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Messages - ColtCommando

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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Reflections
« on: August 17, 2007, 04:57:22 pm »
*Cirol sits in the Surge again, his discheveled appearence and torn armor becoming a regular sight.  He labors over a notebook, with a half-eaten bowl of stew steaming nearby*
 What a day... what a day.  It seems not everything I stumble into out here in the world is as nice and understanding as I have come to believe.  First the bugbear, and now kobolds.  
 I met Eander again, just leaving Hlint after getting myself all patched up.  He spoke of a need to mine some copper, and the red light cave was completely blocked closed.  So we decided to head for the cave in the Silkwood.  Upon entry, though, we were severly ambushed.  Before we could even say a word a sticky geletin fell from the cieling, nearly engulfing us both, and to make things worse there was an entire Kobold warparty, charging down our necks.  We managed to keep them at bay with our combined bows, and freed ourselves from the nasty muck.
 Having scouted the area and deciding it was clear, we went ahead and started to mine.  It was not minutes after we had started though, that a single kobold, magiced up as much as I had ever seen, came right up to us.  It seemed rather upset that were mining its copper, although I dont think it was upset at us for defending ourselved from the ambush.  At first the kobold was unyielding, and wanted to chase us out.  But I asked it if it would take gold in return for letting us mine some of its copper.  It thought about it for a moment, and when it eyed the rather large sack of coins I had it couldnt resist.  
 I thought everything was going to be fine then... but Eander had different plans.  He obviously does not like Kobolds, in the least.  He acctualy tried to force the Kobold to give the gold back!  I knew we were in for trouble now.  The kobold made everything pitch black, and when the darkness subsided we were surounded by another ambush.  We had them all eating arrows, and soon all was quiet again.  Eander seemed to be rather perturbed that I would even consider paying a kobold, using what had just happened as his reasoning.  I knew if he had not over reacted it wouldnt have happened, but the fact of the matter was the Kobold took a large sum of gold for payment to mine, and then preceeded to try and kill us.  Regarless of the circumstances, he basically just stole my gold, and lied to me to try and get us both killed.  
 Eander was happy I was starting to see things his way, and I have to admit my anger got the best of me.  We pressed deep into the cave, salying everything in our way.  When we got to the very end, and didnt find the sneaky rat we knew he had to be holed up in the hut.  I banged on the door violently, and called him out.  But he was too much of a coward.  I even tried to have Navi pick the lock so I could get in there and get my gold back at least, but she was unable.  So we left the mine, frustrated, and short on gold.  
 Just as we were leaving a crow flew down to us, a note tied to its leg.  Sure enough it was from Boltar, he was in Vehl and was looking for some help in a trip to the Dragon Isles.  Me and Eander were both eager to go, having only heard stories of the place.
 This trip though, was a dastardly one.  We fought our way acrost the insland and were met with turmoil at almost every turn.  The last thing I remember was shooting an Owlbear in the throught just before its massive paw raked me to the ground.  And I woke up here.  The hostess worries for me, she had pleaded for me to stay a while and regain my stregth before I venture out again, I think I shall take her advice.
 *Cirol closes the notebook and tucks it under his arm, leaving the now cold bowl of stew on the table he stumbles lazily, limping on one leg back to his now farmiliar room.*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Reflections
« on: August 16, 2007, 07:58:34 pm »
*Cirol wakes up with a jolt, finding himself slumped over a table in the Wild Surge, drool driping down his face, and all over his arm. He slowly shakes off the slumber, and wipes himself off. After ordering some breakfast he opens his notebook to make an entry*
 Not a day goes bye that I dont meet someone new. And everyone I meet is so friendly and polite. Hardly the harsh place dad made it out to be. I ran into a paladin named Ian the other day, determined to cleanse the entire gloomwood. He seemed truly upset that such a place was so cursed, and wretched. We fought side by side deep into the wood, sending many undead back to where they belong.
 I found that the zombies were so slow, I could slay two or three of a group coming towards us before they ever got close enough to touch. I think the stronger oak is realy improving my pull. It is still very difficult to pull back, and I know im not using all it has to offer yet, but I get closer everyday.
 On the way out we ran into another group of adventurers trying their hand angainst the undead, they seemed though to be doing in more for training and sport, than for a desire to cleanse the woods. Cal, and Westany were their names. Cal seemed to have a facination with a monk named Drexia who ive never met before. He spoke frequently of a need to find gold, so he could buy her things, wich I found rather odd, considering she is a monk and all.
