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Messages - NEXUS7

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Introduce Yourself / Spugly Fuglet
« on: June 06, 2007, 09:38:09 am »
Old Spugs may be comming back from the hills

General Discussion / Player whos lost the IP address
« on: March 16, 2007, 02:13:39 pm »
Hi could some one PM me the IP address as I have lost it and if the password has changed over the last 4 weeks could the send that as well thanks.

Introduce Yourself / Spugly Fuglet
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:15:24 am »
Hi all Sean here
I run Spugly Fuglet, the half gaint form the Gaints army and Gaints-Pic-O-Nic runner, as well as Rosa the Ungodly, Mille Mooneyes the map maker who works for Bee and Max the Sigil bard whos stuck on Layanare now the Dragon he lost cards to in the brarning man bet him he could help out in the bloodstone war is dead, (and to be frank if what Ozy says of the trubles in Sigil is true hes not heading back)

I used to run Haman one leg the 1st level begger who bugged the Paladins for food.

well Im hopeing once I can get back to the brite world of Layo the fun of seeing Barion marred again, Bees paper do well and the new sites of V3 will make for some grate RP with all amazing team of GMs, players and Biulders.

I have been playing other Online RPGs and there sooooooooooooo dull
compared to Layo which has so much to see and do it makes world of warcrak
look like somes goldfarming hell!

So heres to all you guys and girls who make Layo the best RPG in the world.


Niles sorry i have not been around me and my wife should have our 1st child on the 07/07/07, a boy to boot. I may call him Niles

General Discussion / Barrbarians and sckinning knifes?
« on: February 05, 2007, 02:22:18 pm »
One would think that Barrbarians thows wild men and woman of the woods, plains and out places would from an early age
know how to use a Skinning knife but I just found out that on Layo Barrbarians need to go to towns to eat becouse they
can not use a scanning knife where as Mages can, thows lovers of the camp fire and nights under the stars.

Is there some thing about Layo Barrbarians that we are not being told, do they all eat al-a-cart?

Seems odd that Spugkly the Halfgaint Barrbarians can not skin and so eat the things he kills in the woods

General Discussion / NWN2 PW pain
« on: January 29, 2007, 02:17:37 pm »
Hi all
Well Ive been away for a bit playing NWN2 online trying out some of the few persistant world RPG servers out there, and I must say the game NWN2 is very good buggy yes but good.

Put O please o please could the be a sweet Layonara NWN2 world with the sain rules that mark out Layonara as being one of the best RPG PW going.

I know its hard redoing things, and I know its been talked about (my even have been done and I thick and missed it)
but Layonara would ROCK! the NWN2 online world.

Just saying

all the best


(Ill never grunble about levels again ever)

General Discussion / Some news
« on: November 19, 2006, 02:56:41 pm »
I have won and Emmy Award for my work in Walking with beasts the TV show.
Yep me after 9 years in the bizz doing 9 Emmy winning shows I get one at last.
Still a bit shell shocked I had no idear I was going to get it intill it was given me
last week.

Note: The show was called "the land Befor Dino.." in the US and was on The Discovery Chaanel,
and its not a nice tin emmy its just a sertificat with gold printed Emmy but its nice to have.

General Discussion / Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« on: November 06, 2006, 02:47:28 pm »
Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.

Hi all,
this is a thread for the player like me how loves playing just low level PCs for the fun and the RP.

As you may have found Layo gets hard around level 9 and for good resion, its to limet the number of players who hit the higher levels that's so the world dos not get over run with level 40s. (Trust me there are players here who put so many hours they could do this in weeks). So the writing and DM team keep that level hill nice and steep.

This can seem like bad news is if you only have a few hours when you can play like me, and find it hard to fix time for gm games, to us epic is years of play with one pc.

but there is another way, the way of low levels.

So If like me you like RP and dont realy fancey trying to clime that hill then this is your thread.

Its for low level players, the idear here is that instead of having 1 PC, you have many fun and intaresting PCs who will never get past 9th level.

Just playing low level PCs can be a lot of fun and a rich place for RP, where the higher levels are worrying about saving the world, we can be out seeking that 100 coin for our bed and hot food or a good bath. Im talking Qwarky, odd ball PCs that hang about Hlint adding textuer and fun to the world with out all this rushing around for XP.

In other games they would be the NPCS the Grunts the towns fowk, the grate unwashed, but for us the low levelers they are the meat of RP.

I see us as the Bit part players, the walk on parts, the One line wonders, you know them on TV shows and films

we are the

The Exstras.

and a god send to DMs
even with a few hours of play we the low levers well be ready to bring bad or good news to a party, call them names and throw rocks as they pass. Be that grompy shop keeper, the drunk, the snoty princess and evem drop dead when needed.

