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Messages - Yar Ydnar

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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 17, 2011, 10:44:11 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

Sehky gave me an ornate ring to give to Jillian.  It was one she had purchased through the guild and since I would probably see her first I could pass it on.  So I placed it into the bank for safe keeping and I did see her a short time later.    I asked her to join me in the bank and, just perhaps, I made too much of a fuss during the presentation of the ring.  My intent was to just give her the ring.  That was all.  She knew that, at least I thought she did, it was the ring she purchased.  But when I gave it to her she asked me,  ohh something about what it symbolized to me and to us.  Rather than answer in a completely sane way.  I had to intimate that if I had my way it would be a ring securing our lives together.  That I would intend it to be an engagement ring.  RIGHT THERE IN THE BANK!! I did this.  Then I compounded the issue by asking her to marry me.  RIGHT THERE IN THE BANK!  What the blazes am I doing?  It would seem that at every turn I'm clumsily driving her away when I should be patiently stealing her heart.  Fortuneately one much wiser that I came to my aide.  And that one much wiser is Jillian.  She saved me inspite of myself.  So rather than a massive disaster, it turned out to be a minor bump in the road.  All thanks to Jillian.  I have said that my senses are muted while in her presence but in this case they had left me completely.  Thank you M'lady for saving me from myself.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 16, 2011, 06:09:37 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

Accompanied Jillian on her Shining Hand mission.  Quite interesting.  She is very good at what she does.  No  scratch that.  She's superb at what she does.  Not sure if I could do it.   And I'm having doubts about if I should go on future missions with her.  I finished this one because I promised her I would be there.  But even though I do not believe in my heart that my presence would prevent her from making good decisions.  Seeing her in such danger and loving it makes me think I couldn't make good decisions.  And I'm fearfull that my bad action, or inaction, could lead to her undoing.  For still my senses seem muted while in her presence.  

This was brought to the my attention while I was guarding an Acolyte that practiced the arts of necromancy and ... Blood Magic...  The idea that some fool could still be dabbling in blood magic makes my blood boil.  But in such a case I would do the proper thing.   Which would be keeping calm foremost and not engaging the prisoner in verbal sparing.  There are others far more suited than I for such matters.  But I failed in that regard. I failed in front of her.  When that.. creature, even now it makes me frantic, threatened to use Jillian as a lustful toy and force me to watch... even now.. I lost my temper and threatened to part his head from the rest of his body.  I don't do such things,  Especially when those who are making such statements are securely bound and lying at my feet.  But in this case I would have willingly done just that.   But I did not and Beacon Jared took the Acolyte of to face truth.  He was to return but did not so we, Jillian, Richard Watchman , and myself set out to find them along the trail.  While doing so we were beset upon by numerous waves of undead.  Easy enough to dispatch but in following from where they came we found scenes of a recent battle.  Swords strewn about, and blood.  Lot's of blood and a blood trail.  These undead do not cover thier tracks well at all.

     The blood trail led to a large rock covering an opening in the hill side.  Jillian and I together could barely budge it but Richard saved the day with a spell that forced to rock to one side just enough for us to squeeze through.  I counseled for rest but Jillian wanted to press on.  So we did.  We came upon a large unoccupied chamber that had one hallway leading away.  In that hallway were monk like desciples of the blood order in residence.   Again they were easy enough to dispatch  but after that I felt drained and required rest.  Jillian seemed unaffected.  Her spirit thrives on the demise of the undead and because of the previous battles she was still ready to proceed.  But she saw that I was in need so she relented and we retreated to the outside and there I rested.  Not sure if Jillain and Richard did.  Upon reentry to the chamber we again found the hallway guarded and once again we dispatched the guards without problem.  From room to room we searched and we found that same Acolyte prancing about in a room accompanied by four desciples.  The center of the room had a portal.  To where we do not know.  Short, pointless, conversation ensued and Jillian sprang to the attack after the beast ordered his desciples to kill us.  She was out for him while Richard and I were to handle the others.  Not enirely successful.  Richard ran for his life and kept one of them occupied in the chase and three came to my blade.  Jillian thought I was in danger so she broke off the attack ane came to assist  me.  In doing so it gave the beast the opportunity to rush to the portal and disappear.  Was that a judgement made by her because of her feelings toward me?  I'll never know because I'll never ask.  I do not ever want her to second guess her judgement in such matters and such a question, MAY, may mind you, cause such a thing to happen.  

