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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26
General Discussion / Time to say good bye
« on: January 26, 2006, 04:22:39 pm »
I’m sorry to say that I must wave good bye to the happy land of Layonara, It is a grate place and I wish I could put in the time needed to
push my PC up the RPG and Level ladder but things like life, study’s and work have all meant that I will always be level 1 to 9.
There is no flat in Layonara, I had 4 very nice RP PCs but I just can not make the DM games and find getting a regular group just too hard
With my life and time allocation. N9 has been a grate player and has helped me a lot to get that good playing in, but now I find that each hour I spend
In Layonara is an hour away from some thing important I must do in my real life. Layonara was my 1st online RPG and as such was very good, but
Its back to PnP once a month from now on.
Thank you big L for letting me into your world, you and your team do a job for beyond that which one would have dreamed of, a true work of love.
To the players thank you all for your time and some very good RP it was a pleasur playing with you.

All the best and have fun one and all


General Discussion / Finding religen
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:21:37 am »
Just a quicky but how dos a PC now 7th level gain a god, Max has seen the light and would like to be a flolower, how do one amend ones PC so
as to show this on the server?

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Maps
« on: January 17, 2006, 08:44:31 am »
I have no idaer how hard this my be but is there any way to have maps ingame, made by pcs or otherwise

They dont have to be maps you can see just doumanets that say they are a map of a place.

I have a map making PC and was just wondaring if you can right in game to a doc.

General Discussion / Plains server
« on: January 17, 2006, 04:57:43 am »
Just asking but what is this?

and is Sigil on it :o)

Development Journals and Discussion / Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: January 16, 2006, 11:59:07 pm »
I opened for bussness today.
My maps still need a lot of work but a nce Dwarf Bob Copperhead payed me 500 gold to make him a map
very happy about that. he must be 1st to get one which he will be once its made. I will need to spend
some gold on new inks.

Inks and pens 48g
Parchment 120g
6 days work 50g per day = 300g

cost 468g
profet 32g

I may have to put the price up

General Discussion / NWN keeps booting me
« on: January 15, 2006, 07:06:00 am »
Hi as I have talked about me and Zanirth Nûr and two other PC set out today from Leilon where the Inn is docs to a town
from which we set out fighting Pirest on the way as we whent throw a transtion point NWN crashed on me.
A restareted and now log in a sSpugly Fuglet PC but get sent to docks and then booted out of NWN
Can any one help

Sorry Zanirth Nûr for this but its some software glich.
Spuglys Stuck in boot to sever land

General Discussion / Stuck at 9th
« on: January 12, 2006, 06:05:00 am »
Ok I know this my brack some rule about asking about doing things in Layo
But this is getting me down now.

See all the time players zoom past me in levels
Hi 1 level pc
2 weeks later
Hi 6 or 7th level PC
2 weeks later
Hi 10+ Pc

Im going HU! now ok you can do Dm games and get EXP and you can spand 24/7 online and craft/kill for XP
But I have had Spugly (some might know him) for some time and
his 9th level and I half gaint (yes know about the EXP peneltys)

But I have seen others with (E2 and E3) zip past me in levels.

I play when i can I have a job that has mad hours

So GM games are out I just can not make the time
I come in when i can and jion groups when I can.

I have done a lot of group stuff but the

640,00 exp for the next level has killed Layonara for me
Its just after 8 weeks at 9th i still only have 356,00 exp.
At this rate I should hit 10th in the year 2009

Now i could spend my few hours crafting but to me thats bot RPG thats just Pocamon
my lifes better spent paying with PCs.

My point is this

I like Rollplaying
And I do this out of sight of GM games
Id ont wont to go off into the server land or spend my game time crafting alone just to go up levels.

Ask any one if my PCs are dull, they all work with groups talk to others and spend time i hope adding to Layonara
but for me to get any better I will have to stop this to do stuff thats well not RPG to get any better.
I know what your going to say find a group meet up and go to gever, but thats not my playing style.
I can not book to be "there" as my real life makes it so I log in and play when i can.

What I feel is that there should be a way for GMs to look at players like me how try and add to the game
but just can not comit to the time for EXP colecting and say. Hay they have done a grate job just RPGing
on a day to day way. Heres some EP for work to the comuity.

Now in my book thats EXP that you have to work hard for but is just the kind of stuff a player like me would work hard to get.
RPGing with players online ion game.

I do so hope you can read this with my bad spelling

General Discussion / Problem missing head
« on: January 11, 2006, 04:47:00 am »
Hi tec problem here
Have a PC Millie Mooneyes and she ahs a missing head
I have put overrife head files in the override Dir and
still no head,

So i ask
1: can i edit my gane INI file to get a standed head
2: or dos there sever have to do this


General Discussion / Brownies
« on: January 07, 2006, 10:33:00 am »
I would like to submit a Brownie PC for aprovel but  dont know if the it OK to.
I know it says that they are rear but its just I have not seen one for a long time
and was wondaring if the game could do with my pc.


