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Messages - Ioskeha

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General Discussion / Re: Why do Druids get so little respect?
« on: February 21, 2007, 06:05:11 pm »
Lots of great post to read, re-read, and think about.  Someone asked if this come from something that happened in-game not too long ago.  Nope, it didn't.  The has been on my mind for quite awhile now.  I wasn't asking to complain or anything.  Just wanted to know why Druids get so little respect.  As I said; I have been playing on for awhile here, and I've gotten use to the to it.

The only thing I said that could be taken as a complant is the planning of battle tactics.

Looking at a druids uses in a party rather than RPing your character as they would react to one is metagaming and poor RP.

I've lost cout of how many times I have been in a party, and the leader comes up with a plan of action.  Then watch the leader address everyone in the party but me.  It makes both me and my PC feel left out and not really wanted in what ever party I've RPed my way into.  Maybe it's because people and their PCs really don't know what Druids can do?  I don't know.  It's something I would like to change though.

General Discussion / Re: Just Poking In
« on: February 20, 2007, 04:25:14 pm »
Hey, man!  Good too see that you're back.

Or could just ignore it?  Pretend that your Rogue doesn't understand Cant.

Date registered   9/13/2005 1:18 PM Last logon 2/17/2007 1:09 PM  Agreed, jrizz.  I'm hardly the same person I was when I joined.  Though I had posted here long before I registered.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday osXmallard!
« on: February 17, 2007, 03:00:44 am »
Happy birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Houses of the Dead/Gone
« on: February 15, 2007, 10:31:30 am »
Ah, okay.  Thanks a lot, Rowana!

General Discussion / Re: Houses of the Dead/Gone
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:25:15 am »
What is the general rule of thumb for time period of transfering houses?  I share a house with someone that is inactive.  I only ask not because I want to take ownership of the house from him, but I still don't want to lose it because the person no longer plays.

General Discussion / Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« on: February 13, 2007, 10:44:06 pm »
That being said, there is no tolerance in this community.  There is no room for mistakes, there is no room for different styles.  There is a growing cadre of players that are bringing McCarthyism to the server.  They are beginning to suck the joy out of the world because of their unwavering insistance that the way they do it is the only right way.  They don't like what you do?  You are branded A BAD ROLE PLAYER!  You disagree with them?  You are trying to ruin the spirit of the server.

Which is why I don't post much on the boards.  I love playing on here, but outside of the game the community can be absolutely horrible at times.  I remember sitting in IRC one time.  I watched a group of people belittle someone that wasn't even in the channel because their role-playing didn't meet their standards.  It was very sick to see.

General Discussion / Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:55:45 am »
Talan Va'lash - 2/13/2007  11:45 AM

Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  12:36 PM

A bit much, yes.  I still hold to what I said.  I've seen this elitism attitude going on for awhile now.  Talked to people that almost left the server because they've been harrassed about their quality of role-playing - one person was actually in tears over it. :( It needs to stop.

Greifing needs to be reported to the GM team and real instances of it will be handled properly.

Hearsay about such and such does not mean that the proper action is to lash out on the forums in a way that may or may not be related to the issue at hand.

If you witness griefing report it to the GM team and it will be handled by the GM team.

*nods* I would if it was happening to me personally.  It's up to the person though that is being harrassed if they want to report it or not.  I spent an hour wiritng up that post.. heh.  Just so I could aviod finger pointing and blaming.  My hopes was just to point out that stuff like this is going on.  Hopefully the people that read what I said will be a lot more considerate of what they say to people in the future.

General Discussion / Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:36:26 am »
A bit much, yes.  I still hold to what I said.  I've seen this elitism attitude going on for awhile now.  Talked to people that almost left the server because they've been harrassed about their quality of role-playing - one person was actually in tears over it. :( It needs to stop.

General Discussion / RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:03:14 am »
I'd like to quote two posts about polymorphing from the thread that you supplied, Stephen.  One is from a player, and  the other is from Leanthar.  The player I will quote first, because he states what I think about the matter and explains it much better then I could.

