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Just for Fun / RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« on: March 09, 2005, 08:03:00 pm »
lonnarin - 3/9/2005  10:25 AM
The surest way to be censored in this new era other than overtly cussing somebody out is to tell the truth well enough for others to see it from your view.

Well said.

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: March 03, 2005, 12:30:00 am »
The Puppet Masters (that Donald Southerland movie with the manta-ray looking aliens that use your body like a host).

Just for Fun / RE: Game...
« on: March 02, 2005, 11:03:00 pm »

Layonara Server / RE: Donate to keep this server alive
« on: January 05, 2005, 11:56:00 am »
Just out of curiosity; is the paypal donations setup to handle monthly subscriptions? ie: I'd like to have an automatic donation of $10 (US) so that I don't have to remind myself every month... (I don't have a paypal account setup yet which is why I'm asking and not just finding out myself).

Astronomers estimate that there are 200 to 400 billion stars in our galactic neighborhood, the Milky Way. I guess that someone tried to count them in this fully-zoomable, ultra-high-definition 800,000-image mosaic and got tired around 296,351,284,702. (Gizmodo)


The mosaic is simply brilliant.

Important Layonara Announcements / Server Maintenance!
« on: May 18, 2010, 07:42:57 pm »
Please note that the forums will be shutdown sometime late tonight (EST).

We don't know when exactly or for how long but we will communicate via IRC, Twitter and our Facebook page as necessary during the downtime.

Please also note that the following shouldn't experience any disruptions of service: IRC, NwN Server(s) and Email (for those with Layonara accounts).

There will be another announcement a few minutes before we take the forums down so as to give at least a little warning.

We do apologize for the inconvenience this downtime may be causing.

The Management

Just for Fun / Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:25:57 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I've been hunting for some good space-type movies to watch and sadly I haven't found anything I haven't seen already. Basically, my idle brain cycles are craving some good space-ship based movies to consume and I'm coming to you fine folks for your recommendations.

To give you an idea, the following are all "A" list movies in my space-books.

I'm assuming that I'll have seen just about everything everyone suggests but I've got to ask anyways just in case there's that one gem I've been missing out on that will satisfy my craving.

Also, some background into the sci-fi-ness of the question, I've been consumed with all things Cosmos related these days and for anyone interested in learning about our universe I would highly recommend all of the following documentaries (in no particular order):

You know what, while we're at it, suggest documentaries too! I love to learn about the deep-end of physics and I think one of the things I like about space-based movies is that I get to pick out all the "hollywood physics" and I've got to admit that the latest Star Trek held true to a lot of things that they ignored in the prior installments in the series. As an example, due to the vacuum of space, there is no sound nor is there really any chance for fire and in the prior films they'd have huge explosions with lots of real flame and noise but in the latest Star Trek there's a deafening lack of sound as the camera follows a crew-person that's sucked out a gaping hole in the ship and all the external "fires" are rendered at least fairly close to what would be expected of explosions sucked out into space.

Anyways, I appreciate all feedback!


Important Layonara Announcements / All Servers Back Online
« on: December 03, 2009, 08:47:52 am »
Greetings everyone!

After a bit of a struggle and a bad power supply, everything is back up and running across the entire Layonara domain. This includes LORE (which is doing a character update as I type this).

So, thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this time. It's sincerely appreciated.

-- The Management

Important Layonara Announcements / Immediate Maintenance
« on: November 28, 2009, 01:25:38 am »
Greetings everyone,

There is a hardware issue with one of the Layonara servers and at this time. In order to mitigate the random downtime of the forums; we're disabling the LORE character updates for a few days.

As well, at some time during the next two/three days the entire domain will be taken offline for general maintenance reasons. This downtime will last anywhere from a few hours to possibly more and there's no way to forecast this accurately.

These things have nothing to do with the MMO development and there are no hidden announcements here. About the only thing that's related to the MMO with all of this is that we've been so busy working on the MMO that we haven't had the time to do the needed housecleaning that's now in a state we cannot ignore.

Nothing "bad", just need to make things "right" again.

So, just to clarify, the following services will be completely offline at some point in the next few days and you should all rest assured we're going to try and minimize the downtime as best we can.

  • The World of Layonara
  • NwN Server (
  • and any other service provides that I've failed to mention in the above...

Currently the only planned means of official communication regarding status updates during the outage is via twitter.

Please stay tuned.

Important Layonara Announcements / Forum Outages
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:28:37 am »
Hello everyone!

Over the past few days the forums have been seeing a little more stress than normal and as such there have been intermittent issues and outages. This is not necessarily due to anything we can or can't talk about publicly at this time.

