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Messages - LoRD-oF-AEoNS

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General Discussion / WARNING! Garbage drivers
« on: November 26, 2006, 06:49:20 am »
Just a freindly warning the  93.71 forceware drivers for Geforce4MX and up are not compatible with NWN. I found this out the hard way and at this moment I'm rolling back to the 66.93s it was realeased in '04 but seems to be one of the best out there. The 96.94 7z is as well decent, it was used for the 8 series but has been modded to work with most cards. The 93.71 is the open download on the driver update page for, dont get it it's a waste. I mean it fixes many of the bugs with shadows and shiny water but in order to use it you must play in windowed mode.

Just for Fun / Shrimp on a Treadmill
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:04:51 pm »
Hey, it's a shrimp on a treadmill!

[SIZE=16]Yeh, really dont knwo how 'ta start 'ere. Dont know if this 'tha bloody work of magiks or just a ...ed miracle. Woke up rwight next 'ta a big 'lizad, it asked me to 'elp with a 'fella named blood, whoever 'tha 'ell that is. I'm not really to content 'bout this 'ere task if it pays well that'el be a different story. Seems my wounds are gone dont knwo how that happened either. Staying at that 'Wile Surge inn fer now, maybe ther some odd job 'round town I can coomit to and bring in some 'o that jink. Well not much to tell cuttin it off short mate. ... I've bloody lost it first this dream now I'm talkin to a ... book.[/SIZE]

General Discussion / Death by Pancakes?!
« on: April 15, 2006, 11:00:06 pm »

General Discussion / Layo and NWN2?
« on: April 15, 2006, 09:37:25 pm »
Still fairly new to Layo so I might have missed a bunch of stuffs about this but.....Layo considering xfering to NWN2? I'm not sure if NWN2 is going to be all that great. I mean yeh, the screens look nice but thats all that does so far. I read somewhere I think on the vault a while back they had an interview with one of the developers. He stated that the toolset will not provide a feature enablign modders to create there own mobs. He said "This sort of option would not be feasible with our game". I take this as BS. And I think what I think it means is true...Modders will have to use mobs that have already been deafted if you play the single player campaign. Coorect me if you heard otherwise and I'm wrong guys. Lates

((This is the journals of Etriel Tel'aeluil a young Wood Elf. He has a boyish outlook of life but still repects nature and it's laws. He lacked the healing powers his mother had and the strength his father had in combat at birth. This did change a bit shortly after the upheaval of his village from cuases unknown and the death of his mother. But dont be fooled he is very wise he just bathes in the natural traversty and fun over looked by others in life))

I woke up near a big dragon the other day. I think that is what it is I only remember stories of such told in the village. Followed a path to a small town that goes by the name of Hlint and it seems many people of all kinds live here. I have seen many strnge things here and they speak a lanuage I dont knwo so well. I hope I can learn this cuase it's really hard trying comunicate with them. I wonder what hat dragon wants with me.

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