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Messages - Falreign

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General Discussion / RE: Duelists and Ambidexterity
« on: November 10, 2005, 01:40:00 pm »
Ah that makes sense. Yeah I had saw that and wondered myself, wondered if weapon finese would be more appropriate.

Oh yeah and since we are being so interested in the duelist all of a sudden I wanted to know if you needed to be focused in Rapier specifially or just anything, I saw on the in game pre-reqs that it says otherwise.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Boating system
« on: November 08, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
Killizzal - 6/25/2005  3:18 PM

P.S.  Also all you HARDCORE RPers; stop running so much. your PC's are olympic track runners and dont have the stamina of a hummingbird.


You know we have all thought about this but then one day I was looking at my map and saw the had sooo much space in between the areas where we transitioned, that area I decide is friendly and has no monsters/danger, therefore I walk through it. In places where possible interest or danger is known I run around. That and the fact that moving slowly without proper cause is painful to watch.

General Discussion / RE: Diversion
« on: November 07, 2005, 10:46:00 pm »
Right on I am the king of diversion and getting away from the problem. But on top of that even a king has to know when to confront his enemies in battle. Have fun, bash gobolins, shoot fish, have your character tell his own story to a few respectable people but always remember to take care of your real self and his emotions.

Game on!

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Insights of the Strategist
« on: November 07, 2005, 07:44:00 pm »
First Thread of the Third Passing

Seems there is some excitement in the lands, the planes are endanger and some sort of gifted children are to blame for rukus cast upon the this town I have been staying at. When I heard the voices of the dying women I first slipped out with myself unnoticed than decided it best to stay incase I could help in some way, how I feel a fool for that now, the child never noticed me and left quickly being chased. I can not see why I would have stayed now, though I feel I might wish for a good reason.

Second Thread of the Third Passing

The people were in a panic and it all happened before a single person would play the simple games of dice I offered. Shortly after though I had my chance for a game of wit when one of the many moody people in the audience demanded a name from me, of course I won, no match she was so baffled she didn't even bother after three sentences. Somewhat relieving to see such a dark winged creature with so much power that others nearly bowed to him as he healed them, makes me wonder how it must feel to be good at what you do.

Third Thred of the Third Passing

Cursed ogre treasure, I can feel the raging blood boiling up! It burns inside my skin, asking me to do this, the hatred is there and for good reason. The red knight with his upity attitude, how does he figure me a thug? A man offering his services to protect women is noble but if the man wants equal trade for gold he is a monster? How my blood wishes to show them a true monster, how I desire to let my skin leak this anger! The children seek to destroy this world and I say let them. If the Mechanus and the black winged demon both wish to save this cretulous place I say curse them. The people here know nothing of thugs nor enemy, they will find a scapegoat with skin unlike theres, eyes unlike theres and cast him into limestone caverns so that they may feel pride and joy to there self-righteous causes.

Just for Fun / RE: Approval Spam!!!
« on: November 06, 2005, 10:21:00 am »
Lol I am sorry I have no idea who you are

Welcome back?

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Insights of the Strategist
« on: November 05, 2005, 11:50:00 pm »
First Thread of the Second Passing

The time spent here is wearing on me. It seems I am developing some sort of attatchment to these... interesting folk. They have more to offer than dribble and loose spit, it seems some have as much prowess in battle that I hope to obtain. A very interesting place for the Dragon to bring such talented adventurers to. Perhaps in time I can learn to be of use to the Dragon and maybe to people here

Second Thread of the Second Passing

Haha fantastic, my knowledge of the world is still unmatched versed many of these grass chewing adventurers. To top it all off I am quickly excelling in my understanding of battle and commerce. This rapier and this shortbow have proved quite useful to me as of late all leading up to my perfectly shady dealings which have earned me many a good pleasurable night at the inn. At this rate I will be a top-notch master of my weapons and brains. Who would have thought.

Third Thread of the Second Passing

Still my blood boils deep underneath. I cannot help but drive hatred towards all these fools who wallow about unaware of the danger that keeps itself in the shadows. How it irks me when I see a one hide from my shadow, if only I could invoke this wrath here as anywhere else. There is no way I would escape with murder on this land, paladins in every temple and goodie blabbermouths on every road. For now I must keep this undercontrol and focus on gaining power, perhaps another day not a temple dweller nor a road traveler will be able to hinder me.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Blinding Speed.
« on: November 05, 2005, 02:06:00 am »
But should oh crap buttons cost epic levels?