 On our way out we spotted a cave, and decided to explore. Inside was a gooey, slimy, disgusting excuse for a cave. It smelled bad, was warm and humid, with a darkness pieced only by the erie glow of those that dweled inside. Sticky gobs of the slime that covered everything seemed to come to life, attacking from anywhere they saw fit, the floor, the cieling, the very walls. At one point it seemed the entire ceiling came down ontop of me in a massive gooey slimeball. I fired an arrow up into as it came down, but it was about as useless as a toothpick. The mass of slime hit me like a ton of bricks, sticking me to the ground like a mosquito stuck in so much sap. I fought with everything I had to get through it, and my party members dug in from the outside, barely did we reach eachother before I passed out from suffocation.
 The lake just outside the woods, near Vehl didnt appear to be that much cleaner, but I dove in anyway, I just had to get the slime off. After that I sat by the fire for a while, said my goodbyes to everyone as they left, and tried to get dry. Realizing how futile my effort was, and how dirty I was still, I decided to head for Hlint, and a proper bath.
 I grew a chill on the way, and decided to warm by the fire outside Hlint for a while. While I lied there and gazed at the stars I began to think of a story my mother once told me of an archer of the weave that she had met in her journeys. No sooner than I had begun the thought a most beutiful woman -dressed all in green, and carying a baby no less- walked up to the fire, oviously seeking warmth for her child, or what I assumed was her child. We introduced ourselves, and I made some faces at the baby, witch glowed with that baby innosence.
 I asked her if it was her child, and she said it was a long story. I told her I had nowhere to go, and would love to hear. So she preceeded to tell me of a dark and stormy night, and a caravan strewn about the Ft. Llast road, obviously the work of orcs. They found a pregnany woman among the wreckage, who was amazingly still alive, and going into labot to boot. They moved the woman to the safest place reasonable, and comforted her through the night while she gave birth to not one, not two, but FOUR children. It was apparently too much for the woman, who died shortly after. Arynne told me of an orphanage in Mariners Hold, where three of the babies were taken, though by then she could not let the child go. It had grown on her tremendously in the short time they had together, and she could not bear to give it up to the uncertain future of an orphan.
 And so the baby was hers, adopted or no, she loved it as her own. We spent the evening under the clear night sky and Ian, the paladin from earlier even showed up, thouroly enthrawled by the newborn. After a long night of conversation we retired to the Surge, as it was getting late, and the young needed a bath almost as bad as I did. I took a seat close to Ragrian, who was singing a soft tune that quickly lulled me into a deep slumber.
 Well, come to think of it, I havent taken that bath yet....
 *he closes his notebook, tucking it neatly away in his leather armor. He grabs a bucket, and heads outside to fetch some fresh water for a bath*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Reflections
« on: August 13, 2007, 01:05:12 pm »
*Cirol sits in a small room in the Wild Surge, meding his wounds, and stitching his torn armor*
 So much has happened this week, I struggle to remember it all. First, the happy story.
 I was wandering through Hempstead like I usualy do, looking for someone to talk to. Just outside the main gates I found a group of adventurers, and sure enough Boltor was with them! They were all standing around a sign, it had a riddle on it.. written by a fairy. It was typical of a fairies riddle, and the search was on for the location it described.
 The dwarves could swear they new the place described, up in the Brecht mountains, so it was there we decided to search first. We fought our way through many white beasts, my new bow prooving its usefullness. Finally we made it to the frozen town of Brenuth, and the small pond we thought described. After an exhuastive search of Brenuth, and the surrounding areas it was decided that this was in fact, the wrong place. A druid traveling with the group, Khuren, said he though he knew a place that fir the description, so we decided to travel all the way acrost Mistone, to the foothills just outside Haven Castle.
 The Druid was right, and there was found the object of riddle. A small blue diamond, a lucky charm of sorts. It was not long after its finding that a fairy showed up, and indeed the same fairy that wrote the riddle. It had a proposition of sorts, take a reward now, or take a seat at the "table of riddle" along with two others that had passed such a test as we had, in competition for a greater prize. We decided we could not reach a decision, so the dice were broken out. A small halfling won the roll, and as is their nature opted for the immediate treasure, witch was a decidedly mundane bastard sword.