We do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these problems may be causing and we would like to reassure you all that we're doing our best to balance the workloads and keep things running at status quo.

Layonara is going through some rather interesting growth over the next few months and so we can only ask for everyone to please bear with us as we all traverse these new waters.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

-- The Management.

General Discussion / A Note Regarding Development
« on: April 21, 2009, 01:19:38 pm »
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to speak my mind a little regarding the recent volume of NwN updates.

Everyone gets excited with new features, bugfixes and enhancements however this is because it's publicly broadcasted and readily playable. Of course, this is in the case of Layonara's NwN development.

With respect to the MMO, the dev team cranks out just as much work as what we've publicly done with NwN however the intimate details are not shared and as such, it's hard for the public to get as excited.

Basically, I just want to let everyone know that while the MMO's development may seem mysterious and vague on it's public face; please rest assured that significant progress is being made and I want you all to know that the level of work you've seen from the NwN side of things is exactly the level of work you don't see on the MMO side of things.

At some point in the future Layonara will get much more relaxed and transparent with the MMO's development but until that time comes everyone will have to trust that the lack of attention to NwN is being translated directly to progress made on the MMO.

Whether publicly or behind the scenes; Layonara dev's are working just as hard with every opportunity we have to spare.

Cheers & Enjoy the recent NwN updates!

General Discussion / Insanity or Dedication?
« on: February 16, 2009, 12:45:11 am »
Insanity or dedication?

You tell me.

I got this tattoo yesterday (Valentine's Day) at the same time as my fiancée got the following one:

Sharing the experience of getting tattoos; how's that for a Valentine's gift?

Layonara Server / IRC Problems
« on: February 04, 2009, 03:45:06 pm »
Just a quick FYI, the machine that the IRC service is currently being hosted on is having a slew of issues. We are working on the problem. For now, the #nwn channel is the only one that's functional. We're looking at migrating the service to a different machine to help reduce the load.

I'll post updates on this thread as things change.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Layonara Server / LORE Email Functionality
« on: January 29, 2009, 06:12:18 am »
LORE will finally send out registration emails and password requests.

Yay that I finally got this stuff working.

Sorry for things like this lagging for so long in a non-functional state.

Layonara Server / LORE Character Updates
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:23:16 am »
While working on some web server backup maintenance, with the help of orth we made some changes to LORE. The two most notable differences are:

  • Character pages are now updating again
  • The antiquated header logo has been changed


General Discussion / Canadian National Do-Not-Call List
« on: October 01, 2008, 07:53:29 am »
It's official folks! Canada's national do-not-call list has been setup and is now accepting registrations for the list!

The easiest way to sign up is to go to their website and register online:

Here's a decent article on the matter:

Canadians clog no-telemarketing lines - Nova Scotia News -


Just for Fun / Glubble
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:00:53 pm »
My fiancee was browsing Firefox add-ons today and she discovered this very cool parental controls add-on for Firefox called Glubble. For anyone with a family-shared computer who uses Firefox (on any platform), Glubble will make browsing the net for the yungsters safe and sane. Seriously, this is an awesome thing for any family computing environment.

So, without further delay... check out GLUBBLE!


Just for Fun / D&D 4th Edition Game System License Announced
« on: April 18, 2008, 12:42:36 pm »
Quote from: Slashdot Article
Wizards of the Coast has announced plans for a brand-new system license for the fourth edition of Dungeons and Dragons. As with the d20 STL for Third Edition, this is a royalty-free license that will allow third parties to publish products using the rules developed by WotC. The new system reference document will be made available early in June (just after the release of the new edition). That license only covers fantasy gaming, but a second license (the d20 GSL) will be released allowing for any type of gaming product to be developed. For analysis and follow-up on the announcement, the ENWorld boards have full details.

-- Entire quote taken straight from the Slashdot article.

Just for Fun / Vista SP1 Anti-Virus failures...
« on: April 03, 2008, 01:14:33 pm »
The Register is reporting that 17 of the 37 anti-virus packages tested have failed VB100 certification.

McAfee VirusScan, Trend Micro Internet Security and Sophos Anti-Virus overlooked threats known to be in circulation.

I figured since there are a number of Vista users in our community that they may be interested in knowing if their A/V software is actually doing a good job of locking things down and catching known threats.

General Discussion / Earth Hour!
« on: March 29, 2008, 08:00:14 pm »
Google has darkened their main page in an effort to spread awareness about Earth Hour.

As of like a minute from now, I'm shutting down for the hour!

Cheers folks!
See you all in an hour!

PS: Yes I realize I should have mentioned this earlier for folks :) heh

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