My idear is most partys just talk to one NCP at a time the GM in drag, but with a low leveler the DM can let us entertain them with our death throws has they move on to the next big part of the DM game. In and out thats our job, low level and proud, 15 mins of fame,

So my idear for this thread is to post your low level PC idears, talk about what they may be and do,
in fact any thing you like. Also to let the DMs see who we are and when we are online so they can call on us when they need us as bit part players in any of there games.

So my 1st Q is
Do you like the idear of a low level thread? for low level players

General Discussion / The GRATE WALL OF LAYONARA
« on: October 11, 2006, 11:20:07 pm »
Hi all
well I have just had news from the GMs which I will not go into detail over, but the out come of which is I wasted a lot of Layo life TIME.
In the past I have left Layo from time to time to cut down on time played, unlike many here my real life time is very scares, I have a hard job with long hours
and thows hours can be any time day or night. If I get a call mid DM game thats it im logged and gone.

So playing here is a treat I give myself, well for some time now I have been trying to do some thing and looks it was all for nothing,
and as I can not MAKE more time for layo as has been asked for. Now I have been on layo for over 12 mouths and there are DMS that have been here
less time than that. what I have found is that my game play as stagnated I just can not carry on making new PCs getting to 7th level and hanging there.

Lanthar there is a here wall a real wall at 7th to 9th you know its there, its a player time wall,

You log into Layo and start to play, up to 6 is fast around 20 hours will get you there, but then the wall hits.
The rules say no cheating in getting EXP and no telling other players how to zip up the level tree.
Good rule keeping players like myself dont even ask we keep to the rules.

So you ask on here, and you will get one flat responce, THOW SHALT PLAY DM GAMES!
Are you say to you self if your like me, DM games nice idear for thows with more game time but
when yoru RL gets in way of your lAYO life then is.

so its Sorry kids our way or NO WAY! which is there right as Lanthuar so all this himself for free.

But for me a lowly player I will never make 9th, SPugly only did it becouse the big L gave him 52k on one of the 3 DM games I have ever done.


Its like having a realy demanding Girl freand
see at 7th to 9th you have to move from being a Ill be a small time player to a Commited player.
Thats means real big time comitment, that means DM games and to get up that level tree lots and lots of DM games
with a group. See RP is what its all about and real RP is done many feel only in DM games. Yes you can run around with the
new players on Solo land but MDs rule here.

8 mouths of odd hours here and there thats not what is wonted no, REAL LONG DAYS AND NIGHTS OF YOUR life sat it your pc
feeding the layo monster.

Now we who can not give that time end up looking in as other zoom past us up the level tree, they get all the cool stuff
and all the cool classes, they have been places and seen things wile we solo away on Hlint snaping for titbits of XP.

Well that wall to big for me,
what has just happoned means my PC is dead in the water, I just can not make the time and frankily im sick of trying.

Lanthuar thank you for Layo and all the DMs that work so hard here but The GRATE WALL OF LAYONARA is one that makes or brakes players,
after a year on here its broken me so dear layonorts have fun evey one and I may pop in and see LAYO nwn2 but im done here.

Roleplaying / religens and belifes with out gods
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:39:10 am »
I have been working on a PC called Rosa for some time,

My Q is this are there any rligens that do not have a god,
Or shoudl I say, dos all devine magic and all forms have to cime from
a god like being.?

The Silver Buckle / The God Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:35:15 am »
*For thows in the in who are there a small Female elf wwalks in,
with white skin, jet black hiar and an all over body tatoo that seems to
be some form of scriptuer. She walks over to the bord not stoping for a drink and pins a note all the wall*


The time has come to brake free of your bonds
and smash the cages of the mind that hold you back
from true enlightenment. The time is coming when all
shall be free and no longer will our eyes be covered
with the deceets and lies inflected on us buy the
greedy and manipulative gods. Free you selfs we say of there lies
they are succubus of will and soul and embark on the glorious path
beyond any thing there temporal dreams can manifest.

Enlightenment is our aim and right and no god will hold us in
thrall to there will over our own.

THE GOD Free'ers.

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / God Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:34:18 am »
*For thows in the in who are there a small Female elf wwalks in,
with white skin, jet black hiar and an all over body tatoo that seems to
be some form of scriptuer. She walks over to the bord not stoping for a drink and pins a note all the wall*


The time has come to brake free of your bonds
and smash the cages of the mind that hold you back
from true enlightenment. The time is coming when all
shall be free and no longer will our eyes be covered
with the deceets and lies inflected on us buy the
greedy and manipulative gods. Free you selfs we say of there lies
they are succubus of will and soul and embark on the glorious path
beyond any thing there temporal dreams can manifest.