 Having had our adventure for the day, everyone began to head their seperate ways. I made my way towards Hempstead, but I got as far as Hlint, when I met a pair of stout adventurers. I intoduced myself, and soon found that they were related in some way (exactly how I did not ask) Sala, and Jako Stonehill, were their names. We stood and talked for a short while, and it was not long that a few other wandering adventueres happened along the path. The Stonehills spoke of an undead, named Storan, and a ring wanted by a wizard not far from Hlint. I said I would gladly give my bow in aid, and I was invited along.
 We made our way to the foothills just west of Hlint, and there an entrance in the side of a mountain. It was a dark and smelly place, packed with the most ravenous undead creatures I have ever seen. We made our way through the first rooms, until we came to a locked door. I though Navi might be able to get through, so I coaxed her out of the bag ive been carying, and had her give it a shot. She was so close, but alas it was just to complicated, and the first mechanism would lock tight just as the last was picked. So we moved on to another room, this one filled to brim with mummies. I fired shot after shot into their thick coverings, but the mummies seemed completely unnafected, although those that had "magic weapon" cast upon their blade cut through them just fine. I was in complete envy the entire time, I must figure this riddle of arrows and weave.
 So we emerged from the undeads resting place victorious, but decidedly ringless. We made plans to return later with one who can pick such locks, and then went our seperate ways. A few stuck around though, and a very pretty lass by the name of Laaren asked if we might venture into the red light goblin caves. She spoke of a dwarf in Fort Wayfare that offered a great reward for the red light leaders head. We agreed we should give it a shot, and began that way...
 It was an uneventfull decent until we reached the second level. A goblin riding a black beast resembling a wolf rode up behind us. He had a strange proposition indeed. He told us that the goblin overlord wished to make a deal, with great reward. He needed someone able to walk the streets of hlint, but the goblin would tell us no more. He said only that if we made it to the goblin leader we were worthy of his request, so we ventured on to find the leader.
 It was not far though that our decent was met with folly. We reached a room with goblins of firce pedigree, they fought like machines, we stood no chance. I watched my allies fall ahead of me, and it was not long before I was the only one left.
 Five goblins of the fircest kind rushed my positions. I knew I would have but one shot before I had to run, and it had to count. I looked carefully at the lead goblins face and then closed my eyes, focused on the image. Concentrating hard I pulled an arrow back as far as I could, my own arms trembling under the enormous strain. In that moment I released, feeling the arrow as it left my finger tips, and flew downrange. It struck the lead goblin square in the face, the force of the shoft lifting it from the ground, and sending it sprawling backwards, most certainly dead. This paused the following goblins just long enough for me to turn and run. And run I did.
 I ran as fast as my feet would cary me, the cave walls rushing past, my only focus was that last opening, with the hint of light from outside. Just as I was reaching the exit I looked back over my shoulder, and was greeted with a sheer swarm of menacing goblins, just at my heels. I knew I could not stop, or even slow down. I bursted out of the entrance, and spoted the walls of Hlint, seemingly my only safety. I surged towards the gates, I could see the latch, I was so close.
 A stabbing pain shot down my back as a goblin arrow pierced deep into my shoulder. My feet still staggered forward, the gate blurred and began to turn red, with each laboring step though, it seemed to grow further away. The yell of a goblin about to strike, and then everything goes black.
 And then I wake up here, on a table in the Surge, a hostess standing at my side with a wet towel, wiping down my swaeting brow with the most soothing of voices. She hums steadily as she watchs over my mangled body. I began to sit up, but her soft touch held me back down. "what you need right now is rest, its allright, just lie back and relax, everything will be better soon" And with that I drifted back into sleep, to wake up again in this room. Some basic medical supplies, a needle and thread lieing neatly at the foot of the bed. My bow leans against the wall, underneath it the tattered remains of my leather armor.
 As I look at the bow my thoughts drift to images of a true arcane archer, standing proud in the face of the stampeeding goblins, releasing arrow after arrow in rapid succession, a burning white light at the tip of each, leaving a streaking trail, like shooting stars. Cirols mind drifts around the image lazily, seeming to randomly focus around the scene, following an arrow to the target, the look on the last goblins face, then back to the aparent grin on the archers face. He doesnt recognize the face at first, but as the image becomes clear it is plain to see, the archer is Cirol.
 *Just as he makes this realization he wakes up, falling out of bed with the sudden jolt. He clamours to a sitting position, and tries to calm his shaking nerves. His underwear is soaked with sweat, and so too is the bedding.*
 *As he calms down he tries not to think of his dream too much, grabbing up the needle and thread, he begins to stitch his armor back together, anything to keep his mind from stray thoughts.*

