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Messages - Ozy_Llewellyn

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General Discussion / Re: Happy B-Day Dorganath
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:03:39 am »
Happy Birthday Dorg.

General Discussion / Re: Embarrased to ask.
« on: November 12, 2006, 12:03:32 am »
Gwethy was the first person Ozy met when he showed up and Gwethys was the primary reason I stuck about to begin with.

General Discussion / Re: your thoughts on this one
« on: November 09, 2006, 02:34:18 pm »
Isn't she the one that ignored my "Heya, welcome to Hlint." twice?

General Discussion / Re: Tales of Layonara - Comic Strip - Issue #1
« on: October 31, 2006, 03:31:10 pm »
*tilts over in a gale of helpless laughter*

Brilliant! Brilliant I approve!

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: a proposal for new musical instruments
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:27:11 pm »
All right, as always I am completely unsure of how to approach this subject. However I have my own small series of suggestions to make.

Bard Items firstly lose the bonus spells per day, because of how the bard class is they are not useful and it looks absolutely asinine to carry around those items for hours. This is just Bioware Mechanics, no ones fault just how the game works. When you de-equip an item that gives bonus spells per day as a sorc or bard you simply lose memorized spells. As the instruments having them isn't really a bug, Forsettii and I having discussed this initially before the Bioware bug was realized, this is more of a re-balancing request with an explanation as to why.

Instruments that unleash spells as though they were, a big nice sounding wand. Now while I like this idea in some levels, I'm somewhat leery about it for two reasons. The first and primary reason would be the simple effect that these items will have a high value, low worth making them loved by the pawnshop. The reason for this is that ultimately you will be selecting spells that work off their base DC's, 10+spell level (not caster level remember). Meaning by the time you acquire these items and are able to use them, they will be very much ineffective against what you would use them against. Alternatively you can lean towards non offence spells or those without DC's, which has it's own problems that throw off balance think 'big potion of might'. Now before this becomes a 35 page lecture on the pros and cons to this, lets just remember 'we have had this discussion before' and no doubt will have it again, and again so this time lets keep it short. We know the pros and cons.

However Layonara does have a new innovation which hasn't had the pro's and con's explained back and forth by parties as suggested by Lonnarin here the unit flag of might style. However instead of something quite so, uhm colorful as the grand piano (most bards can't carry one around after all), perhaps a item power use that causes a special song effect by the player that is enhanced by the persons perform.

In Example (stop reading here if you are already bored of me)
Jimmy The Fighter picks up Oak Pipes of Haunting and has it identified by Fizzle-Pop the Wizard whom tells him if he plays it his enemies may run in fear.
So the next day Jimmy the fighter is fighting orcs, and has to run because he is alone and the orcs are stronger then him. As he runs away digging through his belt for his potion he remembers 'Ahah Fizzle-Pop said if I played this my enemies would run away!' so he plays the instrument.
Jimmy The Fighter freezes in place and is informed by the server status screen that he is playing Pipes of Haunting and cannot move for 30 seconds. All enemies within and entering the radius of effect will be subject to a fear save. DC = 2(oak)+0(Bard levels)+0(Perform/5) total 2 for 60 seconds. And the pipes lose one charge of their two, as they are oak.
Well Jimmy is Lucky all the orcs happen to have 0 will saves and roll 1's.
So they run away and he lives. He notes that he isn't a very good player and also notes that the Pipes of Haunting look somewhat deteriorated and could probably only take another use.

There is one, big, massive, hideous problem with this though. This goes beyond that it is a bit of a headache to script.

Ozymandias Picks up 'Harp of Momento Mori' in some manner which won't be bothered with here. He knows what it does, when he plays it everything he wants dead may die from the soul torturing melody. So he sticks it in his pack 100% confident he will never use it because he hates using charged item which he suspects it has 4 of.
To bad Ozy, the universe just doesn't like you and neither does your creator today, something big, ugly and with true sight is going to splatter you. Enjoy the bindstone! Oh your running? Ok, you run, its got haste... Yep still going to splatter, oh wait your going to play the harp.
Same message as before, your playing and anything that enters the radius will be subjected to a save vs death.
DC = 4(Harp)+31(Bard Levels)+17(80 perform though I don't think it is quite that high I'm not in game to check) total DC 52
Monsters go splat. If you would rather confusion or anything else.

I don't think I need to tell you what is wrong with this.

Lets drop the perform from the equation, 35 which is pretty impressive but it nullifies the point of having skill. So lets drop the bard levels and go straight to perform. Not as good as with bard levels but if the divider was set right, something I leave up to you, IE Perform/4. It could prove very useful to bards/skalds and anyone whom chose to take points in perform if the skill was opened up: Which isn't hard if I remember the 2da's correctly.

