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Messages - Ne'er

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Quests Ideas and Discussion / From the Depths
« on: January 07, 2006, 04:15:00 am »
The following days are possible times for the contnuation of the From the Depths quest. I would love to able to get as many of you as possible on this continuation, so please post here if any of these days will be good for you. Days with an * mean that I may or may not be free, but I will try to get those free if it works for most people.

Sunday 8th, 6:00*
Sunday 15th, 7:00*
Monady 16th, 7:00
Tuesday 17th, 6:00

If none of these work, I can find some more dates further away, but like I explained, my schedule is weird between work, school, and track.

Just for Fun / Simpsons, or Family Guy?
« on: December 11, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
Not sure how many of you out there watch either of the shows, but I've been having this arguement at school for years now. Just wanted to see where the community stands. :)

Roleplaying / Roleplaying Languages
« on: November 28, 2005, 06:37:00 pm »
Alright, this was bothering me when two others were talking about Jet right in front of him, but they were speaking elvish. Since Jet does not understand elvish, he could not understand what they were saying. Makes sense, right?

But then again, if they used his name, it should have stood out. I mean, your name doesn't change just because you are introducing yourself in a different languauge, right? Like, if I was speaking Spanish, my name would not be Esteban, it would still be Steve. So if your name is said in a conversation it should be at least recognizable, right? I understand it would be impossible to adjust the ears to do that, I just wanted to draw attention to that.

General Discussion / Visual Effects
« on: November 25, 2005, 09:37:00 am »
Alright, I've asked a few people this question, but I still think I want an officail answer for it:

If I add a visual effect to a weapon, and then add a level 3 enhancement, which effect stays?

So, for example, I put an evil visual effect on and then later i get a level 3 rod of fire and want to apply it. Does that mean I need to spend money for another visual effect? (after all, the evil one is pretty expensive)

Thanks for your time.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Dueling Swords
« on: November 15, 2005, 02:16:00 pm »
Since my new character has plans of becoming a duelist, as well as making good use of the parry skill, I think it would be interesting to see some special 'dueling swords' to raise the parry skill.

I was thinking that Dueling Rapiers could be made, since rapiers seem like the natural choice. Here is what I think the ingrediants would be:

6 ingots of the type of metal (copper, bronze, iron, adamantium, mithril)
1 large weapon mold
3 essences of grace

The result would be a rapier exactly the same as the standard rapier for the type of metal, only it would also confer a parry bonus dependant on the metal:
Copper +1, Bronze +2, Iron +3, Adamantium +4, Mithral +5

Anyway, just my idea. Feel free to pick it apart and such.... I'm sure you'd do it anyway :)

Just for Fun / Mine
« on: November 10, 2005, 05:10:00 pm »
Hehe.... a friend showed me this thing and I thought it was pretty funny. Its pretty long though, over 10 minutes, so just a warning.

General Discussion / Duelists and Ambidexterity
« on: November 10, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
I was reading some different posts about Duelists, as well as the requirements to become and I noticed that they require Ambidexterity to be a dualist, but once you become one you cannot use two weapons and still recieve a bonus. This doesn't make much sense to me, as the only use of Ambidexterity is to use two weapons, and if you can't use two weapns AND the dualist abilities, then it seems like a wasted feat.

Maybe there is a reason for this that I am missing? Anyway, just wanted to point that out.

Development Journals and Discussion / Angelo's Observation
« on: November 05, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
*these writings are contained within a book that Angelo keeps on his person at all times. It is filled with drawings of vaiours places, as well as some numerous side notes. The bulk of the writing is at the front of the book, and the pictures are at the back*

Hlint is a a town of beggers and fools. For what little time I have been here I have already learned this. Would-be heroes crowd the streets, and the locals seem incapable of doing anything on their own. I grow weary of this town fast, but many adventures seem to begin here, so I am stuck for now.

I obsereved a group travel to the Dragon Isles. The place was dangerous, but the others seemed more than willing to throw themselves into danger for me. They all are odd folk. They are attatched to living, as well as seeing others live. They are willing to sacrifice their lives, but at the same time willing to run to save their own necks. They are certainly some heroes alright. I noticed particular spell patterns the cleric used, as well as a few sword moves the warriors used. Nothing too worthwhile, but now I have at least been to the Dragon Isles.

When I returned to Hlint (the adventurers must like it there for some reason), I encountered a troubled elf... a commander I believe for the Mistone Alliance. His soldier reported news that Bloodstone's soldiers were heading for Mistone. Of course, the fools in town rose an army to go down and fight the army as it would land. I followed along... I would not miss an epic battle like the one about to occur. History would be made, and I would be there.

