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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26
NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Whips
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:44:00 am »
Ive been looking into whips and they seem a bit well useless
They look good sound good but in fact you would be a fool to use one in a life and death combat
as they no longer disarm and iven if you did all bad guys fight till the death and never
run away when they lost there sword.

Its just that I would make whips have a stun efext, kind of sound shock
and the like. This would stop them form being just toys to some thing that
has a combat use. For use on mages it would be very good. Say a hit gives you a Stun on target for 1 round
this would mean its not to harsh "in game" so as to upset the balanse but it would make them
more seen around aspeshaly with bards as they are sund based.
This would mean that any + to hit would help but not chnage the stun rounds above 1
better whps could have more efects like Blindness for one round etc or even trip (which I think my be there all ready)

just an Idear

General Discussion / Are whips any good
« on: November 29, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Are whips of any use in NWN?
can you disarm a bad guy

Just for Fun / Do you belive in Science?
« on: November 28, 2005, 03:54:00 am »
Just to mach like for like and I know that Belive my be the wrong word to use but ha what the HELL
A statistical analysis. I'm not saying something is right or wrong.
Sorry Harlas just needed to see how they mached.

Just for Fun / For all the wont to be Assasins out there
« on: November 25, 2005, 03:04:00 am »
There playing your tune

Wild Surge Inn / Mistake
« on: November 23, 2005, 08:23:00 am »
I fine note is pined to the wall onto which the same notice is rit in many languages
To the fine young lady I meet last knight in the Hilt Inn, It was a very pleasant evening and I must say
That your company was most enjoyable. But this morning into your rush to help your ill elderly mother.
You seem to have picked up "my" money pouch by mistake. I fully understand how in your distress for a loved one
such a thing could have happen but I would like said pouch back as it has all my wealth in it. Im sorry to say that
after all the drink and revelry your name has completely slipped my mind. But if you could be so kind as to send my word of
your where about I will forget all about this silly inconvenience.

Maxmilion Ramirez Diego Lomber 2ed.

Poetic License / Moldy-Mick
« on: November 15, 2005, 04:03:00 pm »
A fow years back a very old and crochey bar man at my local pub passed away in the snug one night he was famus for being a crouch
and some of the locals where asked to pen some words in his memarey for the walls. This is mine ;o)

The tail of the Holybush Ghost

There is a ghost in this house of ale.
Said the old man to the boy, quite pail.
It hunts the halls and the stares
Caching hikers quite unawares.

Throw the snug late at night
Giving young lassies such a fright.
He comes throw like the cold set to freeze
Cutting like the harshest winter breeze.

Some times you can hear him say
"get ya fat ass out of t'a way."
Or whisper with dread in your ear
" yall be ill if ya drink all that beer"

As it sulks slowly to the seller
Like some cursed hung-over feller.
From where he came I can now tell
Not from the fiery halls of hell.

Nore from blissful haven I would vouch
But from Millford came this infamous grouch
At this inn when clock hand's to 11 do tick
Know than that it is the time for Moldy-Mick

"Have not you home t'a go to" the ghost will cry
"Bugger off you lot" you will hear him sigh
And as you slowly close the free house door.
he whispers "don't bother t'a come back for any more"

For ever in this bar he will remain
all these yellowed walls are his domain
And on the calling of last orders
he trudges forth to patrol its borders

The boy looked shocked knowing the hour was late.
"What did he do to deserve such a fate"
Heed my words well the old man spoke
For this poor souls fate is no joke.

“If in life a mean grouch you be,
So in death you’ll remain for all eternity.
So when in a pub make light of pain and strife
and thus get a more just and better after life"

S.E.Varney 2002

Poetic License / Dream
« on: November 15, 2005, 03:43:00 pm »

Last night you came to me again
In sweet shadows your feet did walk,
I no longer feel sharp that pain
As you and I in sleep did talk.

I said to you those words of old
Lost for ever in the frost of time,
But I forget your hart is cold
That you jailed me for my crime.

In to shadowed darkness I was thrown
Never again to hold or kiss you face,
You hold me still even in dreams to atone
For my life long disgrace.


General Discussion / Goddes of Love
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:52:00 am »
Is there a Goddess of Love in Laynara?

General Discussion / Sorry to the PC
« on: November 03, 2005, 06:49:00 am »
Sorry to the Pc I was looking after last night, my net conecten dead and I left him in the learch
DOnt worry Spugly Fuglet has a nice Pig skin for you now :o)

General Discussion / An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« on: October 19, 2005, 03:57:00 am »
Hi all Layonites, I was thinking that it would be grate to get Leanthar a gift for Christmas.
We all love him for the mad level of work he and his team put into making a grate world for us all to play in.
Ok I know Christmas is some time off but planning is all.
My idea is to have a whip round to give him nice surprise under the xmass tree come
Dec 25th.

So here’s a Poll on what we should give the Load of Layonara
registered users can add options

Trade and Market Hall / Panther skins for sale
« on: October 11, 2005, 09:54:00 am »
4 Panther skins for sale and 6 Lion
Spugly Fuglet

General Discussion / Probelems doing a GM game
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:39:00 am »
Hi Layon-nites
Im finding it hard to get to do my 1st GM game Cuz
I have a Job thats mad hours, do Film and TV post work
and just can not book that far ahead to a game.
Is there any what to see if there is any game open
to ON servers players. One like me who just can not comit to
a data days befor hand?

