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Messages - Evil Dad

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Trade and Market Hall / RE: Mineral Amethyst and Garnet
« on: September 25, 2005, 02:26:00 am »
The garnet has gone now ...

I do have 4 x Mineral Amethysts for trade still

Autumn Twilight

Where is Jet?  I feel so angry with him at the moment.  Since our incident he has disappeared.  He said he was going to talk to vivian.  But not even a message from him.  Was he too much of a cowardly dog to tell vivian?  Well he best had or he will be running back to her like a frigthened puppy when I have finished with him!

Saw Corsan again.  He says he is still waiting for me and still loves me!  I told him I was not worth it and he should find much better than me.  He refused to listen.  I do like corsan, but I have promised myself to Jet .. if that man ever appears again!

Been to haven mines with Pendar.  He wanted to mine some gems and he gave me some, which was nice.  There was good sport to be had there.  After I went off to the greypeaks for some ogre bashing ... one of my bestest sports.  Then I went deep into the high moors to bash some lizardmen.  I came across some real tough ones and onyl just escaped.  Damn!  They folowed me all the way back to hlint.  I stood my ground but fell from a real bad wound.  I was lucky the bleeding stopped and I was able to crawl back to hlint like a wounded animal!

Met up with a man named Kaizer who was going to the mines.  What a great warrior!  We went deep into the mines.  Deeper than I have ever gong before. It was great sport.  Dorena had been looking for me and had tracked me to the mines.  We met her on the way back out.  She is become a good friend.  We visited the mines a second time with Kaizer leading the party again.  It was the best sport again.  So many dead ogres.  The pleasure was nearly unbearable!  I mined plenty of iron for Dorena so she could make some arrows.

Me, Dorena and Faile have decided to go on a trip to the Berhagens.  A bit a girlie giant bashing!  Faile has become another good friend and it will be good for the 3 of us to spend some time together away from the town.  I am really looking forward to this trip.

Jet appeared.  Finally!  I was talking to Shelu and Ranewin in our native tongue.  Jet nodded to us and told us off for speaking elvish in front of him.  We were simply commenting on how handsome he was!  He was not his usual self.  There was no affection or warmth from him like I would have expected.  I can only assume he has not given up Vivian!  He is a coward and I will not be made a fool of like this by the likes of him.

Justain!  What an arrogant pig!  "You women stay at the back while me and jet fight the ogres" he said.  I am insulted.  He is an arrogant fool of a Paladin.  Thinks far too highly of himself.  If he speaks to me like that again I will take his sword and stick it where no Paladin should have a sword stuck!

Autumn Harvest

- faile & massa
baalor hunting with teddy
jet & vivian
received another letter from corsan
hunting with ranewin and lili
- ranewin is beautiful and would suit corsan?

Summer End

training in berhagens
jet give me new blade
getting close
- trolls
jet & corsan
a final letter from corsan

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Mineral Amethyst and Garnet
« on: September 19, 2005, 03:11:00 am »
Let me know when you are in Hlint next and I will try to be there.  Or we can meet somewhere else if easier?


Trade and Market Hall / RE: Sandpaper
« on: September 19, 2005, 03:09:00 am »
5 gold would be okay for me for hickory as my work with oak isnt very good at the moment.  Maybe I could take 20 or 30 to start with?


General Discussion / RE: Need DM help in-game please
« on: September 18, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
Thanks very much :)

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Sandpaper
« on: September 18, 2005, 06:30:00 am »
I am always looking for sandpaper as my cooking skills aren't very good.

I want hickory at the moment and I can get all the wood you need.  Would you want gold or other materials as payment?


Summer Run

It is now the month of my birth!  I give praise to Kithairien for guiding me.

training with jet
meeting corsan
house with alissa?
trip to velensk
rescue at velensk
direwood caves
- naughty summons!
another letter from corsan

Summer Home

I feel so much stronger now.  I am quicker than I used to be and can aim my blade with more precision.  It is a good feeling and I look forward to continuing my learning of the katana.  I am no wiser though!  I still rush into battle even when I shouldn't.  But I am not afraid.  Should I die, then I will run with Kithairien and hunt by his side!

Went with Trysk and Alissa to Velensk.  Buradin joined us a bit later.  We went ogre bashing on the way and near dire wood.  We were bashed hard ourselves.  The void again!  But we are working much better as a team.  Single out an ogre lead it to the party and bash it.  See an mage then spread out to confuse and then bash it.  We are getting good!

On the way back from Velensk, me and trysk ran into Dorena again.  She seems to have grown since I last met her.  She is so quick with both her swords and hits with so much force.  It was good to fight with her.  She is a ranger and has a wolf companion and summoned a big bear to help us as well.  It was good bashing!

Another visit to the greypeaks, but this time we go to Storans tomb.  I do not like it there.  These crypts and tombs are full of things that are dead yet still live.  It is most unnatural.  The void!  Some creature screamed at me and I felt ny lifeforce just drain from me.