The battle raged for the entire night, and many fell dead. I watched the battle from numerous locations, the two breaches as well as the center of the battlefield. It seems Bloodstone's men cannot see the invisible... not even his most powerful servants. Horrid beasts were in Blood's legions, including fierce demons, even a great Balor. There was a wizard present as well.... an incredibly powerful one at that. Him and the balor managed to easily fell the 'champion' of the battle. Hmph... I do not think the others took the time to notice that their 'champion' finished the battle as nothing more than a corpse. And yet the people of Mistone refer to the battle as a victory. Blood is not a fool, and will strike harder. The Balor was not destroyed, nor was this wizard. On top of that, the soldiers of Mistone that were slain in the fighting can be piled nearly as high as the walls of the fort. It seems that the Mistone alliance judged its 'victory' merely by the fact that Blood does not control the fort. The defenses have weakened. Bloodstone has shown his power here. And the next time, Bloodstone will likely not lose the battle.

Regardless, I held witness to Blood's initial invasion of Mistone. History has been made, and I believe no one saw as much of the fight as I did.

Wild Surge Inn / Warning to those going to haven
« on: October 23, 2005, 07:47:00 am »
*a note is tacked on the wall in the Wild Surge Inn*

For all those that wish to visit the iron mines in Haven, an ogrillion was spotted in the mines, as well as a minotaur. The two were slain, but there could very well be more in the mines somewhere. So if you plan to travel to the mines, be warned.


A leather bound book with silver lining sits before. On the Cover reads "A Tale of a Bandit" and inside is the accounts of one man, an elven man named Ne'er Greyen.

Trade and Market Hall / Amulet of Bull's Strength
« on: September 28, 2005, 03:03:00 pm »
I am looking for an amulet that will make me stronger. If you have one and are willing to sell it to me, then please contact me.


Wild Surge Inn / A ship lost at sea
« on: September 24, 2005, 03:49:00 pm »
*a sad, old sailor walks into the inn and tacks a note onto the wall*

The sailing vessel 'The Emerald' has been lost at sea during a storm. The enire crew is believed to have been lost, including the following:

*a fairly short list of various sailors is present. Only one name is present that is recognizeable*
Drake Evermont

Let this be a lesson to all sailors... do not tempt Mist. Make sure to say yer prayer before ya put out to sea.

*the sailor shakes his head, and walks out of the tavern*

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Smoke bombs
« on: September 24, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
I was thinking that for rogish characters, or maybe just anyone who wants to make a quick escape, that smoke bombs could be made. I'm sure that everyone has seen a movie or TV show where the villian tosses a smokebomb to the floor and flees under the cover, and I think it would be knida fun to be the  one who makes the escape.

I don't know what would be required to make them, but they way i figure it is that it could just cast a low level version of Drakness on an area while the character flees, or does whatever they need to do undercover.

Anyway, that's my idea.

Trade and Market Hall / Fine Sapphire
« on: September 24, 2005, 10:47:00 am »
*a note tacked up*

A sapphire has worked its way into my possesion, and after long comtemplation, i have decided to sell it. The gem is already cut and polished. If you are interested, please contact me.


Development Journals and Discussion / The training of Jet
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
I remember most of my training, most of the lessons that Tyde had taught me. He showed my how to use a sword, how to fight with a true mastery of the blade. Now that I must face him, I feel I must reflect on my lessons and a push my training to higher level than even Tyde could go. I still remember the first lesson clearly…

My life had just been spared by Tyde. The warrior told that he saw usefulness in me. At the time, I didn’t care, as long as I was alive. Now I sat on a bench, next to the small house that served as the current base for the Crimson Blades. Tyde approached me, a katana in each hand. I thought he had come to kill me, that he had for some reason changed his mind. “Stand” He told me. I got up on my feet. I left my head done. My legs were shaking terribly. I knew that I was about to die.

He shoved the handle of the katana into my hand. I looked up at him surprised. “I intend to train you, Jet. To teach you our ways. You seem a strong and capable man, and you have observed our fighting style for over a month now.” I didn’t know how to feel. These men had kidnapped me, and now I was supposed to become one? This feeling did not last for long though. My options were death, or survival. I chose survival.

“B-but I have never used a sword before Tyde.” I said. I had heard others refer to him as master Tyde around camp. I simply did not feel obligated to call this man master. “You have made your first mistake already. I shall be addressed as Master Tyde. I am your superior, and shall be treated as such.” His voice was stern.  “It is important to recognize your superiors Jet. You may learn much from them. The are far more skilled than you, and should be treated as such.” I despised him even more now. He was arrogant, but there was nothing I could do about it. I simply followed his instructions.

For the next few years he would teach me the art of swordplay, and I would bow down to him as master. Even now, after I have turned against him, I still think of him as master. But no matter how hard I try, he shall remain my master, my superior, until I can prove him otherwise…

Trade and Market Hall / Mes Gots a Sap Fire
« on: August 05, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
*Glokk tacs a note up. It has terrible handwriting and reads:*

Hey there! Mes is Glokk. Me give little dirty gem a bath, and now it be pretty and blue. It be called "Sap-Fire", or someting like dat. Mes not gonna use it, so mes is selling it. If you want buy, list da shinies you give Glokk and da gem will go to da guywho give Glokk most shinies.

