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Messages - Krell Himmler

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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:37:52 pm »
The past haunts me. The death of Silvia, Brian, my father. Their souls haunt me and trouble me. I cannot stand the pain of these events. I want to tell someone, to relieve the burden on my soul but I don't want to go to prison or to be found out by the law.

I feel remorse and I am sorry for my actions, but I cannot change them. I am committed to the path now.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:34:24 pm »
Sometimes I don't know what to think......sometimes I get angry at Rose's foolish love of the false god Toran....but she is so kind to me, I don't know what I would do if I was without her....sometimes. The Corathite order took me in, tought me the weave, they tought me how to survive.....they tought me hate. So why do I feel and think what I do now...I don't understand these feelings tear me in half. Her and the council gifted me with some scrolls for my efforts, I feel gratitude is it? No one has given me anything before, sometimes I think about joining them and leaving father Corath but his retribution would be swift and brutal....The armies of the world could not stop his wrath that would befall me...I know too much to be allowed to live.

But then I think, my feelings for her and my gratitude for the Council of hope are one thing....but my hatred of the world. I cannot stand so many of the people, I cannot bring myself to their pain or destruction but if something were to happen of my causing then I assure myself I would not interfere to save them. The world deserves the same cruel fate it inflicted on me....if I had met people like Rose earlier perhaps I wouldn't have fallen to this path, but here I am. Condemned to hell, such is the fate of the damned.

Now I have this book, I feel I'm at the crossroads of fate, give it to evil, give it to good or keep it myself and harness its power.....

Sometimes it gets too hard, I stand atop the walls of hempstead at night and look down below, perhaps it would be better if I ended it all.......if only I hadn't been born to this fate.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: March 14, 2008, 07:33:20 am »
I went along to help some sea elves, they were comely lasses and quite friendly, the pay wasn't bad although I must admit that was a major determining factor in my coming along....

I was dismayed to hear the Corathites were at work here. How stupid of them to be so brazen and open.....I think I managed to destroy their altar and hide the evidence from the others, they didn't suspect a thing luckily. I hid it in a tomb in Lar. If the clothing is ever found no one will know what to make of it...I sucessfully covered the tracks of a blundering fool, almost at my own cost! I hope father Corath forgives me for the destruction of his altar, but I had no choice.

General Discussion / Re: Oh that snake doth rock!
« on: March 14, 2008, 04:12:21 am »
I loved it, most unique quest ever, well managed conflict and tension led to great fun without anyone getting upset *I think*

General Discussion / Re: Thank you!
« on: March 12, 2008, 10:26:23 pm »
Welcome; I wasn't entirely sure exactly who was reponsible for the insertion of the house so I left it open :).

Rumour Has It / Re: Posted in various scribing shops around the world
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:06:08 pm »
Esteemed high mage Bra'car,

I would be most pleased to attend your seminar, I have spent my short time in life aquiring all knowledge that I may for the sake of knowledge itself. I eagerly await seeing your research and any fruits therof.

Sincerely Signed,
Sir Matthias

//sorry, i misread, edited now

General Discussion / Re: Thank you!
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:03:03 pm »
I owe a special mention and thanks as my house modifications were put in with what I would say was great speed. To the man who did the modifications, to the people who put it in so fast :).

General Discussion / Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« on: March 12, 2008, 02:22:28 am »
How much gold you have by a certain level also depends on actions....

If you prefer to freeform and majority hunt will end up richer normally than someone who only goes on quests. That's just the nature of the beast. I think there are some who almost only go on quests and although I'm by no means rich I'm not poor in the game....just too poor for cool stuff ;).

Also it depends again on the party size you take, if you move in on the enemy with a party of 10 people then you arn't going to make much True from that, if you go with a small group of 4 then you make more and if you are alone you will make a lot, but I guess it's the same as economics....greater the risk, greater the rewards. As a consequence I have observed that evil PC's being forced to a degree, often to solo are unable to tackle many more dangerous encounters but get to keep all the gold to themselves, as opposed to good PC's who have big groups and quests, gaining a lot of XP but lacking coin. *shrugs* Could be wrong but it seems to be the trend. There are two players I know of who are a similar level to myself but managed to amass a fortune and construct a large building in what would be a short period of time for such wealth....

Just to state...I'm not advocating solo play and by all means I think a group is the best way to enjoy the game, it would be shameful to see people running around alone all the time for coin, it is an RP server afterall :)

Layonara Server / Re: New Version Online V3
« on: March 12, 2008, 02:13:07 am »
*dances comically around his hat singing the mexican song...* Uhmm...did I say hat I meant hood :D

Server Rules / Re: Questions about game system and wemics
« on: March 12, 2008, 02:05:10 am »
You're right, I forgot it was considered light and reduced the second hand penalty further :). But I hope my example gave a little highlight between the pros and cons of each.....