Corsan has sent me a letter indicating his intentions of love.  A rose came with it.  He is really very sweet, but my heart waits for Jet.

A whole night with Monshira!  Just talking!  We found a spot near haven mines that was nice and secluded.  Monshira was very interested in me.  Where I was from? what I did? what did I want to do?  The questions were endless and suddently it was morning.  I enjoyed myself though.  Monshira was good company!

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bank Persistent Chest - Items Disappeared
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:54:00 am »

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The Journey of a Wild Heart
« on: September 12, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
Spring Blosson

Met a barbarian by the name of Jharl.  He was a cheerful fellow and keeps chanting some tribal song.  It is good to see others like me.

I am learning the art of leather making.  I have been practising to cure the hides so they can be sewn into outfits.  It is a tricky thing, but I am getting better at it.  I hope one day I will be able to make my own armours.

I have continued to hunt!  In fact I always hunt.  It is good sport!  Sielwood is my favorite place.  There are ogres and werewolves and these strange creatures that can turn you to stone.  I often visit Rangers Vale whilst there.  I can find peace there.  I often run through sielwood, past the lost ruins and up into the broken forest.  What great sport it is!

Vivian! Vivian! Vivian!  This woman i hate so much.  Yet, I can't help but like her.  She is so nice and clever and pretty.  It is no wonder that Jet likes her so much.  She is everything I am not.

Met a woman name Key, a rogue and good warrior.  She spoke to me quietly about joining a secret group she has.  She asked why i fight?  Was it for money or glory?  I told her the truth.  It was for fightings sake.  I live for the kill.  She seemed pleased with this answer.  I think we will become friends and I will most likely join her group.

I joined a party to help rescue trysk and his party in the greypeaks.  Bah!  Damn ogre mages!  Me, Trysk, Gelden, Brit, Buradin and Alissa finished off the ogres.  We then paid a visit to king storans tomb.  I hate that place!  In fact I hate all tombs and crypts.  The are not natural places.  Give me the trees and open sky any day!

Jet has started to teach me the katana.  I went with him the haven mines.  He is so strong and great warrior.  We just made it out of there alive!  I did try to pay attention to how he uses this blade.  It is long like the sword, yet single edged like the scimitar.  A strange blade that cuts deep and true.  I shall enjoy using this blade!

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The Journey of a Wild Heart
« on: September 10, 2005, 08:08:00 am »
Spring Rain

I slept in leilon last night.  I didn't want to go back to Hlint incase I met them.  I think i made a fool of myself.  I decided to go back to Hlint with a little trip to the high forest first.  What a mistake!  I was peacefully chopping some oak, when I was attacked by a pack of spiders.  Before I knew it, I was poisoned so bad I couldn't even lift my blade to defend myself.  It was agonising just being attacked my these monsters.  I think 1 or 2 of them were sword spiders.  Back to the void again!

I met with Jet.  He was sorry for what happened.  We both let each other know our feelings, but I do not really know where we go from here.  He has history with this vivian.  He says he likes me.  We shall see.  What of poor Corsan?  I like him a lot, but Jet stole my heart first and I suppose it is a bit like him and vivian.  I must talk with him and hope he understands.

Jet repeated his offer to teach me the katana.  I think I will have to accept this time.  It will mean some hard training and I will have to try and give up some of my rather barbaric ways.  But, I believe the journey will be worth it.  I have grown so much since arriving here and I see this as just a progression of myself.  I had dreams of becoming a bard, but I have realised that I am a simple warrior.  I live for the battle and the sport of killing.  To be a more skilled warrior would be good!

Corsan had to get some chicken eggs for someone.  I journeyed with him to krandor and fort hope.  We parted company and I met Freya who wanted a packaged delivered to fort velensk.  I didnt know where this was, but I knew a man who did.

Jet took me to fort velensk.  I was quite a bit further than I thought.  Jet took me to see the Berhagen Mountains, but we met some golems and our weapons would hardly work against them.  Back to Velensk!  On the way back, we mat a man called Sand Krows.  He was a fighter/priest of lucinda.  He offered to show me and jet around the berhagens.  I was a grand trip.  Sand put so many spells on all of us, that we are able to walk through the Berhagens and bash golems and giants without talking hardly any damage.  He is truly a powerful man.  A man to be admired!

On the way back to hlint, i visited direwood.  I battled lots of spiritis and nearly died.  So, I would go back through hope.  Would you beleive it!  I met with Teddy and his party.  Back to velensk with them, then a spot of cougar and troll hunting.  Those trolls were tough and I very nearly died again.

Ogre bashing in the greypeaks is always good sport and I am much stronger now and able to bash them good.  But what happened?  An ogre mage cast something called death magic on me and I felt all my energy drain away.  Back to teh void again!

I met a creature called  wemic today.  A strange creature half man and half lion.  From somewhere called the dragon isles.  He was a good warrior and we went ogre bashing in sielwood.

