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Messages - OneST8

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31
Just for Fun / Worst Tech of 2006 (So Far)
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:11:28 pm »

General Discussion / Prime Numbers get Hitched!
« on: March 27, 2006, 02:58:27 pm »

Layonara Server / LORE Site Maintenance
« on: March 27, 2006, 10:17:29 am »
The LORE site with be in and out of service sporadically for the next few hours.

The [LORE=ServerStatus] page will be redirected to the original server status page during this time so all the links and bookmarks out there will still work.

I'll post again here when it's back to status-quo.

General Discussion / TUD:OS
« on: March 13, 2006, 06:53:04 pm »
For those that are interested in Operating System design (like Windows, Linux, etc) and know what the term "microkernel" means and maybe even know why they are cool... check this out: TUD:OS. Simply amazing stuff.

Layonara Server / LORE Updates Tonight
« on: March 04, 2006, 02:16:50 pm »
LORE will be shut down for upgrades sometime tonight, probably close to midnight EST.

The downtime expected is minimal.

Layonara Server / IRC/LORE go poof! sorry folks!
« on: January 30, 2006, 01:14:03 pm »
Please be patient while we work on the problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Just for Fun / Fear of Girls
« on: January 29, 2006, 09:25:50 pm »

Layonara Server / LORE Maintenance
« on: January 08, 2006, 11:09:00 am »
This thread will be updated whenever large scale maintenance is being performed on LORE.

Normally this will mean that LORE will be "Out of service" for a limited period of time and that it will be unusable during that time.

General Discussion / On LORE, giving thanks and other things...
« on: January 01, 2006, 07:55:00 pm »
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Writing, Project and GM Teams for all their help with the content found within LORE. The support you've all shown is fantastic and speaks volumes about where Layonara is going in 2006 and beyond.  Various folks have been painstakingly migrating all the useful Layonara lore from the forums to the LORE site for the past few months. Their help with making LORE so utterly useful is something that not even I can shake a stick at. Their hard work and dedication has been nothing but incredibly fantastic and it has been (and I hope will continue to be) a pleasure working with them all.  There are a few people I would like to highlight with special thanks:
  • Luna
    • So much to be thankful for it's not even funny. From bug testing late at night and feature requests to migrating content. Great work!    
    • Milo
      • Dude you so rock. I don't even need to say why 'cause no one cares 'cause they all know you rock anyways!    
      • Talan
        • Great work with migrating a huge amount of content.
        • Pankoki
          • Editing/migrating content, feature requests, and being a generally overly-creative and insightful individual. Well done!
          • Thak
            • Helping out with editing LORE content and also because I just really think that what you're doing with the Project Team in general is just so gosh-darn wonderific! *drools over the new special effects*
            • EdTheKet
              • For having put so much time and effort into the existing lore of Layonara, for helping to define the game world with words rather than art or code and for everything else it is that you do!
              [/list] Now, the second most important thanks go to two people in particular:
              • Leanthar
                • For creating this wonderful world for us all to enjoy, for spending his own cash out of his own pocket to fund the ongoing expansion of Layonara, for his dedication to building and maintaining an extremely high quality family-oriented community around this game world, for being a strong and admirable leader and for so many other reasons that I can't think of right now! Thanks L!    
                • orth
                  • For working so freaking tirelessly on maintaining the game world, for all those endless nights and 72 hour forrages into the winding complexity of Bioware programming madness, for aiding in the game world integration with LORE, for putting up with my sadistic sense of humour/personality, for many of the great features that are soon to be coming to LORE and for so much more. I'm proud to call orth my friend in real life. Thanks man, happy new year!
                  [/list] And finally the most important thanks of all go to all you wonderful people who are the community that we are all striving to build, maintain and grow! Without you folks all of our hard work and efforts would be one massive and pointless excercise in uselessness.  We do this all for you (and/or for our individual reasons) so make us all proud by being the good and honest people we need for a strong and long-lasting community base that can enjoy the world of Layonara for years to come!  Oh, and vote for heaven's sake... get your friends to vote, even family members should vote... heck get people that don't even use the internet to vote! ok well that last one's a bad suggestion but not my point... spread the word folks... spread the word... spread the word like it's a giant vat of neutella and all the internet is one ginormous sized slice of bread and everyone is craving that oh-so-creamy-chocolaty-goodness!  Final remarks:  Mark my words, Layonara will grow huge over 2006 and we all stand to benefit from keeping the peace and helping each other out. Every time I read a post where someone new is thanking other characters for the help they gave in-game... or is reporting an exploitable bug... or anything along those lines of selflessness... I cannot describe the humble sense of pride that wells up within me. All of which directly fuels my drive to push forward with some new and monumentally huge task. There have been a number of times people have said "what you want to do with that site is just not possible" and I've completely ignored their remarks along with my own reservations/fears and dove head first into the mess, rewriting huge amounts of core functionality to allow for the great things I want to see within LORE. Yes that's right. If you didn't get the hint, LORE is just a skeleton right now. There is so much that is coming down the proverbial development pipeline that it's just going to make everyone's head spin.  So, finally, thank you to everyone for everything as I appreciate it all.  Cheers and welcome to the NEW YEAR!!!!!!