General Discussion / Re: I would like to thank...
« on: August 11, 2007, 02:55:18 am »
Well because I too have been experiencing this amazing explosion of intervention...
 I mined titanium under a swamp dark and deep
 And there were found an odd and mysterious seep
 Steam that flowed and grouped in balls
 And maybe threatened to bring down the walls!
 With haste I made my way out safe
 And only one nugget of titanium to take!
 I swooned a fair lass, with the finest of hair
 And was interupted by a limping bugbear
 Following as we did it ran away still
 And finally it died over by the griffon hill
 Much did we weep together in our fling
 Until she said HER blade had pierced that poor thing!
 And just when you think it cant get much worse...
 A bigger bugbear comes and snatches youre purse!
 I cant say thank you enough to all those that dedicate a piece of their lives to making this the most enjoyable place to spend ones free time.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Reflections
« on: August 10, 2007, 02:48:49 pm »
*Cirol wakes up, face down on a bearskin rug.  He is confused at first, but soon the fog of sleep clears, and he remembers how he got here.  He spots a comfortable looking desk and desides to make a journal entry.*
 Yesterday was a great day!  I ran into Boltor again, and again he was sitting with a different group of people.  He is quite the social dwarf.  It seemed everyone had just finished up gathering some grains, and they were all retiring for the night.  
 Yet when the pale young lass and I met eyes, she decided to stay and talk for a while.  Her name was Amireana, such a beutiful name, and a fitting one too.  We talked about our childhood, and growing up, traveling away from home, and finding our way in the world.  And yet she still seemed, upset, not sad, but as if there was something bothering her, deep inside.  
 We wernt talking long when a creature came limping past us, it seemed sartled when it met eyes with, and hurried to get out of view.  It seemed like it needed help, limping pretty bad.  So me and Ami decided to try and find where it wandered off too.  
 Soon we found it, hudled in a corner, trembling with fear.  I came up to it to try and help, but it did not understand my intentions, and understood even less common.  So we decided to lite a fire, and leave some food and medication nearby,  and then we moved back away from it, hoping it would understand.  Unfortunatly it was either to far gone, or just too scared, but it passed away before our very eyes.  It was a sad moment for both of us, no matter what it was, its hard to watch anything suffer like that.
 Ami seemed heartbroken, she told me that when she was with the other group they were attacked by bugbears while gathering grain, and that this must have been one they did not kill.  We had little time to speak of it though, for a massive bugbear with a huge double axe came right up behind us.  We were so focused on what had just happened we didnt even notice until he was right ontop of us, demanding to know what had happened.
 It didnt seem to listen much to what we had to say, it roared about us destrying its home, and killing its friends.  We tried to reason with it, and finally it agreed to take something in return, and spare our lives.  I gave it all the gold I had, and Ami too, about three thousand trues, more than enough for even a couple bugbears.  
 But just when we thought we had it resolved a daring young adventurer happened along the path.  He seemed uninterested in the whole situation, he just wanted to vanquish the bugbears, and save the girl I imagine.  There was a tense couple of minutes as wel all argued back and forth, Ami and I just trying to end things peacibly, and the adventurer threatening at every turn.  The outcome was inevitable.  A second bugbear heard the commotion and wandered over, witch realy set things off.  It challenged the adventurer who quickly drew his sword and fought.  This threw the larger bugbear into a rage, and it turned on the adventurer too.  
 It was obvious the poor guy was outmatched, so Ami had to step in, slashing at its back several times before it turned, leaving the dazed adventurer within an inch of his life.  Ami fought valiently, but the bugbear was so strong, and it would not yield.  
 I knew what had to be done.  I closed my eyes and focused every bit of energy inside of me into an image of the bugbears ugly face, and then just its deep brown eye.  Holding this concentration I pulled an arrow back on my new bow, the oak moaning under the strain, and then release.  The arrow shot forth from my hand, pulling with it all the concentrated energy.  It struck true, right into the beasts eyesocket, sinking the shaft down to the fletching, the arrow tip emerging from the other side of its head.  Withought a sound the bugbear slumped to the ground, dead a doornail.  And just as it fell, I fell to.  My legs gave out all of a sudden, my whole body gone limp.  I fealt so drained.  
 It took many minutes for us all to recover,  and we exchanged very few words after.  On his parting the adventurer gave Ami a flower, though she seemed disinterested.  It was growing late, and it was time for Ami to head home.  I asked her if she would like me to walk her there, and she seemed pleased that I asked, telling me she was staying in Fort Llast.  
 We shared a beautiful silence on the way to her house.  We spoke very little, but were conected somehow, as if thinking of the same thing at the same time.  When we arrived at her house, she invited me in out of the rain.   We decided to sit in front of the fire for a while to warm up, and we continued our conversation from earlier.  She told me about her time here since she had left home, and of the dark elves that owned the house, and took her in.  She then told me of her adopted parents, and not knowing her own mother and father.  I knew this had to be what was making her upset, and I offered my help in away way possible.  For her rough warrior ways she is rather compasionate, and I wish we could have stayed there, just talking forever.  
 But we were both to tired to go on.  She offered me a room, but I thought I would prefer staying right in front of the fireplace.  She understood, and told me her room was just up the stairs if I needed anything.  With the greatest sence of comfort and belonging I had fealt since I left home I fell into a deep slumber, and dreamt of Amireana all night long.
 I think I will remeber this day for a long time yet...  Yesterday was my first day of happieness here.  Ive found someone to share myself with.  This "harsh" world of my fathers stories isnt turning out so harsh afterall.
 *He carefully puts his things away and starts preparing some breakfast for the still sleeping Amireana*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Reflections
« on: August 09, 2007, 01:08:58 pm »
*Cirol lies in his room in the scamps mug, feeling rather sorry for his weak condition.*
 Anyone who says casting isn't physical is fooling themselves. I've been practicing my spells with ought pause for a good week now. I am so exhausted, I wanted to continue my practice today, but despite a long nights sleep, Im burnt out. I know I have been using only my mind, but my body feels weak, like an old human.
 I have begun to develop a sequence that allows me to control the energy I have inside.  If I do not concentrate the energy inside into something specific first, when I attempt to release it, the effects are completely random, and very difficult to control.
 Concentrating the energy first makes things so much easier.  The energy upon release becomes an extension of my body.  I can control the ebb and flow of the energy just as well as I can control myself.  
My favorite spell so far is a very short lived one.  It requires a very large amount of my energy to manifest, and even so it lasts for a very short while.  It allows me to make at least one perfect shot, sometimes two.  It is rather difficult to explain realy.  Odly enough the initial focus must be that of my intended target, the feeling inside is the same no matter what I target, but I must concentrate on exactly what I want to hit.  Once I have the energy concentrated I dont even have to look at the target, just pull the arrow back and allow the energy inside to flow through my arms, down to my hands, and finally I assume into the arrow and bow.  As I release the shot I can feel the energy being pulled away from me with the acceleration of the arrow.  
It always hits the target, dead center, a perfect shot.  I can do it only a few times before I am completely spent, but it is one of the only spells I am realy interested in.

