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Messages - kaiser ravenloft

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of the Strong Paw
« on: April 07, 2006, 10:18:49 am »
//The following are accounts of Tor Strong Paw//

My first few day around Hlint have been good.My transition from my homeland of the far north to this hospitable climate has been smooth.Adventure is to be had everywhere, and capable fighters are abundant.So far I have encountered two, and strapping man and beautiful girl, who have power over the mighty bear,though not in the same way our people have.These two did not change form in the heat of battle like our elders, but summoned these stout companions,and even spoke to them!Father you would be proud of me to learn that I have not abandoned our clan ways, that I fight with the mighty axe, and move swiftly into the fight without fear.I hope to return soon for the judgement of the Elders, to become a mighty bear warrior!

Wild Surge Inn / looking for a room...........
« on: April 04, 2006, 10:39:22 pm »
Prothro the goblin looks for a room to rents.....not use much only to sleeps sometimes and store animal hide and skull trophy. Like if room near forest or lake...even better if room on Rilara.Prothro have coin...and not ever late or not pay debts.Prothro gets well with dwarf and others folk no problems.....not steals or breaks eithers.Leave note if have room for me to rents.

// leave any type of messages,or arrange in-game meeting to discuss price and length of stays//

General Discussion / Free Lancer's Tavern
« on: March 31, 2006, 12:14:02 pm »
Could anyone please tell me the location?

Layonara Server / barbarian movement speed
« on: March 27, 2006, 01:18:24 pm »
Not sure if anyone else is having this characters movement speed goes in and out for periods of time. Weight does not seem to be the cause of the problem though. Usually it only lasts for periods of 20mins. or so then the "movement speed increased" icon comes back up near the character portrait and the speed seems to work right from then on.

General Discussion / Now I've seen everything!
« on: March 26, 2006, 07:46:12 pm »
I was checking out the internet last night and came up on a solicitation of a business that promises to level your, (WOW game), character to level 60 ovenight, and promises you that only you and the company will know thats how you progressed! I'm 33 years old, and that has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen in the history of video games. The reason I have posted this to thank the players and creators of Layonara, for keeping this game such a fun place to of the above, where pvp and power gaming has become such a "task", that you even pay someone else to cheat for you!

Wild Surge Inn / goblin folk........
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:38:33 am »
//several letters about the main city areas around Mistone,along paths leading to towns, posted to trees, and scratched out in the writings and symbols of goblin//

Brothers..........this Prothro and the time for the Gobo to organize is now.Do not lives in shames anymores. The dwarf and elf folk have made good stands in towns and now it be our turns too.Send word to all knows folk and lets meets for discussions on makes new clan for trade and weapon makes and shaman arts to share for good. Blood him not cares for our folks time for us to unites!Send word brother if you out there and wish to join the looks to the sky for birds with messages.

//A simple call to Goblin PC's looking for others to adventure with....not sure exactly how many Goblin PC's are out there but maybe this could lead to a guild or loose clan. Maybe also a good op for players to start a new character as a goblin to start an underground movement as those Goblins who oppose the forces of Blood//

Trade and Market Hall / Animal skins..........
« on: February 28, 2006, 09:39:19 am »
Prothro seek animal skin from adventures that not tailor....will buy from if lets me knows before hands so mes can make room on seek lion,tiger,leopard,and the big game hides....send your bird message with price. Me also will buy arrowheads of copper and iron if somes not uses or have too muches....or will tag along to helps solo miners for a few ingots and yous can keep all gold found on trip.....*thinks to self that is a good letter*

Wild Surge Inn / Hunting.......
« on: February 28, 2006, 09:33:43 am »
Prothro seek to find other hunters who mights let me tag along when trying for big games like hill hounds or not slow down and can sneak with out gets caught all over Mistone and Dregar. Me ask only for a thirds of the skin taken......find mes on Mistone or Rilara if you willing to helps.

//leave any type of message or find my Goblin in game//

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / CNR idea.......
« on: February 24, 2006, 03:08:14 pm »
First I would like to say that I am a new player to Layonara and having a woderful time playing,(my character is Prothro), and enjoy the attention to realism the creators and players have added to this world. The one area I feel is the only downside is in the CNR field. I'll start by advising that before playing I scoured the Forum page for about two weeks reading almost every post and the player handbook,(it helped greatly by the way),and came upon many issues of topics related to economy and suggestions on crafting.I read many great posts and suggestions on change,(in particular one by Milton Yorkcastle),and thought to give my ideas on some possible solutions. I start by saying that I know absolutely nothing about the game specific computer programs, or computers much in general. Now, my first idea would be to alter CNR by class of character,ie; certain classes would have a natural advantage over others in starting a proffession by becoming an adventurer....such as a young fighter would have a basic understanding of weapon and armor creation and such. I also feel certain races would also have an edge on CNR...say like Humannoid orcs or goblins being leather makers, or gnomes and dwarf jewelry makers.I feel that at character creation the approving DM's would decide on which CNR or possibly multiple, the character would have the instincts to start...and limiting that character to those only! Now in saying this I feel that two important issues should be explained...the first if additional CNR skills are desired other than the ones granted they can be approved by lengthy character dev, and the second it would greatly improve the need to make alliances and sell goods to others.Now the second idea,(which may unleash fury), is that I feel is that it would be nearly impossible for epic or extreme high levels to have excelent CNR ability....I say this requiring you to think about your real life job and other great figures....would it really be possible to pursue a life of training in a field, with ever increasing specialization, and also hold three other titles in the same way...No.In my opinion this would be like playing golf like Tiger Woods, rocking like Led Zepplin, and painting like Norman Rockwell along with being the best at your profession,(which by the way is how you really make your living).In closing I really don't know how that could be solved "in game", nor did I wish to post such a long topic. Any and all feed back is greatly welcomed.

