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Messages - A-Wizzle

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Trade and Market Hall / Larissa's Bag-filling nic-nacs
« on: October 28, 2009, 07:18:25 pm »
*in small, loopy writing*

Look for Rissa, the red headed halfling.

Iron Shortsword - 1500 Trues  //Lvl. Req 5

Iron Longsword - 1800 Trues  //Lvl. Req 5

Riam's Cloak of Reflex - (for the slower feet) 1200 Trues - //Lvl. Req 5 Improved saving throws: Reflex +2

Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power - (for the weaker arms) 1500 Trues - //Lvl. Req 4 +1str

(2) Bracers of Scouts - 2000 Trues - //Lvl. Req 8  +1AC Use: Camouflage 2 charges/Use  Darkness 1 use/Day
Archer's Edge - 4000 Trues - //Lvl. Req 8  +1AC Entropic Shield 1 use/day

Boots of the Militia - 3500 Trues - //Lvl. Req 10  +1Con, +1Fortitude, Will, Concentration, Discipline

Ring of Eagle's Splendor I - 2000 Trues - //Lvl. Req 6

// Contact me via tell or PM.

Introduce Yourself / Why hello there.
« on: October 19, 2009, 05:30:13 pm »
My name is Ashley, but I'm better known here as Zelda/Ash/Larissa. I'm glad to say I'll be returning to Layo as much as my schedule may let me.

A little about myself.. I was introduced to fantasy at age 7, when the first of the Lord of the Rings movies came out. I'm proud to say my grandma, Serissa, introduced me to it. :) After that, I got into it bit by bit until about November 2005 when I joined the Layo community.

Yes, I'm pretty young at 15, but don't mistake being young for being unintelligent. I know I'm certainly not the wisest or most mature girl, but I do try to understand things to the best of my ability. Also, I've grown up a tremendous bit since I was last a Layo addict, but you can judge that for yourself. ;)

Hmm. Let's see. My hobbies include French club (surprisingly, I'm not very good at French :p ), homework, a little more homework, writing, reading, texting (yes, I'm one of THOSE teenagers), and a little softball from time to time.

I mainly play one character now, Larissa, as Ash perm'd a few years back. I love playing my little halfling, but I doubt she'll ever make it to a high level like everyone else seems to be these days. And I may have another character in the works. We shall see.

Anyways, sorry for the essay here, but it's very nice to be back; I look forward to see all of you in-game. :)

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