 I have no desire to become a great master of manipulating the weave.  All I wish is to be able to channel the weave through my bow, and indeed through every arrow.
 There is another new spell I have learned wich intruiges me greatly.  I have heard it refered to as "Magic Weapon", and basicaly it does just that.  When cast on a melee weapon it provides a small magical enhancement, weather that be a harder hammer, or a sharper blade.  Ive heard also that those with great skill in manipulating the weave are able to make this a very powerfull magical enhancement, as the power of the enhancement grows with the skill of the caster.  
 Try as I might, though, I am unable to transfer the spells energy to my own arrows.  It works easily enough on a woodcutters axe, and even a butterknife, but when I try to "enhance" an arrow I am met with some kind of barrier, im not even sure how to explain it.
 I belive in this spell lies a major key to understanding how to channel the weaves energy inside of me into the arrows I let fly.  Just a small change in how I concentrate the spells energy may be enough, but how...
 *His thought finished, he lies his head back and quickly falls into a deep slumber*

General Discussion / Re: Thanks Chongo
« on: August 08, 2007, 04:59:36 pm »
My first night back after a week of busy no time for Layo crazieness, what a delight to return to ;)

General Discussion / Re: Help
« on: July 16, 2007, 04:35:42 pm »
Actualy server was down, but I think Dorg has come to the rescue, all should be well shortly...