Wild Surge Inn / Belgaer hills
« on: February 19, 2006, 09:29:19 pm »
// a small note is atached to a tree in a clearing// finds burnings body of tall-folk near wagon trains in Belgaer hills....not likes look of its one bit. Hims face and hands are covered in fires and seems to be begging on his knees before it hides near the wagon and waits to see if anything comes by but not sees nothings else.....maybes this a warning sign from cat folk that live nearby that they claims wagons as owns.Be carefuls resting in the areas.


Trade and Market Hall / found.......
« on: February 17, 2006, 07:42:22 pm »
//small note left on the door of the Hlint craft house//

Prothro the goblin finds cougar bag on table inside craft house....tell me what inside and me returns.Me shows someones else what me finds so not accused of stealings it.

General Discussion / help.........
« on: February 14, 2006, 12:16:03 pm »
I have searched the different topics and was unsure as to where to post this problem.This problem is two part; 1)the CNR cards I carry in my inventory with recipie tips will not bring up anything but an -exit message when used, 2)the same problem with all the stations in the Hlint craft house when items are placed to make or fashion, it displays an -exit instead of listing the items to be made.Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong to cause this.This is the first time I have had any trouble with this issue.

Trade and Market Hall / If ya be in
« on: February 04, 2006, 11:35:54 am »
//you notice an odd sahped crumpled letter placed low on the post//
Prothro the goblin be in needs of special skills allow me to do fetch works pretty goods.Me harvest crop not waits for yous.Me also excellent companion on hunt trips.Need bags real quick hardly no waits..promise!for those not sure of hired have a list of reference of those to ask of Prothro's trust.Specials notices....will works for some lesson in Dwarf or Elf.Finds me in Hlint craft house...or leave note under this check back oftens.

Development Journals and Discussion / Prothro's accounts...................
« on: February 04, 2006, 10:30:30 am »
//finds suitable place on ground to sit,write and think//
*times to practice common writes more*,Me not angry any mores....Tall folk and all kinds seem to like Prothro!Me travel with a few Tall folk regulars*me thinks thems have much repects*.Me travel with two good warriors names Tatchien and Curtis Simon Orcutt, who helps mes*me admires both sword to be Goblin warroir chiefs*.Thems tap in to a side me feel often,*like when me small and sees war parties get repect in clan*, but me confused because me feels that this type warrior lose freedoms.....*but me can't helps but want to be respected like thems*, maybe Prothro seek to join some army to earn much respect.* forgets that Tall folk don't call thems by thems own names all the time....have to remember this*.Me also meets two Tall folk that are very different....names Derrick and a strange fellows who wears fire red armors*me meets him all the times, calls him master to show respect...but he not tell me hims name*.Both these Tall folk have strange side to them me likes too....only not smae as Curtis and Tatchien.*me admires for not same reasons...them think like powerful Goblin tribe leaders....have power with words....seem sneaky and never cross are else*.Dark Tall folk tell mes about him worships somethings called Pyrtechon....says it gives him much respect and power over foes...and me sees him smash good..*he even says that me should follow him more, maybe gives me gifts to follow this Pyrtechon thinks on this but not sense something bout hims that not sures..maybe follow him to get what good for Prothro*.Me still not sures what me wants...only that me enjoys hunts very much..even take ships to other places to see all by self*that make me very brave Goblin me thinks...if only Dwarf know this*.*me thinks better get move on..feel something trying to track mes*//hurries to put book in pouch,and quickly dissapears in tree-line//

Development Journals and Discussion / Prothro's accounts...................
« on: February 04, 2006, 10:03:32 am »
*the following are thoughts and written words of Prothro the goblin*
Me is very angry todays. Me is sick of Dwarf and some Tall folk treating me like criminal. Dwarf very pushy.....not show any respect,Tall folk not quite as bad....but still anger me.Thems not know or care of Goblin clan status....them just rush up and demand answers.Some says me steals waist coat me makes,other says me spie of some sort,*like them see Prothro if Prothro not want to be seen..he he*,and some march me to town at sword point,makes me point people i knows to prove.Make real angry....and me tries so hards to fit writes and speaks commons,*me thinks me only a few Goblin smarts enough to do this*,me hunt for foods and not steals, and me wear Tall Folk clothes in town so not scare...and still this!//relaxing somewaht//Me have to admits though that this has not happened too much lately, and somes that did have turned out to be friend to mes, *maybe knows more clan respect than thought*, and even allows me to follows on journeys.*this makes me feel proud, and me do everythings to helps these groups*.When not in group me hunts and travels all sees sights no farm Goblin ever see.....and me getting good at makes animal leathers too,*me feels this going to give much respect to show Dwarf*,me always practice hide in woods and places.....even sneak past many monsters and Tall folk!*Me feel like practice write enough, time to go hunts*//puts book in side pack, and wades through high grass out of sight//

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