Highway Man - 11/17/2004  9:59 AM

Polymorphing and shapechanging is pretty much the same way. I can understand if you don't want people using it for crafting...that's one thing I can understand and agree with, but to take away a great role playing tool like that...I mean come on. You really can't jump on shapechangers for being monsters in town when you've got orcs, half-orcs, goblins, tieflings, half-giants, ogres, drow, and dark dwarves as PCs running around these very same towns. They would scare the crap out these peasants just as much as a troll or pixie would.

I agree with this statement 100%.  If the townfolk of Hlint can be accepting of the "monsterous" races the players play, then they can be accepting when seeing a Wild Elf Druid shift to a bird and fly off.  Sure it would shock them the first time seeing it, but it's the reality of the world on Layonara.  They will get over it though, and it might make for a good story when they are sitting with their families over dinner.

Leanthar - 11/17/2004  11:37 AM

Alright... I have thought about it some more.  Not quite sure why I said "in town" before but *shrugs* I did so lets fix it.

I don't want people polymorphed while crafting.  I suppose it is okay to go around town polymorphed and/or with pets.  Though personally I think it is bad RP in certain towns/cities in some cases (undead, trolls etc.) but to each their own.  I am tired of being the big bad police and I am certainly not here to take the fun away from the game (although it seems some people think that is my sole wish), but I am here to keep things balanced and in RP (as best we can).  Hope this helps in some small way.

This leads me to believe that you only read the initial post and didn't bother reading the rest of the thread.  If that is the case next time try reading everything in a thread before jumping on your high horse and dictate how people should or shouldn't role-play.

It's getting tiresome seeing you try to control what you see as bad role-playing.  And I'm sure that people considering playing here on Layonara for the first time read these posts and get discouraged away if they felt their role-playing didn't meet your standards.  I know I would have if I saw posts like yours when I was looking for a server to play on.  The only bad role-playing I've seen here is when people don't even try.

General Discussion / RE: RP101 / RP Q&A ?
« on: February 07, 2007, 06:30:28 pm »
Heh. I picked the wrong option.  I'm interested in all of the above.  When and where is all I need to know now.

Just for Fun / Re: Super Bowl, or 2XP weekend?
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:42:37 pm »
Seeing how I don't watch Football.  2x EXP for me.

General Discussion / Re: I'm stuck near the boat to Firesteep
« on: February 02, 2007, 05:14:00 pm »
Thanks, Geyron!

Just for Fun / Re: Is anyone here playing Final Fantasy III on the DS?
« on: January 09, 2007, 07:53:25 pm »
Heh me either.  I didn't really like FF Tactics Advance.  So I'm hoping that FF Tactics Advance 2 is a bit better.. well mostly harder.  The first one is just a cake walk.  

Was anyone else shocked that the next Dragon Quest game will be made for the DS?  I'm a huge Dragon Quest fan, so naturally I'm exticed for Dragon Quest IX.  I just don't know how well the game will actually be since it's going to be 100% real-time.

General Discussion / Re: Is the West Server Online?
« on: January 04, 2007, 09:04:47 pm »
West has been down for awhile now.  Watch the server status page under LORE.

General Discussion / Re: Layonara Nintendo DS Gamers League
« on: January 03, 2007, 07:44:57 pm »
The DS Lite doesn't use glass.  It uses a thin highly reflective plastic (I think) screen protector that goes over the LCD screen (which is plastic also).  Mine wasn't properly sealed and came off when I was removing the Hori screen protectors I bought.

After a few days it resealed itself, but I have 4 bubbles with dust in them. So I'm still sending in mine for repair.

General Discussion / RE: Layonara Nintendo DS Gamers League
« on: December 29, 2006, 03:10:32 pm »
I think this is a great idea, but I'm going to have to wait a few weeks before I can add friend codes for my games.

I have to send in my DS Lite for repairs.  Odds are they'll send me a new unit (the protective layer over my top screen came off when I was applying some Hori Screen Protectors) so I'll have all new Friend Codes.

Just for Fun / Re: Is anyone here playing Final Fantasy III on the DS?
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:48:49 pm »
Okay.  Once you can access Mognet, by talking to a Moggle, you'll be issued one.  Once you get it post it here and I'll add you to mine.  I've already finished the game, and all the side stuff, but I'll still help you unlock everything.

Here's my FC: 4553-5072-3999

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday, Lynn1020
« on: December 21, 2006, 12:54:19 am »
Happy birthday!

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