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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of a Wandering Mage
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:09:59 pm »
I guess this is why I am a mage not a historian.  I never really put anything but spells on paper.  It has been over a decade since I picked this journal up and the world has changed.  Bloodstone is dead!   Kavil was there at the end and I have the story from him.  An amazing adventure, but it has left the world nearly shattered.  The skies are black and the crops don't grow.  People are starving and our skills of adventuring do little to fill children's bellies.  It is incredible that a win looks this ugly.  I don't think most of the world appreciates how much uglier a loss would have been.

As for my friends and I, only Rodlin and sometimes Kavil are really adventuring anymore.  Yar, Riley, and Addison have all gone to the soul mother.  She has scared Dorax and  Sniverous into virtual retirement.  I can't say that I don't have a healthy fear of her myself these days.  I still put my life on the line from time to time, but these days I mostly seem to craft.  I have tried to broaden my horizons.  I've even taken up baking!  If I were a woodsman and knew how to cut a tree, I could probably even make my own scrolls these days.

One of these days I really should get together with my old friends and my new friends and go back to the far east again.  Face my fears and explore the world again.  Maybe we could even start coming up with ways to slowly put the world right if we all concentrated our talents on it.  I don't know how many millions of tons of ash are blackening the sky, but I know my magic is strong enough to pull a bit of it back to earth.  Maybe if we all worked together for a long time we could start making a real difference.   Never underestimate the power of magic!

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Musings of a Fighter
« on: April 13, 2007, 06:57:16 pm »
I talked more with this Lilly about how she does so well with her blade.  She told me that in battle you have to control the tempo of the fight.  Something about getting the other fighter to fear your blade such that you can use that to push them around and set them up for the killing blow.  Then she showed me her scary moves.  I never would have believed such a little bit of a person could seem scary, but once I saw what she was doing, I could tell that was part of what makes her so tough.  She showed me a little bit about how intimidate others, but I can see I have a long way to go on this.  I'm working on it, but I think it is a long time before I can ever master the blade at this rate.

More sad news.   The soul mother seems to have a hunger for Ami now.  Ami has become amazingly powerful, but when we don't keep the enemy off her, she can't take much of a beating.  I can't bear the thought of another friend carried off by that loathsome creature.  It's even got me started talking to the priests.  I found out that getting carried off by the soul mother isn't always the end of your soul.  If you are in good standing with one of the gods, she supposedly can't keep your soul.  After a little time, your soul goes to rest in the land of your god.  Otherwise, that nasty lady takes it and does nobody knows what with it.  Yuck!

Trouble is, old Tim here hasn't been a godly type.  I try to be a good guy, but I've never really had time for a bunch of standing around singing songs and praising some lady or fella of questionable existence.  But I guess if this soul mother exists, and I've seen her with my own eyes, the other ones must exist too.  All those good things the clerics do seem to get power from somewhere, and they don't carry around those big smelly books like the wizards.

But which of them should I bind myself too?  I can't see Toran being for me.  Yar and Riley trusted in him, and both of them lived mighty short lives.  I like the spirit of that Vorax fella, but I'm a farm boy, not a miner.  Maybe I need to get one of those gods who showers around magical blessings like candy.  They seem to do a good job protecting their people and seem to do a lot of good for the world.

I definitely need to think on this one and get this right.  But for now, my head hurts and I think I have an ale in my pack to help with that!

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Taking CNR out of old locations
« on: April 13, 2007, 06:28:15 pm »
I have seen greenstone and copper together in a single cave much closer to the starting location than the one you are talking about.  The cave I'm talking about has its own challenges, but I was able to make it through it alone with a 7th level fighter and a couple stacks of bandages.

The other cave you are talking about is far enough from where characters start that I think it might serve better as an adventuring location for the 5-7 level crowd.  (i.e. I would like to see the spawns made a bit more challenging there.  something more like the old redlights cavern level of difficulty)  I say this because any players new to layo are unlikely to find that cave until they are too high level to really learn anything there.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Balancing suggestion
« on: April 13, 2007, 03:11:58 pm »
As someone mentioned above, a mage and a fighter or some combination of mages and fighters really don't make much of a party because a mage really can't protect a fighter from the nastier creatures out there.  When the monsters start throwing out harm and meteor swarm and various other high end spells, you either have a cleric to cast Spell Resistance, or the fighters die.  If you look at the spells available to mages, they can give a lot of nice buffs and protections against mid level monsters.  They can protect themselves extremely well with shadow shield and spell mantle.  They can outright kill a lot of monsters with Wail and Weird.  But they can't really do much to protect the fighters.

The cleric on the other hand can protect and heal and can, through domain spells, pick up a few of the buffs that are normally only available to mages.  Thus it seems like the cleric really is at the center of forming any party headed east.  It may be frustrating for the fighter that the mages aren't running around with him, but it is the cleric that is the key to him forming a party.  If as part of the spell balancing Spell Resistance was added to the mages spell list as some of the offensive spells were toned down, I think the mages would be much more useful in small parties of 3 or 4.

I think most mages would agree that Weird and Wail wouldn't be so attractive if there were other alternatives to cause meaningful damage in a high level fight.  This really gets back to the overall spell balancing that Ozy talked about and I agree that it is a major project.  I wish the team good luck in this project and I'm happy to wait for it.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Mass Blindness vs Sunburst
« on: April 13, 2007, 02:56:41 am »
My main reason for suggesting a change is because I don't think PCs use this spell much at all.  I hate to see things that at first glance seem like cool and useful spells not really used because the details keep them from being very useful.