A two handed weapon really can be devastating in the hands of a str based high level fighter, the damage becomes quite huge....

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Will calculation
« on: March 12, 2008, 01:59:52 am »
Worth noting that cross classes will always have higher total saves than pure classes *shrugs* just in case people were wondering, this comes from the 2 you get for a strong save at level 1.

General Discussion / Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« on: March 12, 2008, 01:37:04 am »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
on a totally random point...

Don't we all share with our friends?

If we have a case of really good beer don't we call our friends, invite then over and have a drink?

If I have two of a really cool t shirt, wouldn't I give one to a friend?

When I'm fly fishing and have the absolute best fly for the river wouldn't I share it?

If I know the answers for a test... don't I tell my friends?

Dunno... just food for thought.

I understand sharing a beer or a t-shirt....but would you give them a brand new car, there are other ways to "give" things to a player without showering them in wealth and things they would otherwise need to work for, food, small amounts of healing, so on and so forth, whilst these items may have no combat purpose, remember that your character (unless you slipped CE in) is not just a machine of death screaming kill and drinking water and trail rations, so food becomes a good way to RP out friends/lovers/aquantances by being generous and hospitable without handing out armour worth more than a house.

As for telling your friends the answers for the test, I guess that is an ethical problem. Would I tell my friends..? Nope, I think that goes beyond the debate about gifts and as I said, into the realm of ethics.

I think it's all relative of course, with sharing powerful items and weaker ones, where do you draw the line....? I guess in my mind there should be some line drawn which restricts the giving of said gifts so that not everyone has a mithril item or similar, just because they know a powerful jeweller or armourer.

@Dorg, you know I would've reported it ;). When I'm bored inbetween tasks reporting potential bugs keeps me entertained. I'm guessing there is no way to track down said people/bugs/items and remove them(the items) from the system? Which is a shame as I personally believe that the long term ramifications of such a bugged drop would be rather bad for the server, balance, economy and value.

General Discussion / Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« on: March 11, 2008, 09:15:58 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
Agreed.  I for one would like to see an entire accurate accounting for all those regenerating guards in Prantz immune to everything with huge glowing mithral gear ubiquotously attached to them.  Do they have receipts?  Have they paid their taxes?  If the gear is general issue per standard Prantz army-man, fine... then point me to the recruiting office and tell me where to sign!

And I hear that mithral is almost impossible to mine and yet there's a magic mountain where dead monsters explode into mithral weapons like candy pinatas.  THAT is the source of your crafter's recession, my friend... not gift giving.

And sure we could say "donate all your extra items to charity event X", but after 2 million plus of my own items to the Church of Dorand and nothing to show for it, not even a thank you card or statue, I have to parrot a million other voices here and ask, "What's the point?"  You set a price tag of a million gold on a new temple... you donate 2 million worth, and are still a stranger to them.

So while I agree with the spirit of the initial suggestion, seeing that mithral gear is being supersaturated at the top crew of lvl 20-30 characters, that all my midlevel characters are still broke as can be and scrounging every twig herb or mineral for another box of healing kits, and that about half the character populace is now related via blood or marraige, the practicality of the suggestion is much less than decreasing all mithral drops on candy island, and any other place where lenspriced goods clocking 60k+ drop at regular intervals.  Hindring the craft learning curve actually goes the opposite diection from this goal, as adding tougher spawns and new components to the mix just further frustrate crafters and encourage teams of "drop-scavengers" who pay zero of their own coin.  

So in conclusion, if you want stimulus to the crafter's side of the economy, reduce production costs for the crafter in both risk aquiring CNR and buying trade market goods, decrease the amount of drops which cut off his market, and untie his hands with all these restrictions on what he can sell things for.  Only then will you see this system of buddy-buddy mercantilism subside.  As for those giving the gifts, we know who they are.  Mithral neither mined nor smelted doesnt just pop up out of nowhere, but from a handful of spawns and those handful of people high enough level to hunt there.  That's the focus group.

As for me, I am happy to say I charge all my close friends and family members out the wazoo. ;)

As a hungry weapons obsessivist, Earl would buy at least another pair of iron sais, katars, doubleswords etc every month, but the problem is I hunt down these "starving crafters" to commision a custom job... and they're too busy!  They offer to sell me the longswords, shortswords, axes and junk they FOUND, but when it comes to a good pair of cold sais, wee little exotic daggers that take all of 2-3 ingots and a single mold each, they dont have the time!  They're too busy running off to Mithral Island and gathering their wares like everybody else... why bother mining?  Seems to me that they starve more out of convenience than for hard work and determination's sake.