Sorry to bug the grate GM team about some thing so selfish
but I would just love to do a GM laad sesh.

Ok Ive been bad, yep thats right bad, not bad in the evil v good world of DnD but as a player
in Layonara. How have I been bad? well I took a long hard look at Layonara and found that its very hard for thows of good alinment to do good to thows who relay need it. What do I mean by this? well there are ways. Like healing PCs who are hurt, doing good quests, killing or stoping evil things out there in the wilds, but its the day today good I found hard to find. So I asked my self what would a real do gooder do in the day, all thows Paladins and good drow running around what would they do when not helping starting PCs and the like.

Why they would help the poor, do good works and genraly make the world a better place for thows not of a Hiroic bering in life. But who would that be, the trades people of Hlilt? say the towns folk?. But they are the grate unseen NPCs and PCs dont get to "do" stuff with them, its just infered.

I wondered what would happon if there was a PC, A PC who was poor and in need, a PC that the do gooders could do good for. UREKA!

Ok he had to have a need and a reason to be so poor, he would have to be unfit for a trade, Physicly unfit, a disater in his past would have rendered him unfit to do any task that could give him a living. Gross difigerment and body imparment is what i came up with and so Himon One leg came into being. The Begger some of you my have seen or been so good as to give food and coin to.

Himon is a good soul who throw no folt of his own full on hard times.Body broken will smashed he is the grate unwashed, he is the down troden, One of thows thats was not faverd by the gods
he played no part in the grate plain, just one of thows that fell throw the crakes and is happy to be there. Let other ne heros, let othere clime the dizzy hights of fame and power. Hamon is just happy to have a hot meal and a bed for the night. In his world, hand to mouth is the oder of the day, his perspetive if far difarent from others who seek to do! he merly seeks to servive.

Now heres where I have been bad, see for Himon to be this he can not do what other PC do, he will never leve town, its just to dangaros for a one legged one eyed, scared begger whos only got parshell use of his hands (kind of stops magic) He dos not wont to be a hiroic fighter with power and I dont wont him to as well. That not what Hamons about. He will alwasy be 1st level.
He will tye his best not to stick his neck out or get invoved in any thing dangarus. He now cowered his just realistic what use is a half bing one leged begger in a fight.

He begs thats what he knows and it worked so for in keeping him alive.

Hamon is a Bumb and happy to be so.

So why bad again?, Well as layonara is set up so that most new players are good the idear so to explout this. My idaer was to make a PC who needs good PCs, needs them and uses them to keep alive. I do feel like a cheat for this meta-gaming as others run around pushing there PCs to ever more hights, interacting in the grater world and the grater narive where as hammon just takes.

In my defeance I would say that I also feel that he also gives, I feel he is that rear thing in Layonara a good reson todo day to day good.

I had a Paladin by me dinner and talk about good gods, even evil PC give coin so as to inbares the good and show hiporacey. Others have offered new wooden legs as aid. all of which has been grate RP.

I have come across Player need to get Hamon into the game trying to entice him to jion them in one of there advenchuers all of which he as refused politly.

Some PCs have been hostile as is there linment, other carring.

As Hamon I have met so may PCs by just standing still that came as a shock.

So if you see him be kind and rember his player may have been bad but he has not.


Wild Surge Inn / Bow for clay
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:46:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet pins a large note on the wall
To day person who gave me bow for clay deal off, me gets clay but me not find yous
and now where to keeps it so deal off me have coin for you comes see me me pay good rate
on bow.

"Me Body Gaurd not Digger"

Spugly Fuglet

Just for Fun / Layonara proof of ID
« on: September 30, 2005, 02:13:00 am »
I have a thirey ok its a bit way out but hear me out I think the world of Layonara came out of ID and not as may
High brow Darwinist would have us balive Natral salection. Tusk Tsuk!

Trade and Market Hall / Lepord and Cuger Skins for sale
« on: September 30, 2005, 02:02:00 am »
Me Spugly Fuglet
Have 2 lepord and 4 cuger skins for sales
Ho to highest bidder or will trades for oak shorts bows

Wild Surge Inn / Wanted: Glass eye
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:24:00 am »
A one legged one eyes begger shuffels into the room and as fast as he can be for being throw out pins a old ragy note on the wall

Himon One leg seeks Crafters of skill for the making of a new wooden leg and one glass eye (left leg and eye)
If you are such and have such skill as to render such craft to the foems above I Himon offer a small amount of
coin to the sum of 100 gold which is all I have in the prime plane. You may find me most days out side in the street
a sleeping in the Ox barn In Hililt town.

Himon One leg

General Discussion / Layonara Con
« on: September 22, 2005, 06:09:00 am »
Just been posting on another topic and wondered if
if it has come up befor but has there ever been talk of or put forwould the idaer of
a Layonara Convention a fact to fact get to gever of players from around the world?

General Discussion / Spiked Armor
« on: September 16, 2005, 09:36:00 am »
Spiked Armor is there such a thing in NWN or Layonara?

Trade and Market Hall / Spider Venom + Fine Red Gem
« on: September 15, 2005, 03:21:00 am »
Spugly Fuglet have box of Spider venums and endicap bits also in box 4 silks
all for sales in same box

Also me haves fine Red Gem all cut nice
But me swops this for BArk Skin neckolace
or things make me strong

1st come 1st gets

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