As for will save or fortitude save, I am happy enough with either.  Each has it's own set of creatures for which it is more useful.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Johan and Postmaster Vale
« on: April 11, 2007, 09:20:55 pm »
Thanks Row.  I can stop wondering now.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: New Redlight Goblin Shamans
« on: April 11, 2007, 09:18:49 pm »
Thanks Dorg.  I'll spend a bit more time exploring nearer the starting areas.

I like this idea.  Perhaps making them craftable would make a good use for some of those lower level hides.  It would also allow for varying levels of help based on level of resources used.  Kinda like the bandages.  You could make it exciting and give it a failure chance on use like picks and axes.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: New Redlight Goblin Shamans
« on: April 11, 2007, 07:56:58 pm »
The first time I got hit with it was my 7th level fighter and a 9th level fighter.  I failed my saves and died, but the 9th level fighter defeated them.  The second time was my 7th level figher, a 9th level fighter, a 6th level figher and a 6th level cleric.  That time I made my save and we all survived that encounter.  (but the 9th level fighter and I both were killed in a later encounter.  the cleric was invisible and survived that encounter and saved the 6th level fighter too.  Having seen how the two stage spawn in the later area works, I'm sure that group can handle it now, but it still will be a tough fight.)

My issue is not so much with the overall difficulty as with the death magic.  There aren't very many buffs against death magic available for single digit characters and even if you can reduce your chances of death down to 1 in 10 through bless, aid, etc you still will pick up dts from that situation if you keep facing it over time.

I think I'm probably pushing things a bit taking a 7th level character into the redlight, but I haven't many areas where the risk versus reward is any better at 7th level.  For now I am mostly just steering clear of areas where I know these shaman hang out.

Upgrading the kobolds in the cave in the sielwood forest to something more like what the tougher redlight goblin once were might make a good intermediate challenge.  Also the kobolds and kenkus near hlint would be good training for the 6-8 level crowd if they were upgraded by about 2 in CR.  

Please don't mistake this for a complaint.  I know you guys are really busy trying to make all the version changes and tweak balance and get a new storyline going and all those other things going on in the background.  I'm just giving my 2 coppers on how I think things might be tweaked to support small parties of single digit characters adventuring for fun and profit.

I was thinking a color chart of race relations similar to the deity relations would be useful.  Probably kind of hard to make things that black and white though.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Master Crafter Items
« on: February 23, 2007, 01:59:56 pm »
Actually requiring someone to be level 20+ to make the item might make it impossible for some of the best crafters to even make the items.  A number of crafts such as alchemy and infusing max out around 17th or 18th level if you are attributes are right for it.

« on: February 23, 2007, 01:39:05 pm »
Will the portal destination on West move as well?  I.E. will porting to West no longer deliver you to North Hlint?

General Discussion / Re: The Twins Are Here!!!
« on: January 12, 2007, 10:28:35 pm »
Congratulations.  There are few bigger happenings in a person's life the birth of a child.  Enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: snowed in
« on: December 20, 2006, 09:57:10 pm »
My brother in law flies for FedEx.  It's his birthday.  Guess where he's stuck?

Gold stars for those who said Denver.

Perhaps both haste and mass haste should be moved to enchantment.  Enchantment is actually one of the smallest schools and Transmutation is one of the larger schools.  In general, Conjuration, Transmutation, and Evocation seem to have the lion share of the spells.  Evocation gets a little extra size from the tendency to have what is essentially the same spell under a different name for a different element (e.g. firebrand vs ball lightning).

I could see a significant reshuffle of all the spell schools going into V3, but any reshuffling is bound to have a significant impact on all the specialist wizards out there.

Bioware Issues / Re: Somethings is up with invis
« on: November 23, 2006, 01:27:57 pm »
A general trend I have noticed with the invisibility bug is that creatures who have sneak attack are almost never deterred by invisibility ONCE THEY HAVE TARGETED YOU.  When I move around under invisibility without fighting, it almost never gives me any problems.  The 50% concealment is the same thing you see when you target an invisible creature.

Sometimes breaking the sight line will break off the attacks.  My personal policy is "don't count on invisibility to get you out of a fight that goes badly."  It's great when it works, but you just have to accept that it often won't.

General Discussion / Re: Use Magic Device question
« on: November 23, 2006, 11:52:39 am »
I haven't seen many wizard/rogue combonations here.  I heard somewhere that a wizard rogue loses the ability to use a lot of items that a wizard can normally use, b/c the umd check gets applied against everything, including items that are in class for the wizard?  Can anyone verify this?


General Discussion / Re: Lag Question
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:03:09 pm »
Thanks L, that clarifies things a lot.  I thought I had read earlier that each item in each stack was counted.

Does an empty container count as a single item, or is there some extra time to check for contents even when it's empty?  I noticed when I offloaded into my house after the database scrub that I was causing a lot of lag on log in, even though I was mostly just carrying empty boxes and bags.

General Discussion / Re: Character attitudes towards each other
« on: November 01, 2006, 03:40:39 pm »
Perhaps dropping the characters deity from server status would help a bit with metagaming.  I often look at server status to see if friends are on and it makes the characters who worship evil gods really standout.  I find myself saying to friends, "geesh, look at all the Corathites."  It does make it a bit more challenging to avoid metagaming.

For that matter, does the character level really need to be on the general server status?  It seems like the only thing players really require from server status is a chance to see if their buddies are online.


Has your order for Delayed Blast Fireball or Great Thunderclap been filled?  I have both scrolls immediately available.  Please see me if you still need them or send me a letter and we can arrange a meeting.


Esimon Clearpeak

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