I did at one point try and get a bunch of things made, generally speaking it took so long I gave make a point I asked for them a month ago and it's still a worth in progress, apparently....Translate that to game time and it's a long wait, would you wait that long for a purchase....I daresay I know of quite a few groups who all have the best equipment money can buy due to being chummy with one another, problem is most of the epics are all good buddies so they seem to equip one another with cool items, problem is, the only ones able to afford all of those emeralds ARE the epics....

Personally, reffering to the posts below, weapons like Mithril armour/weapons should only be able to be mined....the drops should be incredibly rare, if at all if you want it balanced....

Just curious, if you do donate say, 1 million gp to your church, will there be any benefits, to you as a character? (to Dorganath)

General Discussion / Re: Giving Gifts/Items
« on: March 11, 2008, 04:16:38 am »
I strongly disagree with random gift giving, that is, hey low level guy, have my old stuff....

But I'm somewhat partial to legitimate gift giving...say another character is your wife/gf/bf/husband in game....I doubt you'd charge them but in such cases I would *assume* there's some level of sharing? Correct me if I'm wrong or if this is illegal, I've yet to have opportinity even to partake in it :P. I kind of believed that RP would dictate what makes sense the most...within reason?

I have to agree that I get the feeling there is far too much illegitimate sharing where someone gifts an expensive item to a nobody.....or someone they don't really know in game.

You also have to remember, the new crafters too, I mean everyone. I am quite certain MANY higher level characters make everything for one another for free and never pay a cent, so it isn't just the higher levels being shafted by a lack of buyers, but they are part of the ones doing the shafting themselves perhaps...I think that the hammer needs to fall across the board, in the sense of people waking up and changing how they do things....I have no proof, but I suspect much of the free trading is happening up top, far more than it is being passed down the bottom.

I also would like to remind you that pretty much no one down bottom has much gold really, none of them could afford your fancy wares and items to be honest, least most of the lower downs I talked to laughed about the prices and how they could most likely never afford em, not to mention the futility of crafting at a new player, even IF you get up high everyone buys from the old man, so you're kinda screwed for cash.

General Discussion / Re: MSN Virus (Read)
« on: March 10, 2008, 05:03:03 pm »
With some virus's the only way really to be sure is to format. With certain nasty spyware I do it just to be safe with online banking and such forth.

General Discussion / Re: MSN Virus (Read)
« on: March 10, 2008, 11:07:37 am »
Google it and follow the instructions very carefully, make sure the site you use it clean too, some sites that remove virus's infect you more :(.

Search a few virus database places, antivir has a good one....see if you need to manually remove it. Sometimes scanners fail.

General Discussion / Re: Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 06:01:17 pm »
I only have 8 strength it fit **laughs** it fit with the backstory but the drawback is I can't carry anything really, I do try as a consequence to spread spells out across combats as best I can whilst saving something for a pinch

General Discussion / Re: Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:21:59 pm »
What if a crossbow is beyond one's carrying capacity? lol

General Discussion / Re: Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 12:13:46 pm »
You can fire more than five grenades in a day, you can also fire far more Saw rounds.....

I don't think it compares as the mage just have far more limited resources than any squad support weapons. You can also expect maybe one, maybe two battles in a day if you're unlucky. In reality you also can't survive direct damage from the enemy and continue fighting as if nothing is wrong, a single injury can be fatal. In DnD you can take serious punishment before death, meaning one can save finite resources until the opportune moment, when they're needed.

But one could even stretch this argument towards re-supply, the squad would have to wait until resupply before using it's heavier and more important weaponry. That is, resting in the DnD world, the level of input of a mage, or said heavy weaponry dictates how often they will need re-supply. And the foolish mage who casts all his/her spells into every fray may find themselves in a bit of trouble when things go bad, as they also do.

I would also hope, that a wizard with his large intelligence would be able to observe a battle and decide when his input is needed, this is in my opinion half of the skill of the class, knowing what to use and when.

One does not fire all guns of the artillery for every little skirmish, but saves it for the bigger, more important battles. In fact one would not fire artillery at all in something judged to be a light skirmish...

General Discussion / Re: Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 10:54:32 am »
Sometimes if I save them for the big battle or a desperate time I get angry tells claiming I'm just freeloading, so I get a little paranoid :D

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