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Messages - DiegoBastet

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Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Bank Balance Question
« on: July 02, 2007, 11:11:39 am »
"Wow, great! Now I have enough money for my armor! That is gret that I survived the wisps and the lizardman! Now I'll just follow this pretty road to Hlint and put the money on the bank, and heal myself, since 3 hp is bad. Good luck that I'm on the road, great. Wait, why are those halfling after me? They NEVER attack someone at this dis....oh... to kill some more lizards..."

I know EXACTLY what you mean, friend.

General Discussion / Re: In need of druidic knowledge
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:31:41 am »
*By the works of druids and other talk, it can be know that Eliza, the druid, may be able to help*

Fixed Bugs / Re: Some kind of weapon bug...
« on: June 07, 2007, 10:04:28 am »
If the weapon is to be two-handed (traditionaly not, but...), then it should say Large, nor Medium.

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: June 06, 2007, 08:38:28 pm »
These are portraits for Linda Valkhein, my new character. Soon I'll edit one and post of Eliza, too.

General Discussion / Re: The Final Stroke of V3
« on: June 05, 2007, 02:20:19 pm »
Greatly said. Kudos.

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Re: Now Hiring...
« on: June 02, 2007, 07:56:57 am »
*After some much ride on her dire wolf until Leringard, Eliza dismounts the dire wolf Moju and lets him hunt a little outside. She enters the city looking for the so called tavern, and after some search, finds it, and reads the thing* this is the place Jser, Ron and Rufius were talking about? *She looks around, to see if there are other awsers for the cook*...well, I guess this cannot hurt... *Sitting on a table, the fey-girl writes on a piece of parchment and puts her awser under the posting, and them, to the girl who serves people*

"I may be interested on the cook job. I am not an expert yet, but I am pretty good, and better then this, I just love cooking. If you don't mind putting a druid on this job, I am interested.
Also, I have some people who can attest in favor of my cooking, if you so desire.
I await eargely for your awser.   -Eliza of the forest."

Please, darling, any dove, hawk or bird can find me, so please, let me know if the person who put that is interested, okay?

*With that, she leaves the Inn with a smile*

Roleplaying / Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« on: June 01, 2007, 08:30:41 am »
Kudos for Rain and he telling his tale to his "sister", Eliza. Loved the eyes.

And to Rufius, for the nice gentleman thing. Even took a printscreen!

Roleplaying / Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« on: May 31, 2007, 07:54:01 am »
"Why did Eliza run ahead anyway?"

Well, you'll know, surely!

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 31, 2007, 07:43:08 am »
Now, first, I want to apologize to the people who asked for me to make the sd avatars of their characters. I could not do it.

I am really sorry about this and the delay and all, but I had some troubles (or better, little free time) this other week, and only created most of them today by early morning (Now is 8:39 am here in Brazil, and I'm creating then since 7:00 am), but then, they are here.

You may go to and see and download all the avatars made so far.

I'm still making them, so, if anyone else wants their char as a cute Sd, just tell me, and I'll make him/her.

Hope you people like.

Ps: Grohin looks Santa Claus. Redhead Santa Claus, but Santa Claus anyway!

Roleplaying / Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« on: May 29, 2007, 10:09:56 pm »
Kudos for char Galan Iraes, Elandra something, Luna, Kenelm and the other mage I don't remember, and yeah, kudos for that half-orc with dragon helmet. Did no understand pretty well that about the Raven on fire and all, but the scene of they running into town searching for fire, and them they searching Eliza while she went first, all great RP.

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 19, 2007, 01:31:21 pm »
Thanks for the feedback people!

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 18, 2007, 10:37:59 pm »
There people, the characters are made.

I had the, ahn, how can I say, "creative-burst" to make them a little more cute than normal. I really like you enjoy.

Ps: Jake and Steel (he is UGLY) were really funny to make. I laughed a "little" bit.

You can all see and download them at:

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 18, 2007, 07:16:48 pm »
Ok people, I'm glad that you like the characters. I'm going to make the requests in the following order:

J-Ser - J'ser Arcanebow
lolli gagged - Female elf ranger
twidget658 - Ami (35 Car? Wow!)
stragen - Jake Saltpetre
miltonyorkcastle - Steel (I guess I heard Kinai Kensei always talking about him...)
Stephen - Pyrran
silverdraco - Sonya (Eliza gave a flower to Rain for him to give to his wife. Did he give it?)

Give me some hours, and I'll do it, people.

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 09:55:33 pm »
Lynn, your characters are already made. You can see and download the two at...

Hope you like it!

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 08:03:04 pm »
You are VERY welcome, people. Thanks a lot! If I can't speak (type) English well, at least I can do something well!

Anyone who wants, just ask. I don't use the net everyday, but I'll make any request, in the order they are made (and hey, don't cheat your fellow players. Only one character per request, ok? You may ask many, but leave some space for the other players, alright? ;) )

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:57:58 pm »
Skywatcher, I thought that a warrior of Toran would be serious and then, there it is.

I hope you like her. I enjoyed making her.

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:25:55 pm »
Scifibarbie (nice name), here, I made her. Don't know if what you expect, but when you create her you can sendo me her image and I'll make another. It's what I thought would be a warrior-magician with that personality...

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 02:06:16 pm »
Hellblazer, here is Rain. Hope you like him. I just LOVE to roleplay with this character!

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:38:36 pm »
I would like not only a screenshot, but a little something about the character would be good. For example, the wand on the hand of Valeron, in the pic I posted, I put there because I know that the char uses many wands.

If the person says something about the char I can be creative!

General Discussion / Re: Cute SD Characters
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:33:55 pm »
Lynn, here is your darling. Hope you like it.

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