We inspected the rest of the chambers and found Captain Richards, Beacon Jared and four other Shinning Hand members.  The Captain was displayed upon a cross, obviously tortured and long dead.  Jared was at deaths door as he lie on the floor and the others were being held in cages.  While Jillian and I attended to Jared Richard managed to unlock the cages to free the others.  I gave each a ration of food and water.  Jillian reached into her pack and started to pass out longswords.  I hadn't noticed that she had collected them at the battle scene.  Thankfully they were not required as the trip out of the chambers and back to Mariners Hold was uneventful.  I've heard rumors that Jillian may be promoted to fill the vacant Captains position.  I can't help but wonder if my insistence on resting was the time required to do the job on the Captain.  I'll never know.  My examination of his wounds revealed they were old, not fresh. But I shall never know.

Yes.  I need to think very hard before accompanying her on future missions.  Loath as I am to make such a statement I feel it may be the best course of action for her.   I don't know.  Toran help me.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:17:24 pm »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

I asked Jillian today if it was okay that we got to know each other ... socially..  I mean I wanted to get to know her better... socially.  Properly.  

I don't know what I'm saying.  I'm not sure she knows what I'm saying either.  She didn't look put off.  Maybe a bit confused by the words I used.  But in the end we both agreed to see each other.  But would have to wait until after her Shinning Hand mission.  I don't want her distracted.  So we will wait until that is over.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:51:35 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

Again the Dark Elves in the Silkwood caverns!  I had just made it to the final set of chambers and had just set myself to pray and heal ere continuing when a Dark Warrior emerged from the small passage between the levels.  He past me by and stopped in his tracks.  No attempt at violence he just stood there.  I hailed him twice with out reply.  And when he left he calmly walked away.  Almost as if inviting me to join him.  It was an invitation I declined and hastened to return to the surface.  I surmize that my leaving was objected to because I was beset upon by three warriors and a pet hunter spider on the way out.  Luckily I was fully prepared with prayer and dispatched them all.  But I cannot help but wonder if it was, or is, a trap they have prepared in the lower caverns.  I must make a report so everyone knows.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:31:06 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

I was with Jillian again today.  There were others in our party but my focus is with her.  I think she's taken a liking to me.  She whispers to me.  Actually whispers words that are meant only for my ears.  The words are not...romantic in nature .... but they are personal.  And they are for me.  I have to wonder why she has had such trouble with men. Or at least she claims to have rotten luck with them.  Case in point she whispered to me that a member of our party, Daniel, out right told her that she was the second best female he's ever seen.  What a dolt I thought and I must have said it under my breath because she chuckled at the remark.  I figured the dice had been rolled so I whispered back his loss is my gain.  I thought I saw a faint smile at that.  Or was I imagining things?  The rest of the trip was uneventful except for when I tripped and fell into her after we exited the caves and knocked her down.  By Toran it was an accident.  I would never be so blatant to try such a school boy prank.  But I'm sure everyone in attendance thought it was just that.  A boyish prank.  I could not say I was sorry enough times.  I must have turned a dozen shades of red.  I fell I was positively glowing with embarassment.  As I helped her up I saw in her eyes that she was .... flattered I guess is the word.... that someone would go to such lengths to make an impression on her.  Is that good?  I don't know but I must be carefull never to do it again.  She is worthy of so much more than a boyish prank.  Even if it was an honest to goodness accident.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 15, 2011, 06:48:30 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

Came upon a young bard today named Melodious Widgeweaver who was being attacked by bone bats near the campfire in the Glade.  She was handling heself quite well but it soon became apparent that these bats were not going to stop coming so I helped her.  Those dastardly things came in three more waves after that.  I've heard rumors of the increased instances of the undead throughout the land but this is the first I've encountered them away from any crypt.   Very curious indeed.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:01:38 am »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

I discovered why I like Keela and Sehky so much.  I was gathering some things I'd left and by chance I came across a diary penned by Silool Baerath.  It was diary about me.   About the trials in my life that have led to who I am today.

As it is written I was discovered by a group of adventurers who happened across a band of maurading Ogres which had just attacked our house.  Made me an orphan and left me for dead in the rubble they were setting ablaze.  This was an extensive group of seven individuals working as one.  They were Rodlin Serim, Emerald Skye, Esimon Clearpeak, Kavil Yodin, Dorax Windsmith, Rawkwin Valerius, and Yar Ydnar.  

All of these people had a profound effect upon my life.  Emerald, Yar, and Dorax taught me the art of the blade along with their own take on life.  Emerald taught me humility, Dorax strength, and Yar honor.  Rodlin insisted that I respect the tenents of nature. He also had a large bear I rode when he wasn't looking.  Esimon, Kavil, and Rawkwin tried to teach me the ways of the weave.  But I was not gifted in that way so they settled for me to understand the arts rather than practice them.

But these seven were, after all, adventurers and there were long periods of time when they were not to be found.  So the temple priests hired someone who would be about to see to my needs and education in matters not related to the temple.  They contracted with Silool Baerath to be my surrogate mother.  And she kept this...this wonderful diary.  

