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Messages - oneqtbebe

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Introduce Yourself / Re: Who is Dorganath?
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:36:01 pm »
very proficient post.. thanks! nice to meet you Steve! *waves*

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello!
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:03:30 pm »
Har! Silly Ms. Cleo *smiles* Welcome to Layonara!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello!
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:27:11 pm »
Hi Zanadont, it would be nice if you could let us know a little more about yourself.. a name would be a good start? :-)

Introduce Yourself / Re: As requested by my fans: hawklen
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:01:19 pm »
Eh? the pic colors are 'tripping' me out.. does anyone feel the same?

Introduce Yourself / Re: (total and complete n00b) Hi.
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:57:58 pm »
Ha! Eagerly awaiting the avant-garde elf ranger.. Ooohh.. i think avant-garde is a big word, too? *chuckles* BTW, no myspace link?

Introduce Yourself / Re: This is orth
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:43:28 pm »
nice to meet you James *smiles* now, this question should be simple, are you going to repeat your parents procreation persona? *grin* :-P

Introduce Yourself / Re: Since everyone else's doing it...
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:38:48 pm »
A hopeless romantic huh? Ditto! *glaze slowly upon the sky & ponders about unrequited love*

Introduce Yourself / Re: well now :)
« on: March 12, 2007, 05:50:43 pm »
*coughs* oy, papi.. *laughs*

Introduce Yourself / Re: The Christine Behind the Character
« on: March 12, 2007, 05:49:11 pm »
hybrids are cool! ;-D

Introduce Yourself / Re: As requested by my fans: hawklen
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:38:35 am »
Hahahaha! Kudos! :-P

Introduce Yourself / Re: well now :)
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:29:11 am »
(psssthhh- I'm also waiting for your introduction hawklen) *smiles*

Introduce Yourself / Re: well now :)
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:26:49 am »
Kenpo? nice, which style? mixed with Chinese martial arts? or jujitsu? Also, *tsk tsk... shakes head* someone forgot to mention his age.. *laughs*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Lin'das Highquality Goods
« on: March 10, 2007, 12:30:39 pm »
Ummmm.. Aiden like to see da cloak of darkened unicorn and the emerald mineral if still available. Aiden see yu in Fort Hempstead.

Aiden Baelhar

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Skeleton Knuckles.
« on: March 10, 2007, 12:58:23 am »
*scribbles in excitement* If possible, Aiden would like to placed order for yu.. when yu collect 4 boxes, please look for Aiden in Castle Mask or send a note and Aiden will meet yu where-ever. Thank yu.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Seeking Eggs
« on: March 08, 2007, 01:46:02 pm »
*rushes to the bulletin* Umm.. Aiden sorry.. I can’t help yu wid dat. Aiden forgot dat Aiden had cooked all da eggs already during a journey when Aiden was hungry. *he signed the note with embarrassment* -Aiden

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Rhynnala's Kitchen [Leave all Orders Here]
« on: March 08, 2007, 03:10:17 am »
*eagerly he scribbles* Hi Rhynn, Aiden liked yur food so much, Aiden wunt to buy more, lets see *he looks over the menu as if he wants to order everything but realize he will be traveling a lot and is unable to carry much* Aiden would like 2 whole apple pie, 2 loaf of bread, 1 four pack of Junmpin' Juniper Brau, and .. hmm.. *he ponders herring with rice or without rice* oy, Aiden will also take 1 order of herring wid da rice. Thank yu Rhynn. Aiden will see yu around.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Acid Enchantment III
« on: March 08, 2007, 03:02:13 am »
*shakes his head and frowns* darn it! Aiden missed out on gud items. *tells himself to check the trade hall more often*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Seeking Eggs
« on: March 08, 2007, 02:55:34 am »
*he looks at the notes with interest in earning more trues but doesn't know who to respond to, so he writes* Aiden might be able to help yu wid da eggs, but Aiden dunno where to find yu or who yu are, please let Aiden know or yu can seek Aiden out in Prantz. And also how much yu willing to buy da eggs foe? *signed* Aiden, da golden chicken cleric.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« on: March 08, 2007, 12:06:20 am »
Today was not a gud day for Aiden. Aiden decided to hop a boat and travel towards West to visit Beryl’s temple. On da way, Aiden and Potato fished in a river outside of Stone. Aiden caught four bass and two salmons. At da same time, Aiden received letter dat Annie wants to join Aiden for some fish filet. We meet up in Stone and to Aiden’s heartache… da travelers dat Aiden met on da ways shared wid Aiden da Stone was completely degenerated by da Blood’s troops. Da only temples dat dey know of is towards Sun castle. Upon visiting Beryl’s temple, Aiden gut Annie to donate two hundred trues. It seems Aiden didn’t hab any money at dat time… Aiden couldn’t find a bank near dere. And Aiden don’t know da area well. Now dat Aiden know where Beryl’s temple at, Aiden will began saving up trues.. Aiden aiming at one hundred thousand trues to help rebuild Her Perfection’s temple. Aiden will also send a letter forth Quil and ask foe his aid in rebuilding da temple together or Aiden might gather people and set forth a journey, anything found during our voyage will be donate towards Beryl’s temple.

As of now, Aiden happy dat Annie, a one fleet mercenary, donated some of her trues to Beryl’s temple. Aiden hab always looked up to Annie as a leader and someone Aiden could only admire afar due to her strength and power… she scares Aiden at times.. especially after battle when she cleans her blades covered in blood… Aiden could see da enjoyment on her face as she does dat. It makes Aiden wunt to run home.    

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« on: March 06, 2007, 03:39:14 am »
… continuing from previous entry…

Maybee days or weeks swiftly passed by.. Aiden can’t recalled.. da days and nights in da dudgeon cramped and tied inside da prison cells seems da same to Aiden. Every day was another day of misery. Annie began to loose consciousness of who she was and repeatedly attempted suicide… and lost hope for rescue… and gut to da point where she lost hope of her life. She cursed herself a fooled for staying on da island. But da lizardman did not go easy on her. Dey tortured and ripping her flesh apart and each time she came bak into her cell, she is drenched in blood and da smell of burnt carcass. Aiden felt completely helpless.. unbearable to witness our companions in such anguish. Aiden prayed for Beryl’s blessing every day.. Aiden slowly became unsure of Aiden’s self. Da days continue to progress and our weaken bodies gradually gave up on us.

Annie remained unconscious after one unfortunately toture session. Roldin was removed from da dudgeon and Aiden only heard from da lizardman dat dey had thrown him into da slavers corpses’ ditch. Ireth and Aiden were da only ones whom could loosely remembered da rescuers dat came to our aid. During da course of time in da dudgeon, Aiden felt at ease dat Ireth had became friendly wid da rats. Dey dun seem to like Aiden tho. However, dey were attached to Ireth as tho she was dere mother. Aiden’s conscious lapsed in and out.. and Aiden awoke slowly to da warmth of a bear skin.. so soft and mushy, it reminded Aiden of a potato.. da potato den hark bak Aiden’s memory of home.. where Potato, Aiden’s horse, was waiting for Aiden. Da thoughts of home and da skillfulness of da rescuers brought Aiden bak to reality. *sighs* but now and den, deep throbbing pain arise from Aiden’s fingers jogged Aiden’s memory  of da events dat took place on da island and allows Aiden to pay tribute to those dat helped Aiden.

Aiden will continue to train hard and hopefully repays da rescuers bak for all dat dey hab done to save Aiden and da others.  

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