Enlightenment is our aim and right and no god will hold us in
thrall to there will over our own.

THE GOD Free'ers.

Wild Surge Inn / The GOD Free'ers
« on: September 07, 2006, 06:32:41 am »
*For thows in the in who are there a small Female elf wwalks in,  with white skin, jet black hiar and an all over body tatoo that seems to be some form of scriptuer. She walks over to the bord not stoping for a drink and pins a note all the wall*   GOD SLAVES OF THE LANDS

  The time has come to brake free of your bonds  and smash the cages of the mind that hold you back from true enlightenment. The time is coming when all shall be free and no longer will our eyes be covered  with the deceets and lies inflected on us buy the  greedy and manipulative gods. Free you selfs we say of there lies they are succubus of will and soul and embark on the glorious path beyond any thing there temporal dreams can manifest.  Enlightenment is our aim and right and no god will hold us in thrall to there will over our own.  Signed  THE GOD Free'ers.

General Discussion / HAve ya missed me
« on: August 03, 2006, 02:09:37 am »
Well I know I said I was going again but the truth is
I played,

DND online
The interface is just stuped, have have to face things to hit them and the IA is realy silly as you have to walk up to things and be the right distance to do stuff, Tomerader gone very bad, O and you can not see the front of you PC and have to click thoght it to do stuff and its 50/50 if you click on your pc or what your trying to do.

Never ever again, you think walking in Layo is bad WOW is just nuts.

Battels fild 2

So as I was playing other online game all I kept thinging was In layo its a lot better, in Layo the players are a lot more in to the game. Try doing RP with some nuts who just loved that football game last night and OOC all the time.

OK so Im stuck a 7 to 9th level, and most of my game time is eaten up with 1/2 logings as I dont have longer but the truth is I missed layo so once i have the game back install on my new Dell M90

Mille and Spugly will be back,

and With NWN2 on its way I hope the big L and the God like DM/world cration team give us Layo Mark2

Which leads me to ask the Big L have you been send a pre copy so as to let you start this tration and if not can we set up an email parttion to get them to send you one.


Wild Surge Inn / keys to the cage
« on: July 09, 2006, 01:16:28 pm »
* a fine note hands one the door*

Well Cutters and burks, its seems that Max had missed the dead book one more time, and with this spin I find the lemon
to the key that sprung me here from my home of Sigil. Well a keys come my way from the lady no less and Im needed back
in the cage.

Sing songs of me and if your ever on top of the spike look for me in the barning man I will sand you and drink.
And you can empty your brain box for me.

Wild Surge Inn / Mille Mooneys bye all
« on: July 09, 2006, 01:12:37 pm »
*a small note hangs on the bord*

dear all now that Blood is gone I am need by my quickling brothers and sisters to show them the way back to our home lands of all
The quicklings will be on the move and we will have a new and better life where we should be.

Bye all and live long and happy lives

General Discussion / Time to say good bye
« on: July 09, 2006, 06:37:14 am »
Hi all
well after some grate times , it has come to this a good bye to all the grate players on layo,
The main restion is I just can not put in the time to lift any of my PC above level 9
you need so much exp that for a player like me who just finds it hard to make the DM games.
Then I have to go, I have spent mouths RPing Spugly, Mille and Max but they are in a game rut
that would take weeks of game play to get to a level where thay can see and do more in the world of layo. I exsept this as its the policey to hot hand out XP willynilly. I do how ever feel that if you spend an year here and find that all your PC's are stuck at level 9 then I need to move to another, game or sever. DnD Online is where Im headed, to see if it works better with my time alication now that they are going to have level 20s.I know im not the 1st to go becouse of the inability to put the work in hours wize but, well we have lives that just dont alow us to put in the hours.

To Big L and the GM team you do a grate job working on your own time and alowing players to have such amazing games online. Well done and I will not forget you,

All the best and ill have a look see when NWN2 comes out and BigL moves it over to that.

Good bye
Mille Mooneyes
Spugly Fuglet

Look for them in other worlds

Wild Surge Inn / Spugly Fuglet gos home
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:56:39 am »
*A very big note is pinned to the wall with a dagger, a goblin arm still hold it*   To mes mates and freand all overs the lands  Now dat Bloodnuts is ocuhed to death and da war is overs Me has left Glokks gaint armys sos me can go homes to mummy.  he have good time couching things with, manys in da war and  me likes many. But me still sad after Ayla deaded for go.  Me happy go home as me miss home in gray pecks, if you dear looks out for old Spugly.  All da best  X Captin Spugly Fuglet Gaints Free armys  

  //I am retiring Spugly as hes ernt it dont you think and hes happy

General Discussion / Of to China for 4 weeks
« on: May 13, 2006, 08:05:46 am »
Hi all well Im of to China for 4 weeks with my wife so no layo for me
have fun and good hunting


General Discussion / Why Layonara is a "Basic Need of Life"
« on: April 16, 2006, 09:58:57 am »
Hi all well as ever I been thinking which is well bad as I go off on some werid trips in there, one got me here

Why Layonara is good for you, I know that some times playing an Online RPG can cuse problems with loved ones
Well I found some thing at you can sow then and say "See its good for me to play this game it
for fills a "Basic Need of Life"


Basic Needs of Life.

