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Just for Fun / Buzzword bingo!
« on: November 05, 2006, 10:24:01 pm »
Column 1      Column 2      Column 3  0. integrated      0. management      0. options 1. total      1. organizational   1. flexibility 2. systematized      2. monitored      2. capability 3. parallel      3. reciprocal      3. mobility 4. functional      4. digital      4. programming 5. responsive      5. logistical      5. concept 6. optional      6. transitional      6. time-phase 7. synchronized      7. incremental      7. projection 8. compatible      8. third-generation   8. hardware 9. balanced      9. policy      9. contingency     The procedure is simple.  Think of any three-digit number, then select the corresponding buzzword from each column.  For instance, number 257 produces "systematized logistical projection," a phrase that can be dropped into virtually any report with that ring of decisive, knowledgeable authority.  "No one will have the remotest idea of what you're talking about," says Broughton, "but the important thing is that they're not about to admit it."       -- Philip Broughton, "How to Win at Wordsmanship"

General Discussion / Ask not what the internet can do for you...
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:43:23 pm »
Ordinary internet users will have a chance to make points and ask questions of the world's governments, not to mention business, engineers and media, over the next four days as the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) opens its doors - both physically and online - for the first time.

The IGF, beginning tomorrow in Athens and continuing until Thursday evening, has been designed to allow everyone to have their say over the problems thrown up by the internet from spam, porn, and cybercrime to censorship, privacy, and open software standards.

Quoted from Global net forum opens its doors - online and off.


I wonder what will come of this.

Just for Fun / "Vista Changes Everything"
« on: October 25, 2006, 07:07:17 pm »

Layonara Server / LORE Immediate Downtime
« on: October 22, 2006, 05:43:05 am »
I will be shutting down LORE literally after submitting this post.

Please use the forum's Server Status page in the mean time.

There is no timeframe on how long the system will be done. Maybe 10 minutes, maybe 10 hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Just for Fun / Programmer Testifies
« on: August 31, 2006, 11:12:11 pm »

Please note that if this thread goes crazy it will get locked. I don't normally post political stuff but I think this is pretty darn interesting.

Just for Fun / How do you eat your cereal?
« on: August 27, 2006, 08:39:37 am »
This is a bizarre question I guess but I figured it'd be a fun thing to ask you all....

Here's how I like my cereal...

In a big bowl, normally a salad bowl or a mixing bowl of sorts, not too much milk but enough to make it soggy and I normally mix a bunch together like Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies, Crispex and/or Golden Grahams in one bowl.

All of this so I can eat more in less time and not have to refill a normal sized bowl a bunch of times.


Yeah it's been a long night, how could you tell? *giggles*

Layonara Server / LORE Server Maintenance Today
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:33:17 am »
Today I will be working on the LORE server. No new features, this is just a maintenance type thing.

The server may go down or it may not.

This is just an FYI to expect random server errors and other such annoyances.

I will do my best to limit the amount of visible downtime.

If for any reason you can't get to the [LORE=ServerStatus] page, please use the following link in the meantime:

I will reply here when the work is done.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Just for Fun / When was the last time you rebooted your computer?
« on: July 28, 2006, 06:57:09 am »
Just curious is all :)

Just for Fun / Matrix XP
« on: July 26, 2006, 03:53:27 pm »

That's got to be the best quality spoof of the Matrix I've seen yet.

Just for Fun / President blocked surveillance probe
« on: July 21, 2006, 09:26:18 am »

I put this in just for fun because I personally do not believe politics or religion belong in general discussion.

Ok folks,

The LORE server needs to migrate IP addressess to a whole new subnet that's designated just for us. This means it'll be on a faster switch and network backbone but this also means that a lot of bad things may happen during the transition.

So, on Sunday June 25th you can expect the following services to be down for an indeterminate period of time:

*  LORE Character Updates
*  IRC
*  aragen the IRC bot
*  E-Mail (for those with addresses)
*  DNS

Out of all of these, the DNS will have the widest range of impact... when the DNS server goes down the following commonly used addresses will no longer work:

* (
* (
* (
* (
* (

Now, the actual NwN servers and such will still run and will be totally functional with the exception that you'll need to use the direct IP address rather than the assigned domain name.

I will be posting here with updates and progress as it happens and will also let everyone know when things get rolling.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but this is a do-or-die kind of thing. I was able to postpone things 'till after the plot quest tomorrow but my webhost is stuck between a rock and a hard place because of my hesitation with performing the migration.


Layonara Server / LORE and IRC are down!
« on: June 21, 2006, 09:02:40 pm »
We're working on the problem but expect a long-ish period of downtime.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Layonara Server / Scheduled LORE and IRC Server Maintenance
« on: May 01, 2006, 10:24:02 pm »
On Thursday May 4th, around midnight (EST) LORE and IRC will be going down for an indeterminate period of time due to network maintenance. There is the potential for lots of things to go wrong at many stages of the night but we will do our best to get the work done in as quickly and quietly a manor as possible with the least amount of impact on your playing experience.

This thread will be bumped periodically until the work begins and then will be used to notify the community of our progress.

Thank you for you time, patience and understanding!

Just for Fun / It
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:17:41 pm »
How to get up right away when your alarm goes off.

I dunno about that guy but when my alarm goes off, I don't even remember hitting snooze a thousand times... there's no subconscious voice coercing me in any direction... I'm totally asleep and hitting snooze. It's like sleepwalking but not... hmm... yeah it's "snoozewhacking"! ;)

Just for Fun / Frappr
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:07:39 pm »
It's a pretty nifty system that uses Google maps. I've taken the liberty of starting up Layonara's Frappr Group.

Add a pin for yourself to the map and let's find out where everyone's at!

Just for Fun / YouOS
« on: April 09, 2006, 09:57:15 am »
YouOS is an AJAX driven OS that runs in your browser.

Not really humorous or anything like that but thought it'd be interesting to share anyways.

Just for Fun / Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:22:49 pm »
I reserve the right to find this funny and worthy of being posted in this forum rather than in General Discussion.

For those not aware, in the sysadmin field of work, it is assumed to be common sense to re-install the OS upon any breach of security regardless of how "minor" the effect is percieved to be because... and to quote the fine article...

If it doesn't crash your system or cause your system to freeze, how do you know it's there? The answer is you just don't know.

*looks at his watch*

What year is it? 2006... right...

Anyways, there's lots of sound information in that article. Well worth the read!

Just for Fun / Thank You For Smoking
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:32:04 pm »
Thank you for Smoking.

(Just an FYI, while I am smoker, I do not advocate it. At least three close relatives, including my father, have passed away due to various cancers which all stem from their long-term smoking habits. Someday I will quit again.)

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