                  General Discussion / Have you ever wondered what OneST8 does for Layonara?
                  « on: December 10, 2005, 05:24:00 pm »
                  There are some very exciting times in store for the Layonara community in the relatively near future and I'm doing everything I possibly can to make Layonara the best game world out there. Believe it or not but I spend over 30 hours a week working strictly on various Layonara projects. However, only a few have been privy to even a subset of what it is I do, and what I have in store, for Leanthar and the rest of Layonara so I can't even imagine what the general population thinks of my role (or apparent lack thereof).

                  So, in an effort to build up some suspense for the little surprise we have in store for you I've made this poll that has virtually no purpose short of giving people something to chat about and vote with silly answers.

                  (PS: There will be no attachments of screenshots of anything even remotely close to being cool, however, I will attach some rather vague and uselessly small images instead... just to irritate orth a little *grins* hehe)

                  Poetic License / Something
                  « on: November 25, 2005, 11:10:00 pm »
                  Something within me has changed Something has made me rearrange Something in my life has bailed Something in comfort has failed  The journey it seems is no more Than a simple theatrical encore Set to the drama of a past life Feel it a deeply embedded knife
                  Something is grabbing at straws Something given reason to pause Something past hath memory burn Something past can never return
                  All desires fulfilled can stick With a pull, a pinch, and prick This liberating moment lives on With pain diminishing be strong
                  Something now moving me towards Something else can feel rewards Something is retaining the pain Something is increasing, strain
                  Life is only a sequential event Chained up with another segment Briefly held together with time Illustrate this in karmic rhyme

                  Poetic License / Silent State
                  « on: November 17, 2005, 10:50:00 am »
                  We're out of sync
                  And out of turn
                  What should I think
                  When will I learn

                  Patience is hard
                  And held out cold
                  Silently marred
                  In thoughts untold

                  Dancing in dreams
                  With words unsaid
                  Transition themes
                  Draw me to bed

                  Closing my eyes
                  Resting my mind
                  Leaving disguise
                  And time behind

                  Alone my heart
                  Remains in wait
                  Broken apart
                  In silent state

                  General Discussion / Happy Birthday orth!
                  « on: October 25, 2005, 09:51:00 am »
                  Cheers mate!

                  General Discussion / Keyboard bindings for NwN
                  « on: July 03, 2005, 02:16:00 am »
                  Hello everybody!

                  I'm just curious as to how you play NwN... have you customized your keyboard controls any? If you have, please tell me how you've changed them and why you made those changes, I'd love to know!

                  I myself use a customized setup which you can find on the second page of this PDF document and have geared all my binds to being as left-hand-focused as possible so that I don't have to jump from one end of the keyboard to the other during gameplay yet still have full control over my avatar and the camera.

                  Thanks for all your help!

                  Layonara Server / Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
                  « on: June 27, 2005, 09:27:00 pm »
                  For those of you who know what IRC is and would like to join in the fun, Layonara now has it's very own dedicated IRC server. For those of you that have no idea what IRC is you are most certainly welcome to join in as well. This server is by no means interconneted with any other IRC server ornetwork. This is our own little private island folks.  You can connect to the server with X-Chat, mIRC, Gaim or any other IRC capable client out there (and trust me when I say there's a zillion and one of these things but the ones mentioned here are the most notable). As well there is a free web based client for everyone to use though it is very limited and has problems with Internet Explorer however it works just fine with any Mozilla based browser like FireFox or Netscape. Work on the Internet Explorer side of this web based client is still underway and any progress will be made public on this thread. It does work, just not very reliably.  You can find the web based IRC client here or you can get all these same details by going to  The connection details for the stand-alone clients are as follows:

                  Port: 6667
                  Channel: #nwn  

                  Please be aware that the same rules of in-game chatting apply to the IRC server as well, in particular the following are not tolerated and may get you permenantly banned from the IRC server:
                  • 1337 sp34k
                  • Swearing or cursing
                  • Griefing
                  • Stealing someone's nickname
                  • Any form of harassment
                  You are however allowed to camp all you like in #nwn. Other channels may be started upon request with sufficient approval.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns with this service please do not hesitate to contact me via a forum PM, my email ( or on IRC with "/msg OneST8 Hi, I've got something to say!".  Enjoy!  

                  Update - Thu Oct 27, 2005
                  • KageKeeper pointed out on IRC that there is a site with a slew of X-Chat stuff for Windows and all of it is absolutely free and prepackaged for your installation pleasure. The link is here:

                  Poetic License / ethereal
                  « on: June 12, 2005, 10:40:00 pm »
                  i n b e t w e e n    e v e r y   l i t t l e    t h i n g

                  Just for Fun / Jedi Service Announcement
                  « on: May 23, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
                  (Please note that there is profanity used in this blog post, parental discretion is advised.)

                          Jedi Service Announcement

                  Just for Fun / Memoirs of a Monster
                  « on: May 16, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »

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