General Discussion / Re: Help
« on: July 16, 2007, 04:28:03 pm »
Actualy I am in the same boat as you >.<
 Just have to wait it out I guess...

Roleplaying / Re: Dangers of soloing
« on: July 13, 2007, 01:49:41 am »
Umm, obviously not.
 Camping is camping.
 And camping is quite specificly against server rules.
 Not to say it isnt done.
 But his post in no way implyed that it was okay to "camp" (wich is what youre describing).
 I mean I dont even think I know this guys character, and I think most people know I dont have a tendancy to defend anyones post... Heh I dont post very much at all....  
 But Like...
 All im saying is, increase the peace man.
 Spread the love.

Actualy I usualy have a star dust of beyrl on me at all times, and have used like four or five of them for trips from Arnax to Mirtix and back.
 It just so happened I had used my last one on that nights trip >.<

Fixed Bugs / Re: Queastion About Daylight Adaptation....
« on: July 12, 2007, 07:56:31 pm »
Any ideas at all on this?
 Even if to say that it is far to unimportant for the team to do anyhing about.
 Like we may decide to look into it in the very distant future....
 Or the team is just to busy and will never be able to look into it...
 Im not trying to be sarcastic, or fecisious(sp?) I fully realize this kind of thing is just a sort of "nuisance" that only affects a few players, but SOME kind of update would be cool.
 Anyway, thanks for even providing a service like this :D

Okay I havent read every respose in this thread, so my question may have been answered in some way previously, and that is the case, sorry for wasting youre time with this :D
 Anyhow I think my question revolves around a piece of this puzzle that hasent been discussed....
 Okay here is my probelm. On the East server Ft. Mirtix is like, the main central hub for adventurers. Most times everyone either meets up in Mirtix to head out adventuring, or the party dissbands in Mirtix, and everyone logs off there.
 Now the only way that I know back to Central or West from Mirtix, is by way of Arnax. Now if you have a high enough Hide/MS, or if you have the ability to cast invisibility (or something similar) you can go between Mirtix and Arnax mostly withought a care in the world. But I dont have either luxury.
 There are only two area on the way that you absolutly have NO CHOICE but to run within an enemy spawns perceptual range. This would the Landalise plains (heading North, after you cross the river, there is no way to get to the next AT withought running within the spawns perceptual range). And the other would be the next area (if heading north), the Cloven Mountain (after you cross the bridge there is no way to get down the stairs witch will eventaly lead to the next AT withough running within the giants perceptual range).
 So my problem arrises when I adventure with a party all night long and everyone is so tired that once we get back to Mirtix everyone just rests then logs. Then I come back on the next day, there is no one on and I am stuck in Mirtix.
 Now I guess the argument could be made that I should have had a caster hit me with an Invis before they logged, when the party was dissbanding the night before. But there is not always a caster still with us when everyone is ready to go (like they had to leave in the middle of a dungeon, or on the way back to mirtix for some RL issue) witch happens ALOT on my trips through east. Suffice to say sometimes (not all the time) I end up stuck in Mirtix withought a single other soul on the server.
 Now I see myself as having three options:
 1. Use a different charector of mine to log into west or central, and find a player I know that is willing to come invis to Mirtix, and then escort me back.
 Obviously this will not always be a viable option.
 2. Use a different char to find a GM logged into one of the servers and/or use IRC to find a GM that is available to just port me back to Arnax, or whatever. Obviously this is not always a viable option.
 3. Use my super duper monk speed, coupled with a good suply of aquisition belts to just run back. When running back I will end up having at least one Elite Giant Crusher of whatever clan (a particularly nasty casting giant if any party running through east were to get jumped at a transition by it, while traveling comepletely unbuffeed and unprepared) follow me to the North AT on the Landalise plains. Fortunatly there is a river on the plains so that neither the Bloodstone Forces spawn that I have to pass, nor the giant that may still be following me can cross, and after that im home free, no more spawns I have to run within perceptual range of.
 Now my question is this:
 If both option one, and two are unavailable, can I execute option three?
 Or am I in clear violation of server rules, and I should NEVER attempt option three?
 In witch case I cannot do anything until the former two options become available...
 Anyhow, looking forward to youre input....