As I kept reading I came across a passage detailing when the group came back... minus one.  Yar had given his last covering the retreat of the others from an onslaught from a large hoard of Bugbears.  He rests with the mistress of souls never to return.  Silool was worried at how I would take the news.  She was prepared to comfort me.  To be there for me.  But I told not to feel remorse for Yar.  He died the nobelests of deaths.  His death allowed his friends to live.  No.  I shed no tears for Yar.

I also came upon a short verse outlining that this work of words was to be mine one day.  So that I could keep the memories fresh.  Keep them ever living.

Then the diary ended.  No indication that it was to do so.  It just ended.

Being curious I asked the temple librarian if he knew where I might find Silool.  I had many questions to ask. Maybe she could help fill in the gaps in my memory.  Yes.  She was the perfect choice.  Regretably he informed me that she died during the blood wars.  I was away.  Youthfull exhuberence.  A new paladin in training when a Blood raiding party fell upon the fort.  She died trying to protect a young child.  Had I been there it might have been different.  Possibly?

So Silool never got to hear about Kavil's heroic feats that were so pivotal to the outcome of the final battle against Blood and his forces.  She never heard about the others and how they heroically moved to another existence or simply retired.

I thanked the librarian and set out to find someplace of beauty to reread the diary and as I did I found I remembered more and more.  I remember her lessons of life.  I remember her patience and persistance to instill into me the very best qualities of those seven.  I remember her quietly telling me that one day love would find me.  Not me finding love.  That feelings were not to be hidden but explored. Yes.  I remember all those things and more.   All because of Silool. Silool the Ilsarian.  That is why I have a place in my heart for Keela and Sehky.  

I held the diary to my breast for a long time. To think she could love me that much to put it all down. For me she did this.  Yes.  I held the diary to my breast for a long time.  For almost as long as I wept.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 10:23:18 pm »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

During my excursions in the Silkwood Caverns, where I have been keeping the spider population down, I encountered a Dark Elven Archer.  Most strange.  I didn't proceed further into the cavern.  Thought it best to make a report to the authorities.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 10:17:38 pm »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

I met a vision today.  Her name is Jillian Stuart.  I had known her for all of five seconds and I knew I wanted to spend all of my days with her.  No.  That's selfish.  I wish for her to be happy in all aspects of her life with or, Toran please do not let it be so, without me.  She's also a follower of Toran and member of The Shining Hand.  A Beacon, I believe, is her stature in the order.  I want to spend more time with her...without her sensing that my goal is to spirit her heart away.  That will be difficult as she's a well trained paladin as well as undead hunter.  Her senses are sharp and I must confess when I'm with her, unless it's girding for battle, my senses are muted.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:44:36 pm »
From the Journal Of Riley Alexander.

I have been able to recall certain people and places with the help of Keela and Sehky.  Ilsarians.  I know it's a taboo area in my training but something tells me in my heart that these two are good for me.  They are a little to ... let's say ..  cozy in public for my liking but still there is something about them I do like.  Can't figure it out... yet.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 06:20:55 pm »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

    After four days of travel it feels as if I have returned home.  Or....At least I think so.  Seems  I remember this place called Hlint being more of a bustling place.  Full of people, shops, and a crafting hall.  Hmm.  Guess I could be in error.  After all it's all a bit sketchy in my mind.  Maybe it was somewhere else.

   The temple in Fort Llast I remember well.   Everything is just as it should be there.  Just as I recall.  Makes me even more unsure about Hlint.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Riley's Journal
« on: October 14, 2011, 06:19:30 pm »
From the Journal of Riley Alexander.

     Been traveling days since I left the farm.  The countryside,  I guess is familiar.  But then much of it here looks the same as somewhere else.  Still I must be on the right path.  People seem to know my name.  Saw someone named Ketlebjorn Svaldi,  A powerful dwarf who nearly talked my ear off about people I know I should know.  All I could really do was smile and agree.... A lot.  Quite a few  "I don't know's and I can't remembers" came from me as well.  But with all the recognition from the locals I feel  I'm on the right path.  Aren't I?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Helper's desire
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:43:41 pm »
From Helper's diary.