General Discussion / Who is the Mayor of Hlint
« on: January 06, 2006, 05:34:00 am »
Just who is the Mayor of Hlint

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Twons folk revolt
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:36:00 am »
I was wondering if it would be fun that the fact the PC kep leading thing back to towns may make the towns folk shoot there gates
to out sides. A kind of NO PCs to day thanks and that they would have to work at getting the town to let them back in.

I feel theres a lot thats taken for garnted in towns like Hlint and that PC should be reminded of just what the good guys are putting up with.
Also It would be one of Bloods tools to spred discontent amung the plebs :o)
Just an Idear

Wild Surge Inn / ORC in Town!
« on: January 05, 2006, 05:29:00 am »
*notes go up all over Hlint*


Dangers ORC Monster he was carrying a cruel looking weapon in the OPEN!
And sharp spiky armor.

He ran after me many times with that sharp army trying to do me in even after I warned others and told him to stay away.
I ran for fear of me life good town’s folk.
As all this was a happening so called defenders of the good stood by
and did nothing!!.

What I ask you town’s people is what use are the so called adventures and fighters who litter up our streets if they can not keep use safe from a monsters ORC!

They are not interested in our well being just there own selfish greed and needs, always talk talk talk and there own group politics which have nothing to do with us here in Hlint.

We are not being served by them merely used as can be seen by there lack of action over this MONSTER in our streets.

One of them must have lead it back to our door step as has happened so many times before, are we going to put up with this any more!!

They will be our DOOM!!
One day they will lead BLOOD and his army to our sweet small town.

Mark my words.

Wild Surge Inn / Looking for "THE SIGN"
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
*maxs pins a note on the bord*
Im looking for the one who calls them selves "THE SIGN" you know where I am
We need to talk

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / MINI games
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:03:00 am »
Other than the demon cards is there any chance of any other Mini games like the ones found in FF7 and other such RPGS.
Just an Idear

Roleplaying / Things not to do
« on: December 19, 2005, 03:03:00 am »
1: Ask to join a GM group of old players who have had 14 GM games, are 5 to 10 levels higher than you, join them in a dungem bash of traps and hiding with a half gaint, Then in the 1st room of the 1st floor of a tower of doom miss click on an IRON GOLEM so that to kills ya.


Pounds head on keybord
That was sooooooooo dumb.

Sorry to all who played Angels Tear: The Tower of Strands II
on sunday. I just hope it ended with a jokes about just how thick half gaints can be.
Gos back to hid under bed

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Whips
« on: December 09, 2005, 02:47:00 am »
Hi this has been talked about and I have been told in the next Vertion that Whips will be better
But I seem to rember that Sonic wepons where not in Layonara.
After looking at the chat I would say Whips would be a better wepon if they

HAve things added with the normel level restrions and the like

1: Could Trip as a feat
2: Do Sonic atacks (I love the crack sound they make in combat)
3: Could have a grater range
4: Could stun for a round (with the normel defance rolls)
5: Could not unduse atacks of opatunity
6: Could couses fear
7: Could Blind
8: Could have a slowing efeact
9: could reduces miral

THats just some of the thinks that came out of the posts

I know some seem high but whips are all but usless now.

Thats my input

General Discussion / Me Barthday
« on: December 09, 2005, 02:39:00 am »
Hi all wont be playing much over the next few days as its me Barthday monday
I came in to this would in 1965 so its a big one as there are lots of numbers.

So have fun and think of me on the Sky slops

Are there and Bikers who Play Layonara
Im thinking of getting my self a ZRX1200 use to have a 1100

Wild Surge Inn / Wonted Magic whips
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:15:00 am »
*a note reads*

Wonted Magic whips
Please note name and type + cost below

Maximilon Lomber the 2ed

Wild Surge Inn / Seeking Infomaton
« on: December 02, 2005, 03:00:00 am »
in a fine hand the following note is pinned to the wall

Seeking Infomaton

I have recently seen a visitation of the Mother of Soul.
Talking what I now know to have been the soul of the much loved Alya.
She was with a large Demon who did the act of removal of said soul
which the Mother of Souls then placed in a fine chest.

I seek information about the Mother of Souls, her realm, her minions
but most of all about the Chest.

Will pay for information should it be of use.

Maximal Diego Remoras Lomber the Second
Freeman Bard
Formally of Sigil City.

General Discussion / Deleteing ones PCs
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:35:00 am »
Sorry about this but how dos one ask for one of your own PCs to be deleted?
and remove from game play.

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