I need to commision the crafting of a set of silver jewelry addorned with topaz.  
 -Regards, Cideous
 // one silver/topaz ammy, and two rings please :D

General Discussion / Re: Combatants Vs. Magicians - Unfair Balance?
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:32:45 pm »
Quote from: MJZ
 Edit: But as long as we're talking about imbalanced classes.... high level monks? heh
 All you need is a spell that causes flat-footnedness, or something with a fortitude save..
 Heh ohh heres a good one, or any creature with a DR greater that -/+3
 I would recind that comment but for the fact that GMW cannot be cast on monk fists... witch would be cool, but thats NWN for you huh?
 So unless that monk takes two epic feats to get there it will NEVER be able to damage a DR -/+4 or -/+5 creature... Witch when youre soloing on east you run into all over the place....
 But thats why I go in parties, just cause I cant damage the thing, doesnt meen I cant knock it on its arse :D
 But there is one aspect where no other class will ever be able to touch the monk...
 And thats running away!
 EDITED:  Thank you stephen :D

Hiya Dezza,

I would like to know if you would be willing to take on a CDQ for Cideous, based upon the PM I sent you earlier.


The Poster Formerly Known As Kiba

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: An Old Smelly Journal
« on: June 21, 2007, 09:14:38 pm »
*Cideous lies on the stone floor, motionless, deep in slumber.  A twitch, a curled lip, a fist clenched then released.  His unconcious mind dredges the depths of his memory and a dream is formed, or is it a nightmare?*
 A boy sits on a rug covering a stone floor. The whole place is made of stone, and it feels rather cold.  A fire is lit in an adjacent room, a caludron hung precariously over, hissing and bubbling with a stew that could be smelled for miles.  A small woman stands hudled over, stirring it occasionaly with a large wooden spoon.
 The boy is playing with a sort of puzzle.  An oddly shaped Fire Opal lies trapped in a complex cage of Iron.  The Fire Opal falls through the gaps in the cage as it is turned and twisted around, though there is only one way for it to come out.  He is concentrating so hard on the puzzle he doesnt even notice the scuffle going on outside.
 A shrill scream is heard from the other room and the boy dops the puzzle to the ground, startled.  The woman runs at him, scooping him from up off the floor.  She throws the rug to the side, sending the puzzle clamoring noisly to the corner of the room.  She removes a false stone from the floor.  The boy can see tears in her eyes as she mouths the words "I love you", then she shoves him into the tiny space, covering it behind him.  The light coming into the space from the edges dissapears as the rug is replaced atop.
 The boy starts to hear footsteps, like metal on stone.  Then voices, mens voices.  They are yelling it seems, but he cannot make out the words.  Suddenly light is cast back into the space from the edges of the false stone.
 "Well, well, well, what do we have here!"
 In a flash the stone above the boys head dissapears and a helmed face is staring down at him.  An armored glove grabs him from the hole by the neck, kicking and screaming.
 "Youre going to pay dearly for that you snivelling wretch.  And despite youre little antics, youre son will still die a slave!"
 The figure laughs meniacly as he shoves the boy in a sack, tieing it closed.  He can still see some through a small hole in the sack.  The figure motions to one of his subordinates, then to the woman.  She is dragged off screaming and crieing.  The figure kicks the sack "Youre going to fetch plenty of coin arnt you?" then continues to laugh.
 The boy watches through the hole as they emerge from the house, a small gray man lies decapitated on the ground, his fist still clenching a knife.
 "Its a shame that one had to put up such a fight, wede be looking at double the profit if we had it alive.  Ohhh well, thats the way things go, huh Ker?  *A grunt is heard from on of his subordinates*
 The sack is strapped to the side of a black horse, and the groups head out into the night.  The boy pears out into the impenitrable darkness, the ride seeming to go on forever.  Slowly he driftsinto slumber.
 He awakes on a smooth stone floor, a circular room, with a domed cieling.  The walls apear to be made of stone, and the door some kind of metal, though there doesnt appear to be a latch of any kind.  The boy sits with his arms around his legs, his head in his knees, sobbing quietly.
 Suddenly a metalic series of clicks is heard from the door.  It swings open quietly.  A voice can be heard "He'd be a young'n alroigh.  Feisty one tha' is.  Yep and youre for only one thousan-"  A screach is heard, followed by a low groan  "Eight hun-  Five hundred, five hundred, only five hundred coins, yes"  
 A hooded figure enters the small room dressed in a flowing black robe.  It pulls down the hood and the boy peers at the face.