Last eve I blundered in with a group in the home of the long legged ones and, as of lately, the Dark ones. Unspeakable actions by the Dark ones against captured Toranite warriors spurred us on to clean out the den of evil. It took fearless action by all and the odds at one point in the final battle seemed to have turned against us. But in the end we prevailed and rescued one tortured soul who steadfastly insisted we were illusions sent to inflict forlorn hope upon him. Some in our party finally talked sense to the man and we left ere the long legged death return. During this entire adventure I had the luck to act alongside someone who was able to blend with the shadows at will. I watched closely and I do believe I I've learned a thing or two. Well, some anyway. I asked her after we were safe from the caverns how it was she came by this ability. She smiled and told me that another in the party taught her well and with practice she honed her skills. Her skills are impressive indeed but I really think I've discovered a smattering of information from my observations last eve. Now I must put it to the test. It may take some time but I am determined. She said practice is key. That's what I shall do. Practice, Practice. Practice.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Helper's desire
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:39:15 pm »
From Helper's diary.

I must get to know these persons who pass themselves as shadows. But how? They stay within their group. Rarely have I noticed them consorting with any others not their own. Is it a matter of trust? I must continue to observe from the shadows while keeping distance. If they have noticed me they have not indicated so. So I am inclined to think they have not. I must ... arrange a chance meeting. Befriend them. Travel with them. Learn from them.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Helper's desire
« on: August 16, 2011, 07:38:53 pm »
From Helper's diary.

Last eve I blundered in with a group in the home of the long legged ones and, as of lately, the Dark ones.  Unspeakable actions by the Dark ones against captured Toranite warriors spurred us on to clean out the den of evil.  It took fearless action by all and the odds at one point in the final battle seemed to have turned against us.  But in the end we prevailed and rescued one tortured soul who steadfastly insisted we were illusions sent to inflict forlorn hope upon him.  Some in our party finally talked sense to the man and we left ere the long legged death return.  During this entire adventure I had the luck to act alongside someone named Rory.  She was able to blend with the shadows at will.  I watched closely and I do believe I I've learned a thing or two.  Well, some anyway.  I asked her after we were safe from the caverns how it was she came by this ability.  She smiled and told me that another in the party, Enzo I believe, taught her well and with practice she honed her skills.  Her skills are impressive indeed but I really think I've discovered a smattering of information from my observations last eve.  Now I must put it to the test.  It may take some time but I am determined. Rory said practice is key.  That's what I shall do.  Practice,  Practice.  Practice.

Rumour Has It / Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« on: August 13, 2011, 03:46:51 am »
From Riley Alexander:

The Dark Elf threat in the Silwood Caverns increases.  Not only do they have Warriors and Archers they have now managed to infiltrate Master Rogues, Clerics, and I do believe Priests.  Recently a band of us, Kian Takeda, Zigruum Frostbeard, Griff Silverstrand and myself were clearing the caverns of the long legged death when we came upon these newcomers, as well as the plain Warriors and Archers, on numerous occasions.  These newcomers have also brought new pets.   Those that steal the armor off your person during battle and those that sap your strength.  These are in addition to the species I have warned of prior.  Beware adventureres of all manner and type.  It would be foolish beyond all measure to venture to the caverns without the gift of sight as the Master Rogues can fade into the shadows again and again.  As always.  Stay vigilant.  Stay brave.  Be victorious.

Rumour Has It / Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:35:05 am »
From Riley Alexander:

These Dark ones still persist in the caves and I do think they are adding cunning to their tact.  I dispatched a bowman just prior to entering the lower depths of the caverns and had taken to rest and heal before continuing.  While seeing to my wounds a Dark Warrior squeezed through the tunnel shaft and stood there.   Quietly.  I immediately arose and made ready but he made no effort to attack.  Didn't even turn to face me when I hailed him.  After a brief moment he proceeded deeper into the cavern.  This I believe was a trap and having not fully recovered from my wounds I made haste to leave.  Two warriors followed me out and attacked with the assistance of a long legged pet.  I do believe that if I had continued deeper rather than out I should have had a very different out come.  Travelers beware.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Helper's desire
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:19:12 am »
From Helper's diary.  

I must get to know these persons who pass themselves as shadows.  But how?  They stay within their group.  Rarely have I noticed them consorting with any others not their own.  Is it a matter of trust?  I must continue to observe from the shadows while keeping distance.   If they have noticed me they have not indicated so.  So I am inclined to think they have not.  I must ... arrange a chance meeting.  Befriend them.  Party with them.  Learn from them.

Rumour Has It / Dark Elves still in Silkwood Caves
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:22:13 pm »
Encountered two Dark Archers in the Silkwood Caves.  It also appears that they have brought a few pets with them.  In addition to the usual assortment of death I encountered spiders of the Queen, Spittiing, Chamelion, Phase, Dark Underworld, and Rock species.  There may have been others but they escape me.  I was also attacked by a young centepede, and diseased spewing rats.  Adventurers beware.


Riley Alexander

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Paladin on speed
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:14:46 pm »
Thanks for the replys.  He is sped up no matter where he is.  I'll check again after a server reset.  If he is still speedy after that I'll post again.



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