Also, me gots lots of bronze. If yous want, see Glokk. Da price is 100 shinies per bar.  ;)

Trade and Market Hall / Haul 'n' Maul
« on: August 01, 2005, 05:17:00 pm »
*the writing on this poster is hard to read and the grammar is terrible, but you translate it well enough to get the gist of it*

 Attention all people who are having trouble with weight. My name is Glokk Battlcry. I am starting a service called Haul 'n' maul. I can carry more than an ox, plus I am an excellent fighter. That's more than any ox could say. So if you need help with weight, or need help defeating a tough enemy, look for Glokk Battlcry!

signed, Glokk

Trade and Market Hall / Spell Components
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
*signs posted in various inns  in Mistone*

Imagine yourself in this all to familiar situation:

You have tracked the big, ugly ogres back to their lair. They are sitting around eating and laughing at each others really bad jokes. You step out into the open. The ogres see you and take ut their clubs, but your not worried. You are a powerful wizard. These ogres will die in a matter of seconds. you begin to cast your fireball spell, but then you realize that you have no more spell components. Nothing happens, and the ogres beat you into a pulp.

Never let this happen to you. Your smarter than that. make sure that you have all the spell components you need before hand, and I, Drake Evermont, would like to help you. I sell a variety of components at the best prices around. If you are interested please contact me. I am usually in the Hlint area.

Here are my prices and current stock:

Glow worms           3 gold
licorice root        100 gold
Bat guano            100 gold
Carbon Powder        100 gold
venom Sack           150 gold
Small Iron Chain     100 gold
Black Onyx           200 gold
Iron Rod             150 gold
Flask of Oil         3 gold
Bee's Wax            20 gold
Glass Eye            150 gold
Bottle of Water      30 gold
Bit of Sand          30 gold
Incense              750 gold
Statue of Glass Man  750 gold

I will try to keep you updated on my current stock. Hurry, supplies are limited!

Trade and Market Hall / Tambourines
« on: July 23, 2005, 03:41:00 pm »
This is Drake Evermont here. I would like to offer anyone who is interested my services as an expert tambourine maker. I shall sell them to anyone interested for 25 gold a piece. The price is negotiable. If you are interested, please contact me.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Journal of Drake Evermont
« on: July 19, 2005, 06:49:00 pm »
This is the Journal of Drake Evermont
(these first 5 entries here take place before Drake arrives in Hlint)

19 Novlar, 1383

So it has begun. I shall use this journal to keep track of my adventuring career. With the deaths of my father and uncle, I have no family remaining. I have waited three weeks now for either to appear in town, but no luck. It seems that I am the sole survivor of the Storm at sea. I shall mourn my family no more. They died at sea, where they would have wanted it. I shall instead use this as an oppurtunity to leave tis wretched hamlet and set off on my own. I have heard that there is a bounty on the head of a local bandit lord. I have bought a sword and I intend to confront him. He won't know what hit him...

Well, 5 hours later and I am lucky to be alive. The bandits took me down with one arrow. Fortunately I was rescued by a more expierienced group of adventurers. They revived me and offered to show me the tricks of the trade.

3 Decilar, 1383

This group has certainly proven to be quite the adventurers. Their are four members of this group: Efter Irondeep, Tandra, Tymus Greenbottle, and Cal Neander. Efter is a dwarven cleric of Vorax. He serves as the main healer of the group. He has taught me a few things about applying bandages, and I have even started to learn some minor healing spells. Tandra is an incredibly skilled thief. There seems to be no trap that can touch her, and no lock that can keep her out. She often keeps to herself. The third member of the group is Tymus Greenbottle, a halfling sorceror whose power is far greater than his stature (which doesn't take much, but still, he's good). He has been training me with arcane magic, although I am learning very slow.  The leader of the group is Cal Neander. Cal is a half-elven bard of no small renown. He seems to have taken a liking to me. He has taught me how to sing better, as well as serve as an effective leader. He has taught me how to fight with a sword and shield effectively (which apparently I have a knack for. Who knew?). Cal is a brave and valiant leader.

27 Junar, 1386

I have not written very recently. We have been very busy gathering loot and going on
adventures. We are taking a break now, as Cal seems to be preparing a great expedition back north to the High Forest. He has not released to many details about it, except that they are ancient ruins. I have not traveled this far north in a while. It shall be nice to see the lands I once called home again.

5 Jular,  1386

The expedition was a disaster. Cal and the others are dead, killed by some large fiend, wreathed in flames. I barely escaped with mmy own life. I am leaving the forest as I write, for it is a dangerous place to be alone. The demon was odd. For some reason it had a scar on one of its eyes. Perhaps it was made by powerful magic? I will likely never know. I shall find a place to rest once I am out of this forsaken forest.

6 Jular, 1386

The reality of yesterday's events has set in. Dead... all of them are dead... My mentors, my saviors, my friends... No, I must not mourn on their passing. It is as Cal had always said, "Do not mourn a fallen comrade. Instead, honor them with future deeds. Tell the tales of their ive. Make them live beyond death through these tales." I will set off on my own then. I'm not sure where I'll head. Perhaps I shall wander the countryside a bit, and think a bit more on what I will do next. I am on;y certain of one thing at this point. I will make my fallen comrades proud.

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