A strange end to this luna cycle.  Corsan declared his love for me today!  I was flattered, of course, as he is a good man.  I told him I could make no promises.  I did not want to be held back as I am not your normal female.  He said that was why he liked me.  He is sweet!  I told him that there was another I liked as well, but I did not tell him it was jet.  I think he knows though!

How could he not?  I saw jet with that vivian again.  I think corsan knew something was wrong, but did not want to say anything.  I am going to leave this place I think.  Maybe try and get back to Dregar.  It is too painful being around them both.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The Journey of a Wild Heart
« on: September 10, 2005, 03:18:00 am »
Spring Dawning

Went for some sport deep into sielwood forest, with Corsan, Gelden, Shae, and Trysk. We were in Rangers Vale getting healed, when the healer asked us to help him out. Some traveller, Trenton I think his name was, was gone missing and would we help find him.  We found an elf ranger and tried to talk.  Trysk foolishly moved behind her.  She turned and Trysk was killed.  We caught up with the elf.  Me and Corsan asked to talk and lowered our weapons.  The paladins just wanted their justice for Trysk.  I was told I would have to face justice for my sport with the animals.  She is probably right.  I do take pleasure in sport of most kinds and some I have killed have not truly deserved their death.  She escaped again.  Me and corsan were ambushed by these vicious   goblins and the next thing i remember is the void.  I do not believe this is over yet and we need to continue our search for the traveller.

More mining and sport.  I have become better at making arrows now and in making wood generally.  I have also discovered how to turn cotton into cloth.  My skills are getting better all the time.  I still live for the fight and would rather have sport with the enemy any day!

There was a meeting of people in Leilon.  I was not going to go, but Jet told me he was taking soem Vivian.  I had to see what she was like, so I accompanied Teddy and Zeos there.  Justain was looking good and gave me a drink and it made me feel all funny.  Jet turned up with this vivian.  She is a very peautiful females, with long red hair.  Quite a sight really.  I feel hurt now, like i am second choice.  I got a bit upset with Jet and may have been a bit loud in my thoughts.  This vivian was nice and offered me to sit with her and Jet.  I said no as I wanted to go bash some things or someone!

General Discussion / RE: Sea Elf
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
in the description is says about turtle shells ... so they should be able to

General Discussion / RE: Sea Elf
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
@Dorganath: you could be right :( but my wildelf barbarian is a big fan of Glokk's work ... so it does take all sorts ;)

@Talan: i never realised that ... but the spear is an acceptable weapon anyway for the seaelf and the piccy i have of her has her carrying a spear.  i did wonder about a halberd and customising it to look like a slimmer weapon (like one of those oriental weapons) ... but for now i will go with spear anyway and this char is more about roleplaying than power


General Discussion / RE: Sea Elf
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:03:00 am »
I just want to clarify one thing here....This aquatic/underwater language ear is not a form of elvish.  It doesn't look or sound anything like elvish.  It's intended to sound like whale/dolphin songs and other sounds, clicks, etc. that would seem to be easy to make underwater as well as that would travel well through the water over distance.

Now this might make it interesting to play as a bard later on.

General Discussion / RE: Sea Elf
« on: September 09, 2005, 05:37:00 am »
Thanks guys some great answers.

I will bumble along with trying to communicate in common/elf/signals.  Could be good fun to role-play.

With foods, I will leave it until she is really really hungry before trying anything other than fish.  Tis way she would have tried it out of desperation.

I will go fighter.  The ranger sounds right for a hunter, but they are all about nature, so it doesnt fit.  Cleric might be a good multi later on.  Or maybe a weapon master or bard.  I don't see too many other options for her.

I will stick with leather as best I can.  She will have good dex anyway, so plate is particularly needed.

Even in the pnp book, trident is a medium weapon so you should be able to wield it 1-handed.  I think I will go with spear for now, but leave off weapon focus/spec just incase it is deemed a bug and fixed.

A final question about starting feats.  As a fighter, she starts with 2 feats.  I am thinking either ... dodge+mobility or power+cleave.  I think because of her agility dodge+mobility might be best to start with.  It will also give her better defence.

Also, what about skills?  Would she have learnt tumble?  I think so, as she would need to turn and dive underwater so it would be quite natural to her.  Things like taunt, intimidate, persuassion would be out.  It is unlikely you can taunt a shark.  Discipline is likely as she is a fighter.  Maybe heal as she would have been taught this as a hunter I think.  Or maybe spot/listen.

Thanks again ... i am really looking forward to starting her now ... just need to get her approved :(

General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:10:00 pm »
portraits for my seaelf i hope to have approved :)

the seaelf_h.rar file is over 100k so i couldnt upload it ... is there any other way to do it?

General Discussion / RE: Sea Elf
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:00:00 pm »
i am thinking she would have learnt the bow during her limited time on the surface

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