t get suspicious anda we’s don’t want t’at to ‘appen do we’s. Also me’s ‘ave t’e wort’less stuff me’s can give away w’ile me’s keeps w’at me’s wants. T’em smart pants, noso.

Anyway muss tell yous story of some fine trick. Issa to do wit’ t’em sparkles. Me’s been spitting anda smas’ing till me’s ‘ands were green buts no s’ine. Noso. So me’s started asking questions to me’s men anda soon t’ey started talking abouts t’em oil. Me’s squas’ t’em juicy mus’rooms anda wit’ t’em juice me’s polis’es t’em sparkles s’iny anda also me’s ‘ands are clean. Issa two in one anda it didn’t cost me’s anyt’ing. Oyeoyeoye t’ey didn’t see t’at coming.

Buts me’s ‘ave to t’ink ‘ard until me’s brains will blossom abouts t’e skinny one t’at can s’ifts s’ape. ‘e’s was raving about some ot’er s’ine. If ‘e’s can give t’at to me’s, me’s can fixed it on t’e A’ anda B’ anda t’an me’s ‘appy. Buts if ‘e’s going to bump me’s buts me’s lets ‘ave t’e A’ anda B’ ‘ave t’eir way wit’ ‘im. Issa ‘is c’oice anda issa best to give w’at me’s wants. Ussum.

Oess. Me’s arm-pits are itc’ing anda me’s needs a full tankard rig’t now.

CRUNCHA!!! * waving Bertha over here head *

Development Journals and Discussion / Path to salvation
« on: April 16, 2005, 11:14:00 pm »
“This place so quiet, a place of tranquility”

Another voice.

“I guess this is what the druid wants to protect Ellendil”

Na~hani scoops his hand through the water and empties it into his mouth, next to him he sees his friend doing the same. The water in this place so cool and refreshing, the rustling of the waterfalls, the trees and the flowers radiant their colors and up there a fort overlooking the vale below. It really is a place of beauty a place where one can become one again with oneself and I’m glad I could take my friend to this location.

But it was not before another blackout occurred back at the caravan near Leilon that we head out to this special place. Again the blackout hit but this time, according to Ellendil, there was more. A high-pitched voice spoke from my lips and a woman’s voice taking over several times.

It was when I regained consciousness that we spend some time talking about what had happened. My friend left with an unpleasant feeling after the high-pitched voice had spoken to him. Shielded. Not worthy. Guarded by the energy. Wasting him would not bring much satisfaction and no pleasure since the entertainment provided would not be sufficient for them. Between the words the name of the women fell. Jasslin. Is it here that scribbled the note at the bottom of the poem I found ripped from my journal the other day? Besides the name and a major headache, as usual, more questions remained then we could answer. The feeling within us this time however changed.

After an hour the conversation came to an end and my friend showed again his love for nature and why he follows Folian with such determination. It made me realize that I had to take him to this place of beauty, this treasure hidden for many others. And we went.

Later, after we had scouted the area, we set up camp for the night and lighted a small campfire. The glow of the moon was already strong giving the water falling down from the waterfalls a silver color as it fed the silver pool of water below. After we enjoyed the nourishing meal Ellendil had prepared we added some logs to the fire, rearranged our belongings and prepared ourselves to go to sleep. The air was still full of life as, through the sound of falling water, the crickets sang their song and bats chased their prey avoiding objects in their flight. We felt the eyes looking from the shadows watching us going about near the fire but the peacefulness of this place reigned. Before our minds succumbed to our fatigue Ellendil thanked me for taking him there while I responded.

“I serve my friend”.

In my head I heard myself speak about the hope I have. The hope that I can receive His protection in return as I do receive yours my friend and this faith will help me for what will come while I trot my path.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A Tribute to the Stonesmasher Clan
« on: April 15, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
Oye me's ears are twirling anda me's noso 'appy me's men are noso fine *snorts* ..... *spits* ..... Buts will be's enoug' ot'ers about *broad smile while throwing some coins on the bar* ..... Oess. Issa for t'e 'andsome, he's earned it.

Development Journals and Discussion / World within world
« on: April 14, 2005, 04:28:00 am »
Hear him out, it didn’t make sense at first. Recommended by the healer but for what purpose besides to escort a group of merchants and keep a close watch on their lives. But I did it nonetheless, the healer he should know what this is about and I see no reason why I should question his judgment.

Once outside the temple tough another man approached me. He introduced himself as a friend of Mistone and asked me a small favor for Mistone. He informed me of this group of merchants and asked me to listen and to keep a close eye on their activities. Well I agreed probably some church business in this as well, has to be if the healer recommended me he must be involved one way or the other.

Anyway nothing spectacular happened on this mission except this druid maybe and some other thinks I’ve noted down so I don’t have to remember it all. Now I will wait for this mysterious friend to contact me again. Lets see if a little information will reveal a bid more of what he represents.

Development Journals and Discussion / Blackout IV
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:39:00 am »
Sometimes you look back onto your live and you see the journey that started the day you were born. A path leading from there, winding and instances where decisions had to be taken or where you were led. Your own strive and your beliefs as a guide along the way until your soul no longer bears the energy or when it just gives in. Than the Soul Mother will have won and you have lost for good.
I miss part of my life and it only started again a little while ago. Since then I do have my strive and a guide to light my path but without the memories of what went on before that. Am I still true to what I was before? True to myself, my friends, my God and the people?  

My only wish is to protect the weak and stand up for the innocent without further ado and fortunes have little use for me. Sometimes I feel that this is too much to ask of myself when I see the world before me develop even without me acting upon it or able to control it’s temper. Often I'm insecure of my actions but still I act without question, I just know Toran will protect me, my soul ….. for now.
- - - - -

He wakes up and nothingness lingers for a while before he regains himself and prepares himself to get dressed. After he has washed his face with the fresh water from a bowl next to his bed his eyes wander to the table situated against the wall of his bedroom. On the table he sees his journal.

“That’s weird I’m sure I closed it and left it in the drawer last night”

Approaching the table he notices a loose sheet of paper sticking out from under his journal.


He checks the door to his room ….. Locked ….. He checks the windows ….. Closed ….. Nothing in the room is disturbed accept for the linen covering his bed and his journal.

“Hmmmm? ….. Strange”

Returning to his journal he picks it up and notices the empty sheet underneath has been torn at one edge and that it is similar in color and structure to that from his journal.  Riffling through the pages he notices one page is missing and torn from his journal. His hand reaches for the loose sheet still left on the table.

“This must be it than”

Picking it up and turning it around he notices something written on the back, a poem.

- - - - -

I met with the angel of darkness last night
She showed me the path into the light
Is she the first
To quench my thirst
Will she crucify my soul
Or rather take me whole
Here nailed to the wood
It gets me in the mood
I'm tired off living
Death at my door, dare I give in?

* A scribble underneath reads * Jass

- - - - -

While reading the poem he notices some of the letters are similar to his own handwriting.


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