In closing:
Bard Spell Loss from Instruments. No one’s fault just how the game works but it can be fixed and if your messing with them anyway why not?

Bard Instrument’s as the new wands. Well there are some hardcode problems with this as well. With some effort though it could work out well, the real trick is making certain the recopies for an item are not to hard or to easy to craft for what your getting. That done right and I can see it being a great addition.

Bard Instruments: Bard’s as portable, PC flags!
 The big issue is, how powerful do you make it? As I pointed out above my first suggestion is obviously broken but could be salvaged if balanced correctly. Unfortunately unless you decide to use set DC’s for each instrument, this will be a real headache to code instead of just boring, not to mention a level 1 bard is as good as a level 30 bard. You could of course always work with the stat buff method. I remember hearing concerns about there being already more then enough methods to boost party member stats which may make this moot.

General Discussion / Re: Parade of homes
« on: October 11, 2006, 07:34:23 pm »
*points to his dusty inbox* If you want a key or a tour of the mediocer bard's home you can always contact him.

I'd be willing to go along with something pleasently silly like that.

General Discussion / Re: NWN required?
« on: September 23, 2006, 05:24:25 pm »
Of course with NWN Diamond you receive 3 single player campaigns from the makers. Free access to a multitude of persistent worlds (akin to massive multiplayer but not quite so massive) so on the off chance Layonara isn't your cup of tea there probably is some group out there that is. At the very least the single player campaigns are worth the current price.

So we shall see you, if we see you. With respect, welcome to Layonara.

General Discussion / Re: Corath
« on: September 17, 2006, 12:11:24 pm »
Indeed the Church of Corath is very powerful in Arabel. They are also hated, and have been sacked twice on quests I've been on alone with roumers of four or five other occasions in the last in game decade. Notably Blood's forces took a vague view on deities in general so it wouldn't be uncommon for any known Corathite walking the streets to simply die.

Layonara Server / Re: Housing Container System is not working
« on: September 14, 2006, 02:06:16 pm »
*notes it is no longer on top* *Cough*
Dispite my reservations against Bumping. This sort of warning warents it.

General Discussion / Re: Empty chests ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:57:43 pm »
214 Dalanthar

General Discussion / Re: Empty chests ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:12:33 pm »
Indeed I feel quite patient and pleasent at the moment. However the same occured to me, and as I was storing items to be hold untill after the execution, some of them, well all of them are quite unique and valueable. If you have my sence of humor of course it is a halarious occurance. So Dorg, will we have to fill out dispute/grievences or is this just a matter of a detabase fix?

Layonara Server / Re: New Version Online
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:10:15 am »
*looks at Tarrasque*
1 Dead
1 missing an arm and a leg
1 with broken ribs.

Reminds me of something. *Cringe*

General Discussion / Re: prantz executions
« on: September 13, 2006, 11:18:29 am »


Have friends?

That may be worth a try, Icedragon has always been fairly reasonable.

Layonara Server / Re: Attention all World Leaders! -- MANDATORY READ
« on: September 06, 2006, 11:12:32 am »
Do these happen to have, weight?

General Discussion / Re: A new faith?
« on: August 21, 2006, 11:24:25 am »
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time Ar. Chances are he does something similar but theirs nothing secret or forgotten about Aragen, just some insults and expletives along the way. *Giggles* Thou what has me still laughing is any god granting favor instead of disfavor with someone listening to Ozy. He’s a heretic to his fingertips. *stumbles off giggling*

I suspect while possible for someone to raise a simple belief system amongst primitive tribes without gaining dangerous attention. Most of Layonara would scoff at any new deity, and it would instantly attract unwanted attention from clergies ever eager to make certain competition true or false isn’t spread. Making a bid for divine fallowing, could be dangerous and foolish indeed in a world where miracles are somewhat commonplace.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Xandor Loriland
« on: August 18, 2006, 09:56:11 pm »
Congratulations, you have survived another year. My blessings on surviving many more, may your acomplishments in the future exceed the previous.

General Discussion / Re: Summons
« on: August 08, 2006, 09:36:18 pm »
Various Celestials for the full breakdown and rules of summons. See the handbook.

I'll see if I can get something more coherent for you done in the next few days.

General Discussion / Re: A question about the Epic spell: Epic Warding
« on: August 07, 2006, 08:52:04 pm »
1) The character must have 15 pale master levels.
2) They still must meet the Spellcraft Requirement.

General Discussion / Re: I miss the old Broken Forest..
« on: August 01, 2006, 12:56:43 pm »
Until that time, Bards are likely to have some legend or rumor of the forest in all its incarnations. It’s a story worth an hour or two.

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