 *Just as the boy sees the figures face Cideous awakes in a startled fit.  He jumps to his feat, panting heavily and covered in sweat.  Hes surprised again when he sees the figure standing in front of him.  Immediatly Cideous recognizes the figure, the dark mage who twisted Cideous to his malevolent will for so many agonizing years.  He realizes who the man and woman were from his dream, his own parents.  Memories of childhood flash before his eyes.  The figure staring back at him begins to laugh and Cideous becomes enraged.  He lunges throug the hot embers with every intention of tearing the figure to pieces.  Instead Cideous slams into the stone wall of the other side of the cavern.  Blood trickles down his forehead and into his eye, his feet burn.  He jumps to his feet and swimgs around to find the figure at the other end of the cavern, cackling gleefully*
 *Cideous stares at the malevolent figure, and the figure back at him.  He remebers as a slave being forbidden to look into his eyes.  And now here they stand, in a staring match.  He slowly sits to the floor, holding his knees tightly, and begins to cry.  The figure that haunts him, and the memories of his mother stroking his head, singing in his ear.  It is overwhelming, and he cannot control his emotions.*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: An Old Smelly Journal
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:32:41 pm »
*Cideous sits at the entrance to a small craggy enclave he recently discovered on a hill near Corax Lake.  It has a nice view of the surounding area, and is rather secluded.  A dim fire burns at the back of the cavern, next to it is a small wooden chest.  It has a flat top, and on it rests a notebook*
 *He pulls a small boulder into the rather miniscule entrance, making it nearly invisible.  He then clamours lazily back to the fire, taking a seat infront of the chest.  He opens the notebook and removes the quill from the binding*
 A nice place Ive found here, Ill call it home for now.  I have been spending a lot of time with Kinai recently.  She realy is an interesting woman.  Adventuring with her I got the distinct impression that she was rather imature, and well... Not incredibly intelligent.  Though these conceptions were crushed when I took the time to sit and speak with her.  She has a cunning mind, thats for sure, and has nearly mastered her art of choice.  For this I give her a great deal of respect.  
 I dont remember how exactly it came up, but she has offered to begin teaching me what she knows.  Deception, trickery, stealth, and the various sub-professions one needs to be versed in.  I readily accepted her most generous ofer, as I am currently in search of such a teacher.  I find myself quickly falling into the role of spie, an imformant for hire.  And if this works well I might begin to take it farther than that.  In any case there are certain skills I will need to learn, and then to master, if I am to be succesfull.
 There is another person who I should seek now, Daralith.  He seems to have connections in the underworld, and he may have a use for me yet...  Despite the disdain he shows for my very presence.  I could learn many valuable things working for a person like him...
 A new day is dawning in my quest for knowledge.  The path has changed but my pace has not.  I feel an incredible sence of newness, as if begining again from nothing.  A long road lies ahead, that I am sure, but I feel driven by desire.  
 I know not exactly what it is I desire.... But I do know I am getting closer...
 *He returns the quill to its sleeve, and closes the notebook with a yawn. Clumsily, he removes all his adventuring gear, down to a loin cloth, and tosses it in a corner. By the time he is lying down in front of the fire, on the cold hard rock, the fire has been reduced to dieing red embers.  Slowly he drifts into a deamless slumber...*

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: An Old Smelly Journal
« on: June 15, 2007, 02:22:51 pm »
A few items of interest today...
 Kinai ran into me passing through Hempstead and seemed eager to speak with me...
 Lo and behold, she herself is a member of the ever imfamous "network".  Well how fortunate for me indeed, I was having some slight troubles reaching Wren, and Rhynn, so I decided ide ask her a fiew questions...
 Firsty I was comfirming the absolutly secret nature of the orginzation (despite what Kinai says Hawklen overheard when spieing on Dur' Thak.  Just the nature of such a thing, and the chaotic nature of Hawklen himself wories me, though I doubt he seeks to compromise any of our group...
 Next was to discuss what matters the network was currently investigating.  Kinai told me we are looking into the recent sladdi attacks, directed towards shadowdancers.  Clarissa and Kalin probably have the most information, so this is where I shall start...  Also Kinai seems to think there is a connection between the recent undead activity, and the slaadi attacks.
 On a side note it was said Clarissa found a peculiar bowl, this I would to like to discuss with her...
 My usual ploy will work quite well.  Just tell her im doing a write up on the events for the bearers of knowladge, never seems to fail...

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