Apparently, if you chuck a frog into a pan of boiling water, it will hop straight out again. But if you put him in cold water and slowly heat it up, he will sit there until well and truly poached.

 Problems due to missing 'basics' in peoples lives tend to develop over time, and so can be easily missed. Then, when the problem arises - be it anxiety, depression, addiction or some other nasty - they can't for the life of them fathom out why!

 It's therefore a great idea to know what your own garden needs in order to grow well, so when you see something starting to wither, you can check your list and apply the necessary nutrients.
 So here's the list. (At least, our list. If you think we've missed any, do let us know!)

 1. The need to give and receive attention.

 "No Man Is An Island"
 Without regular quality contact with other people, mental condition, emotional state and behaviour can suffer quite drastically. This is often particularly obvious in elderly people who have become isolated. After days alone, their first contact may be their GP, who sees them for 10 minutes.

 They are highly likely during this short period to appear 'strange' as their thwarted need for attention asserts itself in an outpouring of communication. If the GP takes this as representative of the patient's general mental condition, they may prescribe drugs, where really a few hours of being listened to would suffice.

 You may also have noticed this in evening-class attendees who command the teacher's attention all the time, asking seemingly daft questions and not really listening to the answers!

 2. Taking heed of the mind body connection.

 This is so important, and so often neglected. Without correct and regular nutrition, sleep and exercise, your psychological state can suffer considerably. It is often seen that young people, on leaving home and the structure that provides, succumb to one mental illness or another. Their mealtimes, sleep patterns and other regular habits become disrupted, with predictable consequences.

 It seems that people are increasingly treating themselves as machines!

 3. The need for purpose, goals and meaning.

 "The devil will make work for idle hands to do."

 Perhaps the overriding element that sets human beings apart from other animals is the ability to identify, analyse and solve problems. This is what enabled us to develop to where we have.

 If this ability is under-used, the imagination can start to create problems of its own - perhaps in an attempt to give you something to do because it is not occupied doing anything else.

 Regardless, if a person is deprived of the outward focus and satisfaction created by achieving goals, mental illness is often close behind.

 The need for meaning is perhaps even more profound. Viktor Frankl's book 'Man's Search for Meaning' documents the impact of lack of meaning on concentration camp prisoners, of which he was one. He says in it that "What is the meaning of life?" is a question that is asked of you, not one that you yourself ask. It is a hugely powerful and important read when considering mental health.

 4. Connection to something bigger than oneself.

 Tying in with the need for meaning, this basic need provides a context for a person. It gives them a reason for being, over and above their own personal needs, that has been shown to benefit the immune system, mental health and happiness.

 The obvious candidate would be religion, but can also be an idea shared with others, a club, charity work. In fact, anything that takes the focus off the self.

 5. The need for creativity and stimulation.

 Learning something new, expanding horizons, improving on existing skills all provide a sensation of progress and achievement. Without this, a person can feel worthless, or that there is no real reason for their being.

 6. The need to feel understood and connected.

 Tying in with the need for attention, it seems that people have a need to share their ideas, hopes and dreams with others close to them. For some, this can be as simple a talking to a loved pet, but for most of us, it requires that we have at least one individual with whom we can converse 'on the same level'.

 7. The need to feel a sense of control.

 "All your eggs in one basket."

 The results of total loss of control over your surroundings, relationships or body are not hard to imagine, and have been well documented.

 From survivors of torture, to someone losing their job, those who are able to maintain a sense of control somewhere in their life fare the best. This is why having a variety of interests and activities is so important.

Many Needs, One Life

 It may seem that a life that meets all of these needs would be intolerably busy. But of course, one activity can meet many needs. Charity work for example, could be said to fulfil 1, 3, 4 and 5, and could contribute to 6 and 7.

 Walking with a friend as a pastime might go towards 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

 Generally, what this suggests, and what has been borne out by recent research, is that a more complex life is a more healthy one.

 Then if one area of life fails or is taken away from you, your basic needs are maintained, at least in part, by those that survive.

So the message is...

 If your progress through life has gone a bit awry for you or a friend, check if there is petrol in the car, and that the battery is charged before going to a mechanic to have the engine taken apart!


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