Also it is usable once per day, seeing as how you fight more than once every ten minutes and haste only adds one more attack per round which at that level adds to their three attacks. A rogue could save this feat for concealment and carry around a wizard instead, even a low level will know how to cast haste on a single person. Yep thats how I see it.

General Discussion / RE: *sigh* Sorry to my questers.
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:25:00 pm »
O.o you are a brave man.

I stabbed my a non electic knife into my finger once, saw my bone but felt no pain. I was either in shock or it went through the nerve endings. Anyhow I managed to wrap it with a rag before passing out for three hours. I feel your pain, the non-electrified portion anyway.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Lock Boxes
« on: October 30, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
Perhaps you misunderstood the use of the boxes. Enemy creatures would drop these boxes instead of simply items and the boxes themsevles would have maybe two peices of some sort of loot that the creature might usually drop. Its not important or extremely necessary however it would be nifty for rogues and in quest events. Also I was rather curious.

General Discussion / RE: The false orcs
« on: October 29, 2005, 07:28:00 pm »
Hehe yeah. Mostly just yeah. My characters tend to give a strange look to anything evil type that dosent right out start attacking them. This orc buisiness is quite cool but I prefer to not chase anyone out of town if I can help it.  ;)

Just for Fun / RE: So, so true.
« on: October 26, 2005, 10:22:00 pm »
I loled.

General Discussion / RE: Leave of absence.
« on: October 25, 2005, 08:16:00 pm »
What everyone else said, especially Doc!

Take care, see ya soon mate.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bear Warrior Black Bear form
« on: October 22, 2005, 10:17:00 pm »
I finally got the brown bear form I had been hoping for and was quite disappointed. My color is different. I dont even think I gained STR or Con. Get an STR of 31 which I actually think is less than the druid form of brown bear and still have an ac low enough that kobolds still hit me if I dont put on all of my short and temporary magical buffs before transforming.

So I came to the conclusion that I could have a druid, take away all of his very useful spells and all other transformations; wolf, cat, elemental, bird and gave him an extra attack and possibly four more hitpoints per level you get this bear warrior here. As far as usefullness goes I am getting the feeling this bear buisiness is pretty weak.

Dont get my wrong, I love my character as far as RPing fun goes but what fun is it if I die all the time?  Guess thats why this all sounds like a big complaint. With seven DTs at level eleven I dont think I will be able to make him into the leader I dream he could be. A halfling who can get some more people motivated to be bear warriors and a lot less people would want to be a bear warrior if they are so heartily nerfed.

General Discussion / RE: I love cable internet
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:07:00 pm »
Without it I would be very sad. Down with slow.

Just for Fun / RE: Deaths : both spectacular and dumb
« on: October 19, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
Think my most shameful was when Daring was in Rage and fleeing from goblins at a lower level. He escaped with a few hit points and right when he managed to escape with his fast speed he collapsed and died instantly, gained himself a DT. As you might notice now, Daring rarely gets angry enough to Rage.

General Discussion / RE: Charisma only for Undead?
« on: October 18, 2005, 12:59:00 pm »
Yeah I guess if you like min/maxing your stats. I dont think there is ever any reason to give yourself a disadvantage when something for intellegence or charisma is needed. Remember you will have to speak like an idiot and act like one too with a int + cha 8.

General Discussion / RE: What is a ranger?
« on: October 17, 2005, 10:13:00 pm »
I suddenly feel the compelling urge to play ten more characters and all of them rangers. Thanks for that Pankoki, really awesome.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« on: October 16, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
These could be a nifty thing to enchant onto a helm the way we enchant onto weapons as well.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bear Warrior Black Bear form
« on: October 15, 2005, 07:09:00 pm »
Hmm well although I see truth in what you say there are some things that all creatures whether man or beast can share a common understanding to without needed to be told it by another of its kind. For instance showing your teeth and growling shows threat or anger. What to eat and where to eat comes natrually although I dont really think any creatures would ask another what it tasty but ask if anything that thinks they are tasty is nearby.

Anyway around it I dont mind not having the language seeing as how I dont have much to say to other animals but it would be nice to speak with druids while in bear form and let them talk for me instead of making so many gestures all the time.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bear Warrior Black Bear form
« on: October 15, 2005, 06:07:00 pm »
Seeing as how human langauges are much more different and complex than a universal animal langauge I dont agree. Simply put if every single animal found a way to speak the same language in every part of the world I would assume it to be like insinctual grunts and gestures that allow you to understand them. Humanoids made many different languages through time. Now do you see how I am relating this Logan?

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